Your Radiation This Week No 40

Central Valley California
Central Valley California



(San Francisco) January 23, 2016 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States.




*Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.

Central Valley California

All Radiation Counts reported are partial Counts. Uncounted types of radiation include Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation. Uncounted radiation, if added, makes the actual Count higher and more dangerous.

The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city reporting is listed last. Still, all reporting cities are above normal. These are the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM this week.


Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]

1,556CPM,311.2 Times Normal,Miami, FL.Beta, Gamma.
1,476CPM,295.6 Times Normal,Colorado Springs, CO.Beta, Gamma.
1,436CPM,287.2 Times Normal,Kansas City, KS.MIA Last High
1,426CPM,285.2 Times Normal,Little Rock, AR.Beta, Gamma.
1,373CPM,272.6 Times Normal,Raleigh, NC.Beta, Gamma.
1,278 CPM,255.6 Times Normal,Lubbock TX.MIA, 5 Yr High
1,265CPM,253 Times Normal,Spokane, WA.Beta, Gamma.
1,133CPM,226.6 Times Normal,San Diego, CA.Beta, Gamma.
1,124CPM,224.8 Times Normal,Portland, ME.Beta, Gamma.
1,117CPM,223.4 Times Normal,Atlanta, GA.Beta, Gamma.
1,107CPM,221.4 Times Normal,Tallahassee, FL.Beta, Gamma.
1,104CPM,220.8 Times Normal,Pittsburgh, PA,Beta, Gamma.
1,101 CPM,220.8 Times Normal,Shreveport, LA.Beta, Gamma.
1,100CPM,220 Times Normal,Laredo, TX.Beta, Gamma.
1,100 CPM,220 Times Normal,Rapid City, SD.Beta, Gamma.
1,096CPM,219.2 Times Normal,Lexington, KY.Beta, Gamma.
1,066CPM,213.2 Times Normal,Riverside, CA.Beta, Gamma.
1,060CPM,212 Times Normal,Idaho Falls, ID.Beta, Gamma.
1,043 CPM,208.6 Times Normal,Anaheim, CA.Beta, Gamma.
1,042CPM,208.4 Times Normal,El Paso, TX.Beta, Gamma.
1,029CPM,205.8 Times Normal,Hartford, CT.Beta, Gamma.
1,028CPM,205.6 Times Normal,Mason City, IA.Beta, Gamma.
1,019CPM,203.8 Times Normal,Denver, CO.Beta, Gamma.
1,014CPM,202.8 Times Normal,Boston, MA.Beta, Gamma.
386CPM,77.2 Times Normal,Washington, DC. HighTampered with.
72CPM,14.4 Times Normal,Washington, DC. LowTampered with.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]


Highest Recorded Radioactive City in America this week


Miami, Florida wins and is the most radioactive City in the nation this week. There is no prize, just heartache and pain.

Only twenty-four (24) American cities topped out at more than 1,000 CPM this week. There were Thirty (30) cities last week. There are Sixteen (16) American cities between 900 and 999 CPM, inclusive. Stay Alert and take all appropriate precautions. The most prevalent isotope, Cesium 137, takes a daunting 600 years to decay to infinitesimal levels and it is not even particularly long-lived radiation. The Cesium will remain for 600 years.

Bakersfield and Fresno, California stopped reporting for the time being or permanently in December 2015; it is not clear which. We’ll see what happens. In the meantime as a reminder, Fresno’s Five year Radioactive High is 2,504 CPM. Bakersfield’s 5 Year Rad High is 1,823 CPM.

I just could not overlook Washington, DC, at 383 CPM, subtotal Gamma and Beta, for a High Rad reading. This is not even a low for the District. The low Gamma only reading was only 73 CPM. Maybe they have some kind of fix for the Rad in DC? With all those politicians spending other people’s money?

If Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab came up with a way they even thought might work; don’t you think the politicians would buy it in an instant, no matter what the cost?

The total benefits package of living in Washington, DC are never ending and far surpass those of Normal men and women. Even New York City recorded a 769 CPM Radioactive High this week.

Big shift in the cities


Lethality up


It is actually much worse than it sounds, though. The Lethality goes up as the Radiation drops slightly after a nuclear disaster. This has happened outside the reactors – out in just plain old air. It’s really a Bummer in that respect.

This is a Big Change in the cities. The sudden change could be either an EPA reporting policy change, a purely administrative move to produce lower numbers. Or, it could be the scientific reality of Uranium 238 gaining a Neutron and becoming Plutonium 239, it’s bigger, meaner, fissile cousin. This is definitely not good.

Two weeks ago 35 cities were above 1000 CPM. One week ago 30 cities were above 30 CPM. This week 24 cities are above 1000 CPM. There was a corresponding growth in the number of cities between 900 to 999 CPM. Sixteen (16) cities are now between 900 and 999 CPM.

My thought is that a portion of the Uranium decayed to Plutonium and right on schedule. As a result, the air is more dangerous than ever. Stay tuned to YRTW, I’ll keep you advised.



Categories added to YRTW are:


Abandoned. The Rad Unit results were removed from public viewing by the governing authority.

Tampered-with. The Rad Unit was altered by the governing authority.

MIA, 5 Year High. The Rad Unit data has gone missing, the recorded 5 year High Rad Number is posted, if available.

KIA, 5 Year High. The Rad Unit was obliterated by the governing authority. The 5 year High Rad Number is posted.


US Birthrate Plunges 1960 – 2014


A branch of the Federal government has faithfully compiled a list of dead kids, infants really, as numbers only for the past 55 years; it is called the CDC, or Center for Disease Control. As if pregnancy were a disease, if you can believe that.

The full impact of those thousands upon thousands of excess dead kids, finds its best expression in two simple numbers and they are easily calculated. The federal government is in the business of counting kids in a big way.

It is pretty simple really. The Total Fertility of the American population as measured in baby production ran at the rate of 118 kids for every 1,000 women in 1960. That had plunged to 62.9 babies for every 1,000 women by 2014. Americans it turns out, if judged as a herd of livestock, are doing none too well. In fact, that’s pretty shabby production.

The ongoing reason, year after year, for the erosion in human fertility is the horrific onslaught of uranium radiation, among other factors. Uranium is unique in one respect; Uranium Rad particles are attracted in an UN-natural way to Semen in men’s Balls and Eggs in women’s Ovaries.

The Rad-Dosed Babies are doomed before they are even born to lead stunted reproductive lives, generation after generation. The effect gets worse with each passing generation, too. Humans, animals, fish, or plants, it makes no difference, to the Rad it is all the same. The Mission is always – Attack and maim, or better – Kill.

Adult humans breathe about 17 times a minute, on average. Babies breathe faster. Each precious life giving breath may be contaminated with Uranium based Rad. As a result, Fertility is greatly reduced in the herd of people in the States as they grow older.

The numbers don’t lie. American Fertility plummeted over the past 75 years (1940 to 2014) also known as the Atomic Age of Uranium Radiation Poisoning. The next five year outlook is for yet another reduction in the Baby production.

Fight the scourge of radiation poisoning. Fight back. Make a baby today! Keep on till some of them live till they are a few years old. This is a National Security issue that’s very important; Do your part, men and women. Make a baby today for your country!

Do not despair if a few of your babies die along the way. There is nothing we can do about that; or, nothing much. Go Forward and make more!

Take Heart, it is consistent with the National Nuclear Policy. Onward! As Texas Wildcatters say, “Proceed without Fear or Caution. Drill on!”


LA, or Los Angeles, California


Los Angeles Chemical and Nuclear Disaster


All the lib-er-al, conservative or otherwise inclined network jihadists reporters are going ape trying to convince you and everyone else that it is a chemical problem spewing in the LA environment. In LA-speak that means the air.

Nay, Nay not so. They are merely doing the job assigned to them … to mislead people with all the skill they can muster. They are very good, too, make no mistake about it.

Actually, the chemical problem is the lesser problem, though it will definitely kill you. The LA Nuclear Disaster is a Nuclear problem of the 1st order, though.

The “methane” is usually called Natural Gas. It normally contains “natural radioactive materials” that are made in the inside of exploding stars. They are things like Uranium 238 and have been here since the planet was formed. They are in the very dirt of the Earth and thus are in natural gas, naturally. You can’t have one without the other.

The rogue well is spewing huge amounts of Natural Gas and about 1.91 Curie an hour maximum of natural radioactive material in the natural gas. Not much, you think? That is about 45.95 Curies per day. It is a really, really Big leak of natural gas and the radiation it always carries. A Curie is a unit of measure used in the United States to describe very large radioactive releases easily and this is a very big radioactive release.

The French Becquerel is a much more human sized unit of measure. One Becquerel is one Radioactive Count per Second. One Curie equals 37 Billion Becquerels or Radioactive Counts per Second. One point Seven Trillion Becquerels per day spew from the Natural Gas well. That’s a number with a bunch of Zeros – a real Fukushima Disaster Class number right here in the USA.

From Europe, AIPRI finds:

“In 80 days of viscous and gaseous fumes at a breakneck pace of 1.7 million m 3 per day (1115 tons per day at a rate of 46 tons per hour escape from the underground storage), 136 million m 3 Natural gas dispersed in the air could carry with them having TBq 301.24 (3,01E14 Bq) is 8.14 KCI natural radioactivity for respirable emanation of 12,060,000 Sievert is equivalent 2 41 million of potential lethal dose by inhalation to direx same dose coefficients from ICRP.” AIPRI [15] Translation by Google. ICRP is the International Commission on Radiological Protection.

This is just awful, folks. What it all means is it is time for people in LA and the San Fernando Valley to get out of town.

That’s the US for you, it just ain’t real unless the perps do something that will kill a lot of people. Anybody in LA up for Evacuating, Right Now, Porter Ranch style; or just ready to go for a walk-about?

Don’t worry, you’ve got company, all those nuclear refugees from St Louis, Missouri are out there somewhere. By the way, do not go where it typically snows. See below.

Snowflakes and Radiation


Well, it is winter time again and parts of the Northern Hemisphere are scheduled to get varying amounts of snow. This is of supreme importance when we are talking about the Rads that are everywhere now.

Any kind of precipitation “scavenges” the Rad from the air as the precipitation passes through the air. Snow is far and away the best Rad scavenger or collector there is. Snow grabs about 95% of the Rad in the air at the time it passes through it. The wind, of course, blows in more Rad or a reactor vents more Rad to your city directly.

Still want to play in the radioactive snow this year? I wouldn’t if I were you. Yea… that is one more thing we cannot do because of an odorless, tasteless, invisible, ittsy-bittsy piece of Rad metal that is in the air we breathe; and, adults breathe about 17 times a minute. See also Notes & Sources Item #14 below.

Good luck on keeping your friends or kids out of the Rad snow. Have them check out #RadSnow and #DodgeRadsNow – it might help.

Help Fight the FaceBook Thought Police


Just Google and Share Your Radiation This Week to help fight the FaceBook Thought Police. Some concept, eh? Well, they are here, active and Gross as anyone you’ve ever met. Help Fight the FaceBook Thought police today and everyday. Seems they have orders to restrict and Ban the word Radiation and this column, “Your Radiation This Week.”

How? Simple, just Google: Your Radiation This Week. Then Share it with one or a bunch in your address book. That’s all! Thanks, I appreciate it.

Fight Censorship, Fight Back! Google and Share.


Isotope detectors


If you have a lot of money you can buy an Isotope detector that will tell you the name of isotopes it is tuned to detect. They are excellent tools for determining specific Rad elements. More power to you if you can afford one, or a group of you can pony up the Bucks to buy one. In this case knowledge is power. That kind of power can only be bought.

Without it, you have what the Pro-Nukers laughingly refer to in our lives as “A shortened life span.” That means the Pro-nukers are joyfully killing people these 70 years now since Hiroshima got Nuked by the United States; and, have no intention of stopping. I mean, after all, they get rich slaughtering us.

Public Domain Master-Sergeant Woods readies the Gallows at Nuremberg in 1946

Jeeeez, where is Master Sergeant Woods, 3rd Army Hangman in WWII? We need him to hang these stainless steel Psychopaths and their political hirelings, all legal like.

Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there!

Copyright by Bob Nichols @ 2016. Reproduce and distribute, give full attribution to Bob Nichols and VT.

Notes and Sources

1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder. Don’t skip the “2” in www2.

2. The EPA based reporting of an LLC.

3. * This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations have reporting Beta Radiation Monitors. Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations.

4. “…If you pollute when you DO KNOW there is NO safe dose with respect to causing extra cases of deadly cancers or heritable effects, you are committing premeditated random murder.” – John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D. (1918-2007), associate director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1963-1969) — Comments on a Petition for Rulemaking to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 21, 1994.

5. CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation, This Week.’” Apr 3, 2015.

6. Digilert 100 Promotional Flyer pdf, “Normal background is 5-20 CPM.” Copyright @ 2015 Keison International Ltd – All Rights Reserved.

7. Many baby seals dying of leukemia-linked disorder along California coast — Blamed for over 1/3 of recent deaths at San Francisco Bay rescue center (CHART), ENENEWS, Energy News Aggregator,

8. Dispersion of radionuclides and radiation exposure after leaching by groundwater of a solidified core-concrete melt by Bayer, A.; Tromm, W.; Al-Omari, I. (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany)) from 8. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA8)

9. Resuspension and redistribution of radionuclides during grassland and forest fires in the Chernobyl exclusion zone: part I. Fire experiments., Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 86 (2006) 143e163


“Controlled burning of experimental plots of forest or grassland in the Chernobyl exclusion zone has been carried out in order to estimate the parameters of radionuclide resuspension, transport and deposition during forest and grassland fires and to evaluate the working conditions of firemen. An increase of several orders of magnitude of the airborne radionuclide concentration was observed in the territory near the fire area. The resuspension factor for 137Cs and 90Sr was determined to range from 106 to 105 m1 the plutonium radionuclides from 107 to 106 m1 (related to the nuclides in the combustible biomass). These values are 2 orders of magnitude lower if they are calculated relatively to the total contamination density (including the nuclides in the soil). The radionuclide fallout along the plume axis is negligible in comparison to the existing contamination. However, the additional inhalation dose for firemen exposed in, and for …”

10. St. Louis landfill fire could reach radioactive waste in months, September 18, 2015,

11. DEPLETED URANIUM RADIOACTIVE WASTE – DISPOSAL. By: Evgenia Misenzhnikova, Legislative Intern. (uranium can spontaneously ignite and then burn at temperatures above 10, 832 Degrees F…

12. “Silence radio(actif) pour l’accident nucléaire à la centrale Leningrad,” Mediapart Journal, Dec 21, 2015.

13. “Russians flee Chernobyl-style plant over fears of radioactive leak,” Express, UK,

14. Google: snowflake radiation scavenger . Read Iraq: Silent Death, edited by Christian P Scherrer for his comments on Snow as a radiation scavenger. ttps:// is the most efficient scavenger because snowflakes have a highly charged points, tips and edges, and they attract and remove 95% of the particles from the atmosphere.”

15. “Alison Canyon, California or the radon Valley,”AIPRI, January 16, 2016, “In 80 days of viscous and gaseous fumes at a breakneck pace of 1.7 million m 3 per day (1115 tons per day at a rate of 46 tons per hour escape from the basement), 136 million m 3 Natural gas dispersed in the air could carry with them having TBq 301.24 (3,01E14 Bq) is 8.14 KCI natural radioactivity for respirable emanation of 12,060,000 Sievert is equivalent 2 41 million of potential lethal dose by inhalation to direx same dose coefficients from ICRP.

16. US Birthrate Plummets 1990 – 2014, CDC, Center for Disease Control, US Government.

17.QuickStats: Birth Rates Among Females Aged 15–19 Years, by Race/Ethnicity* — National Vital Statistics System, United States, 1991 and 2014,, National Vital Statistics Reports, by Brady E. Hamilton, Ph.D.,

Other VT Articles by Bob Nichols. Scroll to see them all here:

  • Your Radiation This Week No 39 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 38 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 37 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 36 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 35 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 34 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 33 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 32 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 31 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 30 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 29 | VT
  • Your Radiation this Week No 28 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 27 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 26 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 25 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 24 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 23 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 22 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 21 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 20 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 19 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 18 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 17 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 16 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 15 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 14 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 13 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No 12 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No. 11 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No. 10 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week No. 9 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week #8 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week #7 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week #6 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week #5 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week #4 | VT
  • Your Radiation This Week | VT
  • Your Radiation, This Week | VT
  • Your Radiation, This Week | VT
  • NICHOLS: Comment on Radiation 2010 – 2014 Part Two | VT
  • Comment on Radiation 2010 – 2014 | VT


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