COVID Responses in Eurasia: From Informed Responsibility to Dangerous Denial


Health Editor’s Note: Article sent to VT by Pen America…Carol

From Informed Responsibility to Dangerous Denial: COVID Responses in Eurasia

by Veronika PfeilschifterPolina Sadovskaya (Kovaleva)/

There have been striking differences in how certain countries in Eurasia have responded to COVID-19 with regard to freedom of expression, access to information, and privacy rights. Authorities in some post-Soviet countries have shown a degree of responsibility with regard to safeguarding human rights, while others have used the public health crisis as cover to infringe on rights and persecute those who dare to speak out.

Below, an overview of how states across Eurasia are responding to the pandemic, up-to-date as of May 4:


Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko has called COVID-19 a “psychosis” and recommended people drink vodka, go to banyas (saunas), or work in the fields to ward off the virus. While the Belarusian government does not fully deny the existence of COVID-19, it has heavily downplayed its severity and failed to implement official information campaigns, profoundly endangering public health. Meanwhile, Belarus has one of the fastest growing infection rates in Europe. Lukashenko continues to state that no one would die from the virus itself, but from pre-existing illnesses.

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  1. 1. Belarus. I lived there 1986-1997. I know this country, visit it once a year and have lots of friends there. Today my friend told me in whatsup that everything about virus is getting bad. The situation is pity. I’m sure it is Lukashenko’s personal fault. Like a clown he denied the pandemy, gave silly advices and was furious when my Russian authorities closed Bel-Rus boarder. Now they will meet problems. Lukashenko is cunning fox, trying to sit at two tables. Profit and money mean more for him. When we had covid-19 quarantine in Russia, Lukashenko wanted to trade. We in Russia are tired of his annual kinder-tricks: he borrows money, he demands cheap gas, oil, he tried to resell sanctions goods from EU to Russia changing the stickers as if shrimps, salmon, crab meat, Polish apples were all produces in his Sea Superpower.
    2. Russia. All that was written is true. I’d like to add that Russians (read – peoples of Russia) are rebels by nature and are not disciplined. Thus, some get crazy from home sitting, some walk everywhere and even make bbq at recreation zones. I stopped reading Rus internet, because i see: 90 out of 100 persons say – Putin betrayed us, the government are all bastards; 5g is bad, vaccines are B.Gates way to put microchips in us to control, covid-19 is a myth, why we help the world and do nothing for our people, etc. Total insanity that was born by idiots and spreads by brainless fools.
    3. Ukraine…. Ah. I don’t know what’s going on there. And i don’t want to know, frankly.

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