The Trumperly Hillbillies: Don’t Come Back Now, Ya Hear?


By Kevin Barrett, VT Editor

Somebody asked: WTF is up with Trump’s clownish coup d’etat maga-fail?  I answered:

Trump was always a false flag whose purpose was to discredit populism. (And hand Likkud everything it wants.)

The Congressional-invasion carnival was the final episode of the reality TV show “President Trump”—a remake of Beverly Hillbillies, with a dimwitted Russian-mob-owned dufus striking electoral oil and incongruously moving into the Oval Office and hilariously screwing everything up.

This final act was a 9/11 style spectacle casting populism as the evil enemy we must spend the next 100 years annihilating.

Here’s the theme song we’ve been hearing subliminally every night for the past four years:

The Trumperly Hillbillies

Come and listen to my story about a man named Don
Unlike Dersh he couldn’t keep his undies on,
Jeffrey Epstein filmed him doin’ something really crude
Bibi said “you’re Zionism’s kind of dude

Pre-vert, that is…chicken hawk…cheese pizza eater”

Well the first thing you know ol Don’s a president,
Russian mob said “Hell, this is heaven-sent!
Ol Washing-tooney is the place ya oughta be”…
So they loaded up the Trump truck and drove it to DC

The Diss-tricked, that is. Congress-critters, Freemasons.

Old Don bought a White House, lordy it was swank
Next door neighbor owns the Fed & World Bank.
Lotta folks complainin’ but the people found no fault
‘Cause all Trump’s tax returns was locked up in a vault

Deeeee-ductions. Bankruptcies. Payoffs. Don’t owe nuthin.

Well now it’s time to say good bye to Don and all his kin.
And they would like to thank you folks fer kindly droppin in
To Congress like barbarians to loot & smash & steal
Reality show’s over…so now’s time to get real:

Treason trial. Exile. Trump Heights.

Y’all don’t come back now in 2024, y’hear?


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  1. Kevin, I don’t think Gordon use darts for that, sure he’s shooting to dartboard with a .223… 🙂

  2. Well, the catchy little tune was funny, but calling them hillbillies is offensive. On behalf of Arkansans, we repudiate any notion that Trump is in any way a hillbilly. A POS, perv, thief, conman, liar, traitor, Israeli firster, Zionist, Mossad tool and Trojan Horse for sure. Hell, Jed could form intelligent sentences, understand simple concepts, carry on conversations and get along with everyone…the exact antithesis of Tramp. Raising Trumps standing by falsely claiming him to be a hillbilly is an insult. Now, if you meant that he was a Missouri bohunk…

  3. Hilarious…, Kevin you’re giving too much credence to Trump’s intellect, Jim Varney aka Ernest P. Worrell was empirically proven to be a genius in comparison.

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