TOTAL GAMMA RADIATION In Your Radiation This Week No 11 and 12

 Notice:  It is necessary for public health and because the many nuclear reactors are venting radioactive 
gases and steam at nights and on weekends that all residents must stay inside at nights and on weekends. 
Especially hard hit are the cities listed in YRTW ELE.  See the latest Your Radiation This Week for the 
most recent list of contaminated cities. - Bob Nichols
Good Day!  This is “Your Radiation This Week ” for the past 2 weeks. These are the recorded Total Gamma Radiation and Sievert highs that affected people around the United States.

YRTW ELE is published every two weeks on Saturday. ELE is an acronym for “Extinction Level Event.” The amount of Rad in the air Now Dooms Humanity to a quick Extinction. I can’t say it any plainer than that.  The next publication dates are April 22 and May 6, 2017.

Table of Poisoned American Cities – Total Gamma Radiation
CPM * City State and nanoSieverts/Hour

COUNT CPM, Amount Times Normal, CITY, STATE Count nSv/Hr
12,421 CPM, 2484.2 Times Normal, ColoradoSprings, CO.  
9,822 CPM, 1964.4 Times Normal, Raleigh, NC.  
9,536 CPM, 1907.2 Times Normal, Denver, CO.  
9,511 CPM, 1902.2 Times Normal, Kansas City, KS.  
9,170 CPM, 1834 Times Normal, Navajo Lake, NM.  
9,086 CPM, 1817.2 Times Normal, Little Rock, AR.  
8,687 CPM, 1737.4 Times Normal, Portland, ME.  
8,389 CPM, 1677.8 Times Normal, Laredo, TX.  
8,254 CPM, 1650.8 Times Normal, Spokane, WA.  
8,224 CPM, 1644.8 Times Normal, Idaho Falls, ID.  
8,168 CPM, 1633.6 Times Normal, Casper WY.  
8,139 CPM, 1627.8 Times Normal, San Diego, CA. 113 nSv/Hr
7,839 CPM, 1567.8 Times Normal, Dodge City, KS.  
7,781 CPM, 1556.2 Times Normal, Worcester, MA. 101 nSv/Hr
7,755 CPM, 1551 Times Normal, Wichita, KS.  
7,689 CPM, 1537.8 Times Normal, Rochester, NY.  
7,558 CPM, 1511.6 Times Normal, Champaign, IL.  
7,556 CPM, 1501.2 Times Normal, Riverside, CA.  
7,489 CPM, 1497.8 Times Normal, Fresno, CA.  
7,427 CPM, 1485.4 Times Normal, Amarillo, TX.  
7,408 CPM, 1481.6 Times Normal, Tucson, AZ.  
7,384 CPM, 1476.8 Times Normal, Omaha, NE. 110 nSv/Hr
7,208 CPM, 1441.6 Times Normal, El Paso, TX.  
7,131 CPM, 1426.2 Times Normal, Pierre, SD.  
7,127 CPM, 1425.4 Times Normal, Anaheim, CA  
7,115 CPM, 1423 Times Normal, Augusta, GA.  
7,101 CPM, 1420.2 Times Normal, Billings, MT.  
6,980 CPM, 1396 Times Normal, Louisville, KY.  
6,957 CPM, 1391.4 Times Normal, Bakersfield, CA.  
6,845 CPM, 1369 Times Normal, Los Angeles, CA. 81 nSv/Hr
6,830 CPM, 1366 Times Normal, Concord, NH.  
6,805 CPM, 1361 Times Normal, Pittsburgh, PA,  
6,777 CPM, 1355.4 Times Normal, Boston, MA.  
6,747 CPM, 1349.4 Times Normal, Atlanta, GA.  
6,747 CPM, 1349.4 Times Normal, Rapid City, SD.  
6,725 CPM, 1345 Times Normal, Shreveport, LA.  
6,720 CPM, 1344 Times Normal, San Bernardino Cty  
6,678 CPM, 1335.6 Times Normal, Boise, ID  
6,676 CPM, 1335.2 Times Normal, Yuma, AZ.  
6,629 CPM, 1325.8 Times Normal, Oklahoma City, OK  
6,590 CPM, 1318 Times Normal, Lincoln, NE.  
6,569 CPM, 1313.8 Times Normal, Hartford, CT.  
6,541 CPM, 1308.2 Times Normal, Harrisonburg, VA  
6,534 CPM, 1306.8 Times Normal, Mason City, IA.  
6,497 CPM, 1299.4 Times Normal, Tulsa, OK.  
6,455 CPM, 1291 Times Normal, Memphis, TN.  
6,422 CPM, 1284.4 Times Normal, Cleveland, OH  
6,393 CPM, 1278.6 Times Normal, Grand Junction, CO.  
6,351 CPM, 1270.2 Times Normal, Jefferson City, MO.  
6,305 CPM, 1251 Times Normal, Bismarck, ND.  
6,289 CPM, 1257.8 Times Normal, Kearney, NE. 188 nSv/Hr
6,118 CPM, 1223.6 Times Normal, Richmond, VA.  
6,114 CPM, 1222.8 Times Normal, Indianapolis, IN.
5,987 CPM, 1197.4 Times Normal, Reno, NV.  
5,980 CPM, 1196 Times Normal, Knoxville, TN.  
5,947 CPM, 1189.4 Times Normal, Providence, RI. MIA  
5,911 CPM, 1182.2 Times Normal, Lexington, KY.  
5,894 CPM, 1178.8 Times Normal, Phoenix, AZ 96 nSv/Hr
5,864 CPM, 1172.8 Times Normal, Ft Smith, AR.  
5,818 CPM, 1163.6 Times Normal, New York City, NY. 75 nSv/Hr
5,782 CPM, 1156.4 Times Normal, Albuqueque, NM.  
5,578 CPM, 1114.6 Times Normal, Charleston, WV.  
5,564 CPM, 1112.8 Times Normal, Des Moines, IA  
5,423 CPM, 1084.6 Times Normal, Baton Rouge, LA. 72 nSv/Hr
5,422 CPM, 1084.4 Times Normal, Corpus Christi, TX.  
5,412 CPM, 1082.4 Times Normal, Lubbock TX.  
5,399 CPM, 1079.8 Times Normal, Detroit, MI  
5,390 CPM, 1078 Times Normal, St George, UT.  
5,346 CPM, 1069.2 Times Normal, Tallahassee, FL. 73 nSv/Hr
5,331 CPM, 1066.2 Times Normal, Salt Lake City, UT.
5,277 CPM, 1055.4 Times Normal, Lockport, NY.    
5,234 CPM, 1046.8 Times Normal, St. Louis, MO. MIA 178 nSv/Hr
5,228 CPM, 1045.6 Times Normal, Madison, WI.  
5,148 CPM, 1029.6 Times Normal, Birmingham, AL. 73 nSv/Hr
5,143 CPM, 1028.6 Times Normal, Virgina Beach, VA  
4,945 CPM, 989 Times Normal, Chicago, IL. 62 nSv/Hr
4,917 CPM, 983.4 Times Normal, Richland, WA. 74 nSv/Hr
4,902 CPM, 980.4 Times Normal, San Antonio, TX. 55 nSv/Hr
4,896 CPM, 979.2 Times Normal, Shawano, WI.  
4,803 CPM, 960.6 Times Normal, Philadelphia, PA. 66 nSv/Hr
4,794 CPM, 958.2 Times Normal, Aurora, IL  
4,712 CPM, 942.4 Times Normal, Dallas, TX. 71 nSv/Hr
4,383 CPM, 876.6 Times Normal, Carlsbad, NM.  
4,294 CPM, 858.8 Times Normal, Montgomery, AL. 64 nSv/Hr
4,233 CPM, 846.6 Times Normal, Las Vegas, NV.  
4,069 CPM, 813.8 Times Normal, Burlington, VT, US 58 nSv/Hr
4,011 CPM, 802.2 Times Normal, Paducah, KY.  
3,942 CPM, 788.4 Times Normal, Miami, FL.  
3,906 CPM, 781.2 Times Normal, Yaphank, NY. 60 nSv/Hr
3,886 CPM, 777.2 Times Normal, Duluth, MN  
3,814 CPM, 762.8 Times Normal, Houston, TX. 47 nSv/Hr
3,763 CPM, 752.6 Times Normal, Eureka, CA.  
3,707 CPM, 741.4 Times Normal, Ft Worth, Tx.    
3,691 CPM, 738.2 Times Normal, San Jose, CA 51 nSv/Hr
3,578 CPM, 715.6 Times Normal, San Francisco, CA.  
3,536 CPM, 707.2 Times Normal, Nashville, TN.  
3,268 CPM, 653.6 Times Normal, Tampa, FL. 38 nSv/Hr
3,111 CPM, 622.2 Times Normal, Anchorage, AK. MIA 55 nSv/Hr
2,821 CPM, 564.2 Times Normal, Sacramento, CA.  
2,548 CPM, 509.6 Times Normal, Washington, DC. 45 nSv/Hr
2,202 CPM, 440.4 Times Normal, Fairbanks, AK. 49 nSv/Hr
46 nSv/H   Metropolitan Toneri Park,
Tokyo, Japan 46 nSv/Hr

Count: 99 Cities including Tokyo, Japan

Wow! Catch This – Westinghouse files for Bankruptcy Protection

I guess a company can’t sell enough light bulbs to make up for Billions of Dollars of losses in the nuclear business. The Uranium-Stocks article is footnoted below in Sources and Notes. Uranium Stocks is an unabashedly pro-nuclear stocks publication. They have a pretty solid assessment. The Westinghouse bankruptcy is a big deal.[18]

Fukushima Liability set by Japanese Court

What? Sue TEPCO and the Government of Japan over Fukushima Daiichi … and Win! Incredible! You bet your bottom dollar!

Lead Attorney Katsuyoshi Suzuki is the Super Lawyer who beat the combined forces the Tokyo Electric Power Company [TEPCO,] a huge corporation and the Japanese government. He and the legal team are to be applauded world wide.

The District Court ordered “the two to pay damages totaling ¥38.55 million to 62 of 137 plaintiffs from 45 households located near the plant, which suffered a triple meltdown caused by the tsunami, awarding ¥70,000 to ¥3.5 million in compensation to each plaintiff.”

As one person wryly observed “it’s a judgement against a shell company and a bankrupt extinct-ed country. So what? there is nothing there.”

As they say, we will see what happens. The Japan Times said “The ruling was the first of 30 similar class-action suits filed nationwide involving more than 10,000 plaintiffs.”

YRTW ELE readers can read the Japan Times article First Government TEPCO Found Liable Fukushima Disaster

Anyone can lookup the case on my Soc Media accounts.See under “Resources” below.

Have a wonderful radioactive weekend and remember to Dodge the Rads, it’s dangerous out there.


Copyright by Bob Nichols @ 2017: Reproduce and distribute. Give full attribution to Bob Nichols at

Sources and Notes

  1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA. Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder.
  2. The EPA based reporting of NETC, an LLC.
  3. These stations’ Radiation equals Total Gamma Radiation. Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations.
    CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute or CPM. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation This Week’ Apr 3, 2015.
  4. Radiation destruction of chitin, IAEA, by Ershov, B.G.; Sukhov, N.L.; Nud’ga, L.A.; Baklagina, Yu.G.; Kozhevnikova, L.G.; Petropavlovskii, G.A. (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow (Russian Federation)
  5. “Plutonium Air” by Dr Paolo Scampa, AIPRI Blog, Aug 19, 2016,
  6. “Radioactive Fertilizer,” AIPRI by Dr Paolo Scampa, September 23, 2016, AIPRI: Les engrais radioactifs,
  7. Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world, study finds,” By ABBY GOODNOUGH OCT. 19, 2016,
  8. EPA Proposal Allows Radiation Exposure in Drinking Water Equivalent to 250 Chest X-Rays a Year
    “Forty-five (45) years later, the Nuclear States officially raise the amounts of “permitted radiation levels” by hundreds and sometimes thousands of times to maintain the utter and absolute dominance of the Nuclear State over everything, everywhere, for all time. No tolerance given.”
  9. “In the never ending war between the suits (politicians) and the physicists, the suits win yet again; by changing the rules. It takes more than logic to fight these animals and win.” US Gov: Walk Slow  May 24, 2013
  10. Baghdad” by Dr. Paolo Scampa, AIPRI, Saturday 12 November 2016
  11.  “News Release, New Aerial Survey Identifies More Than 100 Million Dead Trees in California,” USDA Office of Communications, “This brings the total number of dead trees since 2010 to over 102 million,”
  12. Caribou herd in Alaska suffering from mysterious decline, November 30, 2016, Noel Kirkpatrick, MNN Mother Nature Network, “The Central Arctic caribou herd in Alaska is experiencing a “steep decline” in its population, and scientists are researching the reasons why.”
  13. “Facing a Dying Nation,” a line from the 1979 Tribal Rock Musical HAIR. A scene with “Facing a Dying Nation” starring Treat Williams from the movie is here:  The character Pfc. Berger is KIA in Vietnam in 1968. Or
  14. It is Eugen Wigner’s name as a Verb. It’s about all things Wignerized. See Notes on Your Radiation This Week No. 69 and 70
  15. sie·vert, ˈsēvərt/, noun Physics, noun: sievert; plural noun: sieverts; symbol: Sv, the SI unit of dose equivalent (the biological effect of ionizing radiation), equal to an effective dose of a joule of energy per kilogram of recipient mass. Google: Sievert
  16. Eco Health Alliance interactive map of killer viruses,
  17. “In first, government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster,” by Daisuke Kikuchi, “Maebashi, Gunma Pref. In first, government and Tepco found liable for Fukushima disaster,”
  18. Uranium Stocks,  “Westinghouse Files for Bankruptcy, in Blow to Nuclear Power,” Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 10:04PM, “Westinghouse Electric Company, which helped drive the development of nuclear energy and the electric grid itself, filed for bankruptcy protection on Wednesday, casting a shadow over the global nuclear industry...”


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