Held at the Border Without Medical Care: Girl Dies of Maldigola (Strep Throat)



___di  Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio per VT Italia

A sore throat. A banal pharyngitis not properly cured may have killed the little Guatemalan Jacqueline , just seven years, while under the custody of US Customs and Border Protection , which oversees the Border Patrol that endless strip of land between the US and Mexico.

When the tragedy happened, to immediately dispel any suspicion on the responsibilities of negligence, the police had claimed was undernourished and dehydrated after that trip in the hope that out of his hut without electricity or running water was meant to bring in the paradise of North America. The shocking death of a child, which took place on 8 December in the last of the ‘Feast Immaculate Conception toEl Paso in Texas , had reported topical dramatic stories of children detained at the border, where every day is unleashed the hunt for migrants fleeing the misery of ‘ Latin America.

Now the outcome of the autopsy confirms that, in all likelihood, the little girl could have survived if he had received only once the appropriate drug therapies. For kill it has in fact been a streptococcal infection: one of the most common bacteria in the earth that can become deadly if not countered in time with antibiotics when human antibodies fail to react to eradicate. And the necrospocica expertise on her body has ascertained a repeated series of sepsis from infectious degeneration in various vital organs.

A story that apparently written before the discovery of penicillin but instead it happened in the third millennium in the United States where President Donald TrumpIt imposed the maximum penalty against immigrants. For this he was impeached by humanitarian organizations especially with regard to child custody procedures and, these days, even by a cardinal of the US Catholic Church for having cut $ 450 million in aid in the countries of the Northern Triangle Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

At Christmas, another 8 year old boy had died from a disease not yet ascertained after being treated for a common cold, and immediately discharged from a hospital. While among the urgent appeals of Amnesty International’s what his Brazilian peer separated from the mother on the run from drug traffickers.If a national security logic can be more than legitimate to carry out border checks also for the risk of infiltration of criminals and terrorists it is still totally unacceptable that children die of easily curable diseases. But the autopsy result was ignored by almost all media and by do-gooders that in Italy every chance they attack the government plans only for a more controlled migration,


Jaqueline Caal Maquin. He died just seven years while he was in police custody CBP (Custom Border Patrol)

Gilberto Nery Cuz Caal , 29 years old and lived with his parents, his wife Claudia Maquin, Jaqueline and the other children including one of a few months in a remote village in a rural area of Guatemala where they live without electricity sleeping in hammocks hung in a hut and campando of corn and beans crops. Just the decline in harvests due to there being no primordial un’ahricoltura canals and irrigation methods is pushing guatematechi to emigrate.

There too, as in Africa, are probably deluded by those who want to speculate on those trips: Nery has in fact had to pay smugglers to try to bring his daughter into a better world, making a loan with the mortgage on the land in the hope to reach the United States, settling down and then look for the family reunion with his wife and remaining children. He explains very well Leah McDonald who made an in-depth story on this humanitarian tragedy for the Associated Press and the Daily Mail .

Jaqueline Caal he traveled with his father to New Mexico where they are presented to border guards on December 6 asking for political asylum as rifiugiati. They were with a group of other 163 Guatemalans and in the tide of those tens of thousands of Central American migrants in utime months trying to cross the US southern border in recent months in an attempt to escape poverty or violence in their countries d ‘ origin.

At Antelope Wells child and parent are stopped and subjected to the operations of CBP ritual, police Use of customs and border. And it is from here on that the stories become more confused and conflicting. The officers in fact claim to have both asked if they had specific diseases but to have received a negative response. But the lawyers who are dealing with the tragedy insinuate doubt that there may have been imprensioni because Caal speaks only Spanish and Quechua (derived from that of the Maya) and would be questioned in English in fact the Form I-779 signed by him is all in English.

” It is unacceptable that any government agency has custody of people who sign documents in a language that clearly do not understand,” they wrote in a joint statement the lawyersEnrique Moreno, Elena Esparza and Lynn Coyle , representing the father of Caal.


Cluaida Maquin, 27, the mother of Jacqueline shows a photo of her daughter

At 2115 on December 6 the migrants caravan is intercepted. Among them is Jaqueline with his father being arrested and taken into custody by the CPB patrols. At 5 am of December 7, the child begins to suffer sickness and vomiting, and breathing becomes more labored and is transported emergency helicopter to the hospital in El Paso Texaswith 40.9 ° fever. But for her there’s nothing to do and it will leak to the last breath at dawn on December 8th. The case bounces on worldwide news agencies and agents immediately put his hands on to say that the child was malnourished and dehydrated along for the ride. But the father says guaranteeing that had come this far without major problems.

The case deals with once the Government of Guatemala that the attravero Dr. Marta Larra, diplomatic Foreign Ministry, send an official request to the Department of State of the United States to know what happened. The answer came only in recent days by anticipating the outcome of the autopsy made by reporters of Reuters, Julio-Cesar Chavez and Yeganeh Torbati“The autopsy the coroner of the County of El Paso, found that Caal died of” sequelae of streptococcal sepsis “, a reaction often deadly infections or bacteria. Streptococci were found in major organs of Caal, including her lungs, adrenal gland, liver and spleen, according to the report. ”


The diplomatic Guatemalan Marta Larra in tears in front of the little coffin Jaqueline

The. In order to better understand what is written in the medical report I went to re-read what this notorious bacterium discovering that it is one of the most common forms of infection but can become very dangerous to cause pernicious sepsis.

Sepsis, formerly known as septicemia, is a medical emergency linked to the body’s response (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome – SIRS) to an invasion by pathogenic microorganisms, Just as can be strep. It has a mortality rate significantly higher than other known diseases (eg 10 times that of the infarct) and a timely diagnosis is critical for the chances of survival. “Streptococci grow easily on culture media and fermenting the sugars, but in crops have little vitality (a few days) and a pathogenic to animals by equally short of remarkable experiment – writes the ‘ Encyclopedia Treccani and what ramenta us that small lived in a farming family – Another feature is to provide easy changes in their morphology and biology.

This makes it very difficult to distinguish the various species of streptococci, attempted, so far without definitive results, by many scholars. ” Among the most common and dangerous is the Streptococcus pyogene s that normally colonize the oropharyngeal area of young people and children and is spread by mucus, sneezing, coughing or simply talking.

And ’cause of suppurative diseases (purulent inflammation) as pharyngitis, scarlet fever, but also more serious rheumatic and kidney syndromes because without purulence and then indibiduabili only for febrile illness or culture tests of urine and feces. When invades the body, for example through a wound, it may be responsible for serious infections such as necrotizing fasciitis or degenerate into a sepsis up to spread blood born in metastasis in various organs.

As in the case of poor Jaqueline: victim of “sequelae of sepsis”, a recurrence of the septicemia that reveals the continuing un’acuzie disease for several hours if not days. But it is not detected by the authorities that they had in custody. Just as it happened to a fellow countryman and almost the same age.


One of the pieces of the wall on the border between the US and Mexico

Just as the Christmas Eve the US Department of State provided the latest updates on the case of the child, another tragedy was taking place at the stations of the American Border Police of New Mexico . Felipe , a young 8 year old Guatemalan, after being taken into custody by the agents Border Patrol gave evidence of an illness and was immediately transferred to a hospital in Alamogordo where the hospital staff the diagnosed a cold (always among the symptoms of a possible streptococcal infection), and was then discharged despite slight fever.

A few hours later he had nausea and vomiting, just like his countryman, and was reported to Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center where he died from respiratory complications at around 23.48. This case caused minor impact on its media because no blame could be attributed to the police that he had been in custody since he had been promptly placed in the care of doctors who do not vevano grasped the severity of the disease.

But certainly it was a strong signal to the US Vice President Mike Pence , being a Christian, it will certainly have noted the incredible coincidence that the two deaths occurred in two important religious holidays such as the Immaculate Conception of Mary and Nativity.

“The Caal’s death has fueled criticism of opponents of the immigration policies of the American president Donald Trump,who tried to deter migrants from seeking refuge in the United States – have written journalists Reiters on the case of Jaqueline – The White House said the Trump administration is not to blame for the death, but critics, including Democrats in Congress, they said the detained migrants should have more medical care in border structures to prevent such cases. ”

And just after the death of Felipe “the Trump administration announced changes in DHS policies to prevent the deaths of children in custody, including more thorough medical checks”. But this in no way diminishes the tragedy of child separations back of pressing relevance to the desperate appeal made in recent weeks by Amnesty International .


” In March, Valquira and his son Abel, of seven, fled from Brazil and sought asylum in the US after the death threats from drug traffickers .

The US border authorities have forcibly separated them and still hold Valquiria. The extreme anguish that she and her son are living can be a torture. The US immigration authorities must immediately release Valquiria while awaiting the outcome of his request for asylum. ”

And ‘one of the urgent appeals that are on site Use of Amnesty International in which he invites every sensible person to act sceivendo a letter, sending an email or a tweet to some authorities which publish the contact details, “urging them to immediately grant humanitarian parole to Valquiria while waiting for the decision on his application for asylum in that the release should be granted on humanitarian grounds when the person does not represent a threat to public safety and no risk of escape. ”

US officials AI in their appeal asking that the authorities are invited “to provide psychosocial support to Valquiria and his son, to help them recover from the trauma experienced by their illegal separation from family,” and more generally “to ensure that asylum seekers are only held if necessary and proportionate in the individual case, and to grant the humanitarian freedom to all asylum seekers, whenever possible. ”

The association for the protection of human rights a few months ago had already intervened to point out that the officials of ‘US Border Patrol agent had “forcibly separated fathers other four asylum seekers from their children after their arrival in the United States, in violation of family unity US standards in detention for immigration. Parents are therefore suffering from emotional distress and the places in which two children are still unknown. ”

One of the places of custody of the child migrants from Mexico to the US

To these family dramas are added the numerous deaths among migrants attempting to illegally cross the United States from Mexico but, unlike those in the Mediterranean, they find ample space in the media ocidentali. 

The Pokizia reported 294 dead migrants in fiscal 2017 (ended September 30, 2017), although fortunately lower than in 2016 (322), and the annual average in the previous decade. According to the American customs authorities between 1998 and 2017 were 7,216 death.

While 3221 would be saved migrants in dangerous conditions in 2017. According to an official report quoted by the media Abc Newswere 250 deaths in 2018. “The figure represents migrant deaths recorded by border officials in their area of responsibility and do not relate exclusively to individuals in custody – shows the reporter Anne Flaherty – For example, 50 deaths in 2018 are marked as “water-related”, presumably people who have drowned trying to cross the border areas crossed by rivers. Exposure to heat was the cause of most deaths.

The document states that the vast majority of deaths, 117, is a migrant from Mexico. Other 116 people were “unknown”. While indicating 19 people died in 2018 from Guatemala, Honduras and 14 from 8 Salvador».

These three countries of the so-called Northern Triangle South American object delal controversy sparked by a high prelate of the American Catholic Church and re-launched by the agency Fides, the news organization of the Pontifical Mission Societies.


The American cardinal Joseph William Tobin, Archbishop of Newark

“With deep sense of sadness, I read the proposed reduction in aid humanitarian aid to countries of the northern triangle of Central America. I’m still surprised that some still do not understand what force people to leave their country of origin. Most are fleeing from extreme violence and poverty. The decision to leave one’s home is not easy or without sacrifice.”

And ‘This is the declaration of Cardinal Redemptorist Joseph William Tobin, Archbishop of Newark, capital of Essex County, New Jersey interview with Fides. Reference is made to recent statements by US President Trump impossibility to deal with the issue of migration and the subsequent announcement of cuts aid to three Central American countries, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, known as the Northern Triangle.

“The paradox noted by critics, is that the cuts are for programs to prevent violence, to reduce extreme poverty and hunger and to strengthen the judicial system – remarks Fides – The same problems that push the residents of those countries to leave their homes to look for a more stable future in other places. ”

“Who would think that the best way to solve the problem of extreme poverty is to cut humanitarian aid?” He asked the cardinal, urging the government “to work with the leaders of the Northern Triangle countries to see what the way best to address the poverty and violence that lead men, women and children to leave their homes in such a large number. When we help the poor among us, we serve God himself. We must remember the words of Jesus: “Truly I tell you, what you did not do for one of these little ones, you have done to me” (Mt 25:45). ” Still there are a few details about the extent of this cut, but according to Fides, the Department of State informed that it would be about 450 million dollars in aid.


The investment for the United States Agency plan often used as a powerful head for regime-change


Just a few days ago Lady News had highlighted that the plan of appropriations in the White House for the agency USAID (Us International Development Agency) provided about 700 million lot for terrorism but also 500 million to “support the transition in Venezuela” to ” continue the democratic assistance” to the chance-regime that, according to the Caracas government of President Nicolas Maduro , would not be implemented until funding the political growth of the opposition pro-American leader Juan Guaidò but also through about 250 sabotage of the electricity and water network that took place from March 7.

In practice, the Trump board off funding to very poor countries to invest in a coup against an oil-rich country such as the Caribbean republic of Bolivarian Socialism; which, as certified by the UN, it was strong growth in the Index of Human Development before US economic sanctions and contemporary discredit the three international rating agencies. But this is just one of the many paradoxes of the current adverse political Washington.

If the border with Mexico children who leave their miserable villages for a better future die from lack of medical care while they are incarcerated, for similar reason, but for more serious diseases such as polio and tuberculosis,Syrian refugees in Al Rukban crack the children which is however prevented from returning to their villages , liberated by the army of Bashar Al Assadafter the militia defeat jihadists Isis . Together with their families remain hostage to a kind of contemporary camps run by rebels maintained and protected by the US. Yet another perversion of the White House that puts the world’s geopolitical strategies even before the health of children.

Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio











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  1. USA routinely kills children world wide. It is a great shame, but USA is in love with doctrines & traditions that make Perfect Word of God of none effect. After all, Greater Ashkenaz & Khazaria are supper important to USA.

  2. If true, it is inexcusable that any child die in US government custody, without proper medical attention,…inexcusable!

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