Jack Heart: The Year of the Dragon, “Let Us Pray…”


By Jack Heart & Orage

 “Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.” – Miyamoto Musashi, the quintessential poet warrior and greatest of all the Samurai, he went undefeated in sixty-one duels to the death. The next highest number by a Samurai is thirty-three…    

“The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and willfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices” – Aleister Crowley   

George Santayana, an overly verbose Spaniard impersonating an American, employed his Tourette-like affliction in the service of the Anglo-American empire; painting happy faces on their atrocities. He famously wrote “when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Ironically perhaps, Santayana’s utopian maxim is often attributed to the psychotic drunkard Winston Churchill who murdered millions in the service of empire through two world wars.

You cannot get where you are going if you do not know where you came from. That’s why Truman cannot get out of the Truman Show. In order to plot a course you must have a point of departure.

There are a thousand reasons why the thousand years prior to the last millennium never took place. Anatoly T. Fomenko, the brilliant Russian mathematician, makes more than just a case that the first millennium of the Common Era is an invention of Joseph Justus Scaliger and his successor Denis Pétau. It never took place, nor did almost anything else that is passed off as fact by academia that happened before the early centuries of the previous millennium. Many literate Russians believe him, maybe most of them; readers that are recognized for being far more cerebral than their western counterparts almost since the day Dostoevsky was born.

Not surprisingly, Fomenko’s epiphany for the human race has been championed by no less than Garry Kimovich Kasparov, onetime Grandmaster and World Chess Champion, now a renowned writer and political activist in Russia. In the world of competitive chess where a man must prove his intellect without the benefit of a supporting chorus of academic chimpanzees, Kasparov is considered the greatest chess master who ever lived…

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Professor Fomenko is the head of the Moscow State University Section of Mathematics. He stands as the lone voice of reason; the only academic dissenter with credentials potent enough to be heard that can point out the lie in the Asch Paradigm. With sarcasm that has been honed into a deadly weapon through years of battle with other academics, he points out how unlikely it is that all the knowledge of the Classical Age could have been simply forgotten. Learned treatises stashed away in monasteries for a thousand years, while the human race wallowed in a Stone Age and then suddenly relearned in the Renaissance. Fomenko quips “There was a very simple reason for it – this “extra thousand years” has never existed.” ( 1)

“The great achievements of “ancient” astronomy – the eclipse theory, the computation of planet ephemeredes, etc. – are reported to be completely forgotten. And the famous Cosmas Indicopleustes, who is supposed to have lived in the VI century CE. and researched the movement of the Sun and the stars, honestly believes that the Universe is a box whose centre contains a flat Earth, washed by the Ocean and supporting the bulk of mount Ararat. Apart from this, the lid of the box is studded with stellar nails. There are four angels in the corners of the box that produce wind. This is the level of scientific cosmography of the Middle Ages…” (2)

The Scaliger- Pétau chronology upon which the West currently bases history was formulated during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century. Joseph Justus Scaliger was born in 1540, the son of Julius Caesar Scaliger a man whose pretensions were just as grandiose as his name. The elder Scaliger; ‘Scallywag senior,’ was by his “own account, a scion of the house of La Scala, for a hundred and fifty years princes of Verona, and was born in 1484 at the castle of La Rocca on the Lago de Garda.” (3

According to senior, he fought seventeen years in the service of his cousin the emperor Maximilian. In 1512 at the battle of Ravenna, which saw both his father and brother killed, senior displayed prodigious courage and was decorated by Maximilian himself but received no titles or land grants. When he wasn’t out slaying the enemies of the emperor he was sitting at the feet of the most eminent scholars of the day. By his own recollections senior had studied art “with considerable success under Albrecht Dürer…” (4)  

In 1514, he entered the University of Bologna determined to take holy orders, expecting to become a cardinal, and then the pope, where he could wrest control of the principality of Verona from the Venetians which he felt they had stolen from his ancestors. Soon giving up on that idea, he remained at the university until 1519. He passed the next six years in the castle of Vico Nuovo, in Piedmont, as a guest of the La Rovére family. There, ever the ferocious warrior, senior divided his time between military expeditions in the summer and the study of medicine and natural history in the winter. An attack of rheumatic gout finally brought his storied military career to an end and in 1525 he accompanied M. A. de la Rovére, bishop of Agen, to that city as his physician. “The remaining thirty-two years of his life were passed almost wholly at Agen, in the full light of contemporary history. They were without adventure, almost without incident…” (5)

In Agen senior, now forty-five would marry a sixteen year old girl and have fifteen children. Aside from a brief brush with a heresy charge which he thumbed his nose at through a fixed judiciary, senior would concern himself with writing treatise and oratories on the Greek and Roman classics, displaying a stunning knowledge of Latin the likes of which had not been seen since the days of Saxo Grammaticus himself…

Senior concerned himself much with the medicine of Galen, refuting Copernicus “with the utmost arrogance and violence of language” and making “corrections” here and there to the metaphysics of Aristotle. His scientific writings, which for years to come would be academic cornerstones, were not published till he was seventy, many were published posthumously. “They are all marked by arrogant dogmatism, violence of language, a constant tendency to self glorification, strangely combined with extensive real knowledge…” (6) 

Born in Agen in 1540 Joseph Justus Scaliger; ‘Scallywag junior,’ the tenth of Pops children, not only had a silver spoon in his mouth but a royal scepter in his hand. It was fully expected that it was his birthright to be lauded as the “the greatest scholar of modern times.” When he was twelve years old, he was sent to the college of Guienne at Bordeaux along with a couple of his brothers, but an outbreak of Plague in 1555 caused them to return to Agen. Junior would spend the next few years at senior’s side intensively studying Latin.

Senior, whose chief amusement was by then composing verse in Latin, would dictate eighty to a hundred lines a day to him, also requiring him to write a theme or declaration in the official language of empire daily. When the world finally bid good riddance to senior in 1558, junior would spend the following four years at the University of Paris, where he would attempt to learn Greek from Turnebus, the greatest Greek scholar of the day. After trying for a couple of months, he realized that he would be unable to do so and “he determined to teach himself. He read Homer in twenty-one days, and then went through all the other Greek poets, orators and historians, forming a grammar for himself as he went along…” (7) 

For the next decade or so he would wander through Europe, accompanied by his “companion” and “close friend,” Louis de Chastaigner, the young lord of La Roche Pozay. They went to Rome, then on to Scotland and England, where junior “formed an unfavourable opinion of the English. Their inhuman disposition, and inhospitable treatment of foreigners, especially impressed him. He was also disappointed in finding few Greek manuscripts and few learned men.” Later, inexplicably, he would “become a Protestant…” (8) 

As a freshly minted “Prince of Verona” and son of the greatest scholar of the sixteenth century, junior would meet all the right people, in 1570 gaining access by invitation to “the library of Cujas, which filled no fewer than seven or eight rooms and included five hundred manuscripts.” He would spend almost three years in Paris studying those manuscripts in the exclusive library now dedicated largely to French jurisprudence, but still accessible only by invitation.

In 1572, the Catholics ended all hopes of France becoming a Protestant nation with the St. Bartholomew Day Massacre of the Huguenot aristocracy during a supposed armistice for a royal wedding. Strangely, “about to accompany the Bishop of Valence on an embassy to Poland” junior would instead, perhaps in deference to the Catholic treachery, alight in Geneva riding the wave of fleeing Huguenots. “In 1574, he returned to France, and made his home for the next twenty years with Chastaigner…” (9) 

It was during this period of French civil strife that junior, between distinguishing himself as a man of valor worthy to be his heroic fathers son, wrote the works that would “revolutionize all the received ideas of ancient chronology- to show that ancient history is not confined to that of the Greeks and Romans, but also comprises that of the Persians, the Babylonians and the Egyptians, hitherto neglected as absolutely worthless, and that of the Jews, hitherto treated as a thing apart…” (10)

Never mind that hieroglyphics and cuneiform would not be understood for centuries and that his own knowledge of Hebrew if not Greek too was limited. Junior was undaunted by facts. He would publish Manilius, “a treatise on the astronomy of the ancients,” in 1579. Manilius was really just an introduction to his 1583 Magnum Opus De emendatione temporum “in which he examines by the light of modern and Copernican science the ancient system as applied to epochs, calendars and computations of time, showing upon what principles they were based.” (11)

Emendation is the process of making a revision or correction to a text and junior’s historical “emendations, if frequently happy, were sometimes absurd. In laying the foundations of a science of ancient chronology he relied sometimes upon groundless, sometimes even upon absurd hypotheses, frequently upon an imperfect induction of facts. Sometimes he misunderstood the astronomical science of the ancients, sometimes that of Copernicus and Tycho Brahe. And he was no mathematician…” (12) 

But Junior was an academic tyrant of a magnitude that rivaled even his father. He much resembled him “in his arrogant tone towards those whom he despises and those whom he hates, and he despises and hates all who differ from him.” Although out of fear most scholars of the day recognized his “pre-eminence, neither they nor those who immediately followed seem to have appreciated his real merit…” (13) 

Junior’s emendations had to be phased in generationally and he was not without enemies powerful enough to oppose him. The Jesuits were his implacable foes and it can be surmised that the reason he would spend the last thirteen years of his life in the sanctuary of the Netherlands, never to leave, was out of fear of their wrath. After several literary attacks by Jesuit scholars “in which coarseness and violence were more conspicuous than ability, in 1607 a new and more successful attempt was made.” (14)

The Jesuits would enlist the services of Gaspar Scioppius, perhaps the greatest academic hit man who ever lived. Scioppius, the prototypical sociopath, would later scandalously turn his poison pen against the Jesuits, but in 1607 under their employment he would publish Scaliger hypobolimaeus or The Supposititious Scaliger. In four hundred pages, Scioppius would define character assassination as a fine art. He “professes to point out five hundred lies in the Epistola de ‘vetustate of Scaliger,” a book junior had published in 1594 from his sanctuary in the Netherlands. But the main argument of Scaliger hypobolimaeus “is to show the falsity of his pretensions to be of the family of La Scala.” (15)

Turns out senior had been an imposter, a Scallywag! Exposed in the scholarly scrutiny of Scioppius he was no prince at all and the fresh prince was naught but a stale peasant. The truth is Senior was “not of the family of La Scala, but was the son of Benedetto Bordone, an illuminator or schoolmaster of Verona; that he was educated at Padua, where he took the degree of M.D.; and that his story of his life and adventures before arriving at Agen was a tissue of fables.” (16) 

Junior would attempt to rebut the five hundred lies; many academics believe successfully, Scioppius was quite the liar himself.  But in the end, Junior had no answer, he didn’t even try, for the irrefutable proof offered by Scioppius “that William, the last prince of Verona, had no son Nicholas, the alleged grandfather of Julius [senior], nor indeed any son who could have been such grandfather.” Nor could junior prove any of seniors alleged academic pedigrees or that senior had ever even had a fight in a saloon let alone on a battlefield. Junior would die in 1609 a broken scallywag and for the rest his life, Scioppius would “boast that his book had killed Scaliger.” (17) 

The Urban Dictionary, a dictionary for slang, defines scallywag a word commonly used as slang by players and hustlers, as “a person who is known to be a treacherous lying son-of-a-bitch…” By toppling the Scaliger’s from their scholastic throne, the Jesuits had done the world a favor; a favor that is no longer appreciated by the mindless drones currently being awarded doctorates by the mindless drones that came before them. Unfortunately even then academia had learned nothing of the perils of naïveté. The Jesuits, forever the metaphor of the man who is torn between the angel and devil whispering in his ear, were quick to take advantage.

With the death of junior; Denis Pétau, a young French Jesuit was the smartest man left in the room. Pétau, born in 1583, had been educated in the first years of the seventeenth century at the University of Paris where he had spent most of his spare time in the royal library devouring Greek manuscripts under the mentorship of the royal librarian and famed scholar Isaac Casaubon. They would continue to closely collaborate through correspondence at least until the second decade of the seventeenth century.

Casaubon is also known to have begun a very deferential correspondence with junior in 1594, a year after junior fled to the Netherlands. That correspondence would last until junior expired. Casaubon is even on record as apologizing in writing to the fake Prince of Verona for his prior inadequate translation of Strabo done in 1587…

In 1603, at just twenty years old, Pétau was given the lectureship at the University of Bourges, but resigned two years later in order to become a member of the Society of Jesus, commonly called the Jesuits. He taught rhetoric for them till the beginning of 1622, afterwards he taught positive theology for the next twenty-two years. He would succeed Fronton du Duc as the librarian at the legendary Jesuit Collège de Clermont in Paris, later renamed Lycée Louis-le-Grand after King Louis XIV (Louis-le-Grand or Louis the Great) extended it his direct patronage in 1682.

Fronton du Duc had been the librarian at the college since 1604 when he had reorganized it after the priceless Jesuit collection of Greek manuscripts had been scattered by France’s theological upheaval. Later, “at the suggestion of Casaubon, Henry IV contemplated the publication of manuscripts of the royal library. The clergy of France decided to confide the revision of the Greek Fathers to the Jesuits, and Fronton du Duc was chosen by the Society to labour on this project.” (18While engaged in this task he taught positive theology from 1618 – 1623 and died in 1624.

Pétau succeeded him as librarian in 1623. In 1627, he would publish his treatise De doctrina temporum and follow it up the next year with Tabulæ chronologicæ, which would be reprinted and amended in 1629, 1633 and posthumously in 1657. The works greatly elaborated on the counterfeit princes De emendatione temporum, with Pétau relying on the same dubious sources as his dubious predecessor. The Benedictines or the “Black Monks” would build a scholastic citadel atop it in the ensuing years and through academic inculcation, Pétau’s work would remain the undisputed foundation of western historical chronology, at least until the Russians started checking the astrological math at the beginning of the twentieth century…

Pétau himself was a prolific writer. Later he would practically single-handed define the dogma of the Catholic Church as it is till this very day with his Dogmata theologica, first published in 1644 with the fourth and fifth volumes published in 1650. He died in 1652, leaving it to his predecessors to, without his intellectual acumen, inadequately finish his work.

Born in 1646 Jean Hardouin, a Breton, became a Jesuit in 1666. He was imbued with a love of books developed from a childhood spent working in his father’s bookstore. He was professor of belles-lettres and rhetoric at the Collège de Clermont until 1683, the year after the Jesuit College came under the direct patronage of Louis XIV and accordingly changed its name to Lycée Louis-le-Grand. In that year he would succeed Pere Garnier whom he was familiar enough with to publish a biography about the following year. From then on he would be the librarian and professor of positive theology at the Jesuit College for the next fifteen years.

Positive theology or Cataphatic theology is the method by which the Godhead is defined by what it is, as opposed to Negative theology or Apophatic theology where the Godhead is explained by what it isn’t. For instance to say God is love would be positive theology, to say God is not hate is negative theology. Most mysticism, particularly eastern mysticism, shuns positive theology as an attempt to lock what is all encompassing into particular traits that are merely transiently desirable to the postulant.

In 1685 Hardouin published Pliny secundi Historae Naturalis libri XXXVII an edition of Natural History by the Roman author Pliny where he first broached the subject. In it Hardouin mentioned without elaborating that excluding his current work most Roman and Greek texts were forged. It was in his Chronologia Veteris Testamenti published in Paris in 1697 where he first openly “questioned the authenticity of nearly all the works attributed to the classical writers.” The Parliament of Paris “interdicted the sale of the works” but they would be reprinted in Strasburg that same year. (19

Essentially what Hardouin, at the time the greatest living scholar, said is the only authentic classical works were Homer, Herodotus, Cicero, the Natural History of Pliny, the Georgics of Virgil, the Satires and Epistles of Horace and the New Testament which was originally written in Latin. He questioned the authenticity of much of the early Christian literature, particularly Alexandrian and Hebrew contributions, Old and New Testament, which he outright denied. Hardouin also denied the genuineness of most ancient works of art, inscriptions and particularly coins.

As Europe’s leading expert on numismatics or the study of currency at the time, Hardouin published Nummi antiqui populorum et urbium illustrati in 1684,  Antirrheticus de nummis antiquis coloniarum et municipiorum  in 1689 and Chronologia Veteris Testamenti ad vulgatam versionem exacta et nummis illustrata  in 1696, it is criminally insane that academia white washed his work until it was taken up in the late nineteenth century by Edwin Johnson Professor of Classical Literature in New College, South Hampshire.

Hardouin’s magnum opus, to which all canonical literature is still based on today, is Conciliorum collectio regis maxima, or Acta conciliorum, et epistolae decretales ac constitutiones summorum pontificum. The twelve volume compilation of texts from the church councils going back to the New Testament was first printed in Paris in 1715. But because he had laced it with “maxims opposed to the claims of the Gallican Church” distribution of the work to the public was delayed till 1726. “He received a pension from the French clergy for this work, and it was printed at the expense of the King of France…” 20 

Hardouin never did reveal the reasons for the forgery of history; some say he blamed it on the Benedictines or the Black Monks. But he told people that when he died the reason could be found written on a piece of paper the size of his hand. Perhaps not surprisingly considering who and what Hardouin was, a thorough search of his papers never did turn up this secret.

It was in the Pauline Epistles Re-studied and Explained published in 1894 that Edwin Johnson first said the Dark Ages right up to 1400 of the common era were a fabrication, as were almost all early Christian texts starting with the Gospel of Paul. Johnson believed and taught all European history prior to the printing press is the fantasies of seventeenth century Benedictine monks. Johnson is responsible for the translation of The Prolegomena of Jean Hardouin the only complete translation from the Latin existing. Hardouin is available in the libraries of Yale, Harvard, Pennsylvania State, Case Western Reserve and few other places…

Forster Arbuthnot, Johnson’s fellow Englishmen, in fact a blue blood named after his father the admiral, and one of the greatest Sanskrit scholars alive at the turn of the twentieth century, was heavily influenced by him. Johnson just like Fomenko today was certain he had discovered a pattern in the Benedictine fables. Failing health in later years, he died at fifty-nine, prevented him from providing full elucidation but he met Arbuthnot frequently enough for Arbuthnot to write The Mysteries of Chronology, published in 1900 and based primarily on information obtained from Johnson.

Scientists have been objecting to the Scaliger- Pétau chronology since its inception, most notable among them Isaac Newton right from the start. Newton thought the dates for Greece and Rome should be moved up at least three centuries going so far as to say that the Egyptian Pharaoh Menes reckoned to reign three thousand years before the common era by Scaliger- Pétau chronology more likely reigned less than a thousand years before the common era.

Like most academics of the nineteenth century; Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov was aware of none of this. But although Morozov was one of the most brilliant minds illuminating the fog of the past millennium he was no academic…  

Morozov was a personal friend of Karl Marx and a hero of the Russian Revolution. He would be more accurately described as the father of armed revolution. His 1880 book The Terrorist Struggle, written in Russian while he was in exile in London, defined the tactics still used today in the internal overthrow of despotic regimes. For his troubles Morozov would be detained in Poland and shipped off to spend twenty-five years in Russia’s version of the Bastille or the Tower of London; the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg.

Morozov used that time to make an intensive quarter century study of astronomy, chemistry, physics and history. Released in the wake of the 1905 failed Russian Revolution Morozov began teaching chemistry and astronomy at the University of St. Petersburg in 1906. His knowledge in all four sciences was breathtaking. His treatise on the periodic table actually predicted the discovery of inert elements.

Morozov got himself in trouble with elements of the Czarist regime with his 1907 publication of Revelation within Thunderstorm and Tempest. History of the Apocalypses Origin; where he states that Revelations is describing the astronomical constellation over the island of Patmos on Sunday, September 30, 395 C.E. It would be the first time the rogue Russian genius publically challenged the Scaliger- Pétau chronology; it would not be the last.

Morozov fingered John Chrisostom, an early church father and saint, as the author of Revelations. The Russian Orthodox Church which hold Chrisostom in reverence as one the Three Holy Hierarchs, took acceptation and the book was banned a year after publication. In 1910 he published Song of the Stars and was thrown in prison for another year. After the October Revolution of 1917 Morozov no longer had to worry about the authorities, he and his friends were the authorities and he would never need to involve himself in politics again. He would continue to run the P. S. Lesgaft Institute of Natural Sciences in Petrograd (Leningrad) until his death in 1946 at the age of ninety-two.

From the mid-twenties till 1932 with the blessings of the Soviet Union Morozov published his seven volume magnum opus Christ: Human History from the Viewpoint of the Natural Sciences, the eighth volume remains unpublished to this day. The work is a thorough dismantling of the Scaliger- Pétau chronology using empirical science. It has never been translated from Russian and with good reason; it would mean an end to western academia. During that time Morozov was the most celebrated man in Russia and the topic of discussion at every tavern and dinner table where people read books.

Basing his analysis on astronomical records such as Ptolemy’s Almagest, Morozov concluded that much of human history has been falsified by the Vatican and orthodox academia who have acted as the popes dancing poodles in a plot to subjugate the once almighty Russian Empire. Its Morozov’s contention, and it’s borne out by the archeological evidence, that Genghis Khan and his “Golden Hordes” never existed and that dynasties have been superimposed into history in sets of three to stretch a concocted story out into a nonexistent timeline.

With WW II and the Cold War Morozov’s words lingered in the background promising answers to questions academics dare not ask. Fomenko would hear them in the seventies and by 1980 he and his colleagues at Moscow State University were writing peer reviewed papers about them. Using statistical analysis the Russian mathematicians are able to profile sequences of events and dynasties then correlate them to the timeline. What they found is that prior to the seventeenth century a format is being followed and history’s narrative is in accordance with that format. The statistical profiles repeat themselves in “three chronological shifts of 330, 1050, and 1800 years respectively…” (21)

Fomenko quips with his trademark sarcasm that there are “ amazing parallels in events as well as statistics that identify the classical Trojan War of the alleged XIII century b.c. with the Gothic war of the alleged VI century a.d. that raged in Italy and the New Rome, as well as the Italian war of the alleged XIII century a.d….” (22)

While the list of Russian scientists who back Fomenko is long and distinguished and intellectuals of the caliber of Garry Kasparov aggressively endorse him the squeals of “pseudoscience” are deafening from the West’s academic trough. But serious scientific attempts to debunk the Russians are at best tautological and at worst dependant on their own lies to verify themselves…

Erosion, the academic equivalent of the squids ink cloud, is dependent on dozens of variable conditions, among them “temperature, humidity, rainfall and sunshine.” (23) Soil submersion is no different, while a few inches of dirt every thousand years may cover the Atacama Desert, a thousand miles north or south of it a village is being buried in a mudslide every year.  Carbon dating is notoriously inaccurate, particularly with objects less than a few thousand years old. Radiocarbon dating labs almost invariably will only accept samples with an age estimate suggested by the submitting historians or archaeologists.

Fomenko has fun with living mollusks that have been carbon dated to be twenty-three hundred years old and seven hundred year old castles dated to be seven thousand years old. He sums up the practice of carbon dating objects from recorded history by citing German authors Christian Blöss and Hans-Ulrich Niemitz 1997 book C-14 Crash. “They have collected a great body of modern material demonstrating rather convincingly the fact that the radiocarbon method in its current form cannot serve as a valid reason for absolute datings of historical artefacts. (24)

Dendrochronology, where timbers are said to be precisely dated through measurement and analysis of the trees’ ring, is inherently flawed. Charts drawn up by Cornell University, the West’s cutting edge in botany, from 1994 going back nine thousand years for Aegean Oak, Box, Cedar, Pine, Juniper and indeed all conifers in the Aegean area “have a very obvious gap around 1000 a.d. Thus, none of them can be continued without intervals further back in time than the X century a.d.” (25)

Observations of eclipses going back to Greece and Rome are irrelevant, just like Greece and Rome they existed primarily in the fevered minds of celibate Benedictine monks and are skewered at the very least. Fomenko liberally cites the famous American astronomer Robert Russell Newton who in his 1977 landmark book; The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy charged that they were not observed at all but calculated and deliberately falsified. Newton graphed a drastic drop in the value of the lunar acceleration parameter “D” beginning in 700 C.E. and continuing till 1300 C. E. where it levels off and remains constant all the way to the present, to a skilled mathematician like Fomenko, a sure sign of tampering.

Between Morozov and Fomenko they’ve calculated the West’s recorded solar and lunar eclipses all the way up to the thirteenth century and they have found nothing but problems with what has been recorded. Fomenko maintains that “one almost always finds traces of the fact that these eclipses have been calculated a posteriori, that is, affixed to a certain point in the past by the mediaeval chronologers of the XVI-XVII centuries in order to confirm Scaliger’s chronology, whose naissance occurred around that time. Having calculated the dates for certain lunar eclipses of the past, the Scaligerite chronologers included them in the “ancient” chronicles that they were creating in order to give “solid proof” to the false chronology.” (26)

Comets are no different. “The appearances of certain comets may have been calculated into the past. Late mediaeval scientists starting with Tycho Brahe and Kepler were already able to calculate their recurrence periods based on trustworthy observations. The Galley comet may serve as an example. Then the alleged dates of comet appearances were calculated by extending several recurrence periods into the past. After that the erroneous “Petavius textbook” was used for reference, and the edited chronicles would be altered to contain such phrases as “in the nth year of reign of emperor such and-such a comet with a fuzzy tail adorned the sky.” (27)

In Germany Heribert Illig, Gunnar Heinsohn and Uwe Topper have all raised serious questions about conventional history and its chronology, particularly the Carolingian Dynasty. Albert Delahaye, a Dutch archivist who lived during the twentieth century has pointed out that from the third to the ninth century the shore of Western Europe was flooded for long periods and many of the medieval events reputed to have taken place in the Netherlands were not possible.

In order to make a zombie the shaman must administer a poison virulent enough to make their victim appear dead to the medical profession. The unfortunate victim is then buried and allowed to resuscitate in their subterranean tomb. The subsequent trauma and horror experienced by the victim is enough to wipe out all memory of who and what they were that the drug itself did not wipe out. Before they really die the victim is then dug up and the Shaman mutters some mumbo jumbo like a mantra into a mind that has been softened to its maximum pliability. From the time they emerge from their tomb, over and over again, the shaman tells the zombie all hope of transcending their now miserable existence, salvation from the pain that the shaman has inflicted, lay only through the shaman.

I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture – Jesus, John 10:9

So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. – Jesus, John 10:7

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  1. Illig has been debunked. One “proof” that he cited for the supposedly missing ~300 years is that the change to the Gregorian calendar should have required advancing the date by 13 days, rather than by 10 days. He based this on the interval from the adoption of the Julian calendar in 45 BC and 1582 AD. His error was that the Council of Nicea in 325 AD set the date of the vernal equinox at March 21, resulting in the calendar date’s moving backwards by 10 days — not 13 days — by 1582. By incorrectly choosing 45 BC rather than 325 AD as the starting point of the calculation, Illig invented the supposedly missing ~300 years.

  2. As a person living in a country that has over 2000 years of recorded history, I can tell you with absolute certainty that the notion of there being any invention of a millenium is utter nonsense. There is literal concrete evidence of this all around me, Hadrian’s wall is 2 hours drive away, it was built 2000 years ago, just a dozen miles away is a Roman bathhouse from the 1st century, 15 miles away is Hardknott Roman fort, these structures can and have been dated with accuracy. There is a 1000 year old church a mile from where I’m sat right now, 3 miles away is a neolithic stone circle, 20 miles away a Norman motte and bailey castle from 1089, 5 miles away across the bay are the ruins of an abbey built in the 12th century and destroyed by Henry the Eighth. The evidence is all over the place in Britain, evidence you can go see, touch, feel, climb all over.

  3. So Genghis Khan and the Mongol hordes never existed and the first millenium CE is a fiction? Yeah, right, what a pile of rubbish. In Britain alone there are literally hundreds of buildings still extant in whole or in part that date from earlier than 1000CE, there are several within 20 miles of where I am sat right now. If you go to towns like Oxford, Canterbury, York and Chester you can see buildings that have been there since the 6th and 7th centuries.

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