Keshe Science: An offer to eradicate COVID 19


June 5th, 2020

Open letter

Note: I have not seen the technology but sources tell us that both Iran and China have used it and it, to an extent, perhaps a large extent, may account for their success in avoiding the catastrophe that has befallen the US.

I will personally act as intermediary for Keshe on this issue.  I am not offering a personal guarantee as to efficacy but we can keep inquiries classified, nothing will be published by VT or Keshe.

As is always the case, no money is asked for.  This, in itself, is a huge impediment as COVID 19 as become a great “business of death.”  What Keshe has is here, it is available, you know how to get it, there is no cost, we all ask nothing in return…welcome to life on the other side of the mirror.g 

to Governments across the world: Solutions for eradicating COVID-19 are now available 

Your Excellencies and Honorable Presidents/Prime Ministers/Ministers of Health:

We, the Universal Council, bring to the attention of all people and governments across the world the below offer of solution for COVID -19:

The founder and director of the Keshe Foundation, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, publicly offered governments across the world the needed solutions for the eradication of COVID-19. He made the offer internationally on Thursday June 4th 2020.

The offered solutions for eradication of COVID-19 are based on the newly discovered plasma science technology known as Keshe GANS (GAses in Nano Solid state) Technology, that were developed by the Iranian nuclear engineer, M.T. Keshe. The technology is offered freely to all nations in exchange for peace.

The new plasma technology uses natural products and can be used for detection, prevention, reversal of COVID-19 and environmental cleanup. With this technology, the cost of saving a life is less than 10 dollars.

On acceptance of this offer by governments, the technology can be confirmed between the two nations’ leading universities and upon their agreements of the proof of the data, the national officials’ negotiations can be completed.

The effectiveness of the Keshe GANS technology against COVID-19 and other viruses was recently demonstrated in Iran and is awaiting publication in an internationally renowned medical scientific journal. Details of this publication are available from the Keshe Foundation.

Using the newly discovered Keshe GANS technology, Iranians cleared the full emergency wing of a hospital that was full of COVID -19 infected patients, and the hospital using the technology, cured more than 100 infected and home quarantined people in 14 days.  This city has a population of 50,000 inhabitants and has been disinfected with the GANS technology and is now free of COVID-19 for more than 50 days. Before intervention with the new GANS technology, the hospital had one to two deaths per day from COVID-19. In addition, there are no new infections and no deaths in this city since the application of the GANS technology.

For more information, contact:

On behalf of the Universal Council,

Gatua wa Mbugwa, Ph.D.

The Universal Council


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  1. I have been using the plasma water for over 3 months now for a nasty recurring shingles infection. I feel it is very successful and will continue it. Sure beats any kind of acyclovir for healthy liver and kidney function!!

  2. Keshe = all promises and everything hidden and concealed ! as I know so far…

    When the heck will he go public (ie disclose technologies) ?

    • Keshe is willing to reveal all plasma technologies in full depth in exchange for one simple thing…world peace. We are getting there. Corona virus has a wonderful way of bringing people together from all over the world. Keshe tech has the full solution for viruses too, which is being implemented in Iran and has been successful in clearing a city and its hospital of corona virus.

      There is a scientific paper from a top Iranian university which will be released and published shortly, showing the efficiency of the nanomaterials and Gans technology of the Keshe foundation. Also, the high-speed plasma transportation technology of Mr Keshe is being transferred to an Iranian university as we speak. The technology transfer offer has been made to all other countries of the world for years…but if they snooze, they lose.

  3. Some technology already is in place and has been in use in various applications for nearly a Century . Devices with patents shelved are available but require self discipline to get real results.
    Electrified blood can stay alive for 57 days outside the human body ,sometimes called ‘ immortal blood ‘ .
    Now called eTherapy , these modalities are FDA approved with scientifically verifiable results in a lab.
    Oh , and viruses are easily treated .

  4. This is what I like about VT. They actually tell you the truth – whatever they know – its up to you to accept it. Thanks VT.

  5. Keshe involved in “free energy” machines and devices too (so am I) and I appreciated Keshe and VT pulling no punches in getting Stirling Allan pedophile shit bag thrown in jail a few years ago. SA ran a big free energy website called peswiki….it made itself out to be the last word on free energy devices like cold fusion or looping motor generators etc.
    I have never built anything from plans and information Keshe has published (open source) but the guy is very far advanced not burdened by needing recognition or support from any of those in political power. I like him, trust he might have something here to combat pandemic. In the USA it will be trashed in all the ways they will do it, because of the Iranian angle to it.
    Going with nano tech gaseous state to combat all the nano tech CRISPR
    “gain of lethality and contagious spread” edits lopped into the basic flu bug makes sense …fight nano with nano.
    Keshe probably knew from day one it was not a flu epidemic but a Bioweapon attack on China and especially Iran later on and that’s where the research “came from”…. Not from the lie it’s nothing but a bad flu without a vaccine.
    From what I read he uses the word calcium a lot in what his tech “dissolves” (if I have that right) in the death engineered virus…reason for washing hands with soap and hot water is it dissolves the fats protecting the virus protein spikes sticking out, so maybe his calcium is our fat and they are same thing, you dissolve those with nanotech gas that clings to virus (magnetically polarized nitrogen just guessing ?) If virus is negative charged you polarized the GANS gas positive charged in nutshell….and ipso fatso no more lethal Covid 19

  6. Sounds like science fiction, but then much of the technology we use every day would have been science fiction a century ago, and witchcraft a couple of centuries before that.

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