
Daily Archives: December 9, 2017

US Caught Aiding ISIS: Fight in the Skies of Deir-Ezzor

US Air Forces Central Command, Russian/Syrian aircraft crossed a de-confliction line into coalition airspace east of the Euphrates River 6-8 times a day in...

Vladimir Putin: I will survive the New World Order in 2018

...by Jonas E. Alexis   When US Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work realized that Russia was developing enhanced human operations, he and his associates almost...

Police Shooting: Coward or Insane Drugged Out Cop?

Officer Brailsford was found not guilty of murder because this footage was kept from a jury.
Syria Orthodox Christmas

Finally, Syria on the Path to Winning the War on terror

VT helped prevent the large deployment of US military to Syria that helped to create this victory. We had no need for war and...

Jerusalem Rising: Antichrist Cometh

Hold on to your seats you won’t find these truths on the Remnant, OnePeterfive, or Church Militant! What is the significance behind the recent...

Support the Mueller Investigation

At this point so much work has been done to out the election thieves and robert mercer just came to mind. Wonder what that...

Riyadh advancing Israeli interests, Palestinian officials worry

Jim W. Dean - What we are seeing here is an Israeli intelligence coup being rolled out. As Gordon Duff does so love to say, welcome to how the world really works.

VT Paris: Three Great Exhibitions

Three great exhibitions featuring bio products took place in Paris.

Mr. Trump, Jerusalem is NOT the capital of biblical Israel

Modern-day Jerusalem was never the capital city of David's kingdom

MILLION A WEEK CLUB – The Bad Stuff No 3

The R word measured.

Righteous Jewish scholars condemn Trump Jerusalem ploy

Jim W. Dean - The uni-polar world is already in the wastebasket, thrown in there by the foolish acts of "The Man who would be King", an actor who got in over his head, and gave us a reality TV show instead

Top 5 Veterans News Today: Dec. 09, 2017

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