Censored War News, January 31, 2016

Blackwater’s US Colonel Killed, Saudi Apache Helicopters Destroyed in Yemen’s Tochka Missile Attacks in Lahij
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Yemeni army and popular forces launched a fresh round of attacks on the Saudi forces’ positions in the Southwestern province of Lahij, killing tens of Blackwater mercenaries including their US commander and destroying several Apache and Typhoon helicopters.

The Yemeni forces’ Tochka missiles hit a gathering of the Saudi forces at al-Anad military base in Lahij province, killing 200 Sudanese Blackwater mercenaries and their new commander US Colonel Nicolas Petras.

Several Apache and Typhoon helicopters as well as several oil tankers were also destroyed in the Yemeni missile attack.

The Blackwater forces’ military operations room and the houses of the Blackwater forces were also destroyed in Yemen’s attack.

In a relevant development in December, a Yemeni Tochka missile hit the Saudi-led coalition’s command headquarters in Sha’ab al-Jen region near Bab al-Mandeb in Ta’iz province, and killed over 150 coalition servicemen, including 23 Saudi troops, 9 UAE officers and soldiers.

Also on January 17, the Yemeni forces’ missile attacks on a Saudi-led command center resulted in the death of over 120 mercenaries, including the Saudi, UAE and US officers.

“The Yemeni army missile unit fired a Tochka missile at the operations room of the Saudi-led forces in Ma’rib and killed over 120 mercenaries with different nationalities,” Ali al-Houthi, an Ansarullah Movement Leader, told FNA at the time.

“46 Saudi mercenaries, 11 UAE and 9 Saudi officers and 11 foreign commanders of the US Blackwater company were among those killed in the attack,” he added.

Houthi said that 6 Apache and 4 Black Hawk helicopters and 4 drones armed with missiles were also destroyed in the attack.

The command room of communications with the spying satellites and airplanes was also destroyed completely.

Al-Houthi had also said earlier that the missile had hit al-Bairaq military base which hosts the headquarters of the Saudi army’s operations.

“The Tochka missile hit the target with high precision and killed tens of the Saudi-led forces, including a senior Saudi commander, who had arrived at the base just yesterday,” he said.

Houthi added that in addition to the heavy toll, a large volume of state-of-the-art weapons and military equipment were destroyed in the attack.

He described the missile attack against the Saudi’s headquarters in Ma’rib as a major intelligence and military achievement for the Yemeni army and popular forces.

The terrorists have been pounding the two towns all throughout the last 9 months.

Over 60 ISIL Terrorists, Including 14 Foreign Nationals, Killed in Syria’s Deir Ezzur
TEHRAN (FNA)- Abu Umar al-Biljiki and 13 other foreign members of the ISIL terrorist group were killed in clashes with the Syrian Army across the neighborhoods of the Eastern city of Deir Ezzur.

At least 63 ISIL terrorists, including 14 non-Syrian fighters, were killed and 84 more were wounded in the heavy fighting with the Syrian soldiers in the neighborhoods of al-Roshdiyeh and al-Haweija.



A Belgian terrorist that was identified as Abu Umar al-Beljiki alongside 7 Pakistanis, 4 Chechens, and 2 Jordanians were killed in al-Roshdiyeh and al-Haweija.

The Syrian army fended off the ISIL attacks in Deir Ezzur, killed many of them and destroyed their military vehicles and equipment.

Earlier reports said today that the Syrian army pushed back ISIL’s offensives in at least two neighborhoods of Deir Ezzur city and inflicted a heavy death toll on the terrorists.

The Syrian army troops engaged in fierce clashes with the ISIL militant groups in the neighborhoods of al-Roshdiyeh and Haweija, killed or wounded many of them and forces them to pull back the rest of their force and fled the battlefronts.

The army also targeted the ISIL defense lines near Deir Ezzur airbase and the village of al-Baqaliyeh in the Northern part of the city, and inflicted major damage on their military hardware.

In the meantime, the Syrian fighter jets bombed the ISIL strongholds near the village of al-Salehiyeh, which ended in the destruction of the terrorist group’s military grid.

Senior Militant Commander Killed in Battle with Syrian Army in Hama
TEHRAN (FNA)- One of the notorious commanders of Abu Bakr Battalion was killed in a battle with the Syrian Army troops and popular forces in the Northern parts of Hama province.

Hamdu al-Sourani, a field commander of Abu Bakr Battalion affiliated to the al-Izza Jama’ah terrorist group, was killed by the Syrian government forces North of the province.

Earlier reports said that the Syrian army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) fended off militants’ attacks in the Northern battlefields of Hama province, targeting them with heavy fire and forcing them to pull their forces back.

The Syrian Army troops and the NDF thwarted the Takfiri militant groups’ offensives to infiltrate into the government forces’ defense lines near the villages and towns of al-Bou’aideh, al-Masasna, al-Zalakyiat and Jubain, and killed or wounded many of the terrorists.

At least 15 machinegun-equipped vehicles and five armored vehicles of the militant groups were destroyed in the government forces’ defense.

The army also seized the militants’ construction machinery, including several bulldozers.

Syrian Jets Target ISIL Positions in Lattakia Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian air force on Sunday targeted numerous Takfiri militants’ positions in Lattakia Mountains in the Northern parts of the province.

Syrian Army jets, during the operation, razed several gatherings of the militants and the positions held by them. The raids inflicted heavy losses and damage on the Wahhabi-Takfiri militants operating in the Northern parts of Syria.

The Syrian army artillery units also heavily pounded militants’ positions in several villages in Lattakia province, including Kansaba, Kabane, Majdal Kikhia, and Taoma.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Army units managed to hit ISIL militants’ positions in diffferent parts of Lattakia province, killing scores of them.

Syrian Army and pro-government forces are conducting an intensive air and ground operation against militant in Northern Lattakia province, liberating many parts of the region from the ISIL militants.

Syrian Pro-Government Forces Take Control over Touma in Lattakia Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian army troops and their popular allies, in an intensive operation, seized full control of an important village in Lattakia countryside, informed sources reported on Sunday.

During the operation to liberate the village of Touma, located in Jabal Akrad in Lattakia countryside, the pro-government forces inflicted heavy losses on terrorists, and destroyed a rather large volume of their military hardware.



On Sunday, Syrian Army units  managed to hit ISIL militants’ positions in different parts of Lattakia province, killing scores of them.

The Syrian army, in cooperation with pro-government forces, is conducting an intensive air and ground operation against militants in Lattakia’s countryside, liberating many parts of the region from the ISIL militants.

Syrian Army Wins Another Chunk of Lattakia-Aleppo Highway
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army took a wide stride in seizing back control over the Lattakia-Aleppo highway and is now very close to the town of Kansba.

The Syrian troops won control of another 10 kilometers along the Lattakia-Aleppo highway after purging terrorists from the village of Mazin in the Northern part of Lattakia province on Sunday.

The army units are now very close to seizing back the strategic town of Kansba as they have pushed back the Takfiri terrorists from more areas in the region.

The Syrian troops’ next target after Mazin village is capturing Jbal al-Rous heights.

Meantime, informed sources announced that the Syrian army has taken full control over Qatar tunnel in Bradon town.

In a relevant development on Saturday, the Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces continued to push back militants in the Northern mountains of Lattakia province near the border with Turkey following hours of breathtaking battle.

The Syrian soldiers and the NDF have pushed back the militant groups from their positions in Tal al-Bashoureh and the surroundings of town of al-Aliyeh.

The militant groups left behind scores of the dead and wounded members and fled the battlefields to evade more casualties.

Earlier reports said that the Syrian army, backed up by the country’s Air Force and artillery units, pushed back the militant groups from the strategic town of Ta’ouma after hours of heavy fighting.

The Syrian fighter jets and artillery units targeted the militant groups’ strongholds near Ta’ouma in Salma region on Saturday and paved the way for the ground forces to infiltrate into the defense lines of the militant groups.

The army soldiers and the popular forces successfully pushed the militants back from their position around the town and entered it.

Fierce battle between the government forces and the militant groups was underway in different sides of the town.

The militant groups suffered a heavy death toll and fled the battlefield in the Syrian Armed Forces’ attacks.

Militants Positions Inside, Around Aleppo Razed in Syrian Air Raid
TEHRAN (FNA)- The terrorists in Aleppo city sustained heavy losses and casualties in Syrian airstrikes.

During the aerial attacks, the Syrian air force jets destroyed militants’ positions in Aleppo city neighborhoods of Salahuddin, Ameriyeh, Sakhour, and Karm al-Tarab.



In a separate operation, militants’ hideouts in the towns of Tal Rifat, Kefr Hamzeh, Manq and sheikh Issa on the outskirts of the city, came under the aerial attacks by the Syrian jets.

Also on Sunday, several gatherings of the militants in al-Lairamoun and Salahuddin neighborhoods in Aleppo were razed by the Syrian jets, which also managed to destroy the terrorists’ positions in districts of Harbiya and Al-yatt in Hayyan town, inflicting heavy losses on them.

Meanwhile, miliants’ positions and hideouts were destroyed during aerial attacks in Ratyan village, on the Northern outskirts of Aleppo, which is one the most critical supply routes for transferring sophisticated arms from Turkey to militant-held areas.

Victories of the army in recapturing strategic areas did not stop there; the Syrian army took a wide stride in seizing back control over the Lattakia-Aleppo highway and is now very close to the town of Kansba.

The Syrian troops won control of another 10 kilometers along the Lattakia-Aleppo highway after purging terrorists from the village of Mazin in the Northern part of Lattakia province on Sunday.

The army units are now very close to seizing back the strategic town of Kansba as they have pushed back the Takfiri terrorists from more areas in the region.

ISIL Militants Withdraw from More Territories East of Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army and popular forces continued to advance against the ISIL terrorists in the Eastern part of Aleppo province, and seized full control over one more height after hours of tough battle on Sunday.

The Syrian army troops and the National Defense Forces pushed back the militant groups from Tal Maksour near Aleppo’s thermal power plant.



The ISIL left behind tens of the dead and wounded members and fled the battlefront.

The Syrian government forces also gained control over several checkpoints of the ISIL near the power plant.

The army and its allies are now fortifying their newly captured positions in the battlefield.

During the recent days, the pro-government forces have been making steady gains in Northwestern parts of Syria, being able to drive the militant groups back from more territories in the region. The Syrian fighter jets also have been targeting the militant groups’ positions in the Aleppo province in recent days.

On Saturday, the Syrian army engaged in heavy fighting with the militant groups in three neighborhoods of the Northern city of Aleppo and inflicted major losses on the terrorists.

“The militant groups’ strongholds in the neighborhoods of al-Sheikh Saeed, al-Salihin and Bani Zeid came under attacks of the Syrian army, which not only left several militants killed or wounded but destroyed their military hardware and ammunition,” the army said.

ISIL Militants Driven back from More Territories East of Syria’s Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army and the popular forces won another battle against the ISIL terrorist group in the Eastern part of Aleppo province on Saturday, and restored security and stability to two more villages in the region.

The Syrian Army and the National Defense Force broke through the ISIL militants’ fortified defense lines, killed many of the terrorists and pushed them back from the villages of Afash and Tanouza in the Northeastern side of the province’s power plant.



Afash and Tanouza are now under full control of the Syrian government forces.

The ISIL left behind scores of the dead and injured forces and fled the battlefront.

Reports said earlier today that at least 45 militants were killed and many more were injured in the Syrian warplanes’ attacks in the Northern parts of Aleppo province.

The militant groups’ defense lines near the villages of Um Dimneh, Jubb Ghabsheh and Jubb al-Kalb near the Northern city of al-Bab were massively bombed by the Syrian fighter jets, which inflicted a heavy death toll on the terrorists.

Also, the Syrian bombers attacked gathering centers and hideouts of the militant groups in the surroundings of Baideen, Bab al-Nairab and al-Shqaif at the Northern countryside of Aleppo city.

In the meantime, the ISIL strongholds near Abu Henna hill, As Sin, Zanoura, Maksour hill, Ein al-Jahesh, al-Hatabat hill, Jubb al-Safa and near the thermal power station in the Eastern part of Aleppo province were hit hard by the Syrian air force, which ended in destruction of the militants’ military grid, and the killed or wounding of the group’s members.

Hezbollah Deputy Chief: ISIL’s Advances in Syria Curbed by Hezbollah Fighters
TEHRAN (FNA)- Hezbollah Deputy Leader Sheikh Naeem Qassem underlined that the assistance of the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah, to the Syrian army blocked ISIL’s advances and pushed back terrorists from many areas in Syria.

“Hadn’t it been for the resistance forces’ help to Syria, the ISIL would have occupied Al-Qalamoun and al-Qusseir regions by now… ,” Sheikh Qassem said on Sunday.

Hezbollah has been helping the Syrian army and popular forces retake control over the Syrian towns near the border with Lebanon back from the terrorists.

Later the resistance force sent its fighters to Northern Syria to help the country’s army and popular forces take back the strategic province of Aleppo from the terrorist groups, including the al-Nusra Front and ISIL.

In early November, Head of Hezbollah Executive Committee Sheikh Nabil Qawooq underlined that the resistance group would continue standing against the terrorist groups in Syria to prevent their spread to Lebanon, reiterating that Hezbollah would keep its fighters in the neighboring Muslim nation until final defeat of all terrorist groups.

“We will finish the war in Syria. We insist on defeating the terrorists and gaining victory against the Takfiri plots in Syria in a move to support Lebanon; because if Syria turns into a center or passage for the ISIL and other terrorist groups, they will not show mercy to Lebanon either,” Qawooq was quoted as saying by al-Manar news channel.

He stressed that Hezbollah will defeat the terrorist groups in Syria the same way that it gained victory in the 33-day war against the Israeli regime that was armed to the teeth.

Qawooq also blasted Saudi Arabia for supporting the terrorist groups in the region, and blamed the country for prolonging the wars in Syria and Yemen.

Syria: Army Continues to Hunt Militants across Dara’a
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army continued to target the militant groups’ gathering centers and positions across the Southern province of Dara’a, FNA dispatches said Saturday, adding that the terrorists sustained a heavy death toll in the assaults.

The Syrian army troops engaged in fierce clashes with the militant groups in al-Bajabja district and hit also their positions hard in al-Nazehin camp and the Southern side of al-Manshiyeh neighborhood in the Southern city of Dara’a, which claimed the lives of several militants.



In the meantime, concentration centers of the Takfiri terrorists near the town of al-Yadouda in the Northwestern part of the province were raided by the Syrian government forces.

The militant groups suffered a heavy death toll in the attacks and their military equipment sustained major damage as well.

Also on Friday, the terrorist groups suffered a heavy death toll in the government forces’ attacks in, at least, three neighborhoods of the Southern city of Dara’a.

“The army troops engaged in a heavy fighting with the militant groups in the Southern side of Manshiyeh neighborhood, which lasted several hours and ended in the killed or wounding of several militants and destruction of their vehicles,” the sources said.

“Dara’a al-Balad in the Southern part of Dara’a city and Dara’a al-Mahatta in the Central part of the City also witnessed a tough battle between the army soldiers and the militants, leaving several terrorist dead or wounded,” the sources further added.

Syrian Artillery Units Heavily Hit Militants in Dara’a Countryside

TEHRAN (FNA)- Syrian army troops and popular defense forces, in separate operations on Sunday, heavily hit numerous positions of the Takfiri militants in different parts of Dara’a province, killing scores of terrorists.

Syrian army artillery units heavily pounded many hideouts and center points of Takfiri militants in the town of Western Ghariyah in Dara’a province, killing scores of militants in the area.



In a separate operation, the Syrian troops hit several gatherings and movements of militants in another Dara’a town, namely Nawa where they inflicted heavy losses on the terrorists and injured scores of them.

During recent days, Army troops and popular forced have conducted many coordinated attacks against militants in the areas controlled by them, killing dozens and injuring many others.

Pro-government forces have managed to liberate many important towns and villages from militants’ control in Dara’a province.

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Destroys Militants’ Defense Lines in Hama Province
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army and air force backed by the popular forces destroyed the defense lines of the Takfiri terrorists in the Eastern and Southern parts of Hama province.

The army units backed by the popular forces inflicted heavy losses on the militants in Hama province, killing scores of militants and injuring many more in heavy clashes.

The Syrian army and popular forces also hit hard the military positions of the Takfiri terrorists in other key provinces across Syria.


The Syrian fighter jets continued to pound the militant groups’ gathering centers and defense lines in different parts of Hama province, inflicting major losses on the terrorists.

The ISIL fortified positions in Jubb al-Mzri’a in Aqrabat region in the Eastern part of the province were massively bombed by the Syrian air fleet.

In the meantime, the Syrian bombers attacked the militants’ concentration centers in Hirbnafsa in the Southern territories of the province, while Jeish al-Fatah strongholds in Kafr Zita and Atshan in the Northern part of Hama province were heavily targeted by the Syrian jets.

Scores of the militants were killed or wounded in the air attacks across the province.

At least seven terrorists, including their commander, were killed in the Syrian Army troops’ offensive in the Northern part of Hama province.

Mohammad al-Araj, a commander of militant groups in Kafr Zita alongside at least six of his comrades were killed in the Syrian government forces’ attack.

In the meantime, the Syrian army men and the popular forces engaged in fierce clashes with the ISIL terrorists near the village of al-Sean near al-Salamiyeh in the Eastern part of Hama province, killed or wounded tens of the terrorists and destroyed their positions’ infrastructure.


The Syrian Army and Air Force targeted the militant groups’ concentration centers in the Eastern and Western territories of Dara’a province, leaving several militants dead or injured.

A depot of weapon and ammunition of al-Nusra Front was targeted and destroyed in the Syrian air attacks near the village of al-Soura in the Western side of the city of al-Hrak.

The air attacks claimed the lives of many terrorists and inflicted major losses on their military hardware.

A position of the militant groups was also destroyed in the Syrian fighter jets’ raid near al-Karak in the Eastern part of Dara’a province.

The militant groups suffered a heavy death toll in the attacks.

Meantime, scores of the members of Jeish al-Islam terrorist groups, including their senior commander, were killed in fierce clashes with the Syrian Army in Dara’a province.

Takfiri group of Jeish al-Islam acknowledged on its social media pages that many of its members, one of the notorious commanders of the group identified as Mohammad Kheir Attalla al-Naasan nicknamed as Abu Hadid have been killed in clashes with the Syrian army in the Southern battlefields of the country.

The Syrian army also engaged in heavy fighting with the terrorists of al-Nusra Front in the surroundings of Busra al-Sham, a city on the Eastern part of Dara’a province, and killed several militants.

The town of Atman in the Northern territories of Dara’a province was also the scene of a tough battle between the Syrian government forces and the terrorists, which inflicted major losses on the anti-government forces.


Scores of the militants of Ahrar al-Sham, including a notorious commander, were killed in a roadside bomb explosion Southeast of Idlib, while another terrorist commander lost his life elsewhere in the province.

Abdulkarim al-Shihab, the commander of al-Furqan battalion of the Ahrar al-Sham, alongside several of his comrades were killed in an explosion when they were on a road near Saraqib bridge.

In the meantime, the terrorist groups acknowledged on their social media pages that Sultan Abu al-Zobair, a field commander of militant groups, was also killed in the Northwestern province of Idlib.

Elsewhere, the Syrian Army’s commandoes, in a special operation, stormed concentration centers of Jund al-Aqsa terrorist group South of Idlib province and killed dozens of the militants.

Tens of Jund al-Aqsa’s fighters were killed or wounded after the army commandoes stormed the terrorist group’s gathering centers near the town of Tamanna in the Southern part of the province.

In the meantime, a position of al-Nusra Front near the town of Kafr Takharim in the militant-held Northwestern territories of Idlib province was attack in another special operation of the Syrian army commandoes.

Nusra Front suffered a heavy death toll in the attack.


The Syrian Army announced on Friday that its soldiers and popular forces engaged in heavy clashes with the militant groups in at least two neighborhoods of the Northern city of Aleppo and inflicted major losses on the terrorists.

“The militant groups’ strongholds near the Scientific Research Center West of Aleppo city came under attacks of the Syrian army, which not only left several militants killed or wounded, but destroyed their military hardware and ammunition,” the army said.

“Tens of members of the al-Nusra Front and other militant groups were also killed or wounded in the army’s offensive in Bani Zeid neighborhood in Aleppo city,” the army added.

The Syrian army troops have intensified their attacks on the militant centers in different districts in Aleppo city in the recent weeks and have been successful to pin them down behind their defense lines.

Elsewhere, the Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces (NDF) continued to advance against the militant groups in the Northeastern territories of Aleppo province and seized control over one more village on Friday.

The Syrian army troops and the NDF pushed back the militant groups from the villages of Ein al-Jamajmeh following hours of tough battle.

Scores of the terrorists were killed or wounded in the battle and their military grid was also destroyed by the pro-government forces.


The Syrian Army troops and popular fighters of the National Defense Forces continued to attack the ISIL centers in East, North and Southeast of Homs province on Friday, while the country’s fighter jets hit terrorists’ positions hard.

The Syrian army and the NDF stormed the ISIL concentration centers near al-Bayarat, Unq al-Hawa and Rahoum in the Eastern part of province, killed several militants and destroyed their machinegun-equipped vehicles.

Defense lines of the ISIL and al-Nusra Front near Tuloul al-Soud near Quaryatayn Southeast of Homs and near Um Sharshouh North of Homs province came under the attacks of the Syrian government forces, which left several militants dead.

The Syrian Air Force also targeted positions and gatherings of ISIL terrorists in Tir Ma’ala and the Eastern part of al-Bayarat near the ancient city of Palmyra, which ended in the killing or wounding of many terrorists and destruction of their military grid.


The Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces continued to advance against the militant groups in the Northern part of Lattakia province on Friday and seized back four villages and two heights near the border with Turkey.

The militant groups withdrew from the villages of al-Mzira’a, al-Awinat, Ruweisat al-Malaka, Jabal al-Malaka and the Height 361 in the Northwest of Salam town under the heavy attacks of the Syrian army and the NDF.

The militant groups left behind large number of the dead and wounded members and fled the battlefield to evade more casualties.

The engineering units of the army have started to defuse explosive devices and bombs planted by the terrorist groups in the region.

The recent victories of the Syrian arm and its allies in the costal province of Lattakia have significantly shrunken the militant-held regions near border with Turkey.

Deir Ezzur

The Syrian fighter jets, in a fresh round of combat flights on Friday, hit ISIL’s positions in the Eastern province of Deir Ezzur and pounded one of the group’s main training camp, provincial sources said.

“The Syria warplanes bombed the ISIL strongholds in al-Badiyeh, al-Mayadin, al-Sobh and Abu Hammam in the Eastern territories of the province, which ended the killing or wounding of many terrorists, destruction of over 10 vehicles and major damage on the militant group’s training camp in the Eastern region,” the sources said.


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