The Secret Global Reset Agreement


…by  Preston James

The Group of Twenty (G-20) at their 2013 Meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia, September 5-6, Host Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

By now it has become clear to most VT readers that ISIS was created and trained, and is now supplied and paid by a secret coalition of nations including America, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other smaller but real players.

ISIS wounded in battle have been taken to Israel for treatment and some picked up by American Military helicopters.

The current head of the Senate Military Affairs Committee, Senator John McCain has been deeply involved in the creation of ISIS and has worked closely with a certain retired American general who is now in a Mideast nation functioning as the Commander of ISIS.

Senator McCain was propelled into the power vacuum of our current Administration marked by a President nearing the end of his term who has lost most of his military command ability.

Most VT readers know the foreign power that Senator McCain really works for along with almost every other Member of the US Congress because of their Oath to AIPAC.

And we know that the real purpose of ISIS has been to destabilize the Mideast, Balkanize Syria and Iran and now Europe with massive immigration. But it was created also to protect the business interests in Israel related to new massive Golan Heights oil finds and a new planned pipeline to supply oil and gas to Europe.

We know that another reason for the hiring and deployment of the mercenaries in order to create ISIS was to assist NATO in isolating and weakening the Russian Republic in order to protect Big Oil’s interests. But it is also part of plan to once again destroy Russia before it becomes the World’s new economic, technological and industrial powerhouse.

ISIS has also been created and deployed to help maintain the economic hegemony of the West which has been dwindling under Russian Federation growth and increasing economic and military might. It turns out that All these Mideast wars and terrorism are always linked to Big Oil and manipulating it’s pricing for profits.

The RKM has hoped against hope it could provoke the Russian Federation and America into a full scale nuclear WWW3 which could then put them back on top again.

It has been using NATO and the US Military in an attempt to surround the Russian Federation which is a violation of the Agreement of Cooperation signed between the USA and the New Russian Federation at the end of the Cold War.

A main condition of this Agreement is that neither party the USA or the Russian Federation infiltrate any nation touching their borders anywhere.

So far this strategy by the West to weaken the Russian Federation is failing and that is unlikely to change.

We have now seen evidence of new Russian Military might and technological superiority.

The USS Donald Cook incident in March of 2104 was a real eye-opener.

Putin is known to be a very intelligent and astute leader. He has the World’s best electronic warfare defensive weapons systems, the best foreign Intel collection system and the best economic, political and military advisers. But is he getting help from a very technologically advanced group in secret?

The ship’s Aegis system was shut off temporarily during a flyby by two specially equipped Su-24s.

And Putin’s recent complete checkmate of ISIS in Syria by deployment of advanced Russian Federation air defense systems.

But there is another even more important reason for ISIS. That is to create temporary financing for the Western US Petro dollar sinking ship.

This is based on the stolen Iraq and Syrian crude which ISIS has been trucking through Turkey and shipping a substantial amount to Israel at a big discount.

These revenues along with the Afghani opium revenues have kept the large Western Banks afloat.

Now here is a simple fact that is hard to comprehend for most.

The main reasons for all the Mideast wars starting with GHWB and proceeding to the present have been to prop up the West’s failing economic system as a stop gap effort.

Wars and the illegal narcotics trade is so lucrative and so important that without these dollars, the largest Wall Street Banks and the whole Western private central Banking System would collapse and so would the behemoth, the American Defense Industry.

Yes, war and drugs are all about propping up the RKM Banksters system and capturing as much wealth as possible.

The RKM and the large Western Bank  shareholder families know their system is now doomed. They want to capture as much wealth as they can when the new World Financial System is rolled out whatever it will be, electronic or a new basket of world currencies or both.

The folks that really run America are those foreign based “bloodline” families that infiltrated and hijacked America in 1913 through the private illegal unConstitutional Federal Reserve System (FRS).

These Select Few leaders who sit at the top of the RKM Pyramid of World Power instructed the Saudis to lower their price of oil. This was planned to sanction Putin for supporting the Russian Federation’s good long term allies Syria and Iran and bring the Russian federation to its knees.

The Select Few believed that this would quickly disable the Russian Federation economically especially when added on top of the US Led staged coup d’Etat in the Ukraine. The USG used 5 Billions US taxpayer dollars to pay for this act of war against the Ukrainians.

This payment and the coup itself on the RKM’s behalf was backed by the USG and run by Assistant Secretary of State Dual Citizen Zio traitor, the treasonous Victoria Nuland.

Once again President Putin showed the presence of his superior Intel collection and beat them to the punch.

Not only had he prepared the Russian Federation for this move on the international chessboard, he seemed to be prepared for or it in advance.

How interesting that soon after VT’s own Financial Editor Mike Harris went public that the Russian Federation should respond to this lowering of the Saudi crude Oil price and beat the West at their own game, the Russian Federation did exactly that.

Putin never starts anything but as a master martial artist and chess-player he makes the wisest, most strategic moves in defense.

And the result of this recent chess move by Putin has been as effective as his unexpected decision to honor Assad’s request for help fight the ISIS terrorist army, a proxy army of the Western Economic Forces.

It is almost as if Putin has had someone or something advising him that is incredibly intelligent.

Add to this the very advanced defensive electronic warfare weapons systems which the Russian Federation is now manufacturing and one begins to wonder just who or what is now assisting the Russian Federation. That subject will be explored in a future article and it will take any reader pretty far down the Rabbit Hole because some of the facts we now know about it are actually very, very strange and really quite hard to fathom.

No matter how how the West has tried to provoke Putin and the Russian Federation into a major WW3, so far he has craftily sidestepped it and responded wisely to the core issues one by one without being unduly provoked.

The Secret Reset is negotiated:

During the year 2013, G20 met three times, once in Moscow (February) and twice in DC (April and October).

The second meeting in DC in April was part of a meeting with the IMF and World Bank. During these particular meetings it is strongly suspected that an apparent secret agreement was made based on a recognition that the private Rothschild Khazarian central Fiat Banking System was unsustainable. We know the agreement was made but the exact date has not been confirmed.

It was also recognized that the US Petro Dollar had provided the West with a means to gain and take unfair advantage of the rest of the World.

Apparently these “new understandings” by the G20 were based on the presence of a new and increasingly powerful group which is keeping a low profile but delivering some “ultimatums”. The exact date this secret agreement was made is believe to be in late 2013. A good guess is that this was discussed in these private meeting a number of times in introductory fashion before it was finally entered into.

The City of London statue of the Great Draco, alleged secret God of the RKM and largest parasite of humans in history. Are the Dracos now being overpowered by another more powerful and more human friendly entity or group?

This new group that emerged and appeared on the scene at G20 with a significant presence and apparent power is different than the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) which has held the World captive for at least the last 300 years.

This new group appears to be aligned with the Russian Federation and a sector hidden deep inside some unacknowledged special-access deep-black US Defense contractor programs.

It is very hard to get information on this agreement that has been negotiated in secret because the parties involved believe that if they disclose this they will be severely sanctioned with-prejudice.

It appears that this new group instructed the G20 members that the current RKM World financial system was unsustainable and the World would no longer accept it anymore or even allow it.

During these meetings a plan was apparently proposed and approved to decouple oil from the US Dollar and create a basket of adjusted currencies in place of the US Petro Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency.

A schedule was allegedly set up for rolling out this new World financial system and displacing the RKM system piece by piece.

However despite this secret Reset Agreement being made, it is now being resisted by the RKM and its Cutouts.

This should be no surprise since these “bloodline family” principals have always been remarkably two-faced.

Resistance to this new secret agreement is showing up with ISIS and the US and Israeli coup d’Etat staged in the Ukraine as the western RKM large banks attempt to prop themselves up as long as they can. The longer they resist honoring this agreement, the farther they will fall and will take more and more of the West (especially Europe and America) down with them. Now is the time for all Americans to band together and extricate themselves from the RKM’s sinking ship.

The question always arises, how could such a powerful force as the RKM ever agree to give up their power and monetary hegemony around the World without a major fight using America’s military forces which they hijacked right before WW1?

We don’t yet have the complete answer to that question, but it appears that this new group has substantial defensive military might which they have shared with the Russian Federation, might which surpasses American military capability even when NATO and Israel are added to it.

It may be that Putin and the Russian Federation hold the main cards which will determine the speed of the demise of the RKM system unless the American people wake up fast and unite to take action.

Some with extensive knowledge of the Russian Federation’s new electronic warfare defensive technologies believe that they have a new Defensive Shield System which is impenetrable and would provide complete protection over any nuclear attacks by the West.


As this Secret Reset is rolled out the first thing we are likely to see is imported goods rising significantly the first month (maybe even 20%) and another 20% soon after. The sky could be the limit. The standard of living in America (unless free energy is rolled out) is likely to drop to the level of Mexico over a year or two, maybe faster.

As the standard of living in America drops, the Mexican nightmare will become even more intolerable without the recycled drug dollars provided by the CIA after they get their cut and the large number of American jobs for illegal immigrants and legal Mexicans that wire money home to their families.

Some have predicted extreme social unrest in the urban centers of Europe and America, even perhaps the whole World. That is why there is now an obvious RKM effort to lock down all the major cities of the World under the anti-terror, anti-extremism plan Strong Cities which is related to Agenda 21 and the Free Trade Agreements. You are not supposed to find out about this secret Strong Cities program, so naturally it will also be covered by VT.

And now you know why the RKM has pushed so hard to militarize the American police and consolidate all Law Enforcement and Intel under their master Police State organization, Homeland Security (DHS). Now you know why the USG has been buying millions of rounds of ammo, AR-16s, 9mm pistols, grenade launchers, armored cars, body armor and armed barriers for all of its previously unarmed, untrained groups like the Department of Education, EPA, US Postal Service, etc.

The Cutouts who manage things in America for the RKM are expected try desperately to cling to power even after the RKM has been deconstructed and they believe if they can hold onto power during and after the RESET they will be home free and still remain in control of America. This conclusion is likely very wishful thinking as most Americans will want serious payback to the RKM and its Cutouts once the Reset occurs.

The reason there has been so many illegal (and legal) immigrants allowed in America and now Europe is because of the side-agreements that accompany this new Secret Reset Agreement. It was agreed that new reduced borders and relaxed immigration policies would be written into all the new Free Trade Agreements in secret clauses and that is what has occurred. NAFTA was the first and is the reason the southern US border has not been closed despite all the USG’s harping about World Terrorism. In fact we know it has deeply involved in all of it with the RKM, the UK and Israel.

Certainly we can now conclude that the RKM has been the World’s biggest anti-human parasite. It is a very deceptive inter-generational crime syndicate, the World’s largest merchant of drugs, war, death, poverty and misery. It is remarkably two-faced and has lived by the Big Lie on all fronts. It is unlikely to go down with out pulling as many tricks as possible. It never keeps it agreements and must be forced to comply.

This RKM resistance to the secret Reset Agreement they signed could produce a hard landing for all of us here in America as the RKM is dislodged and eliminated from power. This itself is a monumental task because of their depth of infiltration and hijacking of America the last 100 years since they hijacked our money creation and distribution system in 1913.

The question of why such a powerful new group would allow the creation of ISIS. The apparent best answer at this time is that it fits with their overall plan to break down the existing order and eliminate the RKM so that they can rebuild a whole new World economic system from the ground up.

And some insiders who know claim that the model for correction this group uses is based on obtaining consent person by person and influencing groups and nations to take action, thereby avoiding any direct action themselves.

We can only hope this new power control group that is now asserting itself through the Russian Federation and some deep-black elements in certain unacknowledged American defense contractors plans to assist humanity by sharing its advanced technology for peaceful purposes.

And the best immediate help it could provide would be to quickly roll out cheap “free energy” by deploying zero point, Helium3, or some other new type of ultra-efficient, inexpensive energy technology.

This would quickly end the World’s dependence on crude oil, internal combustion engines and nuclear power. It would create major technological advances and whole new industries with plenty of new decent paying jobs.


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