Censored/Suppressed: Large Number of US Troops in Europe COVID Carriers, Returning Home Untested


20,000 American troops were exposed to COVID 19 in Europe.  Most returned home untested.  One unit was tested, and is now in quarantine, 2600 of them.  The Pentagon decided it was, as usual, above the law.

One death was reported today, a contractor, reported in the Chinese press only.  (Name withheld) served with the DSCA, which supplies aid to “America’s allies” and domestically to the DHS.  Shadowy?

The US is continually shuttling troops from Italy and Germany to Iraq and Syria, to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, all untested.  Afghanistan?

Then, of course, how many have come home?

Who is watching military contractors who return to the US on transport aircraft that aren’t inspected nor are they and their passengers subjected to customs screening.

Infection patterns in the US are clearly following a number of lines and one, above all, stands out.  That is regions with high numbers of military families.  This is why, and there is no question on this, we aren’t seeing any attempt to track down the hundreds/thousands of “patient zeros.”

This is also why we hear so much “blame China” and lame conspiracy theories.

We are also told the US military has deaths from COVID and they are being censored as well.

In late October 2019, the Pentagon sent 369 American military to Wuhan to participate in military games. China says they brought the virus. Russia says (unconfirmed) that 67 of the Americans in this group died of unknown causes and the Pentagon is covering it up.

What we do know is that the NATO exercises that should have been cancelled early on has led to a large number of US Army who are infected, 35 for certain and 2600 quarantined, but many thousands of others have come home to every state, carrying the virus with them, which we believe has led to the inexplicable COVID outbreaks among US populations, often African American and Hispanic, that have no other possible means of exposure.

No attempt whatsoever has been made to trace these soldiers down, test them and test those exposed to them. Instead, as usual, the Pentagon and Google/Facebook have chosen to censor/suppress/lie.

This warning came up after accessing the Army Times article on troops returning from the NATO exercise Trump ordered in the middle of the pandemic.

Soldiers in Europe for Defender 2020 to return home amid pandemic

U.S. officials are significantly reducing the size and scope of the long-awaited Defender 2020 exercise intended to test the Army’s ability to move a division-sized force from U.S. seaports to European training grounds this spring.

The exercise included 20,000 soldiers who were meant to conduct training across 10 European countries. Several linked exercises — Dynamic Front, Joint Warfighting Assessment, Saber Strike and Swift Response — will no longer be conducted, Army Europe officials said Monday.

Approximately 6,000 soldiers had already deployed from the United States to Europe since January, including a division headquarters and an armored brigade combat team.

“We anticipate the armored brigade combat team already deployed to Europe will conduct gunnery and other combined training events with Allies as part of a modified Allied Spirit exercise,” Army officials said in a statement. “Forces already deployed to Europe for other linked exercises will return to the United States.”

The exercise is being curtailed due to the outbreak of the novel form of coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, which has made its way through Europe. As of Friday, all movement of personnel and equipment from the United States to Europe were suspended.


Pentagon reports first military-related death from coronavirus

Source: Xinhua| 2020-03-23 09:31:48|Editor: Shi Yinglun

Photo taken on Feb. 19, 2020 shows the Pentagon seen from an airplane over Washington D.C., the United States. The U.S. Department of Defense announced Sunday the death of one of its contractors caused by the coronavirus, the first such fatality related to the U.S. military. The Crystal City, Virginia-based contractor who worked at the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) died on Saturday, according to a release by the Pentagon. (Xinhua/Liu Jie)

WASHINGTON, March 22 (Xinhua) — The U.S. Department of Defense announced Sunday the death of one of its contractors caused by the coronavirus, the first such fatality related to the U.S. military.

The Crystal City, Virginia-based contractor who worked at the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) died on Saturday, according to a release by the Pentagon.

“The individual had tested positive for COVID-19 and had been under medical treatment at a local hospital,” the release said.

The spaces inside the DSCA where the individual worked “have been cleaned” in accordance with guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and “the person’s co-workers have been teleworking,” said the release.

Headquartered inside the Pentagon, the DSCA provides assistance and resources to U.S. allies.


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  1. History has shown the knowledge which empire’s acquire in foreign lands with régime change and suppressing locals sovereignty. The British in Africa applied it in Ireland and during the troubles. The US in Iraq, Afghan saw militarized police even though crime fell. Now the US will implement that doctrine domestically.

  2. Bio warfare is also intended as engineered pandamonium. The more panic the better. Here in Zelandia we are in lockdown.

  3. “The Great Influenza” by John M Barry, 450 page research with 80 page bibliography on the causes and results of the greatest pandemic since the medieval plague. Cofactors for this pandemic were > Woody Wilson lack of quarantine, poor housing, poor food, poor transport of military draftees. This video gives a brief summary of Barry research >

    “1918 Spanish Flu History Documentary” by Chromosome8

  4. Decrying this virus with public test results is fear porn! Oh look, 0ver 200 dead in the US!(in a country of 327 million. For Christ’s sake, if you are sick, with symptoms, use some common sense:stay home, bed rest. If your symptoms worsen, call a doctor. What is it with making everyone in the public think they need this test. This is herd mentality manipulation!

    • Unless you have the Italian version where you stand a 10 percent chance of dying within hours of your first symptoms. Explain?

    • I cannot explain the numbers in Italy, or Iran, but I am willing to defer to the low-dose Sarin gas poisoning, morbidity/mortality supplementation thesis put forward by Russian military, in both those instances. I think we can all surmise that people who run organizations in the West, such as the World Health Organization or CDC; experts preoccupying the public with “testing memes”, would never acknowledge, or ascribe to such a thesis. To my way of thinking, this is precisely where a geopolitical intel operation vs. that which is suitable for public edification part ways.

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