Who Sunk LUSITANIA and Pushed America to World War I?


by Jonas E. Alexis

Woodrow Wilson was arguably a warmonger. Arthur S. Link, “a guardian of Wilson’s reputation,” admitted that Wilson laid “the foundation of a new world order.”[1] No kidding.

Observers agree that Wilson “contributed to the rise of some of the most murderous dictators who ever lived. No U.S. president has had a hand—however unintentional—in so much destruction. Wilson surely ranks as the worst president in American history.”[2]

What was Wilson’s crime? He actually “joined the side that placed a lower value on human life.”[3] He sent America to the people who wanted to reduce Germany to rubble. He dragged America to World War I and, as a result, many Americans got juiced by the powers that be, most specifically the Allies.

This eventually created ideological chaos across the political spectrum in the United States and abroad, and World War I, as we all know, set the groundwork for World War II. Vladimir Lenin himself admitted: “Our revolution was born of the war.”[4]

What Lenin was saying here was that World War I created political disruption in Russia, and political disruption allowed Bolshevism to flourish among provocateurs such as Trotsky and to conspire against the government, which was obviously being led by the Allies into a bloody and unnecessary conflict against Germany.

“By the fall of 1917 the Russian army collapsed, and there wasn’t anything left to defend the Provisional Government.”[5] One observer, who refers to World War I as “a senseless bloodbath,”[6] argues,

“We wouldn’t have had Stalin without Lenin, and Lenin probably would have been a forgotten man if Woodrow Wilson hadn’t pressured and bribed the Provisional Government to say in World War I.”[7]

But how did Wilson end up seducing the American population, which despised perpetual wars in the first place? Psychological warfare and covert operation. He lied to the American people. He lied to his own secretary of state. And he lied to himself.

But Wilson did say something back in 1913 that did not serve the interest of the New World Order which was ready to be born. He wrote:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something.

“They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”[8]

Whether he liked it or not, Wilson, like Bush and even Obama after him, was obviously being used as a puppet in an ideological experiment. And here Wilson perceived that the oligarchs always end up ruling the majority. So, who was ruling Wilson? Who was he working for?

Wilson was basically working for Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff. Schiff in particular always looked for fresh blood and always wanted to ignite wars. He was the wealthiest Jewish banker in the world at the time and hated the Tsarist government. He called Russia “the enemy of all mankind,”[9] and even financed plots against them.

Schiff “was hostile to Russia until 1917. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Schiff ‘belonged to the most important creditors of both his own and many foreign governments, part of which was the 200 million dollars which he lent to Japan during the Russo-Japanese war in 1904-5.’”[10] Schiff also financially supported both Trotsky and Lenin and financed subversive movements in Russia.

In England, members of the Dreadful Few such as Sir Ernest Cassel already had Winston Churchill under their wings. Cassel writes British historian David Cannandine, “was widely dislike and distrusted as a ‘cosmopolitan financier,’ whose loyalty was neither to party or nation, but only to profit.”

Cassel was also “an irresponsible wire-puller who had poor politicians in his pocket.”[11] One of those poor politicians was none other than Winston Churchill. Churchill, who was “short of money and eager for power,” became “Cassel’s creature.”[12]

Cassel eventually bailed Churchill out of debt. In return, Churchill ended up literally starving and liquidating German civilians by the millions. Keep in mind that

“By 1900 it had become clear to the foreign office that Germany had surpassed Britain as an industrial powerhouse. In the less than 30 years since German unification in 1871, Germany had digested England’s economic accomplishments in both the theoretical and practical spheres and improved upon them in a way that allowed Germany to surpass England in any conceivable basis of comparison….

“As a result, Germany had become a nation of 70 million…that produced 15 percent of the world’s goods to Britain’s 14 percent—and twice as much steel. Germany was the most powerful nation in Europe and, after Russia, the most populous. In 1870 Germany had crushed France in six weeks. Her army was the greatest fighting force on earth.’”[13]

Of course, the Dreadful Few in Britain didn’t want Germany to become a rival in the marketplace of ideas and economic development. Germany again made the mistake “of challenging Britain’s hegemony over the seas by building a blue water navy.”[14] E. Michael Jones writes that

“Any threat to the hegemony of the Royal Navy over the seas posed a threat to the investment which the Rothschilds had brokered in foreign countries like Egypt, India and elsewhere.

“That means that the clique of philosemites who gathered at Tring and accepted Natty Rothschild’s hospitality and his loans, people like Balfour and Randolph Churchill, and now his son Winston, were also equally committed to war with Germany.

“The war with Germany was a war for trade, as Balfour made clear when he said: ‘We are probably fools not to find a reason for declaring war on Germany before she builds too many ships and takes away our trade.’

“When someone countered Balfour’s assertion by saying, ‘If you wish to compete with German trade, work harder,’ Balfour could only counter fatalistically, ‘That would mean lowering our standard of living. Perhaps it would be simpler for us to have a war….Is it a question of right or wrong? Maybe it is just a question of keeping our supremacy.’”[15]

The plot thickens. World War I was engineered by the Rothschilds, who used Balfour and Churchill to literally plunder and massacre German civilians and to create a complete disaster in the West. Moreover, World War I, just like World War II, was unnecessary. But since the Rothschilds wanted to bring Germany down, they incited both Balfour and Churchill to propound lies and fabrications.

“After Churchill became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911, Lord Grey led him in on his secret plan to attack Germany, and together they began to plot Britain’s entry into the war.”[16]

As it turns out, World War I was a trap. The Rothschilds presumably knew that Germany would be one of their victims:

“Two days before Austria attacked Serbia, ‘the British Treasury began printing special Notes, non-convertible into gold, marked for war expenses,’ and the Manchester Guardian spoke of ‘an organized conspiracy to drag us into war.’”[17]

The result of this “organized conspiracy”?

“The Royal Navy seized all of Germany’s colonies and then, under Winston Churchill’s direction, ‘imposed upon Germany a starvation blockade that violated all previous norms of civilized warfare…’

“When Kaiser requested permission to buy 2.5 million tons of food, Churchill denied the request because his aim, in his own words was to ‘starve the whole population—men, women, and children, old and young, wounded and sound—into submission.’

“On March 3, 1919, ‘four months after Germany had accepted an armistice and laid down her arms,’ Churchill told the House of Commons that, ‘We are enforcing the blockade with rigor, and Germany is very near starvation.”[18]

Sir Winston Churchill

Churchill ended up starving millions of Germans, and at least 863,000 of them ended up dying because of the blockade. On April 9, 1915, the Germans sunk the French steamer, the Sussex, and two Americans died. Wilson, of course, was indignant.

But the same Wilson remained silent throughout Britain’s blockade, which obviously created frustration and literal starvation in Germany. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan sent Wilson a letter, which read in part:

“Why be shocked at the drowning of a few people if there is to be no objection to starving a whole nation [by Britain’s naval blockade]?”[19]

Instead of responding to this issue in a civilized manner, Wilson proposed that

“Americans had the right to travel anywhere including a war zone…After the Lusitania was sunk…Wilson issued a protest affirming his belief that Americans were right to travel on a belligerent ship in a war zone….

“Under increasing pressure to march into war with Wilson, Bryan resigned as secretary of state on June 9…. Bryan was succeeded by Robert Lansing…Lansing told Wilson what he wanted to hear, that a ‘state of war’ with Germany would increase ‘our usefulness in the restoration of peace.’”[20]

Again, how did the Rothschilds and indeed Churchill manipulate much of the West to get involved in a disastrous war?

Social engineering and psychological warfare. Yet while the Rothschilds and Churchill were working hard to start the war, the Dreadful Few in America were pushing Wilson to side with Britain and attack Germany. Keep in mind that Jacob Schiff was head of Kuhn Loeb Bank, and Paul Warburg was Schiff’s brother-in-law.

Another interesting character by the name of Bernard Baruch ended up being a Wall Street mogul. One can say that these three were concentric circles because they were all pushing Wilson to get involved in a disaster in Europe. Just right at the end of the war, financial analyst and inventor John Moody admitted:

“Not only did England and France pay for their supplies with money furnished by Wall Street, but they made their purchases through the same medium…

“In addition to selling stocks and bonds, financing railroads, and performing the other tasks of a great banking center, Wall Street began to deal in shells, cannon, submarines, blankets, clothing, shoes, canned meats, wheat, and the thousands of other articles needed for the prosecution of a great war.”[21]

G. Edward Griffin writes that “The money began to flow when the House of Morgan signed a contract with the British Army Council and the Admiralty. The first purchase, curiously, was for horses, and the amount tendered was $12 million…Total purchases would eventually climb to an astronomical $3 billion.”[22]

So, when Wilson mentions “Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something,” he almost certainly knew what he was talking about. He also certainly had what Preston James calls the “Khazarian Mafia” in mind.

Moreover, keep in mind that during his presidential campaign, Wilson got huge financial support from Jewish financiers Henry Morgenthau, Jacob Schiff, Samuel Untermyer, and Bernard Baruch.[23] Certainly, they wanted blood in exchange for money.

Wilson, in a speech to Congress, mentioned “The Prime Minister of Great Britain” in support of the gathering storm in Europe. What Wilson didn’t mention was that the Rothschilds were behind Churchill and that Churchill was ready to move heaven and earth to do exactly what the Rothschilds wanted.

Churchill was so eager to please his bosses that historians are now saying that he was waiting for the Germans to do something stupid. In many instances, he tried to provoke the Germans. The blockade is just one example. Churchill made it very clear that if the Germans attacked any of the British or American ships, then it would be a clear justification for a bloody war.

Even the Germans were willing to discuss peace, but Lord Robert Cecil, Britain’s Minister of Blockade, wanted war and not peace. For him, Germany must be defeated at any cost, and failing to do so “would leave the world at the mercy of the most arrogant and the bloodiest tyranny that had been organized.”[24]

Since the Rothschilds and their puppet Churchill wanted war, did they have a hand in which the Lusitania was loused up?

Historians have now produced enough evidence that supports the theory that Churchill and the powers that be wanted something really bad to happen to the Lusitania so that the Allies could bludgeon Germany to death.

Historian Erik Larson cites Patrick Beesly, “who, during World War II, was himself an officer in British naval intelligence.” Beesly himself previously believed that the Lusitania debacle was simply a mistake of misunderstanding, but as he began to do more research, he concluded:

“As an Englishman and a lover of the Royal Navy, I would prefer to attribute this failure to negligence, even gross negligence, rather [than] to a conspiracy deliberately to endanger the ship.

“But, on the other basis of the considerable volume of information which is now available, I am reluctantly compelled to state that on balance, the most likely explanation is that there was a plot, however imperfect, to endanger the Lusitania in order to involve the United States in the war.”[25]

We all know by now that the Lusitania was carrying heavy weapons when it was torpedoed. And we all know that it was torpedoed in a war zone. There was no doubt that the British knew that the boat was going to be attacked.

In fact, British intelligence could decipher German messages which said that the Lusitania was going to be attacked. We also know that the Allies lied to the West in saying that the Lusitania was only a passenger ship. As G. Edward Griffin and others have pointed out, this is was misleading because the passenger ship

“could be converted, if necessary, into a ship of war. Everything from the horsepower of her engines and the shape of her hull to the placement of ammunition storage areas was, in fact, military designs. She was built specifically to carry twelve six-inch guns…All this is a matter of public record at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England…

On May 8, 1915, after several close calls with German submarines, the captain of the Lusitania turned in his resignation. He was willing to face the U-boats, he said, but he was no longer willing ‘to carry the responsibility of mixing passengers with munitions or contraband.’”[26]

Well, the only people who were willing to mix passengers with munitions or contraband were the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, and J. P. Morgan.

In other words, the bankers were once again willing to kill passengers so that they could send America to war with Germany. Money was more interesting than the lives of passengers. This again is capitalism in a nutshell. And this is what Milton Friedman was subtly articulating at the University of Chicago.

In any event, once the ship went down, the Rothschilds were probably watching the phenomenon from afar and applauded the event in a diabolical way. Churchill was obviously happy because that allowed him to build a case for the war:

“In October 1914, Churchill issued orders that British merchant ships must no longer obey a U-boat order to halt and be searched. If they had armament, they were to engage the enemy. If they did not, they were to attempt to ram the sub. The immediate result of this change was to force German U-boats to remain submerged for protection and to simply sink the ships without warnings.”[27]

The sinking of the Lusitania, as it turns out, was a diabolical plot. Churchill later boasted:

“The first British countermove, made on my responsibility…was to deter the Germans from surface attack. The submerged U-boat had to rely increasingly on underwater attack and thus ran the greater risk of mistaking neutral for British ships and of drowning neutral crews and thus embroiling Germany with other Great Powers.”[28]

The Lusitania was indeed carrying loads of ammunition: 600 guns of gun cotton, “six million rounds of ammunition, 1,248 cases of shrapnel shells,” and other explosives which could be used in war. But “None of this was suspected by the public, least of all those hapless Americans who unknowingly booked a passage to death for themselves and their families as human decoys in a global game of high finance and low politics.”[29]

The German embassy knew about this long before the Lusitania went down and even sent a complaint to Washington saying that the passenger liner was breaking international law. The Wilson administration ignored this and went along with Churchill’s diabolical plan. The Germans were even more cordial in placing ads in numerous newspapers warning passengers not to book their next trip on the Lusitania. The U.S. government intervened and stopped the ads.[30]


[1] Quoted in Jim Powell, Wilson’s War: How Woodrow Wilson’s Great Blunder Led to Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and World War II (New York: Crown Forum, 2005), 1.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Ibid., 6.

[4] Ibid., 8.

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid., 73.

[7] Ibid., 10.

[8] Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People (New York: Doubleday, 1913), 13.

[9] Naomi Wiener Cohen, Jacob H. Schiff: A Study in American Jewish Leadership (Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 1999), 38.

[10] E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History (South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2008), 683.

[11] Quoted in E. Michael Jones, Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict Between Labor and Usury (South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2014), 1201.

[12] Quoted in ibid., 1202.

[13] Ibid., 1204.

[14] Ibid.

[15] Ibid., 1209.

[16] Ibid., 1209.

[17] Ibid., 1210.

[18] Ibid., 1211.

[19] Powell, Wilson’s War, 90.

[20] Ibid.

[21] Quoted in G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island (Westlake Village, CA: American Media, 2010), 236.

[22] Ibid.

[23] John Milton Cooper, Woodrow Wilson: A Biography (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2009), 172.

[24] Powell, Wilson’s War, 92.

[25] Erik Larson, Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania (New York: Crown Forum, 2015), 318.

[26] Griffin, Creature from Jekyll Island, 247, 248.

[27] Ibid., 249.

[28] Ibid.

[29] Ibid., 250.

[30] Ibid.


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