Tulsi Gabbard grabs the Khazarian Mafia by the balls

Two thumbs up for Tulsi Gabbard. A fight against the war machine, the Neoconservative ideology, and the Zionist movement, is essentially a fight for the survival of the United States and decent Americans.


…by Jonas E. Alexis

We have said in the past that Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is not someone to be messing with. She doesn’t play around. She called the war machine and ethnic cleansers out in the past, and she has recently done it again.

Gabbard tells the truth, but she doesn’t yell or scream or shout or even raise her voice. That makes her special because she can’t be dismissed easily. She is also special because she is an Iraq war veteran, which means that she knows what it means to be in the military trenches.

Gabbard has obviously seen the disastrous effects of the war in Iraq, which produced sodomy at Abu Ghraib. She argued that by resisting “US wars of intervention,” she and other representatives are “giving voice to millions of Americans… including my fellow veterans, who desperately want to end our country’s illegal, counterproductive war…”[1] Gabbard again declared:

“Too often we have found, throughout our country’s history, we have people in positions of power who make offhanded comments about sending a few thousand troops here, fifty thousand there, a hundred thousand there, intervening militarily here, or starting a war there—without seeming to understand or appreciate the cost of war. If our troops are sent to fight a war, it must be the last option. Not the first.”[2]

Gabbard once told talking head Donald Trump specifically to ignore “drumbeats of war that neocons have been beating.” By specifically calling out the Neocons, Gabbard was inexorably attacking the Khazarian Mafia, which is essentially a Jewish ideological movement.[3]

Gabbard was also indirectly attacking the Israeli regime, which arguably the Pentagon for the Neocons and war machine.[4] No wonder that the Neocons themselves conspired against her.[5] Flaming Neocon Bill Kristol responded to Gabbard’s antiwar position by saying that people like her “make a wasteland, and they call it peace.”

Gabbard has recently grabbed the war machine and ethnic cleansers in the Middle East and elsewhere by the balls and cut them to pieces by saying:

For decades, Congress has ceded its Constitutional responsibility of deciding whether or not to declare war, to the President. As a result, we have found ourselves in a state of perpetual war, without a declaration of war by Congress and without input from the American people.

“Since 9/11 alone, our country has spent trillions of dollars on interventionist regime change wars, costing the lives of many Americans, taking a toll on our veterans, and causing people in our communities to struggle and suffer due to a lack of resources.

“Our bipartisan resolution aims to end presidential wars, and hold Congress accountable so it does its job in making the serious and costly decision about whether or not to send our nation’s sons and daughters to war…

“Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the exclusive authority to declare war. But the last time Congress officially declared war was December 8th, 1941 – the day the US entered World War II.

“Ever since, Congress has failed to uphold their constitutional responsibility and have instead ceded power to the President. So, we remain in a state of perpetual war, led by presidents in both parties at great cost to the American people with no declaration of war by Congress and no input from the American people.

“The direct and indirect costs of these presidential wars are astounding. They take a toll on our troops, our veterans, and on the American people.

“Since 9/11 alone, we’ve spent trillions of dollars on regime-change wars and nation-building while people in our communities suffer and struggle because of a lack of resources here at home, what to mention the costs borne by our troops, those who pay the ultimate price, as well as those who come home with wounds that are visible and invisible. The American people deserve accountability.”

Gabbard’s statement was backed by U.S. Representative for North Carolina’s 3rd congressional district Walter Jones, who said: “If Congress does not debate sending your son or daughter to fight for this country, then we don’t need a Congress anyway. Nothing is more sacred or important than sending a man or woman to die for this country.” Michael Marceau, Veterans For Peace, President, DC Area Chapter, added:

“Under the U.S. Constitution, it has been the duty of Congress to declare war if they deemed it necessary to do so. For more than half a century, our representatives have relinquished this very important job.

“This has resulted in many unnecessary military interventions all around the globe, causing untold millions of deaths and injuries, tens of millions of refugees, and destruction and environmental contamination of dozens of countries.

“It is time to reverse this course of action by having our members of Congress do the jobs they were elected to do. Veterans For Peace supports H.Res. 922 and urges Congress to take back its assigned responsibilities under the Constitution.

“We appreciate the efforts of Rep. Jones and Rep. Gabbard to introduce H.Res. 922 and urge all our members to contact their representatives to demand that they cosponsor this.”

Two thumbs up for Gabbard and those decent representatives. A fight against the war machine, the Neoconservative ideology, and the Zionist movement, is essentially a fight for the survival of the United States and decent Americans.

  • [1] Tulsi Gabbard, “Giving Voice to Millions of Americans: End US Wars of Intervention,” The Nation, November 30, 2016.
  • [2] Quoted in Kelefa Sanneh, “What does Tulsi Gabbard believe?,” New Yorker, November 6, 2017.
  • [3] Murray Friedman, The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005); Stefan Halper and Jonathan Clarke, America Alone: The Neo-Conservatives and the Global Order (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004).
  • [4] For scholarly studies, see John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt, The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (New York: Farrar & Straus, 2006).
  • [5] Noah Rothman, “Tulsi Gabbard’s Disaster in Damascus,” Commentary, January 27, 2017.


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  1. OH NO , why not the pope for new world order for prez , i wish and hope we get new more same people in power all over the globe to set things straight again like long ago when happiness when peace was real for the sake of many generations to come , if we destroy this beautiful fragile planet then we all lose and have no where to go ..what we really need is real un compremised humane leaders in power not fascist nazi zio ass licking morons ruling us..

  2. I like Tulsi but she ain’t no Patrick Little. She hasn’t stood on the flag of Israel and spit on it. Patrick is now labeled a white supremacist. Although I believe the Zionists hate people of color as well as the white Goyum. Anyway I guess you get called something when you go against the Deep State. I want to call her a Patriot; Patrick Little may be defining a new title.

  3. So in these times America is Babylon but the former victims are now the çontrollers.
    Haven’t heard anything recently what happened in Bolivia after Morales threw the IMF out.

  4. Tulsi Gabbard is America’s last Hope. She is America’s Joan of Arc. I have never seen such courage. God’s angels are protecting her and giving her strength. She will succeed in the tribulations that lie ahead.
    Thank you Tulsi and God speed.
    Philip F. Sweet…..Ret. U.S. Army RA 1954-1957

  5. Tulsi Gabbard and Cynthia McKinney! Either one for POTUS with the other for VP.
    Find out what N. Korea, Iran, and Venezuela have in common , and you’ll find out why they’re the enemy.
    Why has every national leader that resisted the Central Bank system been murdered. Jesus Christ wasn’t a problem until he tossed the money lenders from the Temple. Mummar Gaddafi could do whatever he wanted, until he introduced the African gold dinar. Abe Lincoln and John Kennedy were both antagonists towards the banks. Lincoln had his Greenbacks, and JFK his Silver Certificates, Both currency were printed outside of the central bankers control.

  6. For all who are afraid of what would happen if we got rid of the Fed, rest easy. Whatever you think of Adolph Hitler he did toss the banks out. He issued a new interest free German Mark (his real crime), the value tied to the labor of the German worker. A country’s real GDP. Hitler was happily backed by Rothschild, Warburg and Rockefeller families until he made that move, which enabled Germany to pay off it’s WW1 debt as prescribed by the Versailles treaty. It was a debt designed to take over 100 years to pay, not 10. That was his crime.
    Find out what N. Korea, Iran, and Venezuela have in common , and you’ll find out why they’re the enemy
    Why has every national leader that resisted the Central Bank system been murdered. Jesus Christ wasn’t a problem until he tossed the money lenders from the Temple. Mummar Gaddafi could do whatever he wanted, until he introduced the African gold dinar. Abe Lincoln and John Kennedy were both antagonists towards the banks. Lincoln had his Greenbacks, and JFK his Silver Certificates, Both currency were printed outside of the central bankers control.

  7. It will take time to put the thing right but it is good that some people have started talking openly that US is doing the wrong thing by destroying other countries who have not attacked them. Hats off to Tulsi Gabbard and others who stand with her.

  8. The U. S. is a totalitarian cesspool now. Whores in Congress are dual citizens with Israel, passed the unconstitutional Patriot Act and failed to prosecute Israel for doing 9/11/01 and other crimes. America is gone now.

  9. From an Abrams to a Think Tank

    It is an almost impossible position for Tulsi Gabbard to negotiate against these vile war-mongers when a fully functioning war machine in the Deep State has Israel – the remorra feeding off the Shark’s kills, ready and only too willing to push perpetual wars for the advantage of this newly annointed Jewish state as of this week’s Nation/State vote in the Knesset. Generals retire and disappear into the dark underworld of preparing perpetual wars from a position of knowledge, strength and military acumen in the myriad tentacles of this all encompassing Octopus that emits all the ink needed to sign those oh-so-handsome checks while keeping the Congress and the country in a multi-trillion-dollar choke-hold. In this quid pro quo, mutually advantageous arrangement Israel benefits most … like it does in virtually all other activities – both legal and illegal, in the corridors of power and the back-alleys behind the souks and bazaars of the Middle East.

    • She is not without friends. Also, the anti-war movement has many approaches from many vectors.

    • Tulso Gabbard his my full admiration and backing but with Trump and Israel, Deep State and Israel, US media and Israel, Republican Party and Israel ruling the roost I would counsel caution. And the Dems have utterly disintegrated into an indistinguishable morass.

      A car sped through my town yesterday with a “Trump for 2020” emblazoned on the side and I didn’t know whether to laugh or piss myself at the sightl. What else, I ask myself, is ready to come roaring down the pike from the overwash of political spillage – Maxine maybe, who like Smiler Grogan in A Mad Mad Mad Mad World will set all American voters in 2020 searching for a hidden fortune – the same 2016 slogan Trump has everyone chasing their tails for … well maybe not so many now that reality has begun to set in.

  10. We lost the country in 1913, with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and the graduated income tax, two of the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto. These two acts gave us the means of financing perpetual war, government bonds. They also gave us the motive: the higher the national debt, the higher the interest paid on the debt. Nothing drives government more deeply into debt than war. It’s an unholy trinity consisting of central banking, income tax, and perpetual war. With Congress being some of the biggest stock holders of the defense industry, we shouldn’t expect the system to change anytime soon.

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