IAEA Source: Trump Fires Accused Israeli Nuclear Spy, Tom Countryman

Accused nuclear spy, Tom Countryman, fired by Tillerson
Accused nuclear spy, Tom Countryman, fired by Tillerson

… by Gordon Duff with Jeff Smith, VT Editors

When Secretary of State Tillerson fired Tom Countryman, we have no idea why but here at VT, Countryman is well known.  While at the IAEA, VT Editor Jeff Smith investigated Countryman for his role in passing nuclear weapons secrets to Israel including the “pit matching specifications” that allowed 350 stolen nuclear pits to be paired and remachined in Israel.

According to sources including a high ranking former White House advisor working with the FBI investigating Israeli espionage, Countryman’s stolen nuclear secrets were passed by Bush “Terror Czar” Richard Clarke directly to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Our source was at the Israeli embassy reception as part of the group with Netanyahu, Condeleezza Rice and Paul Wolfowitz when Clarke turned over the materials, printed in bulk.  FBI agents outside recorded the whole thing as one of the attendees, based on a secret agreement with Rice, was carrying a recording device.  Yes, we have this quality of information, which has been in the hands of a Houston grand jury since 2007.

Former Democratic governor of New Mexico and Director of the Department of Energy, Bill Richardson, listed as “leak source” for missing nuke secrets

The pits were stolen from the Pantex facility in Amarillo through an operation run by imprisoned “Lord of War” Victor Bout working for Israel.  The pits, according to our sources, who ran the investigation, were removed in refrigeration trucks and taken to a fertilizer plant in West, Texas.

Fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas

From there they were taken to the Port of Houston and loaded for transit to the Canary, Islands.  From there they were loaded on planes for Mauritius, where they were stored for sorting at an iron mine owned by former South African Prime Minister DeKlerk.

VT Editor Dmitri Khalezov, background, with Victor Bout in Thailand

When President Clinton ordered the investigation shut down in 1997, former President George H.W. Bush financed it personally, bringing the team of Jeff Smith and Roland Carnaby to Houston.  Carnaby was murdered by Israeli security dressed as a Houston police officer in 2005.

Assisting the investigation were John Wheeler III, murdered and his body dumped in Delaware, John O’Neill, killed on 9/11 and FBI Agent Mike Dick, at one time put on a “shoot to kill” order by “mistake.”  The story goes on.  Read the Guardian version below and background material from VT below that:

Guardian: The sudden dismissal of several senior officials has left a gaping hole at the heart of US diplomacy: ‘The machinery is still there, but no one’s in the cockpit’

It was a sudden and unceremonious end to 35 years as a foreign service officer, the last four months of it as the acting undersecretary for arms control and international security. But Countryman was not alone. The Trump White House carried out an abrupt purge of the state department’s senior leadership last week, removing key officials from posts that are essential to the day-to-day running of the department and US missions abroad.

Read more at UK Guardian

From VT:


Introduction by Ian Greenhalgh

Here we are, approaching the 15th anniversary of September 11th 2001 and still we have not put this to bed, even though we now have captured Saudi intelligence officers singing like canaries and those 28 missing pages that most likely contain proof of Saudi involvement are tantalisingly close to public release.

We have largely solved the case, tied the loose ends and established all the solid proof necessary; however it has been to almost no avail due to the continued total blackout by the mass media – not once has VT received a single inquiry from anyone in the mainstream media despite our publishing of a lengthy series of articles that constitute the best 9-11 evidential writing available.

9-11 Map

For years, many people have scoffed when I insisted I knew with certainty as far back as August 2005 that the official 9-11 story was utter nonsense; but it’s true, that was when the Fire Dept of NY radio transcripts were released. In them, we learned that Battalion Seven Chief Orio Palmer made a radio call from the 78th floor of the South Tower at 9:52 AM:

“Battalion Seven … Ladder 15, we’ve got two isolated pockets of fire. We should be able to knock it down with two lines. Radio that, 78th floor numerous 10-45 Code Ones.”

7 minutes later at 9:59AM, the South Tower ceased to exist, it was largely vapourised with most of the building spreading out over Manhattan in the form of an immense dust cloud. That sure as hell wasn’t caused by the two small pockets of fire Palmer reported.

Battalion Chief Orio Palmer
Battalion Chief Orio Palmer

So there and then, I knew, with certainty, that the whole story we were being asked to swallow was nonsense. Now, I’m no intelligence operator, I was never trained to analyse complex cases, I’m just a normal guy with a media degree and a fairly adequate brain, so if I could figure this out, then surely all the people around with actual intelligence training and experience would figure it out too?

Of course they could, many did, one retired senior USAF officer I spoke to, in reply to being asked when he realised the WTC destruction was obviously not the result of any interaction with a Boeing said ‘as I watched it live on TV that morning’. He went on to assure me that he was far from the only one and that a lot of people like him would have known right away.

Which brings us to the uncomfortable question of why didn’t someone blow the lid off the whole caper by blowing the whistle? The answer is even more uncomfortable; firstly, there is the age old method for keeping a secret – you simply make everyone privy to the secret the same offer, the Colombian cartels used to call it ‘plata o plomo’ – silver (of the dollar) or lead (of the bullet); secondly there is the absolute complicity of the media to the extent that there simply was no-one willing to listen to anyone blowing the whistle with the consequence that doing so would not be of any use, it wouldn’t reach the public and you’d probably just be committing suicide.

The futility of exposing the truth of 9-11 was driven home by the assassination by car crash of Dutch demolition expert Danny Jawenko who had unwittingly exposed the lies of the Building 7 ‘collapse’ in an interview:

9/11: Dutch Demolition Expert Danny Jowenko Dies In “Car Crash”

So where are we today in terms of disclosure of the truth about 9-11? How many people out there among the ‘general public’ have at least some clue about the central truth that it was a joint Saudi-Israeli operation made possible by the collaboration of the US Neocons? The disturbing answer has to be nowhere near enough and for that, we have to thank the cornucopia of collaborators, traitors, Christian Zionists and, it has to be said, outright Devil-worshipping satanists who have all played their part in helping the Israelis and Saudis get away with their great crime.

Personally, and I am sure a great many will share my view, I don’t think we will have even begun the process of getting justice for the victims of 9-11 until we purge the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, the US armed forces, the DHS and all the other organs of state that have been compromised and infiltrated by traitors; furthermore, until the ‘Axis of Evil’ of Israel-House of Saud-US Neocons is utterly smashed, we will continue to be under threat of repeat ‘terror’ events and in fact, that is precisely what we have just witnessed in Orlando.

Fort Lee Map

By Gordon Duff 

The “elephant in the room” regarding 9/11 is the now widely accepted fact that Saudi Arabia has been bribing and blackmailing hundreds, even thousands, around the world, including members of congress, even Supreme Court justices, to keep their role in 9/11 secret.

What you have to ask yourself is this.  If what is written here is true, then why is not only the mainstream media boycotting so much information vital to national security but, moreover, why is the conspiracy theory blogosphere, what few have held on after so many years, still peddling their snake oil fantasies?

The answer to both of these questions and more is that the conspiracy outlined below is alive and well, that what was perpetrated on 9/11 is ongoing, in Ukraine, in Syria and Iraq with ISIS and is enjoying the world 9/11 created those years ago, a world less safe, a world facing destruction and enslavement, now an accepted reality for the people of both North America and Europe, a world of more poverty, more disease, more terrorism and war, a world where lies are the new truth.

Our Boy

A Saudi intelligence officer captured in Syria now tells of his own role in 9/11 and ties together enough “loose ends” to put the focus, not only on Israel but on a continuing coverup as well.  His story covers the joint Saudi and Israeli teams who planned not only the nuclear demolition of the World Trade Center but a wider attack on the American economy, taking down the stock markets, the banking system and throwing New York City into far more panic than the catastrophic events on Southern Manhattan that day.

This was a coup d etat on a broader scale than any imagined, one ongoing to this day, one that has left, according to many experts, only Russia and China as embattled survivors.

Layout Out our case

Recent events in the Middle East have revealed a working relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel back to the early 1990s and even before, perhaps decades before.  It doesn’t take a conspiracy theorist to see joint Saudi and Israeli backing for ISIS and other terror groups nor the ties between these two now recognize rogue players, who along with Turkey and western intelligence agencies, are managing discord, chaos and war on three continents.

If this is true, the oil boycott over US aid to Israel in 1973 was little more than “gamesmanship” market manipulation that began America’s spin into massive debt while the oil giants, now drowning in profits, moved their assets overseas.  None of this was an accident, nor was the close Saudi and Israeli cooperation on 9/11, which we will support below, cooperation that should now be impossible to deny.


In May 2014, VT was offered a 75 meg file by a source identified as “Russian Naval Intelligence.”  With the file was a note that said “This information does not come from Edward Snowden.”

The file included documentation of a 2003 preliminary report on 9/11 which identified the event as a nuclear demolition on behalf of a terrorist organization that had accessed nuclear material from US stockpiles though Israeli penetration of the Department of Energy.  It further alleged that the Department of Homeland Security had been established to manage the coverup and silence whistleblowers.

Soon thereafter, VT was approached by nuclear physicist and former IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) inspector Jeff Smith, who joined VT as an editor.  Smith told of a Houston based grand jury investigating 9/11 and of his participation in a multi-agency task force, run initially by FBI Agent John O’Neill (killed on 9/11) and later by FBI Agent Mike Dick (mistakenly named as an armed terrorist by Fox News) along with CIA Agent Roland Carnaby (killed by “police” in Houston, TX 2005) and White House consultant John Wheeler III (found in a Delaware trash dump in 2010).

Smith presented photographic evidence of his IAEA work in Africa and the Middle East, copies of his UN diplomatic passport and then put VT in contact with a working group at Los Alamos that reviewed the Russian documents, revealing that some included information on nuclear weapons design that could not be published under any circumstances.

Jeff Smith began advising VT on issues of nuclear proliferation including debunking claims of an Iranian nuclear program (Jeff was lead investigator in both Iran and Syria for the IAEA) but, moreover, of the use of newly designed tactical nuclear weapons on a number of occasions including Oklahoma City, Khobar Towers, Bali, Syria, Ukraine,Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen.  These nuclear attacks were claimed to be hits on “chemical plants” or “rocket factories,” but all shared the same inexorable nuclear signatures:

  • a white flash, designating nuclear fuel being consumed
  • a crater impossible to duplicate with the alleged chemical explosive component
  • EMP fires which exploded cars often miles away
  • photographic/video evidence showing ball lightning or gamma and neutron radiation signatures picked up by LCD based cameras

More than the Saudis

While the world awaits, year after year, the missing 28 pages of the public farce called The 9/11 Report, one more fact, and there have been so many, has emerged.  The arrest of the infamous “Dancing Israeli’s” was a planned and staged event and those who carried it and kept it alive among the media were a mix of paid disinformation agents and incompetents, according to sources formerly with the Saudi intelligence.

Simply put, when CBS and CNN reported, only hours after the 9/11 attacks, that Israeli teams had been arrested with explosives and weapons, most importantly on the George Washington Bridge near Fort Lee, New Jersey, a key access in and out of Manhattan, our Saudi source says this triggered the “Dancing Israeli deception.”

“We knew the FBI was watching Mohammed Atta, who ran our team.  Your paper had it right ( we are internet only) about Fort Lee, New Jersey.  The Israeli’s were in this with us from the beginning, they had teams of “art students” all over town, setting up jammers, planting explosives and, more importantly, spreading rumors, dropping evidence like that perfect passport that was found.  Hell, they even had a jet engine loaded in a van and dropped it on a street corner with a hundred people watching, we laughed our selves to death over this one.”

The Trump campaign has made 9/11 news again with “the Donald” threatening to open an investigation.  You see, “the Donald” learned about Building 7, the magic disappearance of a third tower, he learned of the engineers and architects who say planes don’t knock anything down, that kerosene (the basis of jet fuel) can’t melt aluminum foil.

Then again, as is always the case with such things, why “Occupy Wall Street” and even the entire militia movement were crushed, there is another answer.  All false flag operations, and this term, “false flag” has since time immemorial been a major part of every war, have a deception and cover component.

The “Truthers”

This is 2016 and names like Mike Dick, John O’Neill, Roland Carnaby, John Wheeler III are forgotten.  FBI Agent, Mike Dick, who ran surveillance on the Israeli teams operating from Fort Lee on 9/11 barely survived a mistaken “shoot to kill” order put out by Fox News:

ScreenHunter_146 Jun. 17 09.58
Photo broadcast by Fox News listing Special Agent Mike Dick as “armed and dangerous,” claiming he was threatening to assassinate FBI officials.  Below is the current Linkdin for Supervisory Special Agent Mike Dick, the man who investigated Israeli involvement in 9/11 and nearly lost his life:

ScreenHunter_147 Jun. 17 10.05

“From the beginning, we knew this event, and this is how it was staged, as an ‘event’would be another Pearl Harbor or Kennedy Assassination, books, conspiracies, speculation, and we would control all of it, turn it into an industry, use it to divide enemies, discredit  critics and get away with it again and again…”

More Coverup theory

Take, for instance, the events at Sandy Hook or the Boston Marathon.  We one to examine these events as potential false flag attacks, looking at Sandy Hook, one might note the following:

  • Shooter’s mother was a teacher at the school, then not a teacher
  • Shooter was identified during shooting by school counselor as “son of teacher” then as “I only saw his shoes.”
  • FBI agents spoke Hebrew in front of the press
  • Other suspects arrested at the scene simply disappeared, like with the 2009 Detroit Christmas bombing
  • Suspects car, impounded at the scene, actually belonged to crime figure from a nearby town
  • Famous photo of children led from school shown to be staged, perhaps before the fact
  • Robbie Parker, a “parent” caught rehearsing for his role as “grieving survivor”

For Boston, there are as many or more with suspects belonging to a longtime CIA asset family, not entirely unlike the background of the shooter at the Orlando club murders.

What is key is that there isn’t one or two “impossible coincidences” or as with 9/11, endless violations of the laws of physics, there are hundreds.  Moreover, as time went on, it became clear to those of the intelligence community who were not complicit in the attacks, and who those were, as time went on, became more difficult to ascertain, the conspiracy theories being presented, energy weapons, nano-thermite and such, were purposefully fed to the public, knowingly outlandish dead ends tied to science only seen in graphic novels.

When the Trail Heated Up

There were a couple of strange twists in 9/11 lore tied to two individuals who ended up “doing time,” now it seems for getting too close to the truth.  The first we will cover is British attorney/barrister Michael Shrimpton.  Seemingly in an unrelated circumstances, what we now know to be the same source that leaked the Department of Energy investigation documents to VT in 2014 had, two years earlier, contacted Shrimpton with a warning that the London Olympics would be attacked with a nuclear weapon.

When Shrimpton contacted MI6 about this story, he was arrested and eventually convicted of some offense, we aren’t sure what, as Britain seems to be able to simple invent laws upon need.  However, the Shrimpton story, involving a restored German Type 21 submarine and stolen nuclear weapons was confirmed by IAEA sources who told us that they had briefed a group we now know as the St. Hubertus Society at a luxurious private shooting resort in Oklahoma, word for word, the same story Shrimpton was jailed for, given in private to Washington’s elites including a US Vice President and two Supreme Court justices.

Much of this information also went to investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen.  Madsen published information from the DOE 9/11 investigation, particularly about the Saudi/Israeli connection and the “terror base” in Fort Lee, New Jersey, but was never given enough of the story for it to get traction.


As early as 2007, a former Soviet military officer claiming to have worked in nuclear intelligence began telling his story to anyone that would listen.  His name was/is Dmitri Khalezov.

Khalezov claimed he was contacted, while living in Thailand, by Mossad operative Mike Harari, who tried to recruit him to take part in what is now knows as the Bali Bombing attack.  Their relationship began somewhat before 9/11 and Khalezov describes meeting with Harari and his son only hours after the World Trade Center bombing where the two celebrated the attack and told Khalezov that they had helped plan the destruction by acquiring the nuclear weapons used.  This is all outlined in Khalezov’s book.

Where Khalezov became significant to VT and Jeff Smith’s series of articles was in this one key area.  The scientific team at the University of California at Los Alamos that consulted with VT on the Russian based leak had run into a number of problems.

Either a number of nuclear devices were used on the twin towers, interspersed between the floors, or a new design of bomb was used.  The scientists postulated 4th and 5th generation weapons designs that could create a blast that would climb the towers, dustify endless tens of thousands of tons of steel, do it in less than a second and still give off the radiation signature that was found on the site, that of a conventional 3rd generation LRR (low residual radiation) nuke.

Khalezov’s book had the answer, they claimed.  The FBI led team Jeff Smith and Mike Dick worked on had been able to ascertain where exactly the vehicles with the nuclear weapons were parked, under the twin towers.  What Khalezov added was the fact that these parking places were chosen because they were under the massive Freon tanks.  This Freon, one huge tank under each tower, when a device was initiated below it, acted as a booster gas, turning to deuterium and sending an energy blast vertical, or so the Los Alamos scientists postulate.

Tracking the Nukes

The stolen nuclear pits used to manufacture these weapons, according to the Los Alamos team, were part of 350 plutonium pits (decayed nuclear cores) stored at the Pantax facility in Amarillo, TX.  Smith says that was contacted, in 1997, by former President George H.W. Bush, who was privately financing a team looking into nuclear terror threats.

George H.W. Bush offices, Memorial Drive, Houston Tx
George H.W. Bush offices, Memorial Drive, Houston Tx

Sharing offices with the former president, Jeff Smith and the CIA’s Roland Carnaby began a lengthy investigation of a combined South African, Canadian, Israeli smuggling operations run by, according to Smith, the Bronfman family along with DeKlerk and Netanyahu personally.  Smith, Carnaby and company, including the Able Danger investigating team, after 9/11 worked on the hypothesis that this group, aided by New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, US Attorney Patrick Fitzerald and a cast of thousands, planned and executed the 9/11 attacks.


…by Gordon Duff and Jeff Smith, Editors


[ Editor’s Note: Dear Israeli art students and Dancing Israelis, If you have not figured it out by now, yes we know who you are, what you did, who your handlers were, and the key people who did this.

Mass murder is a pretty serious crime. The cork on 9-11 has held well, but starting to wiggle now. You should, too. There is quite a surveillance record on you folks, including Mohammed Atta coming to visit you on a number of occasions.

The dead have lots of friends, not only those on 9-11, but those that followed in country after country, including the Iranian nuclear scientists you murdered and never put a shred of nuclear weapons program evidence on the table during the nuke talks.

We are combing through all the residents at the time of the three jammer buildings below,  and have already named the complex “Israel on the Hudson”. Give our regards to all the JINSA folks. Yes…we know about that, too. Gordon will fill you in below Jim W. Dean ]


“Down the Yellow Brick Road Once Again”

Fort Lee, New Jersey played a key role in 9/11.  We are mapping out, using Google Earth, some of the incidents involved in presenting a rational response to the cover up, both the government version and the amateur “aftermarket” B-grade version.  If you haven’t watched the entire video, please do that now.

George Washington Bridge

All major roadways in and out of New York were to be destroyed on 9/11.  It was these teams, brought in from Israel that included the Mohammed Atta group, confirmed as directly tied to both the CIA and Egyptian intelligence, that were under surveillance by a combined task force that coordinated with local law enforcement.

So, when thousands of pounds of explosives were placed inside the cable anchorage, teams were dispatched to disable these devices as soon as the attack at the World Trade Center began.

George Washington Bridge New Jersey Cable Anchorage where thousands of pounds of high explosives were defused and recovered
George Washington Bridge New Jersey Cable Anchorage where thousands of pounds of high explosives were defused and recovered

Simultaneous to the cutting of the cables, a massive truck bomb, as described in CBS and CNN news reports and police radio intercepts, was to explode (as heard, police reported this truck did explode), taking down the roadway supports, thus dropping the bridge “like a rock,” into the Hudson River.

Roadway supports, George Washington Bridge
Roadway supports, George Washington Bridge

The Tunnels

Both the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels were to be demolished.  We have only one arrest confirmation from the Manhattan side.  NYPD roadblocks at the Lincoln Tunnel chased down a van that did a quick turn-around to avoid arrest.  Two suspects were arrested with weapons and a truck filled with explosives.  Police commissioner Bernie Kerik, recently released from prison, was on the scene with his personal Counter Terrorism Squad to take custody.  They were never seen since.

chets_076 chets_075

NYPD road block captures team 2 here with explosives filled truck on 9/11
NYPD road block captures team 2 here with explosives filled truck on 9/11

Fort Lee

Fort Lee is the real staging ground for 9/11. It was chosen for a good reason. News reports from 9/11 have been eliminated from archives, lists of terrorists caught then released at the orders of New York City and White House officials and flown out of the country are gone.  Police who made the arrests, recorded above, are under gag order.

Moreover, a vast support network involved in the preparation, planning and support of the 9/11 attacks, including the many unsuccessful attacks, not only are enjoying their freedom, some are among the most powerful Americans.  As stated, 9/11 begins in Fort Lee, New Jersey.

The “condo and co-op” community there is the home of one of the largest and most politically powerful “Israeli first” groups in America including key members of the notorious organization, JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, reputed to be more influential than PNAC (Project for a New American Century) and far more militant.

An examination of JINSA shows it to be organized in cells like a terror group.

Is it a surprise that the George Washington Bridge, Fort Lee’s primary landmark and the “view” sought by the residents of the highrises chosen for planting the radio jammers, was scheduled for a dramatic demolition on 9/11 with hundreds of commuter vehicles slated for the bottom of the Hudson River?

Fort Lee Mafia

Since the 1930s, Fort Lee has been a “mob town,” with the beginnings of “Murder Inc” and the Albert Anastasia gang and Joe Adonis.  It all began when New York Mayor LaGuardia threw the mob out of New York.  The new George Washington Bridge provided a home for the mob in Fort Lee with gambling clubs lining the Palisades on both sides of the GW Bridge.

The famous Riviera Night Club as seen from the George Washington Bridge
The famous Riviera Night Club as seen from the George Washington Bridge

The fall of communism saw Russian/Ukranian organized crime come to New Jersey, settling in Fort Lee (see Appendix I).  The The Taiwanchik-Trincher group is an amalgamation of Israeli/Ukrainian/Cypriot gangs operating illegal gambling operations throughout the United States with ties to the Romney/Bain financial group. From an indictment in Manhattan federal court:

“The Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization (the “Organization”) was a criminal enterprise with strong ties to Russia and Ukraine. The enterprise operated a high-stakes, illegal sports gambling business out of New York City that catered primarily to Russian oligarchs living in Ukraine and Russia.  Between 2006 and April 2012, the enterprise laundered approximately $100 million in proceeds from their gambling operation in Russia and Ukraine through shell companies and bank accounts in Cyprus; and of this $100 million, approximately $50 million was subsequently sent from Cyprus into the United States. Once the money had been transferred to the United States, it was either laundered through additional shell companies or invested in legitimate investments, such as hedge funds and real estate.

The Taiwanchik-Trincher Organization operated under the protection of Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov, who is known as a “Vor,” a term translated as “Thief-in-Law,” that refers to a member of a select group of high-level criminals from the former Soviet Union.Tokhtakhounov is also under indictment in the Southern District of New York for his alleged involvement in bribing officials at the 2002 Winter Olympics held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Tokhtakhounov is a fugitive and is still being sought.”

Local Terror Cells Role

In place local assets, some with direct connections to the Ukranian “Kosher Mafia” or

1. Vehicles for hauling explosives

2.  Access to Transit Authority facilities, vehicles and personnel for planting explosives

3.  Cooperation with local condo/co-op security assuring unfettered access to rooftops

The Able Danger investigation, years later, staff gutted by Clinton blackmail cutbacks, tracked a major terror operation to Fort Lee, New Jersey.  There they found the CIA, Mossad and Saudi Intelligence pulling together operational teams, moving vans, “art students” and even a few “dancing Israelis”….

Mossad Safe House Where Feds Say 9/11 Was Planned


The “dancer/art student” groups had a variety of tasks on 9/11, among them:

  • Planting jammers on buildings on exhibit one to block Port Authority dispatchers and first responder radios
  • Plant explosives on the New Jersey side of the George Washington Bridge where the cables are anchored, in order to collapse the bridge
  • Explode a truck in the Lincoln Tunnel
  • Explode a truck in the Holland Tunnel
  • Park trucks with demolition devices in specific parking areas of the twin towers
  • Coordinate with Mohammed Atta and his group

Of the 3 jammers locations shown below, two of those planted were recovered by the FCC and are held in evidence in Houston, Texas awaiting the “waiting until hell freezes over” Grand Jury to reconvene on Able Danger and 9/11.

FBI Sat Across the Street, All 9/11 Planning on audio and video yet suppressed
FBI Sat Across the Street, All 9/11 Planning on audio and video yet suppressed

Many remember the stories about how fire department radios didn’t work and how new radios would have taken care of the problem.  This is the real reason for the radio problems.


The locations on this map were supplied by Jeff Smith who worked at the surveillance safe house and at the FBI office shown above.  The safe house on Tom Hunter road was strategically placed to keep track of the Mossad “art student” rental further up Tom Hunter Road and across the street.

Mohammed Atta's "crash pad" 5 minutes walk from his handlers
Mohammed Atta’s “crash pad” 5 minutes walk from his handlers

Mohammed Atta lived at 215 Main, four blocks over, within easy walking distance of the Israeli facility, the jammer targets and the bridge.  He was across the parking lot from the Port Authority (220 Bruce Reynolds Road) which was within a “golf shot” of the FBI investigation offices.

Jammer high rises as seen from FBI/Able Danger Parking lot
Jammer high rises as seen from FBI/Able Danger Parking lot

The real purpose of the 9/11 attack was much more than taking down the World Trade Center.  Imagine New York City, the WTC “evaporated,” the George Washington Bridge sitting in the Hudson, the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels flooded, hundreds drowned and the city entirely cut off and in full panic mode while police and fire radios were jammed.

Were other attacks on Washington foiled as well?  The White House or Capitol Building targets?

Could martial law have been declared?  Worse?

In the end we got the Department of Homeland Security.  This reminds me of the Len Deighton book, SSGB, a fictional tale of Britain’s Scotland Yard, working for the German SS after Hitler’s successful invasion of the UK. We got the DHS after losing a war with AIPAC. You just can’t make this stuff up!

VT requests that the officers who arrested the Israeli “suspects” with the “thousands of pounds of explosives” (CNN) or who were captured “as the van exploded” come forward. 

We also ask that all the witnesses of the 2nd plane that was allowed to fly out of the US that day come forward, to confirm that it carried the “exiting” Israeli team, encluding the above mentioned ones who were caught. We know who authorized the plane to leave, a key aspect of the operation, including the NY City law enforcement officials the performed some magic tricks that day.


[ Note: We will continue pulling our full 9-11 update series together for posting on each new article so readers have them in the chronology they were published. It’s been one hell of a ride… Jim W. Dean ]


9-11 Syllabus and VT Nuclear Education Series – 2016

  1. The Problem with Cold Fusion and How small can a Nuclear Reaction Be?
  2. The B-61, the more Usable Nuke
  3. VT Nuclear Education: North Korea Fission-Fusion (Hydrogen bomb) Device Claim Doubted


9-11 Syllabus and VT Nuclear Education Series – 2015

  1. The Secret of America’s Doomsday Waste
  2. VT Nuclear Education: The History of Nuclear Weapons Design 1945 to 2015
  3. VT Nuclear Education: The Uranium Hydride Bomb
  4. VT Nuclear Education: Subcritical and microfission explosives
  5. VT Nuclear Education – Freon and the Hohlraum
  6. The Secret Nazi role in Building the Atomic Bomb
  7. How the Nazi A-Bomb Worked
  8. VT Nuclear Education: Critical Mass
  9. VT Nuclear Education: Laser and Nuke Weapon Calculator
  10. VT Nuclear Education: Germany
  11. 9/11 Science: Craters and Explosive Damage
  12. Neutron Bombs and Other Toys
  13. NEO: Building Nuclear Case Against Saudis
  14. VT Nuclear Education: The Secrets of EMP Weapons
  15. VT Nuclear Education: Explosive Properties of Reactor Grade Plutonium
  16. Nukes on Yemen, Confirming Proofs: Yield Estimation from Illumination Time
  17. Nukes on Yemen, Confirming Proofs: Introduction to Nuclear Operations
  18. Nukes on Yemen-Confirming Proofs: Calculating Nuclear Blast Yield from the Flash
  19. How Israel Was Busted Nuking Yemen
  20. Saudis Have Israel Nuke Yemen for Them
  21. VT Warning of EMP Plot Confirmed by Guardian
  22. VT Nuke Education: Thorium Warnings
  23. VT Nuclear Education: CIA/Iran Trial and more disclosure
  24. NEO – CIA Torture Report Ties Cheney/Bout to 9/11 Nukes
  25. The DOE Defends Nuclear 9/11


9-11 Syllabus and VT Nuclear Education Series – 2014

  1. Too Classified to Publish: Bush Nuclear Piracy Exposed
  2. Nuke Cancer from 9/11 Revealed
  3. 9/11 NUKE DEMOLITION PROOF: Firefighters Radiation Cancers “Off the Scale”
  4. Doc Submitted By Russian Intel
  5. Constructing the Nuclear Child
  6. VT Nuclear Education Series
  7. Nuclear Education Series: Dimona Classified
  8. VT Nuclear Terrorism Education Series
  9. VT Nuclear Education: Undeniable Proof of 9/11 as a Nuclear Event
  10. VT Nuclear Education: As the Hammer Drops
  11. VT Nuclear Education: Mossad/N. Korea Links, MOX
  12. Nuclear Roundtable: America’s Nuclear Arsenal
  13. Officials Cite “Thermo-Nuke” in 9/11 Demo
  14. VT Nuclear Education: Fission Based Thermobaric Weapons
  15. IAEA investigators: Audit reveals US, not Iran the Problem

VT Supporting Material on 9/11, Nuclear Physics and Disclosure Issues

  1. VT Nuclear Education: Anti – gravity
  2. NEO – Mini Nukes and M16: The Economy of War (must read)
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… by Gordon Duff, … with Jeff Smith

___The interview below discusses recent revelations from the German press tying that nation to the covert funding of Israel’s nuclear weapons program. The organization discussed, the DVD, was brought to light during the Thatcher government when her economic advisor, Christopher Story (Edward Harle) helped place them on the radar.

Similarly, in the US, President Ronald Reagan’s Intelligence Coordinator, Lee Wanta began intelligence operations against the DVD.

From a classified White Paper on the DVD:

Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst

Christopher Story, longtime associate of my good friend, Lee Wanta, was an agent of Britain’s secret services, something not included in his official biography but true none the less. Story, a respected lecturer on global currency issues and intelligence, told of an organization formed during the late 1920s, formed of a coalition between the Bush family in the US, then part of the Harriman/Rothschild banking cartel of New York/City of London, and the “Hitler Project”, so aptly written about by Webster Tarpley in his Unauthorized Biography of George H.W. Bush.

According to Story, this group which controlled the Federal Reserve in the United States and the majority of the world’s central banks served an agenda of world conquest, both overt and covert. Story cited Hitler as a “puppet” of the organization that would later be called the DVD. British Prime Minister Edward Heath was a DVD operative as was Prime Minister Tony Blair and a significant number of high ranking British politicians.


The interview:

Gordon:  What does the IAEA know about the relationship between Israel and Germany?

Jeff Smith:  The Israelis make the nukes for Germany and Germany gives them subs in exchange etc. Dimona was built by France and Germany in exchange for stolen US nuclear weapons technology smuggled out the back door of the US by Israel.

Michael Shrimpton
Michael Shrimpton

Gordon:  You have watched Michael Shrimpton’s case from the beginning. Do you believe he was railroaded?

Jeff Smith:  Mr. Shrimpton was on to something much bigger that involved Israel, the UK and Germany over a secret German clandestine nuclear weapons program, and they had to shut him up. He got set up, just like the Boston bomber did. It looks like he got off lucky with only 1 year in jail. I hope the book he writes while in jail is a good one. (Dr. No Take 2.) The squeal.

Gordon:  What is the back story regarding Fukushima?

Jeff Smith:  The Fujitsu-mu power plant disaster in Japan was probably done by Mossad to keep the covert Japanese weapons program under their control.

Gordon:  If Germany and Japan have covert nuclear weapons programs, what is the IAEA’s secret list, you know, other than Israel? What nations were sold stolen nuclear pits taken from the Pantex facility?

Jeff Smith:  Most likely there are several other countries that are involved in this nuclear conspiracy including the Ukraine, Koreas N and S, Taiwan, India, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Saudi, ETC. It starts to put the context on the stolen US nuclear pits and just how big the operation was or is and why they took out Roland Carnaby in Houston. Israel is the open back door (the elephant in the room) to getting around IAEA NNP. They bribe everybody with small tactical nukes to keep them in line and vote against the Palestinians.

Gordon:  You say Israel uses tactical nukes as party favors? Who are their stooges in Washington, not just congress, but those involved directly in the theft of nuclear weapons?

President Clinton with Bill Richardson, then US Secretary of Energy
President Clinton with Bill Richardson, then US Secretary of Energy

Jeff Smith:  This is why they will never sign the NNP treaty or ever allow inspection. Richardson’s role at DOE under Clinton is now becoming more interesting. Along with Tom Countryman’s head of NNP at State. This explains why the FBI watched him so closely.

Gordon:  You had said that so much nuclear material was being stolen that “the lobby” openly pushed to stop the MOX fuel program?

Jeff Smith:  Since all records of pit disposal pre Salt 2 or pre 1993 no longer exist, there is no way to determine how much material has been correctly disposed of versus being smuggled out the back door. That also explains why they stopped the Savannah River MOX fuel plant from being completed. It was quite openly stopped by Israeli lobbying in Congress, a virtual admission of complicity in the theft of nuclear material.

Gordon:  With 350 primary pits taken out of the Pantex facility – as we are dealing with two-stage thermonuclear weapons – are the “secondaries” being threatened as well?

Jeff Smith:  Good point. The next bigger issue is all of the secondary nuclear boost units stored at Savannah River. There is actually less security and paper work on them than the primaries at Amarillo. Each secondary hydrogen bomb boost unit has as much as 24 pounds of Pu in a hollow rod shape inside of it, along with the lithium-6, more than enough to recycle into one or more weapons.

Tom Countryman, Dept. of State
Tom Countryman, Dept. of State

Gordon:  We had learned earlier that the Dimona plant in Israel, the one paid for by Germany, had a serious accident around 1990. What is the value of that facility now?

Jeff Smith:  Dimona is basically a covert nuclear weapons refurbishing plant that is worth a lot of money and power to Israel. It is their covert foreign policy of nuclear blackmail started under Yahoo and Sharon. The entire war on terror started when Yahoo became Prime Minister of Israel. Like Bush and Reagan, maybe Yahoo took out Sharon and Begin.

Gordon:  The recent article exposing German financing of Israel’s nuclear program, perhaps accidentally, reveals a multi-generational conspiracy of massive proportions. It also brings the DVD into focus, an organization once thought of almost as an urban legend. Are we possibly seeing a cascade of events that may put light on the real “bad actors?”

Jeff Smith:  This is the other shoe dropping on 911. More things are coming into focus all along with a much bigger picture of the operation and the special relationship of Germany and Israel. This now includes Siemens / Crypto-AG and the German Wings crash, MH-17, MH-370 and why the cover up.

Gordon:  Who do you see as the DVD’s major players in the US?

Jeff Smith:  Bush / McCain/ Romney are all probably part of the DVD, and Shrimpton’s claims are not so wild any more. The DVD is probably a secret US, German / Dutch, Israeli intelligence operation started by Prescott Bush back in the 1930’s.



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