Living it up in Poland: Zelensky’s March 15 Meeting in Poland, not Kiev – Full Proofs (Busted!)

Was the Zelensky Summit meeting in Kiev on March 15 with Polish, Czech and Slovenian Prime Minsters a Fake?


By John Helmer, Moscow & Stanislas Balcerac, Warsaw, Twitter – The summit meeting of East European leaders, hosted in Kiev by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on March 15 was fabricated by the Polish government, with Polish secret service agents playing the part of journalists, and fake photographs of the meeting, press briefing, and train journey prepared by Zelensky’s press office.

The operation was designed by the Poles to promote their role in support of Ukraine, the Ukrainian refugees, and in defence of Europe against Russia, and seek new European, American,  and NATO alliance funds and military equipment.

According to the Ukrainian publicity, the operation was designed to promote the appearance that Zelensky’s regime is in control of Kiev, and to accelerate their application for admission to the European Union (EU).

The Anglo-American media have reported the meeting, as announced by Petr Fiala, the Czech  prime minister, with “the aim…to express the European Union’s unequivocal support for Ukraine and its freedom and independence,”

The result of the summit meeting, according to the Financial Times in London, was “a show of European solidarity even as Russian shelling continued on residential neighbourhoods in the Ukrainian capital. The trip by the prime ministers of Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia is the most high-profile visit to Kyiv since Russia invaded the country on February 24.”

“It is here, in war-torn Kyiv, that history is being made,” the Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced. “It is here that freedom fights against the world of tyranny. It is here that the future of us all hangs in the balance.”

Morawiecki and the western press were lying – there was no meeting in Kiev. Instead, the meeting was staged at the Polish rail junction town of Przemysl, 95 kilometres west of Lvov (Lviv), and 20 km inside the Polish frontier with Ukraine.

In a report published by the Associated Press (AP) bureau in Warsaw, “the long journey overland from Poland to Kyiv by Morawiecki, Poland’s deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski and Prime Ministers Petr Fiala of the Czech Republic and Janez Jansa of Slovenia sent the message that most of Ukraine still remains in Ukrainian hands.”

The evidence gathered from sources in Warsaw and from analysis of the videos and photographs published on the meeting proves there was no “long journey”; no meeting in Kiev or in Lvov, the Galician region capital, which is the operating headquarters of the Ukrainian government. From the evidence provided by the Poles and also by Zelensky’s publicity staff, it is now clear that only a small part of western Ukraine remains in Ukrainian hands.  Zelensky himself is now in Polish hands.

The Warsaw sources say the idea for the summit meeting was initiated by Polish Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski. Since the death of his twin brother in an aircraft crash at Smolensk, Russia, in 2010, Kaczynski has been one of the most influential politicians in Poland; he is in charge of the defence, security, interior and justice ministries.  He is fiercely anti-Russian.

Associated Press (AP) presented this photograph of Kaczynski at the summit meeting with the disclaimer that it did not originate the photograph itself. Instead, it had been supplied by the “Ukrainian Presidential Press Office.”

The Polish sources believe there was no possibility that Kaczynski, Prime Minister Morawiecki, or the Czech and Slovenian delegations would have applied to Moscow for safe conduct to Kiev; nor would they have risked their own security by running the gauntlet of Russian electronic and air surveillance and missile attack on a two-hour train journey from Przymysl to Lvov, or on the seven-hour journey to Kiev.

Instead, the Czech and Slovenian officials flew into Rzeszow Jasionka,  the nearest airport to Przemysl; the airfield is also a NATO logistics and security base. They then drove to Przemysl. There the Ukrainians had despatched one of the luxury versions of the regular train service between Przemysl, Lvov, and Kiev. This had been fitted up for fabricated photographs of the Polish, Czech and Slovenian officials meeting as they purportedly travelled towards Zelensky in Kiev.  The press which has published these pictures knows them to have been faked and has assisted in concealing the real location.


The red line is known as Rail Line No. 92 — and


In a converted train compartment, left to right: Jansa of Slovenia; Morawiecki and  Kaczymski of Poland; Fiala of the Czech Republic. The individuals on the extreme left and right cannot be identified. The red file on the table appears to be a standard issue for the Polish intelligence services which report to Kaczymski.


Advertising for the train’s luxury suites confirms the train depicted in the publicity photographs. Source:



Left to right: Fiala, Jansa, Kaczymski taking the lead position in front of the group, and Morawiecki.


Top: shadows at the feet of the official group photograph reveal the picture was taken in the open-air, sun-lit section of Przymysl station as revealed in the photograph at the bottom. All photographs confirm the paving design of the rail platform is specific to Przemysl.


Left, the interior of the Kiev railway station; right, Lvov. The platform paving is similar in Kiev and Lvov but quite different at Przemysl.  The roofing of the two stations covers the length of the platform and allows no open-air section as at Przemysl.



The staff man on Kaczynski’s left is wearing a bullet-proof vest indoors, indicating he is from the Polish secret services and has either forgotten he is pretending to be in the Kiev presidency safely under Ukrainian control, or else he has forgotten he is supposed to be a civilian. The video screens with the Ukrainian propaganda slogans on both walls appear to have been photo-shopped in the preparation of the photographs by Zelensky’s press office.


The picture on the left has been tagged as an official one by Zelensky’s staff for publication on their Facebook account. The Ukrainian symbol on the wall is unlike those fixed to the walls of presidential meeting rooms in Kiev.  The right picture is a closeup of the paper cups on the table. They are evidence of an improvised meeting room, not one at Zelensky’s office in Kiev. Likewise, the contemporary-style chairs shown are incompatible with the Ukrainian presidential seating style.



The sign posted to the door over the heads of Fiala and Jansa says “Situation Room” in Ukrainian. It has been improvised. If the meeting had taken place in a genuine situation room, the absence of computers belies it.


Left, interior camera set-up for the media; right, reporters showed at the exterior of the building. All the purported journalists are men with military haircuts; no women appear to have been included in the press briefings.

The Associated Press (AP) – a US-owned corporation based in New York  — has provided the most detailed bulletin on the meeting, its participants,  and what they discussed. The agency byline reveals that its reporters filed their story from Warsaw; they were not present at the events they claim to have verified. The only direct source for the AP report was reported to be a Polish official who was reported as saying:  “The visit had been planned for several days but was kept secret for security reasons, said Michal Dworaczyk, chief of staff for Morawiecki”.

In the fine print under AP’s publication of photographs of the meeting, the agency issued a source disclaimer. The images came from “video provided by the Ukrainian Presidential Press Office”, AP said.


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  1. they said Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe
    Now i thing it must be the Poorest country of the World:
    They did not find anything better than
    a lil Gay Jewish Clown to play the role of the President there
    Can anyone name anything wors than that???

    • Is it easy at your country to find people willing to destroy it at any possible and imaginable way, send he´s own people to die in a war that isn´t their´s just to to climb a few steps in the international neoliberal family? I bet not but you know, there are always some traitors and as an African, i assure you that unfortunatly we are specialist´s on it. A good day sir.

  2. This is a fine instance of detailed photo analysis. Young folks in the gullible west-of-truth areas of NW Europe and North America have been so deafened and blinded by bad Holliwood fake filming that they cannot any longer look objectively at photos and films. My favorite instance is the filming and photographing of the “dead child Alan Kurd” (faked name)at a beach in Turkey where the body is drifted perpendicularely (i.e. 90 degrees) onto the beach — a physical impossibility! Another example, of course, is that during the first week of the present warring in The Ukraine the skies were clear, with very few clouds and the Sun shining bright. While the onlu Russian collomn was approaching fro the North of Kiev, the shelling of the big buildings had hit them from the South! (Indicating Ukie fire that went in a somewhat too low trajectory.) As Walter von der Fogelweide lamented: “Owé, wie tuen/ Junge Leute so?/ Jimmer mehr Jammern und owé!

  3. Oh my goodness, heads of state lying to the international media and all of us? What is the world coming to?

  4. This link with a video of a live streaming couple has been posted on VT, and it shows a couple coming upon a bunch of cars on the side of the road. They discover that the civilians trying to escape were shot, and then they themselves get shot and the video ends.
    But upon watching it again, I am a bit suspicious since I detected blood on the man’s right hand, before he touches the first victim. I may be wrong and he might have already injured his hand as they were escaping themselves. But I didn’t see holes in the cars’ doors or windows, which one would expect to see-
    Anyway, here’s the link.
    A VT reader posted it on one of Jonas’ articles on March 5:

    • Robbers could have made them open their doors to hand over their money, etc… and then shot them. But the lesson here is to never make a lot of noise when you come upon a scene like this. The last thing you want is to draw attention.

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