The Templars bring gifts to the New King (New Text Translation)




Bohdan Heorhiyovych Lysytsia, date of birth on August 1, 1977, is the richest man in Ukraine. Bohdan found the treasury of the Order of the Templars. According to Ukrainian laws, a person who has found a treasure gets the ownership of it.

Article 343. Acquisition of the right to property for treasure

  1. The treasure is buried in the ground or hidden in another way by money, currency valuables, other valuable things, the owner of which is unknown or lawfully lost their right of ownership.
  2. The person who discovered the treasure acquires the ownership of it.

If the treasure was hidden in property belonging to the right of ownership to another person, the person who discovered it and the owner of the property in which the treasure was concealed acquire equal shares of the right of joint partial ownership of it.

  1. In the event of the discovery of a treasure by a person who carried out excavations or searches of valuables without the consent of the owner of the property in which he was concealed, the owner of the property becomes the owner of the treasure.
  2. In the event of the discovery of a treasure that is a monument of history and culture, the state acquires title to it.

A person who has discovered such a treasure has the right to receive remuneration from the state in the amount of up to twenty percent of its value at the time of detection if it immediately informed the police or the local government of the treasure and handed it over to the appropriate state body or local government.

If a monument of history and culture was found in property belonging to another person, this person, as well as the person who discovered the treasure, are entitled to a reward of up to ten percent of the value of each treasure.

  1. The provisions of this article do not apply to persons who discovered treasure during excavations, searches carried out in accordance with their labor or contractual obligations.

Among the values ​​of the Templars is the Ark of the Covenant, it is a tremendous historical and cultural value. The state of Ukraine undertakes to buy out historical and cultural values ​​for 20% of the cost. The cost of the Ark of the Covenant is infinite. The state of Ukraine cannot fulfill its obligations and redeem the Ark of the Covenant from Bogdan for 20% of infinity. The ark of the covenant remains the property of Bohdan.


If we take into account that the richest people in the world keep their wealth in the form of dollars, actually in the form of cut paper, then perhaps Bohdan is the richest person in the world.


It is well known that on the eve of the arrests, gold and other values ​​of the Templars were sent from Paris to the port of La Rochelle, where everything was loaded onto 18 galleys that sailed in an “unknown direction”. For many years after this, the popes, the French kings, and other interested individuals searched unsuccessfully for the treasury of the Templars.


The Templars brought their treasures to Ukraine.


In 1307, according to the Russian chronicles, the Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich and the Archbishop met in Novgorod overseas pilgrim-wanderers (overseas cripples) who arrived on 18 ships. The chronicles indicate that the guests brought with them “a myriad many golden treasury, pearls and kameniya precious [precious stones]”. Then they complained to the prince about “all the untruth of the prince of the Gauls and the pope” and asked to save the treasure.


A mistake was made in the chronicle, which was explained by the fact that at that time there were two princes with the same name Yuri – Yuri Danilovich, Moscow prince and Yuri Lvovich, prince of Galicia-Volyn principality. There were also two Novgorod: Veliky Novgorod and Novgorod Lithuanian (Novogrudok). Novgorod Lithuanian was part of the Galician-Volyn principality. In fact, the Templars arrived at 18 galleys across the Baltic Sea and the Neman River to Novgorod Lithuanian, where they were met by Yury Lvovich, the prince of Galicia-Volyn principality.


The chronicles mention cripples as if they brought treasures to Novgorod. In fact, the cripples brought news of the arrival of the ships with treasure and told everything they knew about it to a certain person who had told everything to the chronicler. This person (or chronicler) did not quite correctly understand everything and the chronicler did not quite correctly write down. In ancient times, cripples could not earn ordinary labor. They went from city to city, sang tales to the music of the gusli, and for this they received alms. They carried news from city to city. An example would be Homer. He was blind, crippled and could not work like ordinary people, so he was engaged in creative work. His works “Iliad” and “Odyssey” for a long time were considered solely as a fairy tale, fiction. But when Schliemann found Troy, the world recognized the reality of Troy and the Trojan War.


The arrival of the Templars to Russia-Ukraine in 1307 is not written in the Galicia-Volyn Chronicle, since it broke off in 1292.


A number of European documents state that after the arrest of the Templars in 1307, several detachments of the Templars left for the east. They went to the Galicia-Volyn principality.


From Prince Yuri Lvovich, the Templars received Eastern Volyn, lands east of the Goryn River to the Golden Horde. At that time, 67 years after the destruction of Kiev by the Mongol-Tatars in 1240, Russia-Украина was in a state of decline. The Templars created a powerful state in the state. Their state was part of the Galicia-Volyn principality. They built many castles here for defense against the Tatars.

The struggle of the Templars against the Tatars was successful. This is evidenced by the letter of the Polish King Vladyslav I Lokietek to the Pope of Rome, in which he calls the kings of the Galitsko-Volyn principality brothers Andrew and Lev ІІ Yuryevich “the last Russian schismatics princes who were an invincible shield against the cruel Tatar people”.


Andrew and Leo II Yuryevich in 1316 participated in the struggle of the magnates of Hungary for the royal throne. Some tycoons of the eastern part of the kingdom, led by Kopash Borshey, rebelled against Karl Robert and offered the Crown of Saint Stephen to Andrei Galitsky, who was also a descendant of King Bela IV. The Hungarian documents mention the Templars as part of Andrei Yuryevich’s troops.


Great East of France


The Great East of France is one of the largest Freemason organizations in France. This name comes from the state of the Templars as part of the Galician-Volyn principality. After 1307, fragmentary information came to France about the existence of the state of the Templars as part of the Galicia-Volyn principality. This state was called “Great France in the East.” In general, it was only known that it was a powerful state entity, and that it is located somewhere far to the east. Over time, this piece of information acquired the form of a heroic legend, which has a real basis. When centuries passed and the Masonic organization was created, the creators gave it the legendary name “Great East of France”.




In ancient times, in the mouth of the Guiva River near Zhytomyr, there was a castle that belonged to the Order of Knights Templar. Here, even before World War II, the NKVD was searching for the treasure of the Templars. When the Germans came, they began to search for treasure. And the top German Reich and Himmler himself were doing this:


“Particularly secret. The copy is unique. Code 2H-10B. SS Reichsfuhrer Himmler. December 12, 1941 Zhytomyr.


Comrade Reichsfuhrer! I bring to your knowledge that the ruins of the castle between the rivers between us are currently not identifiable as such. Presumably the castle until 1921 was located in the village of Deneşi and belonged to a local landowner from the Tereshchenko family. However, his connection with the castle we are looking for between Interfluve seems to me to be erroneous, since Mr. Tereshchenko did not belong to any of the secret lodges of masons or esoteric groups known to us. As I was informed by obershturmführer Knauff from the Kiev group of the Ananerbe Institute, Valley of the Immortal Templar and Mesopotamia, presumably the same object that was located at the confluence of the Guiva and Gnilyopyat rivers in the Teterev River near Zhytomyr, not far from the location of the ancient pagan temple. The group headed by me continues searches in this direction.


Hauptsturmführer SS and Doctor of Archeology von Seel. ”


Himmler’s bunker was built in the village of Guiva.


The Germans were wrong. The castle in Guive was indeed, but the Templars Interfluve is a different geographical object. The name “Guiva” supposedly comes from the French name “Hugo”. Saint Hugo or San Hugo is the founder of the Order, Hugo de Payne, venerated by the Templars. The name of Hugo in the Slavic pronunciation took the form of Guiva. The sound of [g] Slavs is often pronounced as [v]. For example: today they pronounce [segodnya – sevodnya], whom they pronounce [kogo – kovo].


Hugo – Guvo – Guiva


The Interfluve of the Templars is the interfluve of the rivers Sluch and Korchik, where the capital of the Order of the Templars was located – the city of Frankopol. This same area is called the Valley of the Immortal Templar




Sangushki – the Russian-Lithuanian princely family of the coat of arms Chase. The name of Prince Sangushko comes from the name of his first possession, the Castle of the Templars. After the death of the last Templars, he got a castle, named by the Templars in honor of San-Hugo, St. Hugo (similar to the name of Guiva).


San Gugo is Sangushko.




Goscha – a city in Volyn. The city of Goshcha was owned by the Templars, this is indicated by the coat of arms. On the coat of arms there are French lilies.


Coat of arms of Goshcha


Coat of Volyn


Volyn Coat of Arms was borrowed from the Order of the Templars. The coat of arms of Volyn depicts a white cross on a red background, and on the coat of arms of the Templars the opposite: a red cross on a white background.




Cross Templar




Coat of Volyn




Stepan – an ancient princely city in Volyn. Stepan was part of the state of the Templars. Between 1307 and 1340, when the state of the Templars existed in Eastern Volyn, there were no princes in Stepan. It is known that about 1290 was the Stepan Prince Vladimir Ivanovich. It is also known that in 1387 prince Semyon was in Stepan. And between the 1290 and 1387 years recorded, there was the state of the Templars.


One of the districts in Stepan is called “Pastovnyk”. If we omit the suffix “ik”, the basis of the word “Pastovn.” Among the Templars were bilingualism, who spoke both French and English. The name “pastovn” is the French-English “pas town”, which literally means “not a city.” “Pastovnyk” is really remote from the city center.




Lyubar – urban-type settlement of Zhytomyr region, district center. Located on the banks of the river. Occasional On the territory of Lyubar, the remains of the chronicle town of Bolokhov, the center of the Bolokhovsky land, first mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle (1150). Lyubar is Bolokhov, revived by the Templars after 1307. The name Lyubar is read in French. Initially, the name had the form “le bar”, which means “pub”, “bar”.




Bar – a city in Ukraine, the administrative center of the Barsky district of Vinnitsa region. The fortified castle city was built here by the Templars after 1307. The name “Bar” is also of French origin and means “beer”, “bar”.




Derazhnya – a city in Ukraine, the center of Derazhnyansky district of Khmelnitsky region. The city was founded by the Templars as a stronghold in the fight against the Tatars. The name is of French origin. French “de rouge” means “red” or “red place”. Due to the presence of iron ore, the earth there has a reddish tint.


Similarly, the French descent has the names of the villages in Ukraine Derazhne, Extreme Derazhnya, Middle Derazhnya, Big Derazhnya.


Similar origin of the village Buderazh in Zdolbunovsky district of the Rivne region. The name Buderazh originally sounded “bourg de rouge” (burg de rouge), which means “red city”.


Dyuksin and Jobrin


Dyuksyn is a village in Ukraine, in the Kostopolsky region of the Rovno region. The name is of French origin and means “Duke son” or “son of Duke”.

The village of Zhobryn is located near Dyksyn. Presumably, this name comes from the French name Gilbert.




In 1315, the city of Frankopol (Frankopil) was mentioned for the first time in historical documents, eight years after 1307. The name literally means “city of francs.” The Order of the Templars was a French order, its members were mostly Franks. Until our time preserved ancient settlement of Frankopol with large basements, which are stored the treasures of the Order of the Templars.


On the front side there is a big shaft (wall) with an opening in which the main gate stood. The main street, which led from the right gate to the left, was preserved as a road. On the right side is partially preserved defensive moat. On the front side, the Korchik River served as a moat.


Frankopol, like many other cities, was built according to the plan of the Roman military camp.



Roman military camp according to Polybius


Approximately one kilometer from Frankopol in the direction of Kortz there is a large stone. The Templars usually installed large stones to indicate the direction of the next castle (Koretsky).


Locals claim that the current village of Frankopol (Koretsky district), which is located on the opposite bank of the river Korchik, used to be called Sloboda. The word Sloboda (“settlement”) means “freedom.” People in the “Sloboda” lived outside the city, were free, did not obey the laws of the city. In the city of Frankopol lived the Templars, and the locals settled the village of Sloboda. Similarly, there is a settlement in the city of Kostopil. Similarly, many years ago, when the city of Kostopil was small on the left bank of the Zamchysko River, several huts on the right bank were called “Sloboda” and were not considered part of the city of Kostopil.




A few kilometers from Frankopol there is an ancient cemetery where knights buried their dead brothers. The cemetery they called Lutetia, is the ancient name of Paris. The Templars regretted that they could not return to their homeland, so they gave this name to the cemetery. They consoled themselves with the thought that at least after death they would be in their homeland. The ancient cemetery includes a number of mounds of various sizes, one of which is large. Some of the ancient crosses have a pronounced knightly cross shape. Over time, around the ancient cemetery grew a village, equipped by local residents. The name Lutetia eventually began to be pronounced as Luhcica. Locals mistakenly assume that the Swedes who passed through the village in the 18th century were buried in the ancient graves. In this case, all the graves should have been the same. But the burials are very scattered, and it is also clearly visible that they did not appear at the same time.


Storozhev (Watchmen)


A few kilometers ahead of Frankopol is the village of Storozhev. The name Storozhev comes from the word Storozh –  “guard”, “Watchmen”. This means that the knights set guard on the road, where she approached Frankopol.


Gorodnitsa and Gubkov castle


In the Gorodnitsa (Novograd-Volynsky district) in ancient times was the castle of the Templars. The main points of the Templars in the northeast and northwest of Frankopol were Gorodnitsa and Gubkov castle. They are all connected by underground passages. Gorodnitsa and Gubkov Castle are located so that you can see Gubkov Castle from Gorodnitsa and vice versa. At night, signals were transmitted by fire. From Frankopol castle could be seen Gorodnitsa and Gubkov castle.


Underground passages


Frankopol is the center from which underground passages diverge in different directions. The length of the underground passages is huge – it is hundreds of kilometers. For example, one of the branches stretches from Stepania through Gubkovsky Castle – Frankopol – Zvyagel (Novograd-Volynsky) – Guiva (near Zhitomir), the length of this branch is about 200 km. Moreover, from Stepan the other branch of the underground passage stretches to Dubrovitsa. Another of the branches: Gorodnitsa – Frankopol – Korets – Ostrog (perhaps, this branch stretches even further to Kremenets). There are also other branches that pass through Frankopol.

There is a well in Frankopol, which is buzzing and the water in it blows bubbles before the weather changes. The same well was in the village of Ustya, but it was bombarded. Both wells are located on a straight line between Gubkov Castle and Frankopol Castle. This behavior of the wells due to the fact that they dug near the underground tunnels. Perhaps between the walls of the well and the underground passage of 10 or 20 cm. The soil there is rocky. The wind eventually blew out the ground, and the stones remained standing. Since that time, if the pressure changes over many kilometers from the well, through the entire underground passage, which can be hundreds of kilometers, the winds blow, the well begins to buzz.


Rare plants near Frankopol


Landscape painter, Irishman Dionisius McClair worked for Polesye for many years. In 1795, he found a Pontic azalea flower here. For a long time it was considered unknown how this rare plant turned out to be there, since the closest place where it grows are the Caucasus Mountains. Now this secret is revealed – The Templars brought this plant here, and it stuck here.


Near Frankopol there are many rare herbs and flowers that are listed in the European Red Book, in particular, sage meadow and mountain onions. In total there are 19 species of rare plants, with several such that were generally considered extinct. Near Frankopol blooms 10 species of orchids, which grow mainly only in the tropics.


The French company “Coty” in the XIX century harvested an extract of azalea flowers, called “Absolu”, in Polesye to produce the highest quality perfumes. Legends about azalea essential oil attributed to her miraculous power.


The Templars were the best navigators of their time, and knew geography very well. The best plants, from their point of view, came from all over the world to their new homeland, hiring traders for this.


The end of the era of Ukrainian France


To the extent that the Templars died, their castles gradually shifted to local noble families. The Templars died, the Order was not replenished with new members, and the knights left first the most distant castles, then the middle ones. One of the last Templars left Koretsky, Gubkov and Gorodnitsya castles.


Cossacks began to revive in the most remote castles of the Templars on the border of the Wild Fields, which was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatar invasion. On the role of the Templars in the revival of the Cossacks here:


New Ukrainian national clothes


Presumably, the last Templars themselves burned Frankopol in 1349, when the Polish king, Casimir the Great, invaded Volyn. Frankopol was created in a hurry after 1307 and was built of wood, so it burned to the ground. The Poles were Catholic, and the Pope became the enemy of the Templars, so they did not want the Poles to receive their treasures. By that time, the Poles were not familiar (or forgotten) with the history of the Templars, so they bypassed the burned city side. This is confirmed by the burned bridge across the Korchik River opposite the former main gate, the road through which led in the direction of Gubkov Castle. The remains of the burned bridge were found at a depth of approximately 1 m. Also, the existence of the road from Frankopol Castle to Gubkov Castle in ancient times confirms the location of the farms. They are located in a straight line, which is unusual for farms. But if we presumed that an important road had once passed here, then the hamlets stood along this road. Also the village Dermanka (Koretsky district) is located along the same old road.


Princes Koretsky


Princes Koretsky were the richest princely family in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. They headed the “Pany-rada”. “Pany-Rada” is the central government body in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The wealth and influence of the princes Koretsky due to the fact that they had access to the Vault of the Templars. Through the underground passage they fell into the dungeon of Frankopol. Frankopol and Gorodnitsa became their estates. In the XVII century, the genus princes Koretsky extinct. Presumably, their race became extinct due to their long stay in the underground tunnels and the Frankopol Underground, where the treasures of the Templars are kept. In this region, underground, a lot of radon gas, which in large quantities is very bad for health.

After the Koretsky, their estates with Frankopol were taken over by the princes of Chortoryysky (Chartoryysky). Representatives of this kind already knew nothing about the Templars, nor about their treasures. At this time, the estate itself shifted away from the place where the city of Frankopol was originally.


Mace of Bogdan Khmelnitsky


In the dungeons of Frankopol along with the treasures of the Templars is also kept the mace of Bogdan Khmelnitsky.


Locals living near Gubkov Castle say that somewhere in their area, Bohdan Khmelnytsky’s mace is hidden. It is protected by the spirits of the dead Cossacks. The mace will go to anyone who deserves to raise it over Ukraine.


Mace was in the dungeon of Frankopol as follows. Cossacks Bohdan Khmelnytsky stormed Gubkov castle. The defenders of the castle fled from the Cossacks through an underground passage that leads to the dungeon of Frankopol. The Cossacks pursued them, fell into the dungeon of Frankopol and saw the great treasures of the Templars there. They also saw the original icon there, which is now called Czestochowa.


The icon of Czestochowa was presented to the Templars by Prince Yury Lvovich after they adopted Orthodox Christianity. Yury Lvovich himself left a copy of the icon, which is now kept in Czestochowa. Czestochowa is an icon of the last days, the grace to save Russia has passed from the Icon of Sovereign to the icon of Czestochowa.


When Bohdan Khmelnitsky died, he knew that Ukraine-Russia would soon lose its statehood. He sent the faithful Cossacks to lay his mace in the dungeon of Frankopol in front of the icon of Czestochowa. He transferred the statehood of Rus-Ukraine into the hands of the Mother of God. The Mother of God herself all this time was the keeper of the statehood of Rus-Ukraine.


New Ukraine


The treasures of the Order of the Templars will be used to build New Rus-Ukraine.


“The Great Underground” by Taras Shevchenko – a prediction about the leader of the “Second Koliiivshchyna”


Ukrainian city-gardens


A new kind of society will be built on the basis of faith in God and justice. The Ark of the Covenant is kept in the dungeon of Frankopol. Soon, in Kiev, the Second Jerusalem, the last Temple of God will be built, in which the Ark of the Covenant will be placed.


And the pagans were angry; and your wrath came, and the time came to judge the dead and give retribution to your servants, the prophets and the holy and fearing your name, small and great, and destroy those who destroyed the earth.

And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of his covenant appeared in his temple; and there were lightning, and voices, and thunders, and an earthquake, and a great city.


(Revelation of John the Divine 11: 18,19)


Holy Blood




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