America’s Alien Invasion



by  Preston James

Note: The title of this article is not referring to the mass migration of illegal aliens and those with H-1B status who are flooding America and taking our jobs (although such is the result of the subject of this article and just one more aspect of the Khazarian Mafia Globalist NWO Agenda of evil).

Sphere with black goo (sentient oil)
Sphere with black goo (sentient oil)

As usual VT is going to provide you with forbidden information that no other respected Intel related journal dares to provide. VT does this because it is based on open source collection of Intel from all over the world and open source dissemination too.

This article is about an ongoing beyond-black unacknowledged, special access program to breed Alien ET Hybrids and insert them into top American positions of government, foundations, think-tanks and corporations. Every effort has been made to accurately portray this subject.

It is important to note that it is exceedingly difficult to get this information and even harder to cross-corroborate it from those that dare speak out. And it’s typically old guys in the autumn of their life who leak these things, folks that have developed disdain for all the excess secrecy about issues they believe the public has a right to know about, and disdain for all the ways back-engineered Alien ET technology is abused to control the masses and enrichen and empower certain individuals. If you are not up to date or “read in” on Alien ET matters that have been covered in previous VT articles, reading this article will be a waste of time for you.


alien-midway1 (2)

Right now there is an Alien ET invasion and occupation program well underway in America. It is a joint Alien ET/DOD contractor program that is recognized only generally by the CEOs of the defense contractors it is buried within.

Normally the only ones who are able to gain even a partial picture of this unacknowledged beyond-black special access program are those with the highest Q-clearances and the highest level Cosmic clearances too.

All the most critically important elements of the overall true agenda driving this program are withheld from all humans involved in this program and are known only by the Alien ET Perps who are deploying it, managing it, and who are held accountable by their overlords for its success.

The Secret Agenda behind this invasion and occupation program is a Globalist NWO Agenda of anti-humanism and pure parasitic, human sacrifice driven, unimaginable evil.

The end of national sovereignty of all nations is one desired goal, as is the elimination of 90% of all humans in the first major purge.

The end state desired is the elimination of all humans, even their high-level, empowered Doofus Cutouts and the substitution of a whole new custom, gene-spliced transhuman hybrids that is part machine, part human, part alien ET. A self-healing triple helix, super strong, super smart hybrid form of “thing” with extreme quantum-based, A.I. psi-powers, and absolutely no soul or conscience–a true melding of “clay and iron”.

Alien ETs have been working with humans scientists in places like Dulce trying to synthesize the human soul, but they continue to fail and will never succeed in this. Only God Almighty, the one and only first cause creator of all can do so. If the Dracos succeed in their evil Globalist NWO Agenda all they will ever get is a world filled with obedient soulless, A.I. driven hived automatons that populate their ongoing nightmare before final judgment falls on them and ends their reign of terror.

This program to hybridize and embed these Alien ET/human hybrids is actually an Alien ET Agenda of the Dracos which is the source of the Khazarian Mafia’s Neo-Bolshevik strategy and also their hegemony and power. Both are based on the Leo Straussian edict “the desired end goal justifies the means utilized no matter how distasteful and despite what has to be sacrificed”.

And it was this evil “ends justifies the means” philosophy from which the NeoCons and PNACers emerged and proceeded to roll out a program of false-flag terror beginning with the Murrah Bombing and proceeding to the KM/Israeli attack on America on 9-11-01.

Corporal Pat Tillman, KIA in Afghanistan from Friendly Fire
Corporal Pat Tillman, murdered by order of a certain General because he was going to speak out against the US Army protecting the Afghani Opium crop – only the good die young

It was the PNACers’ 9-11-01 attack on America that was used to justify more major illegal unconstitutional Mideast wars for Israel and the KM to generate indecently large illegal profits for its associated Banks, corporations and defense contractors.

Fine American Soldiers were served up by the PNAC and NeoCon-controlled Pentagon and DOD as worthless cannon fodder to be KIA, horribly wounded and disabled, along with millions of innocent civilians murdered and displaced as their homes and nations were destroyed.

These innocent civilian losses were labeled by the Pentagon, the DOD and the USG as mere collateral damage.

There has been a sinister plan to drastically weaken America by killing off or disabling American Soldiers by the thousands and denying them adequate medical care when harmed or wounded in these illegal unconstitutional wars for Israel and the KM.

American Soldiers were exposed to Depleted Uranium and strange covert biological weapons inserted in their mandatory vaccines, all designed to make them suicidal upon return when activated by advanced psychotronics and lack of integration back into American society.

Depleted uranium effects
Depleted uranium effects

But what is behind this Globalist NWO Agenda and what is the unseen force driving it so energetically that has taken captive of the Establishment Hierarchy that rules America?

Actually the truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. The unseen force driving all this is an incredibly intelligent, unimaginably evil group of Alien ETs called the Dracos (reptilian cosmic parasites who live off of the negative energy provided by the intense pain and suffering of “sacrificed, dying humans”.)

Dracos have been reputed to be able to shape-shift and assume alternate appearances, sometimes with wings. Some believe they have been exiled to remain underground or in another dimension as an initial judgment by God Almighty. It has been reported that Dracos are instantly repelled by any mention of God Almighty or Jesus Christ, and that this disgusts them to the core.

The Alien ET’s secret agenda that you have not been allowed to know about is a Globalist NWO Agenda designed to take over the whole world in progressive Fabian-style steps by:

# snatching the souls from humans and replacing them with an “evil spirit” by deploying sophisticated well financed human compromise operations. Humans must somehow agree to give up their soul for power, status and/or untold riches.

# providing a personal spirit guide that leads them into more and more seriously anti-human evil acts if that infested person is able to rise to the highest level of the KM by a history of committing major secret evil which benefits the KM’s agenda. This evil spirit guide serves as a supernatural consigliore of sorts.

# the embedding of Alien ETs with human appearance into the highest positions of the USG and the most powerful, prominent American societal institutions. All done because these hived evil entities with a nice face (Janus Principal/two-faced) will serve to help attain the Alien ET Agenda.

# the breeding of Alien ET/human hybrids with human appearances in Deep Underground Military Bases (Dumbs) and to then embed these entities into the highest positions of the USG and the most powerful, prominent American societal institutions. All done because these hybrids are hived and are two faced (a nice face on the outside coupled to an inner secret nature that is psychopathic and evil to the core). Such secret, hidden evil natures of these embedded hybrids propel them to promote the attainment of the evil Alien ET Agenda.

As far as actual numbers of how many High USG related Officials are actually these entities that have been embedded is unknown at this time but believed to be growing.

Same for the question of how many MK-Ultra “Finders-style” individuals have been pedophiled, “soul murdered” to MPD/DID by extreme trauma conditioning as children and raised under Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRC) systems, later propelled through the finest Universities to sit in the highest positions in society; actual numbers unknown but high enough to make the lives of most Americans and the world increasingly difficult and dangerous.

Same goes for how many of the general populace has been psychotronically and psi-chotronically mind-kontrolled and essentially hived to the RKM, but this number grows each day, and could easily be from 20-30% or even more.

Soul snatching is based on providing huge temptations to those morally weak of character.

These human compromise operations are often run by KM controlled Intel Agencies like the Mossad, the CIA and FBI, and these can include great sexual temptations, drugs and alcohol, power, riches and status.

But the cost is always the loss of one’s very soul and repentance is very rare but does sometimes occur and when one does so they will get their soul back.

The secret goal of this hybridization and embed program is to establish a secret occupation of America by somewhat normal human appearing Alien ET/human hybrids and to place these hybrids in the highest positions of government, the judicial system, Intel, LE, various foundations, think-tanks, churches and corporations.

One goal of this program is to stack the deck of the leaders of society with a large number of embedded hybrids who will energetically serve the needs of the RKM and assist in attaining their age-old Globalist NWO Agenda.

These embedded hybrids enthusiastically serve this Globalist NWO Alien Agenda as a hived group. This agenda is so anti-human and evil that were it to ever be fully disclosed by these cosmic perps (all who appear as normal humans to most), there would be mass rebellion in the streets of America (and at most levels in the USG too).

But most of these CEO’s and Corporate Directors do not recognize specifically what it is truly about, what it is accomplishing or what its secret anti-human Globalist NWO Agenda really is about.

Some known US Cercle participants. Colby was Opus Dei; Casey and Feulner Knights of Malta. Brzezinski worked closely with the Knights of America, and like Kissinger, is close to the Rockefeller interests
Some known “US Circle” participants. Colby was Opus Dei; Casey and Feulner Knights of Malta. Brzezinski worked closely with the Knights of America, and like Kissinger, is velcroed to Rockefeller interests

They view this program to synthesize hybrids and allow their embedding in high positions as a necessary condition of a long string of secret treaties signed with the leaders of powerful Alien ET groups that have been necessary to gain access to ultra high tech Alien ET technologies.

It has been accepted by those top USG officials that entered into these treaties to get such technologies, it was necessary to cooperate with the specifics required in this Alien ET exchange program with DOD controllers, in order to gain such ultra high-tech Alien ET technologies.

The Alien ET technologies exchanged with the US High Military command (now privatized and deeply hidden in major defense contractors) for rights to human abductions is ultra high tech and has moved the technology development ahead hundreds of years.

Getting a deep look inside
Getting a deep look inside

The Alien ET technologies they gained access to consisted of numerous types of individual and mass-mind-kontrol (educational, religious, cultural, food-based, the induced hiving of individuals into a new mass mind with little ability to reason by deployment of psychotronics, psi-power, mass hypnosis, induced blood-shock from engineered staged false-flags, terrorism and wars.

These technologies provided by the Alien ETs also have included scalar communications, large scale regional weather control, anti-gravity, new metal technologies, sophisticated medical technologies, miniaturized solid state electronics, quantum physics and quantum computers, advanced weapons technologies including new types of nuclear weapons with little or no ionizing fallout such as the “E Bomb” which can supposedly alter or freeze the CNS without harming buildings.

Major weather events are engineered and controlled using larges scale scalar transmissions and are occasionally used to coerce reticent USG officials to do things they resist. If they comply with the wishes of the RKM Doofus Cutout Establishment hierarchy leaders, then they redirect a hurricane back out to sea or reduce its intensity. If resistance continues then they deploy the weather event with full destructive force like they did with Hurricane Katrina.

Insiders have reported that other nations, such as Russia and China, have also entered into direct secret negotiations with the leaders of certain other Alien ET groups.

There have been some well-founded rumors that a certain beyond-black Intel group in Russia has a joint program with the Tall Whites who are reputed to be more friendly to humans and also a similar group hidden deep inside a large defense contractor in America.

It has been claimed by some that these two groups have formed a secret alliance with other Intel factions around the world that are against the Dracos and the Khazarian Mafia’s Globalist NWO Agenda of evil and are taking joint steps to expose it and deconstruct it before it can start a nuclear WW3. I hope this is true, and if so they are successful.

It seems certain that those who represented the authority of the USG under self-declared “national security” in America entered into agreements with two distinct groups of Alien ETs. One group appears to be benign, the “Tall Whites” and the other group some call reptiles or Dracos.

Statue of one of the Draco “gods”, which according to top KM Chieftains, stands guard over the City of London, their home base for the Globalist NWO Agenda. This evil Luciferian agenda is deployed  through the Rothschild private central Babylonian Talmudic Black-magick “money from nothing” world financial system based on accrued pernicious usury debited those who “use it” and are enslaved by it.

The Dracos are believed to have been here on Planet Earth a long time.

And some insiders claim they are the fallen ones, the lesser gods who were kicked out of Heaven and exiled down here, ordered to stay underground awaiting final judgment and destruction.

It is believed by some that these Dracos can only appear during human sacrifices or as a spirit guide to a demon possessed KM inductee if that person agrees to make a contact to give up their soul in return for vast riches, power and status.

These Dracos are believed to have entered into generational long term secret treaties with the Rothschild private central Banksters, those running the City of London, Israel, America and the European Union and NATO.

Each of these entities is considered to be an integral part of the Khazarian Mafia which is obsessed with attaining an age-old Globalist NWO Agenda, when fully understood shows itself to be completely anti-human because it mandates the eventual destruction of every nation state and the mass-murder of 90% of humans.

When these “Alien ET/USG treaties” were negotiated and signed by high USG officials varying from Presidents to high DOD or Pentagon officials, the human signers were overly eager to gain such Alien ET high technologies to establish weapons and defense superiority.

Historical statute from a Norwegian Museum depicting a Draco breeding with a human female. Dracos have been reported to being bi-sexual. Resulting offspring from human females were believed to be 12 ft. tall males with brilliant red hair, double rows of teeth, a pair of six fingers and a pair of six toes. The Dracos deepest desire has always been to destroy humans and replace them with their own gene-engineered transhuman hybrids with synthetic souls who will worship them as gods.

These signers may themselves have been victims of cognitive induction, that is perhaps best referred to as psychotronic entrainment of a certain mindset supportive of gaining Alien ET technologies no matter what evils had to be allowed or provided by these human representatives in exchange.

It now seems pretty clear that this exchange to gain these ultra high tech Alien ET technologies included a somewhat open ended agreement allowing Alien ETs to abduct, extract DNA and engage in hybridization programs. And all this done in order to synthesize a race of new Alien ET/human hybrids. And these hybrids are to be well adapted to Earth’s environment but a soulless, hived creatures, able to work as an automatons obsessed with attaining an evil Globalist NWO Agenda.

The agreements for abduction were supposed to require wiping the human’s mind after extracting biological samples. These samples were to include blood and genetic materials related to reproduction like female ovum and male sperm. Abductees were then supposed to have their memories of the abduction erased and then to be released back into their environment with no memory at all or any permanent psychological or physical damage. Later on crashed UFO’s filled with human body parts were recovered suggesting that a significant number of humans were being abducted and not returned.

We now know that these agreements have been grossly violated and many abductees have begun remembering such abductions and the horror and fear they experienced during such abductions.  Like most MK-Ultra mind-kontrol the memory-erasure and programming, such “wiping” wears off in many abductees after a time, some earlier than others. Some female abductees have memories of being used in various strange ways as egg donors or breeders of Alien ET Hybrid children over a series of abductions.

Some of their hybrid children can easily pass for human and can and have been embedded and integrated into society at high levels of the USG. Sadly the best evidence to date suggests that they are soulless, hived, humorless, psychopathic, and many have a certain squint in their eyes and are totally committed to the attainment of the RKM’s Globalist NWO Agenda.

Phil Schneider (L) attempted to expose some aspects of Dulce activities and was suicided
Phil Schneider (L) attempted to expose some history about Dulce and was probably “arkencided”.

There is good reason to believe that they did not realize that these Alien leaders they were dealing with were very deceptive mis-representors, abject liars, deceivers, incredibly evil and actually anti-human.

Currently it is beyond question that one advanced Alien ET/human hybridization program is now underway at the Dulce, NM Deep Underground Military Base and has been active for at least 20 years.

It is likely there are more in other locations such as a certain nation in South America, but so far no rock solid corroboration has emerged like that has for Dulce.

It is very interesting and most important to note that those who run these secret joint breeding programs in DUMBs have classically made and even followed through on very heavy lethal threats to maintain abject secrecy about these programs. Despite all those they have murdered who tried to get the truth out, some succeeded and that is the basis of this article.


Another related subject for another article is the strange “sentient” black oil from the Falkland Islands, which seems to have powerful mind-kontrol properties when sprayed or ingested. This was reputedly the reason for the Falklands war between Argentina and the UK. There have been reports that the SSG has been planning to spray this substance in some of the Chemtrails over certain regions.

There have been rumors for years inside Intel that numerous KM-owned politicians have been dosed and infected with this sentient “black oil”, which some consider a microscopic Alien ET cosmic parasite that can “hive” some that ingest or inhale it.

The entities and “infected” humans who have been running these lethal sanctions to maintain abject secrecy have done so because they know that, if too many humans find out, their program can and will be stopped.

This hybridization and embedding program can actually be stopped cold by Americans.

Despite the extreme power of their mind-kontrol technologies and the deep current levels of penetration these Alien ETs have used to gain control over the governments of the USA, the UK, the City of London, Saudi Arabia, the Vatican, the EU, NATO and Israel, this hybridization and embedding program can be stopped cold. And the whole Alien ET Globalist NWO Agenda can be stopped cold too by the same process.

How could this even be possible? First it is important to understand that these entities responsible for the hybridization program are very frightened of the prospect of their program and Globalist NWO Agenda being publicly recognized. They know this will quickly bring it to an end and will drive them back into the darkness from which they came.

Second, it is important to realize is that there is a God Almighty, the Creator of all that has final authority over all and He has set up “Rules of Play” which these entities must obey no matter what.



Despite all the massive psychotronics and psi-power deployed against us, we humans have Free Will. Each of us can choose to rebel against all these KM influences and evil Satanic traps that these unimaginably evil Dracos are deploying against us.

This means to live by the Golden Rule of treating others the way we want to be treated. This means choosing to do good rather than evil and refusing to stop stealing from hard working American taxpayers and sending them to become cannon fodder for the KM and Israel in these evil aggressive wars for profit and Greater Israel.

Americans can choose to rise up and decide to stop allowing America to exist as a slave state and province of the RKM and it’s main action agent Israel which is 97.% Khazarian blood with no ancient Hebrew blood and no right to any land in Palestine.

Israel as it exists now is an ever-expanding, evil apartheid state living on land stolen from the true Semites, the Palestinians, who have actual ancient Hebrew Blood.



America is now under attack by powerful evil Alien ET entities and their embedded buddies and some of their Alien ET/human hybrids who can pass for humans.

Order of the Snake? ...Madeleine Albright, former US Secr. of State
Order of the Snake? Madeleine Albright, former US Secretary of State, who claimed that although her actions created sanctions that needlessly starved 500,000+ innocent Iraqi children to death, “it was worth it”.

Well-trained Intel can usually identify these “Embeds” and they often have a certain squint in their eyes, no sense of humor. When pushed they tend to exhibit sociopathic rationalizations often based on their ideology that the ends justify the means no matter what. They often exhibit political obsessions that make no sense at all to the average American, show little concern for the welfare or interests of most Americans, and favor the .00001 super-elites of the Establishment Hierarchy.

The fact that these Embeds are so frightened of exposure personally and exposure of their Alien ET Agenda proves beyond question that they acknowledge that they can be stopped.

The Dracos are large reptilian snake-type creatures associated with the Cult of the Snake. They have been condemned to an exile underground by God Almighty and can only appear during certain high level KM child sacrifices at special semi-annual cult meetings.

The Alien hybridization and infiltration program they need to attain their Globalist NWO cannot succeed without abject secrecy.

That is why one of their first accomplishments was to use their private RKM Banking system of Fiat money (issued in any quantity desired at their will alone) to buy up and consolidate all the Major Mass Media to be under their control.

Right now the KM is making a big play to control and censor the Internet, hoping to remove the Alternative press including VT. Even if successful in this, it is probably too late for them because so much blowback would result that alone would likely set off a new major societal revolt.

The cat is already out of this bag and far too much truth has already been dispensed and disseminated, diffusing to more and more Americans everyday, as the economy worsens and society continues to disintegrate under the control of the unimaginably evil Khazarian Mafia (KM).


Joe Bonamassa, the uncontested new “King of the Blues” since B.B. Kings passing. His new DVD/CD Live at the Greek Theater is most likely the greatest blues concert ever performed anywhere. It was just rated #1 Blues Album by Billboard. The sound mixing and videography is as good as it ever gets. Joe is known for caring a lot about his fans and appreciates all their support, and provides a lot of free music on his website and on He began playing the guitar expertly at 4 years old and began his professional music career at 14 years old. He came up the hard way, working his way up to the top over the last 25 years as an independent businessman without selling out to the recording industry.



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