Zionists Are Screwed, Trump Triumphs


Are These the Five Tweets That Change the World?

Over the weekend I asked whether Donald Trump had risen to the level of Grey Champion. A few days later Trump takes to Twitter and puts a big line item in his resume.

There have been signs of change coming since Trump rightly refused to go to war with Iran over their shooting down an unmanned U.S. drone.

Starting with a major shake up of his cabinet by firing National Security Director John Bolton to his tepid response to the Houthi attack on the Saudi Aramco Abqaiq facility, Trump has sought to defuse a situation that had flown way to close to the sun and threatened to burn millions.

These five tweets taken in context of the past few days, however, blow the lid off a number of narratives as well as ongoing operations.

Read full article.


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  1. A positive spin off is the fact that the jews will have to behave as they no longer have an iron clad guarantee of US protection.

  2. Steele is part of this “campaign” of people worshipping Trump and contaminating legitimate “conspiracy theories” with ridiculous disinformation. Q, Flat Earth, Alien and New Age cults were other examples of this phenomenon.

  3. Actually there is clarity in Trump madness. He was wise not to response in kind to the purported Iranian Saudi attack. Going ahead as the hawks have wanted will open up the Pandora Box with no end in sight. It would have engulfed the region in endless wars and bring not only the region to chaos, but also the world energy supplies.

  4. So when is the missile throwing between the Zio state and Iran going to start? Assuming US of A gets the f..out of Syria.

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