Vax Resisters Need Experimental Capital Punishment Therapy

A Modest Proposal


Editors’ note: We are glad to see Barrett finally get on board with the program! -The Senior Editors

Guest op-ed by Dr. Joe Gubbles, New York Times Vaccine Compliance Messaging Czar

Dissociated Press

As our obligatory five minutes of hate lingers into five days, five weeks, five months or even five years of hate for the irresponsible nincompoops who refuse experimental gene therapy, we are going to have to stop dangling carrots in front of their noses and start beating the hell out of them with sticks. Unfortunately, these people are stubborn, so even walloping them black and blue with a thick oak stave probably won’t convince them. We could always send police to grab them and stick them with needles as Alan Dershowitz recommends, or hire the Cosa Nostra to “put ’em into a car and drive ’em and put dat experimental gene therapy in deir arm” as Andrew “Da Boss” Cuomo prefers. But even that wouldn’t satisfy our anger. They wouldn’t suffer enough.

What the experimental gene therapy refuseniks need is experimental capital punishment therapy (ECPT) to permanently remove their refractory DNA from the gene pool. Unlike traditional capital punishment, with its trial by jury and due process and appeals to higher courts, experimental capital punishment therapy consists of skipping the customary procedural safeguards and summarily executing the victim with the means at hand.

Despite its uncertainties, experimental capital punishment therapy has a surprisingly solid track record. A century ago, southern whites, with the assistance of ropes and trees, were using it to stop an epidemic of interracial courtship. In the 1940s the Germans deployed it with some success against der judenvirus.

So which should we use against vax resisters, trees or gas chambers? While some may argue that there are not enough suitable trees in America for all 100 million recalcitrant souls, if we factor in light poles, telephone wires, construction cranes, and other implements, and remain strictly parsimonious in our use of rope, our natural and man-made resources might be sufficient to meet the challenge.

The German alternative, zyklon-B dispensing shower stalls, also has its advantages. If every mass shower room in every school, health club, YMCA, and Jewish Community Center in America were replumbed so the shower heads spewed hydrogen cyanide gas instead of water, and every vax resister were loaded into a freight car and taken to the nearest shower room and given a “nice hot shower,” we could end this pandemic almost overnight.

Naysayers may claim it’s logistically impossible. But tell that to the geniuses at Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson, who somehow designed their experimental gene therapies just minutes after the COVID-19 genome was officially sequenced, and raced through the development process at unheard-of speed. If Pfizer chooses the trees, Moderna supplies the rope, and Johnson and Johnson builds the gas chambers, we should be able to supply enough experimental capital punishment therapy to fulfill the needs of our entire unvaxxed population and then some. (Surplus ECPT could then be exported to Third World countries at a tidy profit.)

The experimental gene therapy refusers, and a few bleeding hearts, will no doubt claim that ECPT infringes on their civil liberties. But as a wise guy once said: “Your right to your own body ends where my needle begins.” Refusing experimental gene therapy, or even expressing any doubts about it, is infinitely worse than shouting fire in a crowded theater. And we all know what happens to people who shout fire in crowded theaters, don’t we? So that pretty much takes care of the civil liberties issue. If you have any further questions, or for a good time, call Alan Dershowitz at 617-495-4642 or email


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  1. I don’t get this site. On one had they question and are skeptical of anything pushed by Zionists and their mass media, on the other hand, they swallow the Zionists newest agenda without thinking twice. If something is being pushed by the Zionist in unison, then you should at least realize that it’s not to your benefit, regardless of how well-meaning it looks on the surface.
    Make up your minds and pick a side. Either you’re against Zionists or with them. This hypocrisy is not helping anyone, and the world is full of hypocrites. At least look at Iran, and see their uniform stance. Yes, they have vaccine, but it’s their own creation, and they reject western, agenda based, god know whats in them vaccines.

    • People who write for this site have a wide range of worldviews and opinions. Unlike most “alternative” sites, this one forces you to think for yourself.

  2. Thank you for your ‘tongue in cheek’ solution to our current COVID problem; who knows, it may work. 😉

  3. Mr. Barrett, Your Points are well taken, however the use of, ‘Nazi Gas Chambers’ as an example, (6 million) Victims, is a poor parallel, as You and I know, the ‘Gas Chamber Story’, is the greatest HOAX, fabrication in the History of Mankind! Yours Truly; Imre ‘James’ Tihanyi, SFC. US Army Ret.

  4. We live in desperate times, Kevin. Fully one-quarter of Americans think the Sun goes around the Earth. If you don’t believe me, Google it and see for yourself. Sadly, these folks are easily taken in by any charlatan who comes along promising them that he will bring their jobs back from China and protect them from the rapists and drug dealers who come up from Mexico. Their pastors tell them that the Earth was created exactly 6025 years ago because someone counted up the “begats” in the Scofield Reference Bible. They also tell them that Jesus is coming back to smite all the unbelievers (Democrats mostly) while they’ll be Raptured up to Heaven. This pre-scientific mindset has come back to the USA with a vengeance.

  5. Kevin Barrett, you’re the same king of bastard that denies the link between vaccines and autism, despite the firsthand eyewitness testimony of tens of thousands of parents who have watched their children suffer after being vaccinated. You’re either hopelessly psychotic or you’re a complete sellout. I’m dumping this website; it’s a bullshit website. And you’re a complete asshole.

  6. Fabio presented some pertinent information on convalescent plasma that seems to have dropped out of the Media as has Ivermectin like a lead ball in water. There is some science that does not recommend vaccinations in the middle or a pandemic because the fact that 100% will not vaccinate and the fact that when dealing with viruses that can mutate and create multiple variants vaccinations in the middle of a pandemic can cause exponential variations.

  7. Is there a possibility that there are actually different Covd 19 vaccines for different people, depending upon which computer list that a person just happens to be on ?

    Today on the Zionist Edwin Black online Talk Show, the famous jewish attorney Alan Dershowitz stated several times his personal Jewish moto to the effect that whoever attacks the jews, will be sued aggressively ( but he was referring to many future coming legal US state law antisemitism cases against Ben and Jerry’s ice cream ).

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