Ukraine War Day 28


ALERT:  Sourced from Russian State-Controlled Media – Since the formation of the “cauldron”, the size of the Mariupol grouping of the enemy has been reduced by about half, but the resistance is still strong. Half of the city cleared.

There is evidence that the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass requested a retreat from Donetsk to the Dzerzhinsk-Kramatorsk line in order not to be surrounded. Zelensky is against – for the West, he needs a “picture” of the battle – to the last Ukrainian.

According to NATO analysts, the Armed Forces of Ukraine use weapons received from the countries of the alliance inefficiently due to large losses in warehouses and the unpreparedness of operators. This may affect future deliveries.

The inept mining of the approaches to Odessa led to problems with Romania, which was forced to clear the Black Sea area. Added to Kyiv’s fears about Poland’s ambitions in western Ukraine were suspicions that Hungary lays claim to part of Transcarpathia.

Meanwhile, the US and its allies are exploring the issue of Russia’s exclusion from the G20.

18.00 State Duma deputy Artem Turov announced the need to create a military tribunal that would investigate cases of civilians being used as human shields.

17.55 WarGonzo: DPR fighters distribute chocolate to refugee children from Mariupol in order to somehow drown out their pain from what they have experienced.

17.50 A shell fired from the territory of Ukraine exploded in a village in the Belgorod region, there are victims, they are being helped – the governor. A state of emergency has been introduced in two villages.

17.45 A resident of Mariupol in an interview with RT:

“Azov” people were directly proud of the fact that they mock people, that they kill everyone. They often showed and posted videos of how they blew up a person who could no longer resist with a grenade, how they mocked children, hid in schools, and covered themselves with civilians.

17.35 State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Denis Parfyonov on the transfer of payments for gas and oil with unfriendly countries to rubles:

For many years, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has consistently insisted on a phased abandonment of the dollar and sought to increase the economic independence of Russia … We still consider the economic policy of the ruling elite to be class-based and pursued primarily in the interests of big capital. However, in this particular case, the decision to stop trading gas for dollars can only be welcomed.

17.30 Since the beginning of the evacuation, the flow of refugees to Russia from Ukraine, the acting head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, has almost doubled.

17.20 Gennady Zyuganov: Chubais is reported to have resigned and left Russia. If so, then that’s where he’s at. Although, by and large, they released him in vain: he should have been judged here!

17.15 A resident of Mariupol told RT that the Ukrainian military deceived him: allegedly the military of Russia and the DPR shoot everyone who tries to leave the city. “Yes, no one shot at anyone … Well, in short, bastards. This “Azov” * must be extinguished. Not a single one can be left alive,” he said.

17.00 According to Kommersant, yesterday Anatoly Chubais was seen in Istanbul ( photo ).

16.55 Peskov: Chubais resigned of his own free will, whether he left Russia or not is his own business.

16.50 Belarus will reduce the number of Ukrainian diplomats to five people and close the Consulate General of Ukraine in Brest.

16.45 NATO will not send troops to Ukraine, Ukraine’s membership in NATO is not on the agenda of the alliance summit – Alliance Secretary General Stoltenberg.

16.40 UNHCR representative Atassi : assistance to refugees from Ukraine is provided by Russia at the highest level.

4:35 pm Fox News: Zelenskiy seized the opportunity to turn Ukraine into the one-party state it now is, and effectively
subordinated all Ukrainian media to one man.

16.30 The CDU party in Germany demands to demolish the monument to Ernst Thalmann in Berlin under the pretext of events in Ukraine.

16.20 The International Labor Organization announced the termination of cooperation with Russia.

16.10 Russia ceases to be a party to the European Convention on Human Rights from September 16, 2022 – statement of the ECtHR.

16.05 In Mariupol, residents are forced to bury their relatives right in their yards due to the ban of Ukrainian nationalists from leaving the city. A Readovka correspondent took pictures of fresh graves.

16.00 Russia will continue to supply gas in terms of volumes and prices in earlier contracts, the Russian Federation values ​​​​its reputation – Putin.

15.50 The dollar on the stock exchange fell below 95 rubles. The ruble began to grow after the decision of the Russian Federation to sell gas for rubles.

15.40 Russia will convert payments for gas supplies to unfriendly countries into rubles, Vladimir Putin said.
It makes no sense to deliver our goods to the EU and the USA and receive payment in dollars and euros, the Russian President noted.

15.30 Anatoly Chubais resigned as Special Representative of the Russian President for Sustainable Development and left the country – Bloomberg.

15.20 Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov :

Zelensky is at war with his people exactly as Bandera himself bequeathed , who spoke and convinced, and, so to speak, it is in his letters that three-quarters of not “big (purebred) Ukrainians, if they die, then one quarter of “broad” will remain.

15.10 In Minsk, a report was presented with the names of 154 veterans of the Latvian SS Legion, now living in 10 countries, including the USA, Latvia, Australia, Brazil and Canada.

15.00 CEO of the French oil and gas giant TotalEnergies Patrick Pouyanne :

Unlike oil, which we can buy from other countries, like Saudi Arabia, and ship through other countries, like Poland, Russian gas cannot be replaced.

14.50 Polish Foreign Ministry: we have decided to expel Russian diplomats “in coordination with the allies.”

14.30 VTsIOM: The decision to conduct a special operation of Russia in Ukraine is more likely to be supported by 74% of Russian citizens, compared to February 25, the proportion of supporters has increased by 9 percentage points.

14.20 The Russian Ambassador to Poland announced that he had received a note from the country’s Foreign Ministry on the expulsion of 45 Russian diplomats.

14.10 Dmitry Rogozin called for the creation of military commandant’s offices in the territories liberated from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the collection of pro-Russian anti-fascist activists. He stressed that there is no power vacuum, and if the void is not filled now, the enemy will fill it.

14.00 Hundreds of people gathered in Sevastopol to say goodbye to the Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Captain 1st Rank Andrey Paliy , who died in the battles for Mariupol, when he, together with the marines, provided a humanitarian corridor for the withdrawal of civilians.

13.50 Kiev authorities forbid refugees to evacuate to Russia and forcibly drive them to the west, making people “hostages of Brussels” – Maria Zakharova .

13.40 The EU approved an agreement with Ukraine, which will allow the provision of classified information to Kiev, including satellite images – Bloomberg.

13.30 Moscow and Kiev held two exchanges of detainees – Russian Foreign Ministry.

13.20 In Belarus, the concept of national security is being revised. In the near future, it will be reported to the President of the country, and then submitted to the court of the All-Belarusian People’s Assembly.

13.05 Peskov about the idea of ​​bringing NATO peacekeepers to Ukraine: it would be reckless and dangerous, contact could lead to consequences that are difficult to fix.

12.55 Russia will grow stronger with the help of the EAEU, the SCO and other mechanisms and will assess Europe’s proposals for cooperation from a different perspective – Lavrov.

12.50 Since the beginning of the special operation in Ukraine, the number of cases of Internet fraud has sharply decreased in Moscow – the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

12.45 Without Russian hydrocarbons, the oil and gas market will collapse, the rise in energy prices may be unpredictable, the EU may introduce fuel consumption norms – Novak .

12.40 Since the beginning of the escalation of the conflict, 37 humanitarian convoys have arrived on the territory of Ukraine, 3.04 thousand tons of humanitarian cargo have been delivered.

At 12:35 p.m., at 11:30 a.m., the Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the village of Molochny in Gorlovka in the DPR, firing 8 shells with a caliber of 122 mm – the representative office of the republic in the JCCC.

12.30 Britain wanted Ukraine to join NATO, and therefore for the last five years it has been sending its military experts to the country. British Defense Minister Ben Wallace told Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus about this, who called him on behalf of Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmygal .

12.25 According to WarGonzo, about 70% of urban development in Mariupol (excluding factories and industrial zones) is already under the control of the DPR troops and the Russian army.

12.20 Lavrov on Poland’s proposal to send a NATO contingent to Ukraine:

Maybe they want to bring in peacekeepers, make a headquarters in Lvov, then stay there. They had such thoughts and not only thoughts – this was in the past.

At 12.15 p.m., the Ministry of Defense showed footage of the destruction of the Ukrainian S-300 air defense system, which the Armed Forces of Ukraine had located in an urban industrial area on the northern outskirts of Kiev.

12.10 Lavrov: The current Russophobia in Western countries is a death sentence for Western civilization.

12.05 Poland expels 40 Russian diplomats. Russian Ambassador Sergei Andreev was urgently summoned to the Polish Foreign Ministry on this issue . The Russian Foreign Ministry promised an appropriate response.

12.00 The West expects to keep Russia in a state of hostilities for as long as possible, continuing to pump Ukraine with weapons – Lavrov.

11.55 DPR units, together with the RF Armed Forces, are completing the cleansing of the Left Bank region of Mariupol, the enemy is still resisting, but many are already demoralized and surrender, the offensive continues – NM LPR.

11.50 Sending NATO peacekeepers to Ukraine would lead to a direct clash between the Armed Forces of Russia and the alliance – Lavrov.

11.45 Head of the Chechen Interior Ministry Ruslan Alkhanov agreed with the head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik on coordinating efforts in Mariupol, Kiev, and other areas.

11.40 What is happening now in the world “not only and not so much about Ukraine” is an attempt to create a new world order – Lavrov.

11.35 Russian Defense Ministry: Over the past day, Russian air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian Su-24 and 16 drones, including three Bayraktar TB-2s. Aviation and missile forces of the Russian Federation destroyed 8 Ukrainian air defense systems in a day, including 6 Buk and one S-300.

11.30 The State Duma adopted in three readings at once a law on recognizing combat veterans of participants in a special operation in Ukraine as combat veterans.

11.20 Russian aviation over the past day destroyed 97 objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including two Tochka-U launchers near Kiev – Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

11.10 Turkey does not intend to abandon the S-400 in favor of Ukraine at the request of the United States – the head of the Turkish Defense Industry Directorate Ismail Demir.

On May 11, the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a large arsenal with weapons and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 14 km from Rovno with sea-based precision weapons – the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The night before, witnesses published videos of missile launches from a warship near Sevastopol.

11.00 Anatoly Shariy : 294 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine died as a result of a Russian missile attack on the 79th brigade in Nikolaev.

10.50 State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Alexander Volfovich : Today, the Armed Forces, forces and means of the military organization of the state are ready to defend the country, but only on the territory of their country.

10.45 Russian Ambassador to Indonesia said that Vladimir Putin still plans to take part in the G20 summit – Reuters.

10.40 Chinese MFA: Russia is an important part of the G20, no member of the G20 has the right to exclude another country. Earlier it was reported that the United States and its allies are studying the issue of excluding Russia from the G20.

10.35 The dollar exchange rate at the opening of the Moscow Exchange did not change and amounted to 103.55 rubles, the euro – 114.42 rubles.

10.30 There are 100-150 thousand people [civilians] in Mariupol – Pushilin.

10.20 Medvedev: after Russia, the US would take over China, and then “there are only a couple of steps left before a severe global crisis, an energy and food collapse, the failure of all collective security systems and, soon, a Big nuclear explosion, opening the way to a new universal singularity — to the Underworld “.

On October 10 , the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired 67 shells from the Uragan MLRS, artillery and mortars on the territory of the LPR in a day.

10.05 Deputy head of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev : American politicians are indifferent to the fate of other countries, they do not hide it.

10.00 Gazprom regularly supplies gas for transit through Ukraine, in accordance with the applications of consumers on March 23 – 106.5 million cubic meters.

9.50 According to some reports, the Polish army is conducting a stage of covert mobilization. The Polish General Staff began the stage of re-staffing units of the 18th Mechanized Division with contract soldiers to wartime states. Earlier it was reported about the intention of Warsaw to send troops to four western regions of Ukraine.

At 9.40 a.m., at 09.25 a.m., the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, firing 6 shells with a caliber of 122 mm – the representative office of the DPR in the JCCC.

9.30 385 thousand refugees from the DPR and LPR arrived in Russia from Ukraine, of which almost 81 thousand are children.

9.20 In the DPR, 28 civilians were wounded due to shelling by the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the day.

9.10 The Russian Defense Ministry published footage of the destruction of the hangar of the Armed Forces of Ukraine armed with helicopters of the Russian army aviation using guided missiles.

9.00 The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, announced that Ukraine in negotiations with Russia is dependent on the “manuals” of the United States, which broadcast their interests through Kiev.

8.15 Novoazovsk city hospital chief doctor Oleksandr Marunchenko: Ukraine does not consider the residents of Mariupol to be its own people, so the nationalists hide behind them like a human shield, wounded children arrive from Mariupol almost daily.

At 7:50 a.m. , the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired 22 shells of 152 mm caliber at Donetsk and Panteleymonovka – the representative office of the republic in the JCCC.

At 7.45 a.m. , the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired four shells with a caliber of 152 mm. Donetsk in the LPR – the representative office of the republic in the JCCC.

7.15 Road and rail transit from Crimea towards Odessa will be restored in the near future – Deputy Plenipotentiary of the President of Russia in the Southern Federal District Kirill Stepanov.

At 6.30 a.m., servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to choose from the encircled Mariupol, along with civilians in women’s clothing, the commander of the battalion of the DPR forces, Major Oleg Kokarev.

5.00 Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov warned the West against the supply of weapons and sending mercenaries to Ukraine.

4.00 Ramzan Kadyrov addressed Zelensky:

“If you don’t want to go down in history as a president who, due to weakness of character and shortsightedness, could not cope with the internal threat and external instigators, the problems of the country and alien Western ideology, then you need to remove such advisers as traitors… sober head. Turn around to face Russia, and you will go down in history as a peacemaker who saved his people.

3.30 am Four citizens on Sakhalin were fined 30,000 rubles for discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

3.00 Scholz announced the need to take into account the “reverse effect” of anti-Russian sanctions for Western countries.

02.00 According to the ex-commander of the Airborne Forces Vladimir Shamanov , Poland will be defeated “in full: [cruise missiles]” Caliber “and all the power of artillery and aviation” in the event of interference in the course of a special operation to denazify Ukraine. The final line of the Russian special operation will take place on the border of Ukraine and Poland.

1.00 Gennady Zyuganov on Russia’s termination of negotiations on a peace treaty with Japan:

It is high time! The Kuril Islands are forever Russian land! As the famous song says: “We do not want an inch of foreign land. But we won’t give up our inch.”

0.00 On the evening of March 22, in the area of ​​​​the village of. Karl Marx in Yenakiyevo, a Ukrainian Tochka-U missile was intercepted, launched in the direction of the civilian infrastructure of the republic – the headquarters of the territorial defense of the DPR.

* Images of chevrons of the Azov Battalion were recognized as extremist by the decision of the Frunzensky District Court of Vladimir on November 30 , 2015 and included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials under item 3269.

News of Ukraine



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