Yemen releases video of Saudi ‘Tornado’ Shoot Down (strong warning, graphic unpleasantness)

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  1. hope thats only the start of that pilot’s pain and suffering. what cowards working for the israeli dog coalition

    • the pilot is in very very deep shit and will Die Soon , His lower Jaw and lower of the mouth has been blown off unless he gets Real Good Medical Facilities very soon He’s Dying , He can’t eat or Drink or do Anything ……. Whatever blew up in his face cost him Deadly

  2. I know nothing about fighter jets, but shouldn’t the first thing a fighter pilot would do is to fire off some flares followed by evasive maneuvers? But then again this is a Saudi pilot.
    And zero …ks are given for the captured war criminal pilot and the Co pilot if he’s still alive.

    • Not all planes are Always carrying flares , this plane maybe was expecting an unchallenged Ground Bombing and expecting none of the Standard Equipment since these are only Hapless Houtis and a rag tag team

    • He was shooting off the flares. It is automatic. Considering the video it looks like they didn’t even tried to maneuver. Anyway, it didn’t work. The rocket was like R-27T from Mig-29SMT. The Houthis surprise us using the air-to-air missiles to launch from the ground.

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