Fake Story!! “Lenin can put Assange on electric chair”

The story below is from Pravda but it is parroted across the entire controlled press.  It is a lie and we will soon see the truth.
The story of Assange being under a secret indictment originated with Stratfor, the InfoWars front, and by our own research part of the same Israeli spy ring that also runs Wikileaks, Wikipedia, Facebook and Google.
Snopes is theirs too.
In fact, both Google and Facebook have banned anything that contains the official US Department of Justice denial that Assange is under any legal threat from the US.
There has, in fact, been no investigation of him at all, he is the darling of the right, the darling of Israel, the darling of fakery, the darling of Trump, the darling of the Mossad and a long time member of unit 8200 and their pedophile rings that run from London and Brussels into Washington.
The “hack” of Stratfor, a long exposed laundry for fake intelligence, much like Rita Katz’s “SITE Intelligence” and its phony bin Laden tapes, the photos of the short fat “Santa bin Laden” in particular…
Do we need to go on.
There are obviously plans for bin Laden who has been pushing for war on Iran, who pushed for war on Iraq though he made his bones damning US atrocities there on behalf of Wikileaks primary client, the Israeli likudists.
Assange has done nothing but peddle chickenfeed and fake emails for years.  His material mostly comes from our semi-secret “unfiltered” intelligence sharing agreement between Shin Bet 8200 and the NSA.
Troll rooms run by 8200 in Haifa dig through intercepts the US shares with Israel, that and masses of documents pro-Israeli traitors across the US government and Pentagon feed to their Israeli handlers, these are gleaned and shipped to the “Wikileaks” group in Haifa and off to controlled press outlets to be laundered into the games that control public opinion.
From there, Facebook and Google with their AI’s push them to “influencers’ they have targeted, chronic gossips and fear mongers who now supply the bulk of communications to the “marching morons”  (Kornbluth reference) who constitute enough fake electorate to provide cover for our imaginary electoral system.
Let’s wait and see if Assange is actually taken off to prison and what those charges are.
We say they are fake.  From Pravda:


Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa believes that the current President of the country, Lenin Moreno, has already reached an agreement with the United States and Great Britain to deliver Julian Assange.

On July 27, the president of Ecuador said that Assange should leave the building of the diplomatic mission, but he did not give the date. This gives the Australian king of leaks a hope to try to predetermine the outcome of his voluntary imprisonment in the building of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Over the years, Assange’s WikiLeaks has published many secret materials about spy scandals, corruption in the governments of many countries, about war crimes and secrets of diplomacy.

Ecuador granted asylum to Assange in its embassy in the UK when it became clear that there was no need to expect guarantees of an impartial trial against the journalist.

If Assange leaves the embassy, he will be delivered to the USA where he will have to face a package of accusations of state treason and espionage. It is highly likely that Julian Assange can be sentenced to death.

At the same time, Julian Assange does not seem to be happy about the prospect of living the rest of the days at the embassy of Ecuador. The prospect of being taken to the US, or even to Guantanamo is not better either.

The fact that the President of Ecuador has announced the expulsion of Assange suggests that there is an agreement with US authorities. The deal has most likely been signed, but no one is going to disclose any details, of course.

Twenty years ago, there was a basis for the development of unbiased journalism, but it is strange to even talk about it these days. If journalists are ordered to ruin someone’s reputation, they can do it very quickly.

One of the biggest wishes of US President Donald Trump is to close the topic of Russian hackers interfering in all types of affairs in the United States. Probably, Julian Assange could serve a scapegoat for the purpose.

It is curious, though, how Assange has managed to avoid direct communication with “good guys” from the competent structures of the United States. Julian Assange is a hacker, but he is not Russian, so there is a good chance for the US president to end the witch hunt in his country and keep relations with Russia alive.

The topic is not likely to close, though. “Russian hackers,” just like Novichok, harassment and doping in sports are the tools that the West needs for its anti-Russian propaganda.

From Rense 2010:

By Gordon Duff
Senior Editor VT

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out a couple of things.  In July, 2010, I made my feelings clear; Wikileaks is Israel.   You could say Wikileaks has an agenda but “agenda” is the wrong word.  Wikileaks has targets.  A prime target of Wikileaks is Turkey.

What is Wikileaks?  What was presented to the world as an altruistic organization seeking truth is now turning out to be entirely something else, something far more sinister.

Former American National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, long the most credible voice in the US and, perhaps around the world on international relations, says Wikileaks is a front for an “intelligence agency.”He isn’t saying Israel but he means Israel.

The proof, he says, is in the fact that Wikileaks is filled with “seeded” material of a “pointed” nature.  This was in a December 2, interview on PBS, the Public Broadcasting System, in the United States.  Yet no major newspaper has carried this story nor reported dozens more like it, all pointing to Wikileaks as little more than another “game theory” intelligence operation by the Mossad, a clumsy and “ham handed” one at that.Julian Assange is a clown.There is no better proof of the nature of Wikileaks than the attacks it makes on Turkey.

When Turkey and Israel had cordial relations, there was considerable cooperation between their joint military and intelligence services.  Now that that relationship is “spoiled,” Wikileaks is now reporting, though quite unsubstantiated as with all “Wikileaks” that Turkey has been working with the terrorist organization called “Al Qaeda.”I don’t want to shock readers by introducing facts not in evidence but I feel a need.

There is no such thing as Al Qaeda, it was an invention, created in order to justify American incursions in Asia, Africa and around the world, an invention that, eventually, was used by sinister forces inside the United States in conjunction with powerful Israeli groups that control much of America’s government, all of America’s press, but we all either know these things or are in denial of them.

Can we afford denial of truth?When America’s best known journalist, 90 year old Helen Thomas stated the following at a meeting of Islamic American in Detroit recently, it was like a bomb going off;”Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by the Zionists. No question, in my opinion…they put their money where their mouth is. … “Too much of the  world, especially the Islamic world, depends on America and to get along with America means agreeing with the lies and fabrications of its government and press.  Yes, as Helen Thomas says, the “Zionist controlled press.”

Saying anything else is insane.When Turkey stood by the people of occupied Gaza, when Turkey spoke up loudly when Israeli pirates, and we can call them nothing else, butchered, and we can call it nothing else, unarmed aid workers in a terrorist act, and we can also call that nothing else, we could expect Israel to retaliate.Israel isn’t so good at retaliating militarily.  This is why the United States exists.

When Israel wanted to attack Iraq, 5,000 Americans died, not one Israeli.  Israel doesn’t like it when people fight back.  When Ken O’Keefe, one of my friends on the Mavi Marmara, a former United States Marine as am I, captured three Israeli “commandos” it was an embarrassment to Israel.  They cried like babies and Ken, out of inherent decency, protected them though they had committed criminal acts and may yet face an international tribunal.The Israeli war on Turkey will be one of deception, one of lies, one of “surrogacy.”  Wikileaks is all they have in their arsenal.

America seems rather reluctant to fight Iran for them, no matter how much those around President Obama manage to deceive him about the nature of the peaceful nuclear program that American intelligence agencies, in their 2007 National Intelligence Estimate, certified as peaceful in nature. President Obama will have to be destroyed, perhaps even killed.  Every American president is aware of the threat of Israel.

Israeli blackmail is how they can still bulldoze Palestinian homes and be rewarded with F 35 aircraft.Wikileaks is a Mossad operation, clear and simple, “war by deception” using the New York Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post and so many other assets, now shown to be complicit in the creation and selection of Wikileaks material and, through phony charities in the United States, financially responsible for Wikileaks.We can now safely say, not only is Wikileaks Israel.  Wikileaks is the New York Times, the voice of Israel in America.  Michael Chussudovsky of Global Research stated the following yesterday; “It is also worth mentioning another important link.

Julian Assange’s lawyer Mark Stephens of Finers Stephens Innocent (FSI), a major London elite law firm, happens to be the legal adviser to theRothschild Waddesdon Trust. While this in itself does prove anything, it should nonetheless be examined in the broader context of Wikileaks’ social and corporate entourage: the NYT, the CFR, The Economist, Time Magazine, Forbes, Finers Stephens Innocent (FSI), etc.”


The New York Times admits its complicity with Wikileaks, a complicity far less innocent than depicted. David E. Sanger, Chief Washington Correspondent for the Times, in his December 8 PBS interview with Terry Gross, stated the following;”(The Times) went through (the material) so carefully to try to redact material that we thought would be damaging to individuals or undercut ongoing operations.

And we even took the very unusual step of showing the 100 cables or so that we were writing from to the U.S. government and asking them if they had additional redactions to suggest.”What they managed to select, or choose or whatever process you would call it,  “they” meaning the New York Times, were materials that, as Zbiegniew  Brzezinski says were selected by an “intelligence agency.”

Is Sanger’s admission, when seen in light of Brzezinski’s revelations, an admission that the New York Times is, as many have suspected, little more than a propaganda outlet for Israeli intelligence?Certainly the Turkey cables, outlandish, unsubstantiated, attempts to harm the relationship between America and Turkey, a long partnership in NATO, a partnership that Israel can never have, are an act of war on Turkey by the State of Israel. Believing anything else is denial of truth.There is no alliance between Israel and America.  There are no treaties.

There is talk, bills are paid, politicians hired, threatened, bullied, but an Israel without legal borders can never have a treaty with the United States.  Turkey is a target, certainly, but in attacking Turkey, Israel continues its real war, a war against the United States.  If America will not kill for Israel, America has no reason to exist.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, former Chief Rabbi of Israel and currently religious advisor to the ultra-nationalist Likudist faction currently ruling Israel recently stated;”Non-Jews were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world-only to serve the People of Israel.  They need to die, but God will  give them  longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

“This is his servantThat’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.” They will work, they will plow, they will reap; and  we will sit like an effendi and eat.  That is why gentiles were created.” Wikileaks, the New York Times, many others, they are the donkey, they live to serve Israel. Believing anything else is a denial of truth.




See more at http://www.pravdareport.com/world/americas/01-08-2018/141327-assange-0/


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  1. nesta seara do poder ocorre a radicalização no caso da direita radical, onde os fins justificam os meios.
    ressalte-se a forma que é usual pela comunidade de informação: a contrainformação, a desinformação e finalmente a informação ( de quem tem interesse em prevalecer).
    e, se no caso de Julian Assange, em havendo um forte conflito de interesses entre duas correntes de direita, digamos os radicais e os moderados, sendo assim é provável haver perda de poder, em não havendo composição de interesses.

  2. But at least “the murder of someone we were told was Osama bin Laden” was a shot back at Israel to keep Rita Katz/S(H)ITE Intelligence from making more fake bin Laden videos.

  3. “There are obviously plans for bin Laden who has been pushing for war on Iran…” – GD

    Is “bin Laden” a typo for “Assange”?

  4. Is Assange anything more than a crisis actor – another puppet who dances as his Mossad handler pulls the strings?

  5. Well said, and point taken. But, why is it so difficult to share these truths with other Americans? Could it be because of an 100 years of Hollywood? I notice there is a new Hitler movie about to open. Or many decades of TV along with a paid for press complimented by the decline of quality education? Maybe it is something simple, like something in our water, and in our air. Why is the sperm count of American males unusually low? What is slipping faster, that or our IQ? What can explain our national condition? To find the answer nothing can be discounted.

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