Trump’s Insane “Deal” – Kevin Barrett & Mike Springmann Throw Rotten Fruit


Press TV interview with Kevin Barrett, VT Editor

US President Donald Trump has repeated his hugely-controversial endorsement of occupied Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s “undivided capital” as he outlined his administration’s self-styled plan for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which Palestinians have already dismissed.


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  1. It’s becoming increasingly apparent to the woken world, in particular to Arabs, Russians, Iranians & Chinese that the cancer that has hijacked US foreign policy and holds the world hostage through sanctions, interventionism & free passes to Israel, is Zionist Israel – NOT the rational, sane Jews of the world. This realization over time can only produce one outcome: the unleashing of military force on Zionist Israel. The Iranians (Mr. Barrett might be able to corroborate) look forward to the last Mufti following a cataclysmic final world war. Between their eschatology and the Zio-Christian end times, the needle is edging closer towards world war.

  2. Non of them. Even Bernie doesn’t think of Palestinians as freedom fighters but says that they shoot rickets. I was trying to oust something below and it would let me. Google the clip “Bernie Sanders town hall gives US party line when confronted re: #gaza”.

  3. Trust me, 10 years of posting on RT, I got a PhD on alt words and sentencing structure. I’ve tried two combinations already. Mods please release my posts.

  4. maybe you need to outsmart the computer algorithm that’s controlling the comments board by changing the words , computer alogrithms ban certain troublesome combination of words that are expected to be mischievious ……

  5. Jew Bastard Jared Kushner Says This is a Profitable Deal for Palestinians BUT IF The Palestinians are Rioting and Not Accepting the Jew Crafted Deal Then That Means Palestinians are Not Yet Ready to Have A State ….. Wow NOW Endless Jewish Blatant LIES Like This make Me Disgusted With ” Jewish ” Bastards AND I Must Interject That The Palestinians HAD A STATE For Centuries Till Bloody Ripoff Jewish Robbed the Palestinians of Their State ….. Endless LIES from Jewish is Nothing New and Here essentially Jared Kushner is Saying ” Be a Good Boy AND Accept the Death that WE Have Prescribed ” for Palestinians so The Jewish can Score Some FREE REAL ESTATE …………….

  6. ..well i have only heard the Press Conference about the “Deal of the Century ” and I haven’t Read the Full 80 Pages AND I Never Read so so much such long Bullshit . , Basically Whatever these Bullshits like Trump and Netanyahoo Say it’s Always the Opposite of Reality and the Glee of Netanyahoo and others Show it’s Definately getting Everything that the ” Jewish ” want and been Dreaming of is being Handed to Them…….. Everybody is saying that this is a Deal Documented in 80 pages unlike previous Way shorter and Simply put to the Point ” Peace Deals ” of maybe 1 page Deals so Basically These are Seeking to Confuse and Discourage people from bothering about it , I mean Who’d Read 80 Pages of Bullshit Complications

    ..well Simply put with Trump Proposing a New ” Peace Plan ” that Totally Favors Israel Bibi has Scored Good amount of Points with most Fanatic Israelis and Now He can dare to Proceed a Bit Boldly and the Boldness would be sort of exhibiting that he’s innocent of the accusations and too Good for Israeli Fanatics to loose now.

    • ..Another Point the only thing in this deal for Palestinians seems to be the advertised $50 Billion but theyre not saying 50 Billion over which span of time , is it 50 billion in a year or 50 billion in 4 years or 50 billion in 10 years , whatever the bullshit , one thing is for sure this 50 billion will turn out to be grossly misleading offer that never will materialise on the basis of the ” Fine Print “and with Palestinians eventually getting Nothing .

      ..other than that in this lopsided deal since all settlements are being legalised so Israelis are getting what they dreamed of and are ecstatic . and the internationally recognised 1967 borders for Palestine is being trashed …. Palestinians want ALL Land Back and have the right of return like any other Human BUT Humpty Trumpty is acting to prove his faithfulness to his investing masters . European Encroachers of Palestine NEED TO GO HOME and quit Trying to score FREE REAL ESTATE OUT OF NOWHERE

    • ..Another thing the USA administration is insisting that Even IF the Palestinians Refuse NOW and later BUT the USA Administration will wait on this deal to be accepted by Palestinians for 4 YEARS NOW What is actually going on is that Already Palestinian Lives are the Worst Possible Hell made by Israel’s Actions so now Promising the Israelis Everthing that was in Their Wildest Dreams and 4 years to get this ” Deal ” accepted by Palestinians so Actually this is a License being given to Israel to do way way worst to Palestinians starting Now and for the next 4 years to Force Palestinians into the most Miserable Situation to become to be Forced to Accept ” Deal of the Century “ …. Israel is being permitted to Torture Palestinians till they Agree .

      ..Another Point IF This ” Deal of the Century ” has a 4 YEAR Observation Period So for the Next 4 YEARS there is NO Chance of Any other Negotiation or Deal …. So this Trap Traps Palestinians For 4 Years Whatever Palestinians Think or Say or Need is Simply Irrelevent to this “ Offer of the Century “

    • …This Deal says Israel Agrees to Stop Expansion for 4 YEARS so it Doesn’t say what Israel can do after 4 Years ……… in the Past Israel has been gradually Expanding and each time getting Every Expansion Officiated and Legalised So Maybe Israel might NOT Further Expand for the Next 4 YEARS in Exchange to get the Previous ILLEGAL EXPANSIONS Legalised BUT NOBODY said That Israel Will Scrap and Forget the ” Oded Yinon Plan ” to eventually Expand to Swallow Everything including Iraq ……

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