Debunking the 28 Pages, Top Secret 9/11 Document Revealed


By Jeff Smith, with Gordon Duff and Ian Greenhalgh

Foreword by Gordon Duff

In 2014, VT began publishing a trove of documents received from Russia, allegedly taken there by Edward Snowden. These documents represented a preliminary report on the tragedy of 9/11, a tragedy for the world, and a truth kept hidden.

Spencer Abraham, the tenth United States Secretary of Energy, serving under President George W. Bush, from 2001 to 2005. Abraham, a Republican, is one of the founders of the Federalist Society
Spencer Abraham, the tenth United States Secretary of Energy, served under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005. Abraham, a former Republican Senator, is a founder of the Federalist Society

Were that truth known, in light of events subsequent to the release of the 2003 preliminary report by the US Department of Energy on the nuclear detonation of 9/11, many would be imprisoned, dead, or in hiding including top US officials, the current serving Israeli prime minister and other leaders including Prince Bandar, recently named in the missing 28 pages of the misleading and highly deceptive report on 9/11 we know to be almost entirely false.

Credit to journalist Wayne Madsen who had much of the investigation correct, including the involvement of Israeli intelligence services and important details on the FBI investigation that was stopped that should have prevented 9/11.

Our sources tell us that Madsen was given much more than this but for some reason chose not to publish or withheld. Either way, what he did publish was devastating and ignored. We know that FBI agent, Colonel Mike Dick, who has now taken a payoff, went to Madsen and offered up surveillance files proving Israel’s involvement in 9/11 beyond any reasonable doubt. Smith also sent extensive files to Madsen. There is another story here that we won’t go into.

Everything needed to totally blow open 9/11 was “out there” in 2005, enough to end all talk about nano-thermite or bin Laden or secret space weapons or other fairy tales. The proof, hard documents, and photos, all were there. The story of how this leak was closed even after Madsen’s limited reports, should be investigated. Some of that story is below.

This is not going to be a compendium of 9/11 facts nor a retelling of the narrative. This is simply a “stand-alone” based on what current news reporting requires.

Jeff Smith was part of the investigation team known as Able Danger. Smith, a nuclear physicist, and former IAEA nuclear inspector, was brought over from his investigation of stolen nuclear weapons (where he was personally supervised by George H. W. Bush and worked with CIA agent Roland Carnaby) to join the FBI team headed by first John O’Neill and then Colonel Michael Dick of the FBI.

Debunking the 28 Pages, Top Secret 9/11 Document Revealed

“No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn.” ― Jim Morrison

By Jeff Smith

The missing 28 pages have been sanitized. It does not cover Atta at all and it does not cover Florida and Ft. Lee or how they got their visas. All FBI field reports on the hijackers stopped at least two months before 911. This is when Chertoff stepped in and shut down all surveillance on them. That part is still classified.

However, the money chart shows that the secondary players got paid at least 750.000$ ea. Atta got more. This is the smoking gun. Follow the HSBC, BCCI money trail to Mossad. Now you know why Mike Dick went into hiding. (Mike, after filing suit against the FBI for trying to have him murdered, now has a fat job at Quantico)

Michael Chertoff; was he a national security risk?
Michael Chertoff – was he a national security risk?

After 911, Dick, as well as the CIA, NOC were harassed by their superiors on orders “from above.” Those orders came from Chertoff. Dick was first relieved of his primary counter-espionage duties, eventually sent to Pakistan to investigate the kidnapping of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, and eventually buried in a desk job at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC. According to the CIA source, Pearl was murdered because he was getting too close to the money trail that financed 911.

The bottom line is that the award-winning, 28-page 911 secret report is a total whitewash. It totally ignores other agencies’ input such as the DEA. It hides the Florida air school owned by Sutter and eradicated by the Bushes. It ignores the last 4 months before the hijacking; it has no mention of Atta at all. It does not cover CIA-issued visas from Saudi, etc, etc.

How do we know if it is even real after 15 years and not fake? They never questioned Mike Dick or anybody else. It’s as if they only looked at what they were told to look at, and nothing else.

Mike followed the money trail, and so did Pearl, and look where it got them. Anyone not on their payroll got burned, i.e. a “Burn Notice”. Mike and I are both poster children for that one. (Jeff is under a gag order by a Texas-based Federal Grand Jury that is withholding proof of Mossad’s role in 9/11, including physical evidence and active surveillance of the 9/11 attack itself.)

It will never go to trial just, like with Kennedy, because it is too dirty from top to bottom. Our government is just one big criminal enterprise from top to bottom, and there is nothing but criminals in power, to quote Stalin…

History has been written by the victors again. Mike sold out and took the buy out. He had no choice. Now he is gagged by security clearances, etc. So there are no witnesses left that can tell the truth and be believed. All evidence has been destroyed. Anyone knowing anything has been eliminated or sold out. This is how they work. Divide, conquer and destroy from within.

In my case, I have been told to shut up (redacted). Remember, it’s an election year. So you don’t want to cross the wrong person in power.

Clearing the Baffles for 911 (excerpt)

By Wayne Madsen

The one individual who stands tall among those intelligence and law enforcement officers who were aggressively pursuing the criminal network that would carry out 911 was FBI counter-terrorism top man John O’Neill. Ever since the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993, O’Neill’s pursuit of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda had been dogged.

After further terrorist attacks at the Khobar Towers barracks in Dharan, Saudi Arabia; the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania; and the USS Cole in Aden harbor, O’Neill’s biggest problem was not Al Qaeda, it was resistance from top officials inside the U.S. government.

Khobar Towers bombinb
Khobar Towers bombing

According to classified documents from French intelligence, Al Qaeda and Bin Laden had still been under the operational control of U.S. and British “security services” until 1995, fully two years after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. As of 1996, the U.S. State Department continued to refuse to list Al Qaeda as a terrorist organization. After the 1996 bombings of the Khobar Towers that killed nineteen U.S. military personnel, the State Department under Secretary of State Warren Christopher, FBI Director Louis Freeh, and the Saudi government did everything they could to obstruct O’Neill’s investigation.

In his aggressive pursuit of Al Qaeda, O’Neill, according to people who worked closely with him, began to have serious concerns over complicity by those inside the Clinton and Bush administrations. There was the mysterious theft in the summer of 2000 of his briefcase at a Tampa hotel during a retirement seminar where the only other participants were 150 other FBI agents.

In the briefcase were a few classified emails and a classified document called the Annual Field Office Report, a summary of the New York FBI’s office counter-terrorist and counter-intelligence operations, including one very sensitive investigation being conducted by another New York counter-intelligence FBI special agent, Michael Dick. Although a lighter, cigar cutter, and expensive pen were stolen, the papers were all accounted for when the briefcase turned up 90 minutes later at another nearby hotel. Ninety minutes, of course, was sufficient time to photocopy the documents and discover what O’Neill knew about both Al Qaeda and their Israeli shadows.

Special Agent Dick, who worked closely with O’Neill, had discovered a troubling ring of Israeli movers operating in the New York and New Jersey areas. Furthermore, some of these Israelis not only had connections with Mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies but were also shadowing Arab and Muslims that had been under investigation as potential terrorist cells. But the Israelis were acting independently and there was no effort made to inform the FBI or local police of any intelligence they were obtaining on their targets.

Further frustrating Dick’s counter-espionage activities against the Israelis was the fact that they were using communications methods that made it almost impossible to conduct communications surveillance: they used Verizon pre-paid cell phones, two-way Nextel walkie-talkies, and Internet cafes.

At the same time, the DEA had discovered a nationwide ring of Israeli “art students,” many of whom had past connections to Israeli intelligence and military demolition units, were operating in and around New York and New Jersey. What the DEA did not realize was that the art students were also shadowing the very same Arab cells that would later carry out the 911 attacks.

Ex-FBI John O'Neil - KIA on 9-11
Ex-FBI John O’Neil – KIA on 9-11

And the DEA had become aware of a drug connection between the Russian-Israeli Mafia in Colombia and the globe-trotting Saudi Prince Nayif al Saud. The DEA’s Operation Millennium was directed against this network, which largely took down most of the network in June 1999, when 808 kilograms of cocaine were seized in Paris. Later the DEA, in June 2000, the DEA declassified a “SECRET DEA-6” report from the DEA’s BCO (Bogota Country Office) so that the PCO (Paris Country Office) could share the intelligence on Saudi cocaine smuggling operations with the Paris police. The DEA and French law enforcement had compiled tons of evidence that Prince Nayif was transporting cocaine to support some major event.

The DEA report stated that Nayif stated that Allah had authorized him to sell drugs and that later his reason for selling the drugs would become known. It is significant that Nayif did not use alcohol, tobacco or drugs. Nayif claimed diplomatic immunity and the Saudi government threatened France and the Clinton administration with withholding lucrative contracts if they pursued their prince. Because of O’Neill’s close contacts with DEA, this intelligence would have been made known to him as well. The Saudi cocaine smuggling network involved organized crime elements tied to the Russian-Israeli Mafia in Miami; Medellin, Colombia; Marbella and Barcelona, Spain; Venezuela; Geneva; and the Netherlands.

According to the DEA report, Nayif fathered a child with a woman named Doris Salazar, a Colombian national residing in Miami. The report also states that an organized crime figure only identified as “Pepe,” a Cuban American who ran a “large section of the Miami Port ” and who came to Florida during the 1978 Mariel boat lift, was involved with Nayif in “protecting narcotic shipments upon arrival in the Miami port.” The declassified SECRET DEA-6 report contains the names of a number of cooperating witnesses in the investigation of Nayif and the cocaine smuggling network and the author takes seriously the statement in the document: “Protect identities of the cooperating defendants.”

The DEA originally became interested in the Israelis because they suspected they were involved in an Israeli Mafia Ecstasy smuggling ring. However, it soon became clear that the DEA had stumbled across something much larger – not only were DEA offices and homes of DEA agents around the country being cased by the Israelis, but they were also targeting Federal judges, U.S. Marshals, Environmental Protection Agency law enforcement officers, and FBI agents for surveillance.

It also became clear to the DEA that the Israeli art students were also involved with certain Colombians. On March 22, 2002, at the Oak Hills Apartment Complex in Irving, Texas, DEA agents arrested Israeli art student Dahan Eldad, along with Elsa Beatriz Africano-Leon, a Colombian national. On March 27, DEA agents arrested four other Israelis in the same apartment complex, including Aran Ofek, who said his father was a retired Israeli army two-star general. A $10,000 bond for another arrested Israeli, Michal Gal, was placed by Ophir Baer, an employee of Israeli telecommunications firm AMDOCS, Inc., a firm with operational access to the telephones being used by FBI agents John O’Neill, Michael Dick, and the DEA agents involved in tracking the Saudi/Mafia cocaine shipments being used to support various terrorist and intelligence cells in the United States and abroad.

On April 11, 2001, a DEA agent and a Fredericksburg, Virginia policeman questioned two female Israeli “art student” nationals at the shopping center in Fredericksburg. The passport for Yael Gavish contained some interesting entry/exit visas: 13 December 2000, entry into Bogota, Colombia and 5 February 2001, exit visa from Bogota. In addition, on 5 February there was a possible entry visa for Panama, which was followed by a 9 March 2001 entry visa in New York City. Gavish’s colleague Meirav Balhams had a New York State identity card listing her address as 354 Paterson Plank Rd., Jersey City, New Jersey.

An FBI 9-11 suspect list dated February 22, 2002 lists Dominik Suter, along with an Ornit Levinson, a.k.a., Omit Suter, with an address of 312 Pavonia Avenue, Jersey City. Dominik Suter was the head of Urban Moving Systems of nearby Weehawken, the base of operations for two white vans with the same rear license plate that were seen parked at the Doric Apartments (near Patterson Plank Road) and at Liberty State Park at the same time the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The occupants of both vans, all Israelis, were seen celebrating the attack while dressed in Arab garb. Five Israelis in one of the vans were later arrested by the local police and FBI near Giant Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey in the late afternoon of September 11.

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O’Neill’s FBI colleague, Mike Dick, aggressively investigated this Israeli ring before and after 911. But like O’Neill, he soon found himself removed from his duties on the orders of the then-head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division Michael Chertoff. Dick was very suspicious when Israeli movers quickly moved Zim American Israeli Shipping Company out of its 10,000 square feet of office space on the 17th Floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The partially Israeli state-owned firm forfeited a $50,000 security deposit when it terminated its lease and vacated the building one week prior to 911. According to a non official cover (NOC) CIA source who worked with Dick, Israeli movers moved explosives into the 17th Floor office space after Zim moved out.

After 911, Dick as well as the CIA NOC were harassed by their superiors on orders “from above.” Those orders came from Chertoff. Dick was first relieved of his primary counter-espionage duties, eventually sent to Pakistan to investigate the kidnapping of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, and eventually buried in a desk job at FBI headquarters in Washington, DC. According to the CIA source, Pearl was murdered because he was getting too close to the money trail that financed 911. The CIA source said, “the same group that beheaded Pearl in Pakistan did the beheadings in Iraq.” The source added that the beheadings were “not Al Qaeda.”

The CIA source, who emphasized his past Republican credentials, emphasized that Al Qaeda was merely a “list” of arms dealers, mercenaries, drug dealers, financiers, and terrorists used by the CIA and Saudis during the Afghan Mujaheddin War against the Soviets. The source also iterated that all the 911 hijackers had fake IDs. During a joint CIA-FBI operation against lead hijacker Mohammed Atta in Fort Lee, New Jersey in 2000, the CIA and FBI team leaders complained to their superiors that their operation was being photographed by Israeli agents, thus compromising the operation. The CIA source affirmed that the Israelis in New Jersey were providing cover for the future hijacker teams.

It was not the first run-in by the CIA operative with the Israelis. He once caught a senior U.S. diplomat with close ties to Israel taking bribes from Moroccan government officials to write favorable reports on Morocco’s continued control over disputed and oil and mineral-rich Western Sahara. Attempts to follow the diplomat’s laundered money were rebuffed by Madeleine Albright’s State Department.

The problems at the top of the CIA and FBI, said the source, existed since the Russian/Soviet spies Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen were able to penetrate the top levels of both agencies. “They got there with help,” said the source.

O’Neill decided that because his own agency was stymieing his own investigative leads, he relied on DEA to handle his most sensitive inquiries and communications. Although DEA memos later suggested that Israeli telecommunications companies, under contract to the Justice Department, may have penetrated sensitive DEA communications as part of an intelligence operation, O’Neill was sure that his communications at the FBI were totally compromised and forced to rely on the DEA because of both internal political pressure from the FBI and Justice Department leadership and his fear that his communications were being wiretapped.

O’Neill also relied on French intelligence to obtain wiretap information on Al Qaeda cells. O’Neill was certain that the Saudi government and oil industry-centric members of the Bush administration were behind the Al Qaeda network. He was also aware of repeated negotiations between U.S. oil companies like UNOCAL and Halliburton and Taliban representatives dating back to 1996, the same year the Khobar Towers were bombed by the Taliban’s Al Qaeda wards. Although those negotiations ceased after the 1998 embassy bombings in Africa, they began again in earnest after George W. Bush became president.

O’Neill had discovered that some of his Al Qaeda targets were involved in some very un-Islamic fundamentalist activities, including drug smuggling, teenage prostitution, and blood diamond dealing. The financial trail led O’Neill to a network of bank accounts in London, Dubai, the Isle of Man, Guernsey, and Jersey. The network investigated coincided exactly with the activities being carried out by the Russian-Israeli Mafia and its links to diamond, drug, and weapons dealers that was especially active in New York and Florida. The future 911 hijackers and their Israeli “shadows” had more than living in the same neighborhoods and frequenting the same bars, video rental stores, and rental mailbox stores in common.

On October 12, 2000, the USS Cole, docked in Aden harbor after the U.S. Navy deemed the port safe and certified it as a Defense Fuel Support Point, was reportedly blown up by two men who approached the warship in a small boat. The men were said to be Al Qaeda members from the bin Laden family homeland in Hadhramaut, a remote region in the east of Yemen straddling the Yemeni-Saudi border. Later, groups called the Army of Mohammed and the Army of Aden-Abyan claimed responsibility for the attack but these claims were reported through obscure sources in London.

Former Ambassador to Yemen Bodine
Former Ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine

O’Neill and his FBI soon arrived in Yemen to investigate the crime. From the outset, O’Neill received a cold shoulder from the U.S. ambassador to Yemen Barbara Bodine (the Deputy Chief of Mission in Kuwait before Desert Storm, and the U.S. viceroy for central Iraq after the U.S. occupation).

Bodine’s orders to limit the scope of O’Neill’s investigation came from Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, whose father Dr. Joseph Korbel, a neo-con anti-Soviet professor, was the mentor for one of his students at the University of Denver – Condoleezza Rice. O’Neill was not permitted to interview Yemenis who witnessed the Cole explosion.

O’Neill was not permitted to examine the hat worn by one of the bombers in the boat nor was he allowed to examine the harbor sludge for evidence.

O’Neill was soon pulled out of Yemen and Bodine refused him and his team permission to re-enter the country. O’Neill was getting too close to something.

In February 2001, after Yemen’s Interior Minister Hussein Mohammed Arab made a statement that there was no evidence linking the Cole bombing to al Qaeda (“Investigations have not so far proved, either to us or to the Americans, any link between Osama bin Laden and the Cole bombing.”), the Bush administration showed no desire to find out who actually bombed the ship. They were too busy clearing the baffles for the Iraq invasion and their other agendas.

In early 2001, rumors began circulating that O’Neill would take over White House Counter-terrorism coordinator Richard Clarke’s job at the National Security Council. Clarke had been one of the few holdovers from the Clinton to Bush administrations. Suddenly, the story about the 90-minute theft of O’Neill’s briefcase was leaked to the New York Times, even though the Justice Department had long before dropped its own investigation of the incident. Although the FBI continued its own investigation of the briefcase incident, it prevented an investigation of the leak of the O’Neill incident to the media.

On August 22, O’Neill retired from 30 years service with the FBI. The next day, he began his job as Security Director for the World Trade Center. His office was on the 34th Floor of the North Tower of the Trade Center.

O’Neill’s building was the first one hit on September 11. He died while trying to save people in the South Tower, the second building hit by the hijackers.


From Jeff Smith:

Operations Officer in Sinai, Egypt (1989-91) where he supervised sustainment operations for the 11 Nation Multinational peacekeeping force. Note Mike was in the Sinai at the same time Col, Hanke and I were in Israel. 1990.

Col. Michael Dick [ret.]

Michael G. Dick is a retired United States Military Officer and FBI Special Agent. [S.A. FBI ret – U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel ret]

Mr. Dick retired after 32 years of credible service with the U.S. Army and the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI). Mr. Dick is a combat veteran of both Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. He was a first responder to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 at the World Trade Center in New York City.

He has more than 32 years of service to the United States Army and as Special Agent for the FBI which include being; Sustainment Officer for the United States Army Aviation Brigade in Fort Hood, Texas from (1985-88), Operations Officer in Sinai, Egypt (1989-91) where he supervised sustainment operations for the 11 Nation Multinational peacekeeping force comprised of 1200 soldiers and hundreds of motor vehicles and aviation assets. He directed logistical support to observation posts and sector control centers developing cooperative relations with Israeli and Egyptian Military officers in furtherance of their mission near the Gaza Strip.

Mike Dick - an FBI bolo notice put out "in error"
Mike Dick – an FBI bolo notice put out “in error”

He served as Commander of a U.S. Army Unit at Fort Dix, New Jersey (1991-93) supervising soldiers and training more than 50 Kuwaiti Nationals in combat skills prior to their deployment in Operation Desert Strom (1991). He served as the Operations Officer and Director of the U.S. Army’s Lite Wheeled Vehicle Mechanics Course. The course had over 300 motor vehicles.

As a Special Agent for the FBI in Newark, New Jersey (1996-2004), his responsibilities entailed analyzing information and intelligence for the purpose of identifying criminal activity, and national security risks, and as a counter-terrorist leads. He was a program manager for the FBI’s Global Counter Proliferation Unit at FBI Headquarters in Washington D.C. (2004-11). Mr. Dick’s last assignment with the FBI was that of an Instructor at the FBI’s Training Academy in Quantico, Virginia. (2011-2013).

Michael earned his Master’s Degree in Business from the University of Scranton in 1995 and his Bachelor in Government Studies from King’s College in 1985.

His Security Clearances are TS/SCI, TK, G, Q.

Mapping Fort Lee (from 2014, the explosive report that blew the real whistle on 9/11)

…by Gordon Duff and Jeff Smith, Editors

[ Editor’s Note: Dear Israeli art students and Dancing Israelis, If you have not figured it out by now, yes we know who you are, what you did, who your handlers were, and the key people who did this.

Mass murder is a pretty serious crime. The cork on 9-11 has held well, but starting to wiggle now. You should, too. There is quite a surveillance record on you folks, including Mohammed Atta coming to visit you on a number of occasions.

The dead have lots of friends, not only those on 9-11, but those that followed in country after country, including the Iranian nuclear scientists you murdered and never put a shred of nuclear weapons program evidence on the table during the nuke talks.

We are combing through all the residents at the time of the three jammer buildings below, and have already named the complex “Israel on the Hudson”. Give our regards to all the JINSA folks. Yes…we know about that, too. Gordon will fill you in below… Jim W. Dean ]

“Down the Yellow Brick Road Once Again”

Fort Lee, New Jersey played a key role in 9/11. We are mapping out, using Google Earth, some of the incidents involved in presenting a rational response to the cover-up, both the government version and the amateur “aftermarket” B-grade version. If you haven’t watched the entire video, please do that now.

George Washington Bridge

All major roadways in and out of New York were to be destroyed on 9/11. It was these teams, brought in from Israel that included the Mohammed Atta group, confirmed as directly tied to both the CIA and Egyptian intelligence, that were under surveillance by a combined task force that coordinated with local law enforcement.

So, when thousands of pounds of explosives were placed inside the cable anchorage, teams were dispatched to disable these devices as soon as the attack at the World Trade Center began.

George Washington Bridge New Jersey Cable Anchorage where thousands of pounds of high explosives were defused and recovered

Simultaneous to the cutting of the cables, a massive truck bomb, as described in CBS and CNN news reports and police radio intercepts, was to explode (as heard, police reported this truck did explode), taking down the roadway supports, thus dropping the bridge “like a rock,” into the Hudson River.

Roadway supports, George Washington Bridge

The Tunnels

Both the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels were to be demolished. We have only one arrest confirmation from the Manhattan side. NYPD roadblocks at the Lincoln Tunnel chased down a van that did a quick turn-around to avoid arrest. Two suspects were arrested with weapons and a truck filled with explosives. Police commissioner Bernie Kerik, recently released from prison, was on the scene with his personal Counter Terrorism Squad to take custody. They were never seen since.


NYPD road block captures team 2 here with explosives filled truck on 9/11

Fort Lee

Fort Lee is the real staging ground for 9/11. It was chosen for a good reason. News reports from 9/11 have been eliminated from archives, lists of terrorists caught then released at the orders of New York City and White House officials and flown out of the country are gone. Police who made the arrests, recorded above, are under gag order.

Moreover, a vast support network involved in the preparation, planning and support of the 9/11 attacks, including the many unsuccessful attacks, not only are enjoying their freedom, some are among the most powerful Americans. As stated, 9/11 begins in Fort Lee, New Jersey.

The “condo and co-op” community there is the home of one of the largest and most politically powerful “Israeli first” groups in America including key members of the notorious organization, JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, reputed to be more influential than PNAC (Project for a New American Century) and far more militant.

An examination of JINSA shows it to be organized in cells like a terror group.

Is it a surprise that the George Washington Bridge, Fort Lee’s primary landmark and the “view” sought by the residents of the highrises chosen for planting the radio jammers, was scheduled for a dramatic demolition on 9/11 with hundreds of commuter vehicles slated for the bottom of the Hudson River?

Fort Lee Mafia

Since the 1930s, Fort Lee has been a “mob town,” with the beginnings of “Murder Inc” and the Albert Anastasia gang and Joe Adonis. It all began when New York Mayor LaGuardia threw the mob out of New York. The new George Washington Bridge provided a home for the mob in Fort Lee with gambling clubs lining the Palisades on both sides of the GW Bridge.

The famous Riviera Night Club as seen from the George Washington Bridge

The fall of communism saw Russian/Ukranian organized crime come to New Jersey, settling in Fort Lee (see Appendix I). The The Taiwanchik-Trincher group is an amalgamation of Israeli/Ukrainian/Cypriot gangs operating illegal gambling operations throughout the United States with ties to the Romney/Bain financial group. From an indictment in Manhattan federal court:

“The Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization (the “Organization”) was a criminal enterprise with strong ties to Russia and Ukraine. The enterprise operated a high-stakes, illegal sports gambling business out of New York City that catered primarily to Russian oligarchs living in Ukraine and Russia. Between 2006 and April 2012, the enterprise laundered approximately $100 million in proceeds from their gambling operation in Russia and Ukraine through shell companies and bank accounts in Cyprus; and of this $100 million, approximately $50 million was subsequently sent from Cyprus into the United States. Once the money had been transferred to the United States, it was either laundered through additional shell companies or invested in legitimate investments, such as hedge funds and real estate.

The Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization operated under the protection of Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, who is known as a “Vor,” a term translated as “Thief-in-Law,” that refers to a member of a select group of high-level criminals from the former Soviet Union. Tokhtakhounov is also under indictment in the Southern District of New York for his alleged involvement in bribing officials at the 2002 Winter Olympics held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Tokhtakhounov is a fugitive and is still being sought.”

Local Terror Cells Role

In place local assets, some with direct connections to the Ukranian “Kosher Mafia” or

1. Vehicles for hauling explosives

2.  Access to Transit Authority facilities, vehicles and personnel for planting explosives

3.  Cooperation with local condo/co-op security assuring unfettered access to rooftops

The Able Danger investigation, years later, staff gutted by Clinton blackmail cutbacks, tracked a major terror operation to Fort Lee, New Jersey. There they found the CIA, Mossad and Saudi Intelligence pulling together operational teams, moving vans, “art students” and even a few “dancing Israelis”…

Mossad Safe House Where Feds Say 9/11 Was Planned

The “dancer/art student” groups had a variety of tasks on 9/11, among them:

  • Planting jammers on buildings on exhibit one to block Port Authority dispatchers and first responder radios
  • Plant explosives on the New Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge where the cables are anchored, in order to collapse the bridge
  • Explode a truck in the Lincoln Tunnel
  • Explode a truck in the Holland Tunnel
  • Park trucks with demolition devices in specific parking areas of the twin towers
  • Coordinate with Mohammed Atta and his group

Of the 3 jammers locations shown below, two of those planted were recovered by the FCC and are held in evidence in Houston, Texas awaiting the “waiting until hell freezes over” Grand Jury to reconvene on Able Danger and 9/11.

FBI Sat Across the Street, All 9/11 Planning on audio and video yet suppressed

Many remember the stories about how fire department radios didn’t work and how new radios would have taken care of the problem. This is the real reason for the radio problems.

The locations on this map were supplied by Jeff Smith who worked at the surveillance safe house and at the FBI office shown above. The safe house on Tom Hunter road was strategically placed to keep track of the Mossad “art student” rental further up Tom Hunter Road and across the street.

Mohammed Atta’s “crash pad” 5 minutes walk from his handlers

Mohammed Atta lived at 215 Main, four blocks over, within easy walking distance of the Israeli facility, the jammer targets and the bridge. He was across the parking lot from the Port Authority (220 Bruce Reynolds Road) which was within a “golf shot” of the FBI investigation offices.

Jammer high rises as seen from FBI/Able Danger Parking lot

The real purpose of the 9/11 attack was much more than taking down the World Trade Center. Imagine New York City, the WTC “evaporated,” the George Washington Bridge sitting in the Hudson, the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels flooded, hundreds drowned and the city was entirely cut off and in full panic mode while police and fire radios were jammed.

Were other attacks on Washington foiled as well? The White House or Capitol Building targets?

Could martial law have been declared? Worse?

In the end, we got the Department of Homeland Security. This reminds me of the Len Deighton book, SSGB, a fictional tale of Britain’s Scotland Yard, working for the German SS after Hitler’s successful invasion of the UK. We got the DHS after losing a war with AIPAC. You just can’t make this stuff up!

VT requests that the officers who arrested the Israeli “suspects” with the “thousands of pounds of explosives” (CNN) or who were captured “as the van exploded” come forward.

We also ask that all the witnesses of the 2nd plane that was allowed to fly out of the US that day come forward, to confirm that it carried the “exiting” Israeli team, including the above-mentioned ones who were caught. We know who authorized the plane to leave, a key aspect of the operation, including the New City law enforcement officials the performed some magic tricks that day.

[ Note: We will continue pulling our full 9-11 update series together for posting on each new article so readers have them in the chronology they were published. It’s been one hell of a ride… Jim W. Dean ]

Background articles:

9-11 Syllabus and VT Nuclear Education Series – 2016

  1. 9-11 Revelations continue, Humiliating the victims, Dancing on their Graves
  2. The Problem with Cold Fusion and How small can a Nuclear Reaction Be?
  3. The B-61, the more Usable Nuke
  4. VT Nuclear Education: North Korea Fission-Fusion (Hydrogen bomb) Device Claim Doubted

9-11 Syllabus and VT Nuclear Education Series – 2015

  1. The Secret of America’s Doomsday Waste
  2. VT Nuclear Education: The History of Nuclear Weapons Design 1945 to 2015
  3. VT Nuclear Education: The Uranium Hydride Bomb
  4. VT Nuclear Education: Subcritical and microfission explosives
  5. VT Nuclear Education – Freon and the Hohlraum
  6. The Secret Nazi role in Building the Atomic Bomb
  7. How the Nazi A-Bomb Worked
  8. VT Nuclear Education: Critical Mass
  9. VT Nuclear Education: Laser and Nuke Weapon Calculator
  10. VT Nuclear Education: Germany
  11. 9/11 Science: Craters and Explosive Damage
  12. Neutron Bombs and Other Toys
  13. NEO: Building Nuclear Case Against Saudis
  14. VT Nuclear Education: The Secrets of EMP Weapons
  15. VT Nuclear Education: Explosive Properties of Reactor Grade Plutonium
  16. Nukes on Yemen, Confirming Proofs: Yield Estimation from Illumination Time
  17. Nukes on Yemen, Confirming Proofs: Introduction to Nuclear Operations
  18. Nukes on Yemen-Confirming Proofs: Calculating Nuclear Blast Yield from the Flash
  19. How Israel Was Busted Nuking Yemen
  20. Saudis Have Israel Nuke Yemen for Them
  21. VT Warning of EMP Plot Confirmed by Guardian
  22. VT Nuke Education: Thorium Warnings
  23. VT Nuclear Education: CIA/Iran Trial and more disclosure
  24. NEO – CIA Torture Report Ties Cheney/Bout to 9/11 Nukes
  25. The DOE Defends Nuclear 9/11


9-11 Syllabus and VT Nuclear Education Series – 2014

  1. Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed
  2. Nuke Cancer from 9/11 Revealed
  3. 9/11 NUKE DEMOLITION PROOF: Firefighters Radiation Cancers “Off the Scale”
  4. Doc Submitted By Russian Intel
  5. Constructing the Nuclear Child
  6. VT Nuclear Education Series
  7. Nuclear Education Series: Dimona Classified
  8. VT Nuclear Terrorism Education Series
  9. VT Nuclear Education: Undeniable Proof of 9/11 as a Nuclear Event
  10. VT Nuclear Education: As the Hammer Drops
  11. VT Nuclear Education: Mossad/N. Korea Links, MOX
  12. Nuclear Roundtable: America’s Nuclear Arsenal
  13. Officials Cite “Thermo-Nuke” in 9/11 Demo
  14. VT Nuclear Education: Fission Based Thermobaric Weapons
  15. IAEA investigators: Audit reveals US, not Iran the Problem

VT Supporting Material on 9/11, Nuclear Physics and Disclosure Issues

  1. VT Nuclear Education: Anti – gravity
  2. NEO – Mini Nukes and M16: The Economy of War (must read)
  3. VT Nuclear Education: Nukes in Iraq, Confirmation UPDATED
  4. VT Flexing Its Nuclear Muscle (must read)
  5. Nuclear 9/11 Revealed: Theories and Disinformation, the Misguided and the Inhuman (must read)
  6. VT Nuclear Education: Tactical Nuclear Warfare (must read)
  7. VT Nuclear Education: Early Reactors
  8. IAEA investigators: Audit reveals US, not Iran the problem (must read)
  9. VT Nuclear Education: History of Mini-Nukes (must read)
  10. VT Nuclear Education: Answering the Hype (must read)
  11. VT Nuclear Education: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Atom Smasher (must read)
  12. VT Nuclear Education: LENR Neutron Distribution
  13. Einsteins Theory on Magnetic Buoyancy
  14. VT Science: Fuel Cell Technology
  15. VT Science: The Farnsworth Fusor
  16. VT Science: HAARP
  17. Fusion: Junk Science For Rubes
  18. NEO – Nuclear Threats Enter the Mainstream (must read)
  19. VT Science: NASA’s Low Energy Fusion VooDoo/DooDoo
  20. The Connection Between Aurora and Black Triangles (Redux)
  21. Jeff Smith on Upcoming Able Danger Leak
  22. VT Nuclear Education: Japan
  23. VT Nuclear Education: Detonations and Deceit
  24. 9/11 Hokum: Deconstructing Christopher Bollyn and Steve Jones
  25. Why are the Commanding Generals being Sacked?

Appendix I – Partial List of Fort Lee Organized Crime Convictions

“Twenty-eight defendants in this case have pled guilty and two have entered into deferred prosecution agreements. The defendants who have pled to date have agreed to forfeit, in total, more than $68 million. The following defendants have pled guilty, and have been sentenced or await sentencing”:

  • Bryan Zuriff pled guilty to gambling charges on July 26, 2013, and was sentenced on November 25, 2013.
  • William Barbalat pled guilty to gambling charges on August 14, 2013, and was sentenced on December 16, 2013.
  • Kirill Rapoport pled guilty to gambling charges on August 16, 2013, and was sentenced on December 19, 2014.
  • Edwin Ting and Justin Smith pled guilty to gambling charges on September 4, 2013, and were sentenced on January 21, 2014, and January 6, 2014, respectively.
  • Dmitry Druzhinsky and David Aaron pled guilty to gambling charges on October 4, 2013, and were sentenced on April 18, 2014, and February 14, 2014, respectively.
  • Alexander Zaverukha pled guilty to gambling charges on October 10, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on May 1, 2014.
  • Nicholas Hirsch pled guilty to conspiring to commit wire fraud on October 16, 2013, and was sentenced on February 25, 2014.
  • Anatoly Shteyngrob pled guilty to conspiring to commit money laundering on October 17, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on June 10, 2014.
  • Yugeshwar Rajkumar pled guilty to gambling charges on October 18, 2013, and was sentenced on March 25, 2014.
  • Stan Greenberg pled guilty to conspiring to commit racketeering on October 22, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on May 2, 2014.
  • Arthur Azen pled guilty to conspiring to commit money laundering and conspiring to collect extensions of credit by extortionate means on November 5, 2013, and was sentenced on April 9, 2014.
  • Hillel Nahmad pled guilty to gambling charges on November 12, 2013, and was sentenced on April 30, 2014.
  • Vadim Trincher pled guilty to conspiring to commit racketeering on November 14, 2013, and was sentenced on April 30, 2014.
  • Eugene Trincher pled guilty to gambling charges on November 14, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on June 9, 2014.
  • Anatoly Golubchik pled guilty to conspiring to commit racketeering on November 15, 2013, and was sentenced on April 29, 2014.
  • Illya Trincher pled guilty to gambling charges on November 15, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on May 8, 2014.
  • Ronald Uy pled guilty to structuring financial transactions on November 25, 2013, and was sentenced on March 27, 2014.
  • Moshe Oratz pled guilty to gambling charges on December 3, 2013, and was sentenced on April 9, 2014.
  • Michael Sall pled guilty to interstate travel in aid of an unlawful activity (illegal gambling) and Jonathan Hirsch pled guilty to gambling charges on December 4, 2013. Sall was sentenced on April 18, 2014, and Hirsch is scheduled to be sentenced on May 9, 2014.
  • Noah Siegel pled guilty to gambling charges on December 5, 2013, and was sentenced on April 10, 2014.
  • Molly Bloom pled guilty to gambling charges on December 12, 2013, and is scheduled to be sentenced on May 2, 2014.
  • Alexander Katchaloff pled guilty to gambling charges on January 16, 2014, and is scheduled to be sentenced on May 20, 2014.
  • Donald McCalmont, John Jarekci, a/k/a “John Hanson,” and Abraham Mosseri pled guilty to making a fraudulent tax statement, to failing to file a tax return, and causing a financial institution to participate in a lottery related matter, respectively, on January 24, 2014, and are scheduled to be sentenced on May 29, 2014, May 28, 2014, and May 21, 2014, respectively.
  • William Edler and Peter Feldman entered into deferred prosecution agreements on April 11, 2014.



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