Former Mossad chiefs denounce Netanyahu


The Spies Who Hate Him: Six Former Mossad Chiefs Blast Israeli PM Netanyahu

…from Sputnik News, Moscow

[ Editor’s Note: I suspect that these were the same six Mossad chiefs that the famous documentary, The GateKeepers, was made with in 2012, on their joint disappointment of being betrayed by the politicians for their never following through to make a peace with the Palestinians.

They still don’t understand that the Pols want the Palestinians as a threat as that keeps the US aid following and Israelis more controllable.

With peace the public attention would turn to domestic problems and government corruption, a threat to all the crooked politicians.

So they join hands to keep their own country in a slow burning conflict as it fits their purposes. The Mossad guys have to go the extra mile to change the dynamic, but I suspect they fear being labeled as unpatriotic if they do so. The speak out now to test the waters for public support. If there is none, nothing will change … Jim W. Dean ]

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– First published … March 27, 2018

During a joint interview with Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, half a dozen former Mossad intelligence agency chiefs voiced their dissatisfaction with Benjamin Netanyahu and his policies.

Six former top Israeli spies criticized the country’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, claiming that his leadership puts Israel’s future in jeopardy.

Danny Yatom, who was in charge of Mossad during the late 1990s, commented on the ongoing corruption investigations targeting the Israeli leader, claiming that Netanyahu and his cohorts put “their interests ahead of national interests.”

He also berated Netanyahu for his apparent reluctance to pursue the so called ‘two-state solution’ in the conflict with the Palestinians, as according to Yatom, “the inertia in the diplomatic sphere” which leads the country toward a bi-national state with the Palestinians threatens Israel’s status “as a Jewish and democratic state.”

Yatom’s concerns were echoed by Zvi Zamir, Mossad director from 1968 to 1974, who insisted that “the country is sick,” and that Netanyahu is directly responsible for the current state of affairs.

“We are in a critical medical state. It could be that the country had symptoms when Netanyahu took over, but he has brought it to the grave condition of a malignant disease,” Zamir declared.

READ MORE: ‘Israel is Lying, What They Bombed in 2007 Wasn’t a Nuclear Facility’ — Analyst

According to Reuters, Netanyahu’s office did not immediately respond to these allegations, though Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennett refuted these claims, adding that Israel “is in an excellent condition.”

Earlier Israeli police questioned Netanyahu over the so-called Case 4000 – an investigation related to suspicions that while working as communications minister in 2014-2017, in addition to his prime ministerial post, Netanyahu was helping the Bezeq group, controlled by Shaul Elovitch, in exchange for a beneficial image of Netanyahu and his policies in the media.

The police are also investigating allegations of Netanyahu attempting to obtain favorable coverage from the popular newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth in return for creating problems for its rival, the Israel Hayom paper, as well as the prime minister’s alleged involvement in a multimillion-dollar submarine deal with German shipbuilder ThyssenKrupp.


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  1. Israel was created as a golem for the you know which family.

    A golem is basically a pet that can draw aggro away from its master.

    But the masters kind of “overlook” the fact that this golem is formed with people which makes control kind of difficult.

    From the more obvious ones like Uri Avnery, Gilad Atzmon and so on, to the very subtle ones that you can only guess and deduce their intents when you read beyond the lines.

    I would say Israel has a lot of very bright and incisive people, but unfortunately like every countries in the world, they also have their fare share of idiots and useful idiots.

  2. “READ MORE: ‘Israel is Lying, What They Bombed in 2007 Wasn’t a Nuclear Facility’ — Analyst”
    Good link. I completely agree with the take. I would add, that at the time, that was just after the Nuke “broken arrow” incident at Barksdale from Minot, and the idea was to use the nukes from the states knowing they could be traced back to us. The explosion was to be explained as “nuclear” to bolster the claims the site had nuclear material. A very dirty trick. Something for sure, Israel should be sanctioned for to this day. They could have used their own, but using ours was a way to keep their hands clean. Cheney is my personal suspect in this , as someone had to show up personally in Minot to get those loaded. Flightline rumors persist to this day. Disaster averted. for the most part..

    • VT put a lot of time into this Minot story, and our sources attributed it to the evangelicals inside the military doing it. A plane with the stolen weapons was intercepted off of Santa Domingo and forced to land wit then. The after proof was that the Air Force lost physical control of nuclear warheads on its bases. That was given to newly formed army units. And lastly, before the even Air Force cmdrs could transfer warheads on their own signature. That was changed to the President of Dept of Defense chief only. This was never made public, but obviously got spread around the senior command retirees. Warheads are not useful without people who know how to handle them. They have extensive “tamper proof” protections to destroy them as weapons but making a big mess which would expose where they had been.

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