Trump hid in nuclear bunker while protesters besieged the White House


VT: When the orange fat ass was threatening to unleash dogs or Tweeting away to his tanker truck driving fans, he was deep underground in a secret nuclear bunker doing the Hitler thing but without the wonderful result, a smoldering burned corpse to be found, even if Trump himself were to escape to Argentina and open an art gallery.

Editor’s Note: ‘President Exploitation’ did everything he could to have bloodshed at the Whitehouse but was denied. While play acting the besieged President we have a lot of twitter photos of an unruly summer crowd in shorts, tee-shirts and signs, not too many backpacks, and not many water bottles even.

Later in the evening the young bucks made it up to the front lawn barricade and began pushing on it knocking at least one section over, but not a single claim of a demonstrators attacking personnel, so one had to be made up.

Creative minds came up with “water bottles” thrown at security people, but then leaving out that they were empty plastic ones. This shows you what the Trump Whitehouse will stoop to to manipulate the public.

The Liar in Chief, while sipping a bleach solution and having an UV light enema, got off a Twitter to summons a MAGA army to break the siege, attempting to keep the Twitter focus on him rather than all the other cities around the country dealing with a different version of exploitation.

These were the looting low lifes pretending to honor the unfortunate Mr. Floyd who I am sure would spit on them if he could for their looting innocent businesses when we watched the looters enjoying the good time they were having at the expense of Mr. Floyd’s memory and their fellow citizens.

The real counter demonstrator cavalry arrived Sunday morning when the real people of the looted cities took them back from the gutter trash of the night before with their brooms, and dust pans, brushes and paint thinner, and began taking the gang tagging graffiti off the victimized businesses.

Church groups got involved later in the day, even bringing young children with them to demonstrate you can say Screw You to rioters in a positive way, by erasing what they had done.

To all you scumbag rioters, we whiz on you not for the color of your skin, white or black or whatever, but for what you showed us you are…as bad as the bad cops. You were way more numerous and chose innocent business as your victims who already were suffering greatly from the lockdown and the 100,000 Covid dead that not a one of the rioters would give a crap about.

To everyone else, hang onto your hats, as its going to be one long hot summer as we head toward election day with the battle lines hardening like we have not seen in modern history.

If Trump’s poll numbers keep sliding, he and his gang will become more and more dangerous and have the capacity to stage anything they want to turn things around, including on the scale of 9-11.

Our only hope then will be someone ratting them out. And to all of those potential people out there, VT can be contacted 24 hours a day and we can guarantee that the information would get to where it needs to go …Jim W. Dean ]

National Guardsmen sleeping like logs on the cold concrete after a long night

– Sunday night riot wrap up – 

WASHINGTON — Inside the White House, the mood was bristling with tension. Hundreds of protesters were gathering outside the gates, shouting curses at President Trump and in some cases throwing bricks and bottles. Nervous for his safety, Secret Service agents abruptly rushed the president to the underground bunker used in the past during terrorist attacks.

A reminder, real Marines waking up on dirt, South Vietnam, a place that doesn’t exist anymore. Photo by G Duff

The scene on Friday night, described by a person with firsthand knowledge, added to the sense of unease at the White House as demonstrations spread after the brutal death of a black man in police custody under a white officer’s knee. While in the end officials said they were never really in danger, Mr. Trump and his family have been rattled by protests that turned violent two nights in a row near the Executive Mansion.

After days in which the empathy he expressed for George Floyd, the man killed, was overshadowed by his combative threats to ramp up violence against looters and rioters, Mr. Trump spent Sunday out of sight, even as some of his campaign advisers were recommending that he deliver a nationally televised address before another night of possible violence. The building was even emptier than usual as some White House officials planning to work were told not to come in case of renewed unrest.

(CNN)As protesters gathered outside the White House Friday night in Washington, DC, President Donald Trump was briefly taken to the underground bunker for a period of time, according to a White House official and a law enforcement source.

The President was there for a little under an hour before being brought upstairs. It’s unclear if first lady Melania Trump and Barron Trump were also taken down with him.
Trump praised the Secret Service the next day for its handling of the protests outside the White House Friday night in the wake of George Floyd’s death last week in Minneapolis.
The New York Times first reported Trump was taken to the presidential bunker.
On Saturday, only hours after the protests outside the White House had ended, Trump declared himself safe as he lashed out at the city’s Democratic mayor and raised the prospect of his supporters gathering in place that night in what would amount to a counter protest.
In a series of tweets, Trump commended the US Secret Service for protecting him inside his fortified mansion Friday evening, saying he couldn’t have felt “more safe” as protesters gathered outside over Floyd’s death. The President suggested that dogs and weaponry were waiting inside the gates.
Trump claimed DC Mayor Muriel Bowser did not permit the DC police to “get involved,” though Secret Service later said they were on the scene.
Later in the day, speaking at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida after the launch of the NASA/SpaceX rocket, Trump admonished protesters across the country, expressed support for the “majority of police officers” and blamed Antifa and the “radical left” — without any proof — in his most in-depth remarks since Floyd’s death and the ensuing nationwide demonstrations.
“I stand before you as a friend and ally to every American seeking justice and peace. And I stand before you in firm opposition to anyone exploiting this tragedy to loot, rob, attack and menace. Healing, not hatred, justice, not chaos, are the mission at hand,” Trump said.
Trump added that the voice of “law abiding citizens must be heard and heard very loudly.”
“We must defend the rights of every citizen to live without violence, prejudice or fear,” Trump said before supporting “the overwhelming majority of police officers who are incredible in every way and devoted public servants.”
“No one is more upset than fellow law enforcement officers by the small handful who failed to abide by their oath to serve and protect,” Trump added.
In his Saturday morning Twitter messages, Trump did not seek to lower the temperature or console Americans who find themselves facing parallel health and racial crises.
The decision to physically move the President came as protesters confronted Secret Service officers outside the White House for hours on Friday — shouting, throwing water bottles and other objects at the line of officers, and attempting to break through the metal barriers.


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  1. “the overwhelming majority of police officers who are incredible in every way and devoted public servants.”

    Did they miss the placement of bricks in every city where there was a protest? How…they were moved by a machine, that is obvious. That could not have been protesters, they are not that organized to place pallets of bricks in the open at 6 cities. There is way more to the story and if they don’t stop the deception, the US is headed for a new civil war.

    How about the guy that broke the windows of Autozone, then sprayed graffiti and was videoed….a white dude with an umbrella used to cover himself and had a gas mask on?

  2. All gas and no flame. An address was in order if it ever had been. But, the reality is, during the orientation of the new digs, which the entire family did not like until enough “questionable people” had been removed so the “Lady” could feel safe,…when the part came to the bunker, every other president looked and said, “oh my god, I hope we don’t have to use this, but ok I’m glad it’s here”. Trump said, “wow, so I can do really messed up stuff and hide here Cool !”
    I think I would like the president to walk up to the circle of sacred space where George Floyd was murdered and take a knee, like the Minneapolis police chief did today, and face the crowd and answer questions, and offer reassurances. Instead the cops who support his insanity ran over the flowers and desecrated the circle last night under the cover of darkness and curfew, just like the president ran and hid , and as I always say, Racists are always cowards.
    Embarrassing as anything any CIC has ever done, and that is saying a lot. As a veteran, I feel empty inside, knowing this shithead coward is anywhere near the white house. I feel bad for his detail. I feel bad for my ancestors. I feel bad for anyone who has shed blood and served , at this moment. There is nothing partisan about THIS. This is what disgrace of the office looks like. A horrible disgrace.

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