Will Trump set the Mideast on fire to avoid treason charges?


By Kevin Barrett, VT Editor

“Why now?”

That was the question the studio production guy asked me as he was wiring up my microphone for my debate with Richard Hellman. He was referring to Trump’s threat to set the Middle East on fire by declaring Jerusalem the eternal capital of Israel.

I explained that Trump is about to go down on treason charges. He is planning to burn down the Middle East to deflect attention away from Mike Flynn’s revelation that the Trump team, led by arch-Zionist Jared Kushner, committed treason by undermining the US position on the December 2016 UN Security Council Resolution 2334 condemning Israeli settlements. At that point Trump was not yet President. But acting treasonously on behalf of the State of Israel, Trump/Kushner ordered Flynn to lean on the Russians to get them to veto the same resolution that the US government, headed by Obama, was tacitly supporting.

This is what Mike Flynn lied to the FBI about. It’s called treason. No need to even bother with the Logan Act.

The Flynn prosecution offers America a much-need chance to clean house.

Every so-called “American” acting treasonously on behalf of Israel—starting with the White House and Congress, moving down through AIPAC, the Zionists infesting the mainstream media, the 500,000-strong Zionist Power Configuration (ZPC), all the way down to the bottom feeders like my mentally and emotionally challenged debate opponent Richard Hellman— needs to be prosecuted, sentenced, and summarily dealt with. Got that, Hellman? The real patriots are coming for you. Sooner or later, in this life or the next, you genocidal scumbags are going to pay for your crimes. And now it’s looking like it just might be sooner.



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