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Tag: Assange

Wikilkeaks: ADL and Mossad “Blogger/Assets” Defend Assange for Israel

There is a new move afoot. Israel needs Assange again, running to their tiredest bloggers.

U.K. court permits Assange extradition to U.S. on spying charges

Judge Timothy Holroyde said the assurances offered over the conditions of Assange’s incarceration in the United States were both “sufficient” and “solemn undertakings."

FBI: Biden laptop Fake, part of foreign intelligence operation to interfere...

VT: The FBI is investigating Steve Bannon and Rudi Giuliani for their involvement with Russian intelligence officers in an operation involving a laptop computer loaded with fake emails.

#UNRIG Video Presidential Pardons for Assange, Snowden, Kiriakou, Black Panthers, Native...

Robert Steele, former spy intimately familiar with CIA and FBI misbehavior, offers vision for pardoning Kiriakou as well as Assange and Snowden, and adds Black Panthers and Native American leaders in prison, many framed by the FBI.