The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia Behind Pearl Harbor Attack (Part II)

What we now know, eternally grateful to the uncovering and publishing of the real story, is that no amount of good will, no amount of concession on the part of the Japanese government in 1941, would deter Franklin Roosevelt and his Jewish power brokers from the drive to war with Japan.


…by Jonas E. Alexis and Mark Dankof


Jonas E. Alexis: We have touched on quite a number of issues with regard to the Pearl Harbor attack thus far. Many people still don’t know that Roosevelt deliberately lied to the American people. Prolific historian Thomas Fleming, who passed away last July at the age of 90, said that Roosevelt

“had seduced America into the war with clever tricks, one-step-forward one-step-back double-talk, and the last resort provocation of Japan. Deceit had been at the heart of the process.”[1]

Those are strong words, particularly when Roosevelt has been widely revered among what David Irving would have called “conformist historians.” But Roosevelt would not have produced those “clever tricks” if the World Jewish Congress and Henry Morgenthau Jr., didn’t push him to the edge. Fleming suggests that Roosevelt seemed to have feared Rabbi Stephen Wise and Morgenthau. Even the State Department knew that there was “a wild rumor inspired by Jewish fears” in the Roosevelt administration.[2] Fleming writes:

“Pressured by his Jewish secretary of treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr., Roosevelt met for a half-hour with Wise and other Jewish leaders. In a typical fashion, when he was faced with the topic that he wished to evade or avoid, FDR spent most of the time talking about other things and finally confessed he had no idea how to stop the slaughter. All he could offer was another statement condemning the Nazis in general terms and warning them of postwar retribution.”[3]

Obviously FDR was ideologically confronted with the Jewish question. In fact, his “attempts to skirt the Bill of Rights and pressure his attorney general into silencing the Jew-baiting loudmouths of the lunatic fringe in court were evidence that this problem loomed large in his mind.”[4]

So, the “Khazarian Mafia,” as Preston James would have put it, had a tremendously powerful influence on FDR. Is there another aspect of this entire debacle?

Mark Dankof: There is another critical Rosetta Stone and smoking gun in the Pearl Harbor conspiracy involving Franklin Roosevelt and the subsequent set-up of Admiral Husband Kimmel (CINCPAC), and the later publication of the fraudulent Roberts Commission report on the Pearl Harbor attack.

I will simply mention it for those subsequently interested in further research of this horrifying episode in American history: The Prokofiev Seamount and the Vacant Sea Order.[5]

These gems are accompanied by the White House Route Logs and Station US files, RG 38, MMRB, Archives H Document, which lists the Thirty Six Americans Cleared to Read the Japanese Diplomatic and Military Intercepts in 1941.

What is incredible about this document is that it proves (“access restricted”) that the intelligence from this electronic surveillance and decryption was withheld from Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, CINCPAC in Hawaii, and Lieutenant General Walter Short, the Commanding General of the Hawaiian Department, U. S. Army, Fort Shafter, Oahu.  Why?

I hope that at this point in the narrative, everyone here is already connecting the dots. The Mythology that surrounds Franklin Delano Roosevelt to this day could not be sustained without the absolute cooperation of the American government, the corporations, the news media, Hollywood, the sycophants in the American National Security apparatus, and the educational system.  This Mythology conceals the illegal, un-Constitutional, and yes, criminal mind of America’s 32nd President.

Harry Dexter White

Even more so, for those who are analyzing Roosevelt by comparison now to George W. Bush and Barack Obama, and their respective actions vis a vis Iran and the Middle East in the 21st centurythe references we have already made to secrecy, duplicity, economic sanctions, and illegal covert military operations conducted by Franklin Roosevelt, should serve as an ominously suggestive prototype and precursor to what has been happening with American Presidential Administrations of recent years and their equally criminal operations against Iran.

Even more ominously, as demonstrated by Mark Weber in his essay, “President Roosevelt’s Campaign to Incite War in Europe: The Secret Polish Documents,”  the political forces operating behind and through Franklin Roosevelt, are identical to those in play in the American political power elite now:

International Central Bankers and the disproportionate role of Jews in that milieu; Zionists and the Jewish and Israeli Lobby organizations; and in the case of the Roosevelt Administration, the pro-Soviet foreign policy agenda of key Jewish agents in their midst, the 20th century counterpart to the Israel  First Fifth Column operating in the Bush and Obama Administrations in the 21st, as demonstrated by the publicly revealed names in the United States involved in the successful Public Relations campaign to have the American State Department remove the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK/MKO) from the official American governmental list of known terrorist organizations around the globe.

But let us return, momentarily to Franklin Roosevelt and the run-up to Pearl Harbor. In this instance, our focus shall now be upon the diplomatic games being played by the United States Government with Japan leading to December 7th, 1941.  Here, Mythology matches what it accomplishes with the McCollum Memorandum and its Eight (8) Point Action Memo.

What we now know, eternally grateful to the uncovering and publishing of the real story, is that no amount of good will, no amount of concession on the part of the Japanese government in 1941, would deter Franklin Roosevelt and his Jewish power brokers from the drive to war with Japan. 


This is easily understood. 1) Central Bankers always profit by war. In the case of the United States, this is fueled by the creation of the Federal Reserve Board in 1913, as a precursor to the absolute global militarization of American foreign policy ever since.

2) An American-Japanese war in the Pacific would not simply be a back-door way of involving the United States in Churchill’s war against Hitler in Europe, also a Jewish objective, but would terminate the threat of an alliance between Imperial Japan and Adolf Hitler in a two way invasion of the Soviet Union.  This was an essential objective of the Jewish power nexus.  David Martin’s aforementioned essay gingerly admits this.

The key for understanding this last point is Operation Snow, the Rosetta Stone. Take it to the bank. The information about Operation Snow continues to unfold. The recent release of John Koster’s Operation Snow: How a Soviet Mole in FDR’s White House Triggered Pearl Harbor, has begun this new unraveling of Establishment American History About Roosevelt and World War II in earnest.

The Soviet Mole is Harry Dexter White. White was the son of Lithuanian Jewish immigrants to the United States.  When the evidence becomes too voluminous to deny, regarding pro-Stalin agents and Franklin Roosevelt, you can at least be sure the American Establishment will detach White, and so many others, from the obvious implications of their Jewish identification.

In the same way, the modern Jewish character of the American Neo-Conservative political movement, which drives the American war machine globally and in the Middle East, which is proven by a blizzard of responsible academic research and writing, will be buried by a compliant American media and educational establishment beholden to Zionist interests.

How much longer can this continue?  And how much more obvious must it be, that every single American military operation in the Middle East and Central Asia today, is driven by the Israeli/Jewish agenda compiled by the Project for the New American Century in 1996 and its document of that time entitled, “A Clean Break: A Strategy for Securing the Realm”?

The basic facts are these. Japan in 1941 was bogged down in a 4 year war with China she could neither win nor end. Japan’s move into French Indochina had created a sense that the Japanese Empire was at the end of the line in its war configuration.

Inside the Japanese government was a powerful faction led by Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoye that desperately wanted to avoid war with the United States. The pro-Anglo-Saxon camp included the Japanese Navy. The War Party within the Japanese government included the Army, General Hideki Tojo, and Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka, whose virulent anti-American views were especially pronounced in the anti-Anglo-Saxon camp in the struggle for control of the direction of the Japanese government.

On July 18, 1941, a critically important opportunity emerged for the United States. Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoye ousted Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka. Konoye’s replacement proved to be a pro-Anglo-Saxon, Admiral Teijiro Toyoda.

The American response was equally pivotal. It proved what I believe to be just as true today of a Zionist Occupied American Government in the latter’s desire to see a war with Iran transpire, at any cost, because of the Talmudic bloodlust of the Netanyahu regime in Israel and its backers in the United States.

Franklin Roosevelt wanted war with Japan, at any cost, because the Bankers wanted that conflict to transpire as a prelude to a back-door entry into the British war with Adolf Hitler, and because it guaranteed Japan’s diversion from any threat of participation with Hitler in a two-pronged invasion of Bolshevik Russia, a Bolshevik Russia dear to the hearts of organized World Jewry and the Harry Dexter Whites of the Roosevelt administration.

On July 25, 1941, one week after the apparent victory of Konoye over Matsuoka, the United States froze all Japanese assets in the United States, ending all imports and exports, and denying Japan the oil upon which the Japanese Empire depended.

One thing is clear. Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoye, although stunned, still believed in the desire of the United States for peace with his country, and won secret support from both the Japanese Navy and Army for a meeting with Franklin Roosevelt, on the U. S. side of the Pacific, to continue good faith dialogue with the American Chief Executive.

It is especially noteworthy that U. S. Ambassador to Japan, Joseph Grew, implored his Administration not to ignore the overture from Konoye or the opportunity for peaceful resolution of the crisis offered. Konoye had convinced Grew an agreement on Japanese withdrawal from Indochina, and from South and Central China, could be reached. Fear of Mao’s armies and Stalin’s Russia understandably prompted Japan to hold a buffer in North China.

On August 28, 1941, the Japanese Ambassador to the United States presented Franklin Roosevelt a letter, containing Konoye’s offer to the President to meet face-to-face. There was but one condition: Tokyo begged Roosevelt to keep the letter, and the offer, secret.  The reason was entirely legitimate: a public revelation of the Japanese Prime Minister’s offer to cross the Pacific to speak to an American President could imperil the survivability of his government.

Yes, you guessed it. On September 3, 1941, the letter and its contents were conveniently leaked to the Herald-Tribune newspaper.

On September 6, 1941, Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoye met again with American Ambassador Joseph Grew over a 3 hour dinner, telling Grew the Japanese now agreed with the 4 principles advanced by the United States Government for peace.

The response from Roosevelt: No response.

On September 29, 1941, Grew sent what Herbert Hoover described as a “prayer” to Roosevelt, begging the latter not to let a chance for peace elude the United States.

On September 30, 1941, Grew wrote to Washington, “Konoye’s warship is ready and waiting to take him to Honolulu, Alaska, or anywhere else designated by the President [Roosevelt].”

No response.  On October 16, 1941, Konoye’s cabinet fell.

In November, the United States intercepted 2 new offers from Tokyo: a Plan A for an end to the China war and occupation of Indochina.  If that were rejected, Plan B called for a modus vivendi where neither side would make any new moves.

The response from Roosevelt: Rejection out of hand.

This then brought about the infamous meeting of Franklin Roosevelt’s War Council, on November 25, 1941. In this gathering, Secretary of War Henry Stimson [privy as we have already seen to Roosevelt’s illegal incursions into Japanese territorial waters courtesy of Arthur McCollum’s Action D recommendations], makes written notes of the conversations of the War Council.  The prevailing consensus, according to Stimson, is as follows:

“The question was how we should maneuver them (the Japanese) into. . . firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves.”

What was the result of Mr. Roosevelt’s version of diplomacy?

Here is the result for all to see: Thousands of lives ended or ruined, the burnt ashes of a radiated Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the fall of China to Mao, American involvement in Korea and Vietnam, the rise of Communist China, and the expansion of the Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe and elsewhere after the end of World War II.

The establishment of the Zionist State of Israel in 1948 would pin the fortunes of the United States to this entity, resulting in the present overextension of the American Empire in the Middle East and Central Asia, with yet more war to unfold.

This is why Tyler Kent, the American linguist and cryptologist operating out of the American Embassy in London, revealed to key figures in the American Congress and elsewhere, what Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill were cooking up in the runup to Pearl Harbor.  Kent was the Edward Snowden of his time.

In the aftermath of his arrest in May of 1940, his life would never be quite the same again.  The shadow of Roosevelt and his duplicity in destroying what Kent knew of the United States prior to that time, would follow the latter all the way to the end of his life in Kerrville, Texas in 1988.

Even more ominously, it proved to be the expansion of the insidious doctrine of American Exceptionalism, the Rooseveltian belief in the Imperial Presidency as understood by Mr. Roosevelt’s successors, the explosion of growth in an American National Security State which threatens the Bill of Rights and the survivability of the American Dollar, and the ongoing expansion of Jewish power in all the basic institutions in American life since the end of the Roosevelt era and the Second World War that many argue marked the beginning of the end of the Western World.

These are the fruits of American “victory,” a most Pyrrhic triumph. Among these poisonous fruits has been the introduction of the demonic into the American-Iranian relationship, courtesy of the 1953 Operation Ajax of the American CIA and the British MI6, and the backing of the Rockefeller Empire, the oil consortiums, and the Zionist entity.

When we speak of Mythology, Demonization, and the Erasure of Historical Memory, let me share with you that when I visited Iran as a young person for the first time at age 18, I had no idea of what the United States had done in this country in 1953, or why. The names of Kermit Roosevelt and Donald Wilber meant nothing to me.  The name of Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh meant nothing to me.

The increasing tension I sensed in a handful of summers in Iran in Pahlavi Iran in the 1970s was one I could not possibly understand as a young American college student.  The information, and the context, of this brewing cauldron was one that had been at first denied to me.

Later I would receive a false spin and explanation for what had happened years before, couched primarily in the notion advanced by defenders of the American Governmental Establishment that Dr. Mossadegh was a “Communist” working in tandem with the Soviet KGB in Iran against both American and the Free World.

If the Endgame of Pearl Harbor is the world we presently live in, it pales in comparison to the monstrous ramifications in history just ahead, if Netanyahu, the Lobby, and their allies in the governments of America and Europe get their way, with what they desire to do both to Iran, and to American dissidents like me who use our meager resources and lack of power to speak the truth to demonically exercised powers and principalities.

The aggressors against Iran are the same despots who have destroyed the economy, the culture, and the Constitutional Bill of Rights of the United States, especially since the advent of Franklin Roosevelt and World War II.

And in closing, with God’s help, we shall win, for our families, our friends, our communities, our churches and mosques, our respective cultures and histories.  At the end of history, Christian and Islamic eschatology agree: The godly shall win, and evil shall be comprehensive defeated and destroyed at a divinely appointed hour. Be sure of this.

The final victory is ours. Be sure of this. You and I are on the winning team.  And each one of us has a unique contribution to make, as the God of history empowers us and emboldens us to speak the truth in love, with the Blessed Endgame now in sight, and within our grasp.

Jonas E. Alexis: Both Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel would have agreed with you, that those who ally themselves with the truth are on the winning side. Solzhenitsyn, who won a Nobel Prize, cogently wrote:

“Our way must be: never knowingly support lies! Having understood where the lies begin—step back from that gangrenous edge! Let us not glue back the flaking scale of the Ideology, not gather back its crumbling bones, nor patch together its decomposing garb, and we will be amazed how swiftly and helplessly the lies will fall away, and that which is destined to be naked will be exposed as such to the world.”[6]

  • [1] Thomas Fleming, New Dealers’ War: FDR and the War Within World War II (New York: Basic Books, 2001), 257.
  • [2] Ibid., 255-256.
  • [3] Ibid., 257.
  • [4] Ibid., 258.
  • [5] Robert B. Stinnett, Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor (New York: Touchtone, 2000), 146, 148, 150, 233, 144-46, 149, 160, 187, 188, 193.
  • [6] Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Solzhenitsyn Reader (Wilmington: ISI Books, 2006), 558.


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