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Tag: Banksters

Proof that “World Government” is Banker Tyranny

“The Bank has by degrees obtained almost entire dominion over the circulating medium, and with it, power to increase or diminish the price of property and to levy taxes on the people in the shape of premiums and interest to an amount only limited by the quantity of paper currency it is enabled to issue.”

Why Was World War II Waged?

Just as the Illuminati international bankers planned the First World War, they also planned World War II.

Khazarian Bankster Cult and Imperialism

If the thought of the government spending trillions of dollars on Wall Street’s screw-ups pisses you off, you’re not crazy.

Detect, Deter and Annihilate: How the Police State Will Deal with...

Crisis, according to the capitalist system, brings economic opportunities, and economic opportunities bring in millions of cash.