Intel Drop: Kabul Attack a Broader Conspiracy, Ties to Turkey, Ukraine…Trump

    World crime syndicates, GOP and key SCOTUS Justices Behind Kabul attempt to save the Afghani "cash cow" fake war


    The attack in Kabul is only the beginning. Funding has been sought, by American traitors, from MBS to fund a new 9/11 if more attacks on US troops in Afghanistan aren’t successful in rekindling a war to save Afghanistan as a narcostate. 

    Part of that presentation to MBS includes a secret signed letter, top American generals, Supreme Court Justices and GOP congressional leaders.

    VT: The Turk and Azerbaijani Military, one a guest of NATO, the other, another host of ‘THE GREY WOLVES ‘ Crime Syndicate , somehow flew under the radar to get a foothold in Kabul. The cover , protecting ‘ Turkish political and commercial ‘, interests . The reality , protecting the Brotherhood, with ISIS.

    The Taliban want them  OUT , knowing fully well, their links to ISIS-K, but more importantly, the wonderful job Turkey has done in promoting the interest of the caliphate, the sultan, Erdogan, and his crony gangsters.

    Perhaps the opium production , will have to move to Azerbaijan, doing it in Turkey would be a bad look. The Albanian Gangsters, part of ‘The Grey Wolves’ syndicate, that run cocaine, indeed every illicit, into Europe are desperate to secure a reliable supply of Heroin now that the Taliban have vowed to kill the trade.

    America has promised to hunt down those responsible. Cut  the head of the ‘WOLF’.

    That wolf has friends in Washington, dozens of top GOP politicians long on the payroll and their partnership with the Trump crime family.

    Biden is currently taking a major risk in limiting his response to this attack.  Biden may well, if forced, release the information given here.  He has been informed that 3 sitting Supreme Court Justices are in regular contact with the cabal behind this attack and will move against Biden if he fails to respond after the second attack, which is already scheduled.

    VT sources in Afghanistan tell a very different story of who is running terror ops against the US in Kabul.  Turkish “Grey Wolves” along with Ukrainian-Israeli militia’s and Israeli trained Azerbaijani “commando’s” were also at the airport.

    These organizations are closely aligned with the Freemasonic “Muslim Brotherhood” and ISIS.

    Don’t imagine that American military contractors aren’t helping in every way possible as well.  This may well be why so many stayed behind as US based contractors funded by Saudi Arabia, brought ISIS K to Afghanistan and have protected them from the Taliban from day one.

    They are also closely aligned with the Trump crime family and the QAnon “general” that was working for Turkish intelligence while also serving as a presidential advisor.

    It was Ukraine and Turkey that brought Sarin gas into Syria through the Republic of Georgia.

    Turkey and Azerbaijan entered Afghanistan under Ghani to “take over” the airport at Kabul with the US withdrawal.  Our sources say that Turkey and Azerbaijan’s Israeli trained “Grey Wolves” set up the airport attacks while temporarily withdrawing their own forces just prior to the attack.

    Then…now wait for it….coming back with a ton of Qatari cash…and asking to take over security at the airport…which would allow, they believe, a continued flow of narcotics and smuggled weapons out of Afghanistan right under the nose of the Taliban.

    To put it together, 13 Americans and 100 Afghani’s had to die…so far.




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    1. 2023 will be an interesting year. The current admin, is moderate Catholic, and only a step away from militant Catholic. SC also militant Catholic. The triumvirate will not easily loosen its fangs.

    2. Turkey is now in the rider’s seat in so many ways. I am happy to see some mention of the Grey Wolves, very active in Turkey, Georgia, and the near abroad. They are also involved in death squards, especially against Kurds within Turkey, and Kurds make up about 40 percent of the Turkish population.

    3. We are getting closer to Fucked, however I would like to think Biden is giving us a few minutes more. By the way how to charge after JFK?

    4. I wonder how much of the “opioid epidemic” in America stems from our invasion of Afghanistan in the early 2000s, which re-opened the poppy fields and created a hey-day for Big Pharma. My dear Uncle Foster died of an overdose of oxycontin…generously given to him by a pill-pushing “doctor” just following orders. Sound familiar? Of course, nobody was punished for his death…and so it goes.

    5. It is illegal to produce opium in Afghanistan. Turkey and India can legally produce it with limits.
      It is illegal to blow up tall twin buildings in order to force that country to go to war to increase illegal opium production.
      Why are we so afraid of standing up to this illegality ? The people must put a Full Stop on electing war mongers and drug dealers. Demand an 80% reduction in the US military, and do not elect anyone who disagrees. No Exceptions. All troops out of Syria and Iraq immediately.
      The USSC became illegitimate when they used the papal bull Inter caetera to justify ruling in favor of Sherrill NY vs Onieda. We do not have papal bulls in the constitution. Gangs do that.

    6. If intel has hold of this document to MBS, arrest these military and SCOTUS traitors immediately. They have American blood on their hands. That is the one thing that will change the direction of this country: exposing these GOP traitors in this, and dealing with them in the harshest way possible!

    7. Does this article have the word “bombshell” in its title?
      Let me look. I didn’t see it, but that’s how I perceive it.

      • Worse still…if we didn’t discover it…I imagine you knew in your heart it was going on….it had to be. We are little more than archeologists

      • I can’t say I knew it, but learning of it confirms the bleak darkness lurking under the covers of the global landscape.

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