Wikileaks Tracked to Haifa, Trump’s Real Campaign Headquarters and more, much more (2016 and Today)

Screenshot shows Israelis in an organized digital “war” room posting tweets against the flotilla to Gaza in the summer of 2011.

By Gordon Duff and Ian Greenhalgh, Editors

– Originally published 24 October 2016 on VT –

Q: If a thousand monkeys with typewriters will give you Shakepeare, what does a thousand Haifa trolls with internet access give you?

A: Wikileaks….

Those who think Wikileaks is moving against Hillary aren’t paying attention, of course, many never pay attention – they fail to note who Wikileaks targets and who it serves. Wikileaks is here to take down Russia, they are going to use the USA to do it, the result is going to be chaos.

In the real world, there is no question that Russia knows Israel did 9-11; Russian intelligence got the evidence first, Russian spy satellites that watch America’s nuclear subs coming and going off Connecticut saw everything – they saw the nuclear weapons arrive at Teterboro airport in NJ, they picked up the jammers in Fort Lee, NJ and we know for a fact that Russia met with representatives of American news organisations in Moscow, including CNN and presented this material. VT Editor Jeff Smith helped with the presentation, drawing on his experience as a UN nuclear inspector. The same presentation that was done in Moscow was then done in Oklahoma City, Smith was there as was the head of Russian Naval Intelligence. The meeting was hosted by Justice Anthony Scalia and included every American corporate head, particuary the oil and defence sector. Local airports were lined with private jets.

For those of you who don’t follow such things, and if you don’t, perhaps you shouldn’t be reading this: ‘all things chaos’ originate from the homeland of the ‘Masters Of the Universe’ the authors of the Oded Yinon Plan, those tasked with creating ‘Greater Israel’. ‘Chaos Theory’ is the Israeli science bred by a nation of Nobel Prize winners who know that pulling the strings, blackmail, manipulation and disinformation are even more powerful than the ‘war on the cheap’ terror organisations – the Mossad, CIA and their partners have unleashed on the world. There are many incarnations to this monstrosity, Wikileaks and Infowars are two; we’ll teach you a little bit about how they operate. As for Donald Trump’s role, we don’t believe he is one of the ‘Masters of the Universe’, though Alex Jones loves to tell him so and the arch-narcissist Trump laps it up. This is the same world of high-level briefing where Adamus lives, this is why the doors close, the room gets quiet and when Duff taps the microphone and says ‘hey, is this thing  working?’

Today we are seeing Trump’s friends out the knife in his back. Go to Russia Today or Sputnik News to see the knife go into Putin’s back as well. You see, it isn’t about Putin or Trump or Clinton, this is multi-generational, it’s about the destruction of Christianity and the obliteration of the last remaining shreds if democracy that didn’t fall victim to 9/11.

Sadly, Russia has demonstrated time and again that it is very bad at managing the media, they seem to not yet have grasped that the media has the power to greatly damage them.

The Russians must be genuinely desperate when their sworn enemies turn up working for their media – Russia Today and Sputnik have been completely infiltrated, just as we exposed that The Moscow Times was actually run by Booz Allen Hamilton, a CIA contractor. Anyone failing to come to grips with the fact that Wikileaks is the Mossad is someone who has clearly suspended all reason, as we have made clear to anyone with at least the intelligence of a rabid chipmunk. Then again, the number of morons who support Trump has clearly shown that one thing America is exceptional in is breeding dumbfu$ks.

Sadly, we are living in a world today where all the really smart people who are capable of cutting through the crap to produce really pointed analysis have long ago been weeded out of the intelligence services, which is very worrying as these are the people who provide the briefings to the likes of Obama and Hillary. Instead, we have a new generation of ‘useful idiots’ like Jim ‘I don’t care if it’s true’ Fetzer, Israel Shamir, Paul Joseph Watson, and the bulk of internet disinformation websites, meaning “all of them.”

There is a handful of “real deal” activists out there, none the overgrown pseudo-intelligentsia types that the Russians are drawn to, the Trotsky clones.  Most burn out quickly.  Some are killed.  Almost all go “sourceless,” and are forced through changing times and evolving strategies to move to writing books and eventually become irrelevant defending their own misconceptions.

Behind it all, a lesson Israel learned when they were forced to create the anti-Zionist movement, a mirror of the ADL.  The ADL was created, and its sister organisations such as the Southern Poverty Law Centres, Jewish Defence League, JINSA and dozens of think tanks, then the evangelical, Freemasonic and even Satanic/Jesuit cults within the military, police and intelligence organisations of the West.  All fell under control, victims of their own weaknesses and hubris, by weaknesses we are of course, referring to their pedophiliac activities.  Listening to Trump talk about torture, it is clear he never faced anything close, maybe fear of drowning or, as in his case, admittedly fear of getting AIDS from alleged $10k nights with porn queens, as was reported recently.  We are not judging.

Only one in a thousand stands up, stands against, refuses the “do nothing job” or the hotel room romp with the magic “10” that shows up at the bar or in the elevator.  In America, the poor get poor health care, their kids do without and only the morally repugnant get to live the life, country clubs, Cuban cigars and someone there always ready to pull the strings, put in the fix, pay the debt or call off the ferrets.  And on we go:

Israel’s black propaganda workforce and the attempt to influence the US Election

The 17th email dump from Wikileaks just hit.  All are aimed at Hillary and, as is always the case with Wikileaks, they are sexed up, falsified and fabricated.  The language is always the same as well, never quite on, that infamous mix that Israel uses at its Haifa based “Troll Academy.”  Israel uses American foreign aid subsidies intended to support Jewish immigrants, mostly Russian and almost all non-Jews, who are unemployable and sent off to exile in walled communities built on the ruins of Palestinian villages and olive groves in the West Bank. Watch below and see the real “Julian Assange,” a frumpy Israeli housewife:

These “housewives” are bussed into Haifa where they join the already army of Israeli students paid to stalk Facebook.  This is the group that is the real Wikileaks, cleaning out material that goes against the “slant” and sexing up and fabricating emails, State Department cables, and burying it among the huge flood of real documents as Zbigniew Brzezinski termed it, “seeding material” into Wikileaks.  Brzezinski said Wikileaks was run by an intelligence agency.  He didn’t name the one, we have.  Wikileaks is the Mossad.  From Electronic Intifada:

The Foreign relations Department of NUIS: A hasbara auxiliary force

There is a program run by the National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) to pay Israeli college students $2,000 to spread hasbara – propaganda favorable to Israel – on social networking sites.

Who pays for this and what role do Israel’s government and other organizations play in this use of students to deliver propaganda?

The NUIS is deeply committed specifically to spreading the propaganda of, and training students to spread the propaganda of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Hasbara and the US-based anti-Palestinian organization StandWithUs.

Moreover, NUIS receives funding from these ministries and from the Jewish Agency to carry out many of these activities. How do we know all this? Because it is openly stated in NUIS’s 2011-2012 workplan and budget, demonstrating the deep involvement of the NUIS in government propaganda efforts.

Page 77 of the NUIS work plan the Foreign Relations Department sets out its vision:

The Foreign Relations Department will act to strengthen the link between the student population in Israel and students around the world, and to develop their dialogue. The Department will represent the union with international organizations and will be a partner in the general national effort of explaining [hasbara] Israel around the world.

Under “targets,” the document further specifies:

The Department will harness itself to the national effort to explain [hasbara] the position of Israel in the world.

Goal: the Department will act, in cooperation with government ministries and additional organizations, to improve the explanation [hasbara] of Israel’s position around the world.

This is where Wikileaks are created.  They begin life as shared US domestic intelligence from the NSA, who by agreement sends Israel everything they get on American citizens including all private email accounts of politicians and business leaders.  Israel needs this to secure themselves from political enemies and to beat American companies in world markets.  This is “good business” by Trump standards.

Early on, lets get the motivation clear.  Trump has promised to support Israel’s move to ethnically cleanse not only the West Bank (a war crime) but to drive all Palestinians, numbering over 1 million, out of Gaza as well.  Israel’s defense minister announced today they plan to do exactly that, based on the perhaps dangerous assumption that Trump will win the election.

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton as with every other American leader, follows the policy of opposing West Bank settlements and for pushing for a regional settlement.  No American leader, not even Bush and Cheney, trust Israel, least of all Obama or Clinton.  Who do you think sent Monica Lewinsky into the White House, armed with knee pads and an intelligence agent as a roommate?  Those who claim Hillary is working for Israel are missing a few key points.

We first begin looking at how Trump was sent to InfoWars and moved into the Breitbart camp.  This is where his policies were formulated.  For those who are unaware, InfoWars is the most blatant anti-Russian propaganda site in the world.  From Google:

ALEX JONES RANT Russian Troops to Police U S…

Russian Forces to Provide “Security” At US Events…

Russia Positions Troops 50 Miles From Alaska »

Prison » RussianTroops To Target…

Feds Preparing to Invade Texas, List State as…(Using Russian Troops)

Russiantroops in US for “peace keeping operations”

Winds Of War: Is Russia Conducting A Massive Mobilization …

RussianTroops Are Planning to Invade | Planet Infowars

FEMA Plans to Use RussianTroops in U.S. – YouTube

DoD Confirms Russian Troops To Train On U.S. Soil » Alex Jones …

Foreign Troops Are Already Operating Inside America » Alex Jones …

U.S. Wants to Deploy Marines 60 Miles From Russia » Alex Jones …

Russian Forces to Provide “Security” At US Events » Alex Jones …

US General Warns NATO Helpless to Prevent Russia … – Infowars

Russia warns against US attack on Syrian forces » Alex Jones …

Then, only a year ago, Alex Jones and “Mini-Me” Paul Josef Watson began joining the VT line on Syria, dropping not only their war drumming against Russia but showing up at “Russia Insider,” a CIA front publication as well.  From then on, they were about “all things Putin,” having forgotten about their claims of Russian troops at secret FEMA bases across the Midwest or their part in the infamous Jade Helm hoax that took down their “weak sister” shills in the right wing fringe blogosphere.

You see, there is nothing but pure contradiction here.  Trump loves Russia but InfoWars that advises Trump is virulently anti-Putin. Thus it isn’t just the would-be anti-Zionists and, of course the GOP “mainstream” Jew haters that are being played, it is Russia as well.  A dozen emails broadcasts a day laud Trump as Putin’s “boy toy” or brag about how Trump is planning to “wipe out the Jews” once he is in office.  However, some of these sites as well track down to the same Haifa IP block that is not only Wikileaks but now seems to control the “9/11 Truth” movement as well.

From VT:

There is a strange story here, not just Wikileaks and Trump but a strange tangle of history that goes back to the McCarthy era and the homosexual scandal around the muckraking senator and his chief counsel, Roy Cohn.


Cohn was a mentor to Trump and Bush and a close confidant of Rupert Murdoch, who was mentor to Julian Assange.  We are going to limit the dots connected, too much of that leads to nice stories but little else.  However, there is real fire behind this smoke, as this journey will prove.  Be sure to peruse the addendums.

For those of you who don’t remember, Wikileaks supposedly is secretly funded by a Swedish billionaire who had an underground fortress built to house Wikileaks servers.  Power was supplied by diesel engines intended to power Nazi U Boats.

Story sound familiar?  This is where the tale began, told by Donald Rumsfeld, the man who invented not just this, but much more as well, like two wars he pulled out of his behind:

So, let’s talk a bit about Wikileaks.  Do you know who they are?  Well, according to their website, these are their financial partners:

You will see a “who’s who” of controlled corporate and, surprise surprise, Zionist media.  Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal is there as is MI5’s “Guardian.”

For those of you who are unaware, Wikileaks has views.

    • Wikileaks is pro-neocon
    • Wikileaks is anti-Palestinian
    • Wikileaks is anti-Pakistan
    • Wikileaks is anti-Iran
    • Wikileaks loves Saudi Arabia
    • Wikileaks loves Israel
    • Wikileaks loves India
    • Wikileaks supports the bombing of Yemen, now recognized as a war crime even by Obama.
    • Wikileaks supports the continual bombing of Gaza
    • Wikileaks supports ISIS, al Nusra in all her incarnations and anyone else fighting against Syria or Iraq and butchering their people.
    • Wikileaks loves Erdogan.
    • Wikileaks loves George W. Bush
    • Wikileaks loves Tony Blair.
    • Wikileaks adores Benjamin Netanyahu.
    • Wikileaks worships Rupert Murdoch.

Taking this into account, how might one find such an organization to be other than an analog of the Mossad, MI6 and CIA?

Let’s look at efforts to persecute Wikileaks for it’s efforts to promote whatever the hell it promotes, which from my viewpoint seems to be Israeli exceptionalism.

Well, Julian Assange, who is quite probably not very heterosexual, is hiding out from obscurely worded “date rape” charges brought against him by two young Swedish women.

Call me suspicious but when I look at Assange or even Donald Trump, perhaps throw George W. Bush into the group as well, I tend to believe I am looking at homosexual males who use publicists to make them seem to be virile and powerful through imaginary sexual exploits.


Remember the Larry Flynt story about Bush and his secret abortions?  Our sources tell us that this story was fed to Flynt to cover for the Bush gay affair with phony White House correspondent Jeff Gannon. Gannon’s 12 “sleep overs” in the Bush White House and 32 “nooner” visits (Source:  United States Secret Service logs) are only a series of bizarre and improbable coincidences.

With Trump, I can only reflect on my own experiences.  I was a Marine in training at Camp Pendleton, prior to being deployed to South Vietnam in 1969.  The “locker room” tales told by recruits who had just spent the weekend in Tijuana at whore houses was far less sleazy than Trump’s typical banter. Guys, heterosexual guys at least, don’t really talk like that. I’ve never heard it, none of us at VT have.

Nobody has because men just don’t talk like this, it is not only tasteless, it is stupid. If I were a billionaire who despises women but has an addiction to dirty sex, as Trump is actually trying to tell us, sophomoric crotch grabbing is not going to make sense. It would be like offering Dracula a cherry coke.

As for Assange, totally gay, end of story.

Let’s now get to that other part, about law.  Assange is locked up for imaginary rape, something I believe was set up by an intelligence agency in order to keep him in the spotlight, with major help from the controlled media, for year after year.

But what about the millions of stolen documents?  Assange didn’t do it?  Who did? Why is there never an attempt to find out who Wikileaks really is and who hacked Army intelligence or the State Department classified cables, things like that?

Nobody ever asks.  No discussion of an investigation is brought up anywhere.  The CIA isn’t looking for Wikileaks, there are no grand juries yet, were any other “group” to steal classified documents and leak them endangering America’s national security, they would be “droned and renditioned” to death.

In fact, Assange has never been charged with anything.  From a Reuters story in 2014:

By Mark Hosenball
Despite claims by Julian Assange that Washington is plotting to extradite and execute him, U.S. and European government sources say the United States has issued no criminal charges against the WikiLeaks founder and has launched no attempt to extradite him.

According to the US, there are no other personnel that make up Wikileaks other than Assange and Manning.  With Assange under wraps and Manning in prison, there is, in fact, no Wikileaks operation at all, according to the US Department of Justice.

There is no active investigation, there are no suspects, no hackers, no servers, no leakers.  Wikileaks material appears out of nowhere, passed on by no-one and there are no laws being violated by any living human being even though the material is often highly classified or fabricated to seem as such, generally a mixture of both.

So, who hates Iran and loves Netanyahu?  Why do they love the Donald?

Why does nobody ask?


Addendum I

David Schine

David Schine

David Schine was born on 11th September, 1927. His father was the owner of the Schine Hotel Corporation. Educated at Harvard University he produced a six pamphlet on the dangers of Communism that was distributed free to those staying at his father’s hotels. In the Definition of Communism, Schine argued that the Communist Party was guilty of “stealing words, such as freedom, security, and equality from the Bible, and other good covenants to confuse issues, and deceive the mind into ensnarement.”

Schine was very friendly with the anti-communist lawyer, Roy Cohn. In 1951Joseph McCarthy appointed Cohn as the chief counsel to the Government Committee on Operations of the Senate. Soon afterwards, Cohn recruited Schine to become his chief consultant.

For some time opponents of Joseph McCarthy had been accumulating evidence concerning his homosexual relationships. Rumours began to circulate that Schine and Roy Cohn were having a sexual relationship. Although well-known by political journalists, it did not become public until Hank Greenspun published an article in the Las Vagas Sun in 25th October, 1952.

Joseph McCarthy considered a libel suit against Greenspun but decided against it when he was told by his lawyers that if the case went ahead he would have to take the witness stand and answer questions about his sexuality. In an attempt to stop the rumours circulating, McCarthy married his secretary, Jeannie Kerr. Later the couple adopted a five-week old girl from the New York Foundling Home.

In October, 1953, McCarthy began investigating communist infiltration into the military. Attempts were made by McCarthy to discredit Robert Stevens, the Secretary of the Army. The president, Dwight Eisenhower, was furious and now realised that it was time to bring an end to McCarthy’s activities.

The United States Army retaliated by passing information about Joseph McCarthy to journalists known to be opposed to him. This included the news that Roy Cohn had abused congressional privilege by trying to prevent Schine from being drafted. When that failed, it was claimed that Cohn tried to pressurize the Army to grant Schine special privileges. The well-known newspaper columnist, Drew Pearson, published the story on 15th December, 1953.

After serving in the United States Army Schine returned to the family business. He married a former Miss Sweden and became involved in show business. As well as acting in Batman (1966) he produced two movies, The French Connection (1971) and That’s Action (1977).

On 19th June, 1996, David Schine, his wife and son perished in an air-crash in California. The single-engine plane, piloted by Schine’s son, crashed shortly after taking off from Burbank Airport.

Addendum II

Lustful Utterences”
Lustful Utterances is the true inside story Kitty Kelly’s ( The Family: the Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, couldn’t tell you.

Part I (Roy Cohn to George Bush: 1981-1986) is scheduled for e-release on July 6, 2007

In 1832, there was William E. Gladstone, Conservative MP, who later became four-time Prime Minister of Great Britain, and his BDSM relationship to infamous flagellation Dominatrice Theresa Berkley. In 1984, there was George W. Bush, the son of Vice President George H. W. Bush — who became Governor of Texas and two term President of the United States, and his BDSM relationship to muscle Domina Leola McConnell. The political and personal parallels are striking. In 2007, Domina Leola McConnell (who ran as a Democrat for Governor of Nevada in 2006 (, and plans to run for Congress in 2008) tells all in her eBook Lustful Utterances. Part I (Roy Cohn to George Bush: 1981-1986) is scheduled for e-release on July 6, 2007 (President Bush’s birthday).

Unlike the memoirs of Dominatrice Theresa Berkley, Domina Leola McConnell names names and shines the spotlight into some very dark corners concerning the domestic and international political agenda of the neo-conservative movement (toppling the governments of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Venezuela). Neo-con racialist William Bennett told Leola McConnell, how valuable [then] Congressman Gibbons (now governor of Nevada and currently the target of a FBI investigation) was to the next phase of the neo-con strategy of installing certain lesser known, but equally important members of their PNAC movement into important regional positions of political power throughout the United States, particularly in the Western US.

LU — Chapter one; “Go East young woman.”

Roy Cohn and [then] Governor George W. Bush of Texas, giving America the finger on national TV. Both are described by Leola McConnell as two of the most morally bankrupt people she ever met in her life as a Domina.

Domina Leola McConnell on Roy Cohn, whom she first met in 1981:

“[T]he term that best describes Roy [Cohn] would be to say he was blood drunk. The BDSM community on the Eastern seaboard, that I was a part of in the 80’s had many players, some were political power players, others were captains of industry and the like, that I would describe as being blood drunk as well.

Roy told me once, Muscles, I was born to end lives – and that he did, along with the lives he simply ruined out of pure meanness delaying their trips to the actual graveyard. All the while wallowing in a massive contempt for the human race, a pedophile-like contempt for innocence, well hidden from the lay eye but not to the trained eye of a competent Domina, poised to be suspicious of an inferiority complex masquerading as a superior one.

Roy’s need for revenge (for being born) was insatiable. He [Roy] was one of a kind as far as self loathing, closeted gay men (of the day) went. Roy introduced me to Alfred Bloomingdale, in late 1981. Bloomingdale liked to play in Domination/submission (D/s) scenarios, what is referred to in the BDSM community as a switch. Asphyxiation, rope play, bondage and verbal humiliation were the primary D/s flavors he savored, both giving and receiving, but mostly giving.

Coupled with not being interested in a 24/7 Domina or dominatrix type in general, I was too muscular to be of any real interest for him. A woman that could quite literally strangle him ( to death, and he’d be utterly powerless to stop her, didn’t gel with his brand of misogynistic [faux] megalomania, something both Bloomingdale and Roy had in common. The D/s interactions between Bloomingdale and I were to be short lived based on the simple fact my Irish temperament was then, and is now, ill suited to misogynistic males who try and flip the script or switch — wrong woman, wrong century.”

From 1981 to 1984, I had Roy Cohn in with the worst of the worst in the BDSM community — that was until I had the misfortune to meet [then] Vice President of the United States, George H.W. Bush’s eldest son, George W. Bush, in 1984. He and Roy were two of a kind, cut from identical cloth. As it would turn out a decade later, as governor of Texas, he [George] too was also born to end lives, and talented indeed — then and now. There were worse and more troubled people, both male and female, in the BDSM community, but very few (at that time I was aware of) were people who came from silver spoon origins as they both had. The BDSM community was large but some things were like living in a goldfish bowl, they just couldn’t stay contained — people like Roy and Bush stood out when they behaved badly. The mainstream media has known of George Bush’s actions since forever, but as a favor to his father, and others, they set about systematically pressing the erase button to cover his tracks. I was first approached and asked if I knew him while he was still governor of Texas by a guy who claimed to be a former staffer for the Al Gore camp during his senatorial run in 1984 who had media connections, who later offered to sell me photos of myself and Victor Ashe walking together with George Bush in the background. Why would I want to buy a photo of some dark, morose asshole that got on my nerves the first time I met him? Just because that same dark, morose asshole became governor of Texas? He didn’t need me to use them, they never would have saw the light of day in the Texas MSM anyway.

Of course, Jeff Gannon is familiar with George W. Bush’s love for male-prostitutes:

Transvestite homosexual George W Bush fXXks transvestite homosexual Knoxville mayor Victor Victoria Ashe ( – Dominatrice hired as expert witness ( in murdered DC Madam trial of Dick Cheney – Ambassador Ashe is now running death camps for CIA in Poland ( ficials.htm) for torturing kidnapped suspects to death ( tions.htm) using CIA rendition jets for cocaine trafficking ( as part of the Bush Gang’s ongoing Iran Contra covert op (

James Dale Guckert (born 1957 ( a conservative ( columnist ( who worked under the pseudonym ( Jeff Gannon as a White House ( reporter between 2003 and 2005 , representing the virtual organization ( Talon News ( Gannon first gained national attention during a presidential press conference on January 26 (, 2005 (, when he asked United States President ( George W. Bush ( a question that some in the press corps considered “so friendly it might have been planted.”[1] ( Gannon stated that this question was not meant to be friendly, but to expose the hypocrisy of the left (

Gannon routinely obtained daily passes to White House briefings, attending four Bush press conferences and appearing regularly at White House press briefings. Although he did not qualify for a Congressional press pass (, Gannon was given daily passes to White House press briefings “after supplying his real name, date of birth and Social Security number (”[2] ( Gannon came under public scrutiny for his lack of a journalistic background prior to his work with Talon[3] ([4] ( and his involvement with various homosexual ( escort service ( websites using the professional name “Bulldog”. Gannon resigned from Talon News on February 8 (, 2005 ( Continuing to use the name Gannon, he has since created his own official homepage and worked for a time as a columnist for the Washington Blade ( newspaper, where he admitted to be gay ( after he was outed as a homosexual prostitute.[5] (

Currently, Gannon operates, a blog ( where he criticizes those who exposed him, the “Old” Media and the “Angry” Gay Left, for what he promotes as a double standard (”[6] ( He recently published a book titled, The Great Media War.

Jeff Gannon Denies He is a Gay Male Escort

The former White House reporter talks to The Young Turks. Watch the entire show at

Jeff Gannon male prostitute

Time has come to expose george w. bush as the deginerate he is…

Jeff Gannon is back… two seats down from Dick Cheney @ NPC

Jeff Gannon at National Press Club on October 18, 2007, sitting two seats down from Dick Cheney.

Bush’s gay dossier:

Bush’s gay lover:

Odd comment in Canada:

Underage male prostitutes given tour of Papa Bush’s White House … anklin.htm (

Addendum III

PM’s office recruits students as paid social media propagandists for Israel

The report from Ha’aretz is followed by the two 2012 reports by Ali Abuminah, who broke the story.

David Seaman. heading the recruitment of students who will  do covert propaganda for Israel, directed at the Jewish diaspora, on Facebook and Twitter

Prime Minister’s Office recruiting students to wage online hasbara battles

PMO and national student union to create covert units at universities to engage in diplomacy via social media; unit heads to receive full scholarships.

By Barak Ravid, Ha’aretz
August 13, 2013 

The Prime Minister’s Office is planning to form, in collaboration with the National Union of Israeli Students, “covert units” within Israel’s seven universities that will engage in online public diplomacy (hasbara).

The students participating in the project, who would post on social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter on Israel’s behalf, will be part of the public diplomacy arm of the PMO, but would not identify themselves as official government representatives.

About a week ago, the outgoing deputy-director general of the Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs Ministry, Daniel Seaman, sent a document to the government tender committee seeking to exempt the national student union from being chosen as the partner in the project through a public bidding process.

The PMO is looking to invest close to NIS 3 million to recruit, organize and fund the activities of hundreds of university students, as part of the country’s public diplomacy effort.

The Public Diplomacy Ministry is being closed and its staff are being integrated into the national public diplomacy unit in the Prime Minister’s Office. Seaman, who previously served as head of the Government Press Office and also ran as a candidate in the Likud party primaries, is expected to assume a new position shortly – that of head of an office with the very official sounding name of “the interactive media unit.” In practice, this is the entity that is expected to coordinate the public diplomacy efforts of the Prime Minister’s Office on the Internet and social networks.

Seaman informed the public tender committee that the Prime Minister’s Office was interested in having the student union recruit up to 550 students with knowledge of foreign languages from Israel’s seven universities. The student union is to publicize the project among tens of thousands of students and be responsible for the screening process, which will include submission of resumes, submitting answers to questionnaires, providing translation samples and participating in individual interviews. It is also the student union that is to provide computers and work space for a project headquarters on each campus.

Seaman informed the committee that the diplomacy units at each university would take direction from staff at the Prime Minister’s Office, but its public face would be one of an independent student entity. “The entire idea of the setup is based on activity of students and by students,” Seaman wrote to the committee. “The idea requires that the state’s role not be highlighted and therefore it is necessary to insist on major involvement by the students themselves without any political link [or] affiliation.”

It is apparent from Seaman’s document that a diplomacy group will be set up at each university and structured in a semi-military fashion. The head of the unit will be a student “senior coordinator,” who will receive a full scholarship from the Prime Minister’s Office. Working under the senior coordinator will be three other student coordinators, each of whom will head one of three desks, responsible for languages, graphics and research. These coordinators will get smaller scholarships. A group of student activists, who will receive nominal student stipends, will work under each coordinator. The Prime Minister’s Office will fund a total of NIS 2.78 million in scholarships for the program in the upcoming academic year.

“In light of the success in the battle for awareness during the Pillar of Defense Operation [the Israeli military operation against the Gaza Strip in November of last year] and the experience gained in activating a large number of situation rooms on university campuses and work with students in general, it was decided to establish a permanent structure of activity on the Internet through the students at academic institutions in the country,” Seaman wrote. “The students are an organized population that is familiar with, and active on, the Internet on an ongoing basis, trained in use of the field, [who] live and speak the language of the [medium].”

The Prime Minister’s Office said in response that the project is designed to strengthen Israel’s public diplomacy and adapt it to changes in how information is being consumed. “The national public diplomacy unit in the Prime Minister’s Office places an emphasis on social network activity,” the office stated. “As part of this, a new pro-Israel public diplomacy infrastructure of students on Israeli campuses is being established that will assist in advancing and disseminating content on the social networks, particularly to international audiences.”

Sources in the Prime Minister’s Office said the main subjects that the campus-based units will deal with are diplomatic- and security-related issues, efforts to combat the boycott of Israel and anti-Semitism and the delegitimization of Israel. The students will emphasize Israel’s democratic values, freedom of religion, pluralism and “other subjects that give expression to the Israeli government’s public diplomacy policy.” The Prime Minister’s Office added that similar efforts with students were successful in recent years. “This model significantly advances Israel’s public diplomacy capabilities so that concurrent with messages conveyed by the country’s official spokespeople, content will also be conveyed that has been developed and disseminated by the students that is adapted to social media.”

We believe that this involves an essential tool to strengthen Israeli public diplomacy and addresses the major importance that we attach to advancing public diplomacy of the State of Israel on the social networks.

Hagar Yisraeli, a spokeswoman for the Union of Israeli Students, added:

Israel is dealing with an extreme, ongoing delegitimization campaign that is being conducted against it on the social networks. The student population is a talented, educated group of people with independent and diverse views and speaks [a variety of] languages and can therefore assist in dealing with such an [anti-Israel] campaign… The students are an integral part of the Israeli reality and it is therefore appropriate, in our view, that they take an active part in dealing with the delegitimization. It is accepted in the world that students are integrated and take part in various diplomatic activities. The student union is not a political organization and is not identified politically [with one school of thought]. The members of the union hold a range of views from across the Israeli political spectrum, and it is our intention to preserve that.

Israeli students to get $2,000 to spread state propaganda on Facebook

By Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada
January 4, 2012

The National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) has become a full-time partner in the Israeli government’s efforts to spread its propaganda online and on college campuses around the world.

NUIS has launched a program to pay Israeli university students $2,000 to spread pro-Israel propaganda online for 5 hours per week from the “comfort of home.”

The union is also partnering with Israel’s Jewish Agency to send Israeli students as missionaries to spread propaganda in other countries, for which they will also receive a stipend.

This active recruitment of Israeli students is part of Israel’s orchestrated effort to suppress the Palestinian solidarity movement under the guise of combating “delegitimization” of Israel and anti-Semitism.

The involvement of the official Israeli student union as well as Haifa University, Tel Aviv University, Ben-Gurion University and Sapir College in these state propaganda programs will likely bolster Palestinian calls for the international boycott of Israeli academic institutions.

Paying students to spread Israeli propaganda online

This is our opportunity, as Israeli students, to provide hasbara [state propaganda] that is correct and balanced, to help in the struggle against the delegitimization of the State of Israel and against hatred of Jews in the world.

That is one of the exhortations in a Hebrew document issued by NUIS, and translated by The Electronic Intifada, inviting Israeli students to apply for a program to help spread Israel’s message.

The project seeks to take advantage of the fact that “Many students in Israel master the Internet and are proficient at using the Internet and social networking and various sites and are required to write and express themselves in English.”

The paid scholarship will allow them to get training and then work from home for five hours per week for a year to “refute” what it calls “misinformation” about Israel on social networking sites.

Among the stated goals of the scholarships is “to deepen and expand hasbara activities of students in the State of Israel.” The document explains:

The Internet allows uncontrolled access to content from marginal groups and therefore can influence many audiences who are exposed to such information, particularly young people who are more easily influenced.

The Internet, then, is used as a major tool for the dissemination of anti-Semitism, hatred of Israel and of Jews and thus the Internet is also the place to battle against such sites, pull the ground from under them and to provide reliable and balanced information.

Work from the “comfort of home”

The NUIS program document explains:

After training, the student will begin his activities. The student will do the activities in the comfort of his home, where every week he will be obligated to about 5 hours of activities for a period of one calendar year (not academic year). Students will be paid a total of NIS 7,500 [$2,000] to perform the tasks of the project, at least 5 hours weekly for a total of 240 hours of activities under the project umbrella.

What is completely missing from the program is any indication that criticism of Israel could be valid. Rather the National Union of Israeli Students apparently seeks to indoctrinate Israeli students that every criticism of Israel is “hate” and “anti-Semitism” and that the Internet should be seen as a battlefield on which they are foot soldiers.

Using e-learning tools for government propaganda

An interesting aspect of the NUIS program is that it uses the common open source virtual learning environment Moodle as its interface with program participants. This interface can be found at

Whereas Moodle was designed for education – to spread mind-opening learning beyond the constraints of geography – the Israeli innovation here is to use it for mind-narrowing propaganda: getting students to be uncritical, to not think for themselves, but rather to spread Israel’s state-sponsored propaganda.

See the world, spread more propaganda

NUIS has also partnered with the Jewish Agency, the Israeli state body that encourages Jews from around the world to settle on stolen Palestinian land, to spread propaganda on college campuses around the world.

The Jewish Agency website announces, as translated from Hebrew by Dena Shunra for The Electronic Intifada:

For the first time in Israel – a unique, world-encompassing scholarship, in cooperation between the Student Union and the Jewish Agency.

Every year the Jewish Agency of Israel sends approximately 150 emissaries to various places around the world – North America, England, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Italy and South America, who engage in Jewish education and hasbara in three main streams – Hillel emissaries (to campuses around North America), community emissaries and youth movement emissaries.

Training for these overseas missions for successful applicants will take place at Haifa University, Tel Aviv University, Ben-Gurion University and Sapir College, after which the would-be missionaries “will set off for a one-year mission in the various Jewish communities around the world, and will also receive a scholarship of up to NIS 5,000 [$1300].”

Applications are open to Israeli citizens who have lived in the country for three years, those who have completed service in the Israeli army, and those who speak foreign languages, among other criteria.

A student union in the service of the state

In most countries student unions often find themselves at odds with state authorities, fighting for the rights of students. But it would appear that Israel’s “student union” does not so much represent students and fight for their rights, but represents the state in the state’s efforts to recruit students to do its political bidding.

In this sense, the NUIS functions in a very similar way to Israel’s “trade union” the Histadrut.

Translation: Students in the Struggle against Anti-Semitism on the Internet

National Union of Israeli Students

Students in the Struggle against Anti-Semitism on the Internet

Vision and background:

The National Union of Israeli Students [NUIS] unites about 300,000 students from all over the country. NUIS promotes the goals and objectives of students, guards the status of students and impacts the public agenda in all aspects from the perspective that the future generation should be a full partner in shaping the Israeli reality of tomorrow.

For young people the Internet is first of all a tool for work and study. Many students in Israel master the Internet and are proficient at using the Internet and social networking and various sites and are required to write and express themselves in English. Like other web users, students encounter anti-Semitic websites disseminating hatred of Israel and hatred of Jews on the Internet.

In recent years use of the Internet for work, finding information and leisure has become accepted and common all over the world. Alongside the development of the Internet and its use, websites have developed that disseminate anti-Semitic and false information that one could not find a publisher [for] in the pre-Internet age.

The Internet allows uncontrolled access to content from marginal groups and therefore can influence many audiences who are exposed to such information, particularly young people who are more easily influenced.

The Internet, then, is used as a major tool for the dissemination of anti-Semitism, hatred of Israel and of Jews and thus the Internet is also the place to battle against such sites, pull the ground from under them and to provide reliable and balanced information.

In the present reality, in which the Internet has become a key tool in spreading anti-Semitism, and given that most students use this medium, it is requested that Israeli students will be the ones to lead the battle against hostile websites.

The following proposed scholarships will allow students to map the anti-Semitic websites and to deal with what is said on them. During the project students can work on social networks to refute misinformation comprehensively available throughout this medium.

This is our opportunity, as Israeli students, to provide hasbara [state propaganda] that is correct and balanced, to help in the struggle against the delegitimization of the State of Israel and against hatred of Jews in the world.

Project goals

To deal with, struggle [against] and reduce dissemination of anti-Semitism on the Internet;

To deepen and expand hasbara activities of students in the State of Israel;

To increase the awareness and involvement of the National Union of Israeli Students, local student associations, and students in general about what is happening in the world concerning Jews and the status of Israel.

Student activities

After training, the student will begin his activities. The student will do the activities in the comfort of his home, where every week he will be obligated to about 5 hours of activities for a period of one calendar year (not academic year). Students will be paid a total of NIS 7,500 [$2,000] to perform the tasks of the project, at least 5 hours weekly for a total of 240 hours of activities under the project umbrella.

The scholarship will be given to the student at three periods; in April, in August at the NUIS scholarship award ceremony, and in November.

Students will be admitted into the project only if they are members of student union at their institution of higher learning, provided such institution is a member of NUIS. Applications are made through the NUIS website at the scholarships page.

Translation: Student Union and Jewish Agency scholarship

Shacham Scholarship – Jewish Agency and Student Union

A scholarship which is a mission – the Jewish Agency and Student Union

Shacham – Mission, Education, Action

For the first time in Israel – a unique, world-encompassing scholarship, in cooperation between the Student Union and the Jewish Agency.

Every year the Jewish Agency of Israel sends approximately 150 emissaries to various places around the world – North America, England, South Africa, Australia, Germany, Italy and South America, who engage in Jewish education and hasbara in three main streams – Hillel emissaries (to campuses around North America), community emissaries and youth movement emissaries.

The scholarship introduces program participants with content relevant to the position, in a 12-meeting course, which is held every other weeks and deals with various issues:

Jewish identity

Israeli society

Tikkun Olam [the religious obligation to repair the world – or make it better]

Hasbara skills

History of the Nation of Israel in modern times

and more…

The course is experiential and includes lectures from the very best lecturers in the country, an active and reflective workshop, an educational experience of collaboration and coping both intellectually and emotionally with a variety of different topics. In August 2012, course graduates will set off for a one-year mission in the various Jewish communities around the world, and will also receive a scholarship of up to NIS 5,000.

The course will be held in four regional centers:

South: Sapir College/Ben Gurion [University]

Center: Tel Aviv University

Jerusalem: the Hebrew University

North: the Haifa University.

Eligibility for application:

Students in their last years of study for an academic degree;

Holding Israeli citizenship and having lived in Israel for at least 3 years.

Having completed military or national service.

With good command of English/Russian/Spanish/French/Portuguese/or other languages.

Having experience as camp counselors, teachers, and the ability to speak publicly.

Having an affinity to Judaism and the Israeli culture and familiarity with Diaspora Jewry.

Admittance to the program is conditional upon passing the screening process, which will be held in November-December 2011 at the various campuses.

Israel’s “pretty face”: How National Union of Israeli Students does government’s propaganda dirty work

By Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada

January 05, 2012

Yesterday I wrote about a program run by the National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) to pay Israeli college students $2,000 to spread hasbara – propaganda favorable to Israel – on social networking sites.

This raised a further question: who pays for this and what role do Israel’s government and other organizations play in this use of students to deliver propaganda?

When asked by Jillian C. York and Joseph Dana about these issues via Twitter, Avi Mayer, the head of social media for the quasi-state Jewish Agency played innocent…He also dismissed the notion that students involved in this paid propaganda effort would be encouraged to promote a specific viewpoint…

But in fact, contrary to the suggestions of Mayer, the NUIS is deeply committed specifically to spreading the propaganda of, and training students to spread the propaganda of Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Hasbara and the US-based anti-Palestinian organization StandWithUs (which recently used fabricated quotes to try to smear me and others as anti-Semites).

Moreover, NUIS receives funding from these ministries and from Mayer’s Jewish Agency to carry out many of these activities. How do we know all this? Because it is openly stated in NUIS’s 2011-2012 workplan and budget – albeit in Hebrew.

Dena Shunra translated for The Electronic Intifada the sections of these documents relating to the NUIS’ Foreign Relations Department. The translation is attached at the end of this post, and what follows is some analysis of key parts demonstrating the deep involvement of the NUIS in government propaganda efforts.

The Foreign relations Department of NUIS: A hasbara auxiliary force

Starting on Page 77 of the NUIS work plan the Foreign Relations Department sets out its vision:

The Foreign Relations Department will act to strengthen the link between the student population in Israel and students around the world, and to develop their dialog. The Department will represent the union with international organizations and will be a partner in the general national effort of explaining [hasbara] Israel around the world.

Under “targets,” the document further specifies:

The Department will harness itself to the national effort to explain [hasbara] the position of Israel in the world.

Goal: the Department will act, in cooperation with government ministries and additional organizations, to improve the explanation [hasbara] of Israel’s position around the world.

Using students as Israel’s “pretty face”

The NUIS Foreign Relations Department is not content merely to “harness” itself to national propaganda efforts but is determined to take a leading role, with funding and support from government ministries, as the work plan explains:

Plan: In the face of the multiplicity of organizations in Israel that do hasbara and the lack of any real coordination and cooperation among them, the Union will act to form “a round table” where the various organizations will take part. The cooperation is meant to empower the methods of hasbara and to pool resources. Additionally, it is the goal of the Union to expand the hasbara done by Israeli students, and through them present the pretty face of Israel. It is the Department’s aspiration that through this cooperation, the number of delegations and events in which the student population takes place will expand, and that the support by government ministries will also expand, in future, in sending NUIS delegations abroad and subsidizing them.

Compulsory training by government propaganda officials

The work plan sets as a target, “expanding the number of ambassadors who explain Israel’s policy around the world.”

And specifies:

Plan: using students who go on delegations abroad on behalf of the Union (approximately 250 students a year) for hasbara purposes. Before each delegation the students will undergo a hasbara workshop on behalf of the Ministry of Hasbara, which will give them the tools and information to contend with the questions and the critical salvos and the ability to present in their stead “a different Israel.”

Training by government propaganda officials at the Ministry of Hasbara is moreover compulsory:

After selecting the students for a delegation, the students will undergo a hasbara workshop given on behalf of the Ministry of Hasbara, where the logistics are coordinated by the Department head. This training will be a condition for the student’s going on any delegation this year.

Remember that Jewish Agency propaganda official Avi Mayer dismissed the notion that students working in NUIS hasbara initiatives would be expected to present a specific – governmental – viewpoint. It could not be plainer that this is precisely what the NUIS does.

Relying on information from government ministries and StandWithUs

In its workplan, the NUIS Foreign Relations Department sets as a target: “Explaining Israeli policy in the European Student Union” (ESU). It will do this by:

Sending a quarterly report to the ESU about the situation in Israel, relying on reports issued by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Hasbara, the SWU [StandWithUs] organization, and others.

Using “humanitarian” aid for propaganda purposes

Perhaps one of the most cynical aspects of the NUIS workplan is the blatant use of humanitarianism for state propaganda purposes – known as “bluewashing.” The target set is “sending out a humanitarian delegation”:

Plan: “Tikkun Olam” [repairing the world] – a delegation of Israeli students will go on a humanitarian task in the world.

Operational organization: Foreign Relations Department head & and Nefesh Yehudi [Jewish Soul] organization.

What’s interesting however is that in order to implement this the workplan calls for:

Approaching the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Hasbara and the Nefesh Yehudi [Jewish Soul] organization with the goal of obtaining financing for the humanitarian delegation.

One might fairly ask what the Ministry of Hasbara (propaganda) has to do with humanitarian missions? It is clear of course that the main purpose – as can be seen in the rest of the work plan – is not humanitarianism, but presenting Israel in a sympathetic light.

What is also notable is the sectarian and exclusive nature of these plans. The NUIS purports to represent all students in Israel, presumably including Palestinian citizens of Israel. Yet the Foreign Relations Department plan makes no effort to include or represent such students, and by choosing the “Jewish Soul” organization as one of its main partners effectively excludes them.

“Entrenching” Israel in international student organizations

Under the heading “The Department will act to entrench the Union’s position in the international arena” the workplan states that NUIS will work to increase:

the number of Israeli representatives at the various committees of the ESU and its managing committee (EC) for the purpose of increasing the scope of influence on the ESU & especially the EC. This will be supported by the SWU [Stand With Us?] [sic].

The role of StandWithUs is particularly troubling here since among its other activities StandWithUs works with the Israeli government to harass and silence students who advocate for Palestinian rights on US college campuses.


According to its budget, NUIS receives the following grants:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs scholarship project: NIS 180,000 ($47,000)

Jewish Agency scholarship project: NIS 100,000 ($26,000)

Nefesh Yehudi org: NIS 300,000 ($78,000)

On the expenditure side, the Foreign Relations Department budget includes a payment of NIS 5000 ($1300) to StandWithUs.

[For more details of the NUIS budget, click on headline above.]

Israel’s universities

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, 1912; Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1918; Weizmann Institute of Science, 1934; Bar-Ilan University, 1955; Tel Aviv University, 1956; University of Haifa, 1963; Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 1969; Open University of Israel, 1974. (Ariel University, 2012 – not widely recognised).


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  1. So the next big thing for Assange, is next year’s 20th 9/11 debates. He will then be given the microphone and bring Osama Sim Salabim back to life in order to protect his Israel.

    Wait and see… He will dismiss all 9/11 “conspiracys ” and stick to the zioscript his given.

    So there is a huge buildup around him as a person. Everyone loves their hero and will take the bait with hook and line.

    My 5 cent…

  2. I’m right about your age, Gordon. My dad (WWII, D-day, the whole thing) talked me into going to college instead of joining the military in 1966. I became a SPED teacher instead of killing Vietnamese. Guess that doesn’t make me a “veteran” but here we are.

    Trump will win the election in November because elections in the USA are totally rigged. Trump has been Kosher Nostra for decades, ever since he hung out with his mentor, Roy Cohn, back in the 1980s. The minute he leaves the presidency he will be headed to court for numerous felonies, including money laundering for the Kosher Nostra and tax evasion. He absolutely has to win in November, and he will. Get used to it, Gordon.

  3. sheesh. my head feels like it’s gonna explode. VT always manages to confuse me. i don’t know which way is up or down. if this is disinfo, it’s damn good disinfo.

    • The sad part is nothing Uncle Gordie publishes in an Intel Drop surprises me any more. Suppose it would take news of people in high places acting morally to do that.

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