Intel Drop: Russian Su-35s Intercepted Israeli Fighters Attacking Residential Areas of Damascus

    A Russian MiG-31K carrying a Kinzhal ballistic missile, one of Russia’s advanced nuclear-capable hypersonic weapons, was spotted landing at the Kaliningrad Chkalovsk airbase


    VT: Last night VT personnel in Damascus were awakened as Israeli aircraft dropped bombs on Damascus.  All hits were in residential areas, targeting infrastructure.  The story below is on limited release by the Russian command, one citing an Israeli attempt to hit Russian forces inside Syria.

    Last night in Damascus

    Doctor Najm, VT editor and former Minister of Justice for Syria, had Israeli bombs damage the apartment complex he lives in.

    Israel stepped very much over a Russian red line, hoping that current talks over Ukraine have taken Russia’s “eye off the ball.”  Israeli operatives within Syria, and there are many Israeli terror cells, working hand in hand with ISIS and al Qaeda, operating across Syria, especially in the Daraa region south of Damascus, are, according to sources, planning a wave of terror across the country, coordinated with Turkey.

    Bio-Warfare Plant Near Dimona Cited

    Sources tell VT that there is solid intelligence on a new Israeli biological warfare facility near the nuclear weapons plant at Dimona.  This is a big deal as Hezbollah will set this as a “hit first” location.

    Russia is also aware.

    The claim made…and this is unsubstantiated…is that Israel is investigating COVID variants there.  This claim was made by one person with access to employees at the facility.

    Other Retaliation by Russia

    Last night, Russia turned on air defense/communications jamming equipment not only covering Syria but Lebanon, all of Israel and much of the Eastern Mediterranean as well.

    Four Israeli fighter jets were preparing to attack the Russian military – they were driven off by two Su-35S.

    Tonight, four Israeli fighter jets were preparing to carry out an attack against several dozen Russian military personnel located on the territory of the port of Latakia. Israel completely disregarded the security of the Russian military personnel and did not warn Russia of its plans to strike, and also ignored the earlier statement by the Russian side that the Russian military was stationed in the territory of the port of Latakia.

    Nevertheless, Russia took tough measures and, against the background of the preparation of Israeli strikes, which were to take place immediately after midnight, took to the skies two Su-35S fighters, which intercepted Israeli aircraft, preparing to immediately attack them in the event of the slightest threat.

    Data on this subject are provided by both Syrian military sources and Russian news agencies, however, according to the Russian Spring publication, the attack was supposed to begin simultaneously on Damascus and Latakia.

    “Last night, rocket attacks were carried out on the outskirts of the Syrian capital, causing some material damage to civilian and military infrastructure. One soldier was killed and five were injured. Initially, Israel planned to deliver two strikes at the same time – one on the outskirts of Damascus, the other on Latakia, but when they saw a pair of Su-35s raised on alarm, the IDF fighters went back without attacking Latakia., – said in the message of the publication “Russian Spring”.

    According to Sentry Syria, before the Israeli Air Force strikes on Damascus and its environs, Russian planes did take to the skies from the Khmeimim airbase, however, at the moment there is no real information about either their number or their type.

    The Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria has not yet made any statements on this matter, however, the Israeli attack was repelled, although one Syrian soldier was killed. (End of Avia Pro Report)

    Other Russian Countermoves

    A Russian MiG-31K carrying a Kinzhal ballistic missile, one of Russia’s advanced nuclear-capable hypersonic weapons, was spotted landing at the Kaliningrad Chkalovsk airbase on February 7.

    From there, the Kinzhal can reach London, Paris, Rome, and most other NATO-member capitols in Europe within a matter of minutes.

    Experts believe this to be a very serious new development because MiG-31s, especially Kinzhal carriers, had not previously been based in KaliningradПодробнее на:


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    1. Don’t be too certain that anything would happen is the Federation took out an “I” plane. It would be awkard, but nobody is quite ready to do WWIII over one “II plane plus I-plot. Maybe a different country would be groosly retsliated sgainst, but most likely not any of the five “thermo .nuclear

    2. New information given below as to why there was WW2.

      The only possibility for Israel to ever exist was by having WW2 happen.

      Britain passed the MacDonald White Paper in May 1939, a new policy unambiguously stating that there would never be such a thing as a Jewish state in Palestine and that an Arab-dominated unitary state of Palestine would be established before May 1949. In other words, the Zionist enterprise was doomed to fail without a second world war and any continuation of peace amounted to the death warrant of Zionism.

      Ref: Blog 6 entry

    3. Does anyone disagree with the content of the video link given below, that is made by the US Holocaust museum, that repeatedly states that Assad is guilty for killing 500,000 Syrians over the last 10 years ? A US Congressman Gregory Meeks also makes this claim beginning at about 38:40 in the video.

      If you disagree with the content, then what can one do about it ? Maybe file a police report to the DC police or the US Park Service police ?

    4. Probably attacks in Damascus residential areas eventuallly assasination attempts on Assad himself from the air.
      You can be sure Russia will retaliate “personally in their face” with pinpoinit missle strikes on the generals and NATO leaders as they sit in bunkers or having lunch at home if NATO stupid enought to starts up a war.
      Different than the old days, now those “in charge of it” (the war pigs as black sabbath song describes) will be killed, before the troops on ground get the second rounds of missles, if it lasts that long.
      80% of americans dont know where Ukraine is, probably 90% couldnt point on map to it same with Belarus….99% dont know where Kaliningrad is either, and attack on Kaliningrad is considered attack on Russian Federation.
      Democracy a poor way to “govern” the outbreak of wars, when populations dumbed down and brain fucking dead.
      Anyways if only just artillery shelling breaks out in Donbass or Crimea expect small low yield nukes to be included and it will be a cover-up just like NYC and Beirut – eiither if Russia uses them or NATO uses them….just another big bomb in their arsenals. Public has no “need to know” status you know.
      All this what you know already so “just saying”

    5. More cat-and-mouse games. Wake me up when Russia actually shoots down an Israeli aircraft. Oh, that’s right, WWIII would be coming right up. That’s what Zionists, Christian and otherwise, have wanted all along.

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