MSM: Police Launch Unprovoked Attacks on Protesters and Journalists (and worse, much worse)

The fifth day of protests in the city was largely peaceful, but that didn’t stop police from aggressively targeting curfew-breakers with tear gas and rubber bullets.


VT has found that among the most violent protesters, almost all are white.  Some have been identified as US Army, some as political operatives of the GOP and others as, now wait for it….police.

Gaza America as Israeli trained police do it again, this time in Seattle

MINNEAPOLIS—A night after Minneapolis burned, protests on Saturday were mostly calm—until cops and the National Guard moved in with force against those breaking curfew.

We start with a bright moment from Seattle.  Here, a security guard (with a glock) takes an M4 Carbine from a protester who found it where a Seattle cop had dropped it while running away.  Thanks to the guard in the video, cops and protesters don’t need real weapons like this, our hero of the day:

And now for bad stuff:

The protests in Minneapolis, where 46-year-old George Floyd died after a white cop knelt on his neck for several minutes, began peacefully on Saturday as hundreds of residents marched alongside police officers. But just after the 8:00 p.m. curfew passed and all major highways into the Twin Cities were shut down, police appeared in full gear.

They began to fling tear gas, flashbangs, and rubber bullets at protesters and journalists alike—pushing crowds away from police precincts that had been previously set ablaze the previous nights. While police were ostensibly cracking down on curfew breakers, it’s not clear why they would target journalists, who are exempt from the 8 p.m. curfew and allowed to report from the scene.

“Tonight will be different,” Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz said Saturday evening just after the curfew went into effect. “If you are on the street tonight, it is very clear: You are not with us. You do not share our values. And we will use the full strength of goodness and righteousness to make sure that this ends.”  Read more…


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  1. John, It is unfair to brand all police this way. We do not live on a planet of angels. There is no place without its bad cops, either on the street or in the top offices that have to handle cases “correctly” to keep certain power structures happy.

  2. There’s many assholes on the streets today. One can’t tell the good guys from the bad. In Minneapolis a cop, dressed in black, carrying an umbrella and a hamme,r smashes the windows at an Autozone store. He’s ID’d later. Same department as the guy who supposedly murdered the black. Then elsewhere, there’e video of w young bearded white dude paying blacks to incite violence. Who was he? And, overnight who left the pallets of bricks, strategically dropped off in many cities?
    I’m beginning to doubt that George Floyd even died. As there is a connection between him and the kneeling cop. Also watch:
    This entire moment is poorly disguised script.

  3. Where is Bob Dylan now? Why is LeBron still a franchise man? Do they know 200 other countries exist? Canada anyone? Russia 5 minutes away from Alaska anyone?
    Let’s be honest, civil riots and racism are some of the less disturbing things happening to America, very distant down the ladder from constant war profiteering, looting oil, stealing, killing, sanctioning and overthrowing in the name of the American way and North Atlantic strategic security.

    • It is true, we teach looting and destruction by example to our children. We give out medals for it.
      It is difficult to blame our children for emulating our behavior. We have a very violent culture, and some of us that get shiny medals for doing it, understand how to promote or prevent different behaviors.
      I would like us to stop giving out Gold Stars. Those are for kindergarten teachers.

  4. from AP- “At the Minneapolis intersection where Floyd was killed, people gathered with brooms and flowers, saying it was important to protect what they called a “sacred space.” The intersection was blocked with the traffic cones while a ring of flowers was laid out.
    County Commissioner Angela Conley showed up shortly after the curfew lifted, saying that police had trampled flowers and photos of Floyd. “The community needs healing, and what happened last night only exacerbated the pain that’s been felt,” she said of police action.”

  5. This whole thing stinks of stagecraft. The Covid19 Zio-Bio weapon is off the front page. The Riots seem to have an organization level farther up the food chain, also breaking out in the lower Covid19 death count states. Are they deploying the aerosol Bio weapon among the multitudes? Israeli occupation and annexation of the former United States is only going to get worse, plenty of American blood yet to spill for sport kills….Crowds on demand seem to be hiring a diverse crew cut group, wearing their own black backpacks, and boots….

    BDS 2020

  6. As the protest marched on in SLC. Jaxcino on instagram documented the moments when an ‘all lives matter’ psycho stepped out of his car with a bow and arrow pointing into crowd. Some alerted the police of the man threatening the protesters. As there was no response from the police many of the protesters took matters into their own hands. A couple got him from behind as he was pulling and aiming his bow. The crowd quickly took care of business with a swift beat down while other’s rolled his car and set it on fire. This man has obviously been seriously compromised mentally by white nationalism. He had been spotted walking the streets with a machete earlier. There were a few white boys in the crowed carrying weapons but the where not welcomed by the protestors. This information comes from a relative in the crowed a who was with his friend jaxcino the instagram filmer of the ‘bow hunter’.

    • Good to hear the violence is thus far, very limited among real protesters. One can but hope things stay that way and come to a successful conclusion without recourse to bloodshed.

  7. After watching these videos I came to the conclusion that the vandals and the policemen equally ugly. You can draw an equal sign between them. Order must be restored, but why push, hit and gas people who do not pose a threat. We must condemn the actions of the US authorities at the international level, and condemn the punitive operations of the police from the UN rostrum. All the rot of society has been laid bare in these few days. Instantly, the trademark Hollywood smiles fell from American faces and revealed the fangs of contradiction. Shame on you, USA. Shame on you sadists in police uniforms! Shame on you, looters, vandals and provocateurs! And you deserve this shame that the whole world is looking at. I am sure that few people sympathize with you, for all the atrocities, human suffering, wars, color revolutions that you have already fucked up the whole world.
    From Russia with love. Get well soon, Wild Crazy West )

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