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Secret Space war XIII: Alien Partners tell Putin, “Don’t Worry, We’ve got your back”...
By Preston James, Ph.D
Russian President Vladimir Putin seems to be walking with a prideful swagger in his step lately.
In spite of growing conflicts between...
Israeli Space Security Chief: Aliens exist and Trump has been briefed
Ground control to major tom, take your protein pills and put your helmet on... ; )
Secret Space War XIII: Alien Partners tell Putin, ‘Don’t worry, we’ve got your back’
Unsubstantiated rumors have been seeping out of deep contacts inside Russian Space Command the last few weeks that, not only does the new Putin’s Russia have a well developed Secret Space war Program, but that this Program provides substantial ultra-high-tech back-engineered offensive and defensive weaponry.
Snowden labels UFO Craze a Distraction: “It’s Not Alien but Engineered Panic”. To Hide...
On the cover image the former NSA analyst Edward Snowden now Russian citizen
The media frenzy over “spy balloons” and unidentified flying objects over North...
Alien Disclosure: What is in the Ilych Steel Mill in Mariupol?
Since the out break of the police action by Russia in Ukraine some very unusual occurrences have been happening. The current report through Colonel Cassad says there is a secret NATO base under the steel works in Mariupol.
The Alien Disclosure Deception
"Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified"...is a thinly-disguised and thoroughly-articulated social engineering gambit presented as a factual documentary.
A Complete Explanation of How Human Aliens/ETs Live on Planets in Star Systems within...
By Michael Dargaville for VT
For those who really want to understand the New Age, you must know how human galactic alien/ETs live on their...
Dr. Preston James: Secret Space War, You are Not Allowed to Know
By Preston James, Ph.D
You are...
The True Story of a Human Alien Starseed Living on Planet Earth
By Michael Dargaville for VT
This article of journalism is a brief outline and history of my life as a galactic human alien/ET starseed living...
Erased Alien Tech Proofs: Keshe Technology confirmed ‘Very Real’
By Gordon Duff and Ian Greenhalgh (2016)
The pen writes and then it doesn't.
… by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor, with Ian Greenhalgh
Several years ago, one...
VT Science: Alien Tech Disabled AEGIS Destroyer, the USS ‘Donald Duck,’ Here’s How
... by Jeff Smith, VT Science Editor
Its simple; phased array antennas such as use on the spy-1 S-band radar system are easily jammable when...
Donald Barr, Jeffrey Epstein and The Secret Space Program
VT asks harder questions about why Don Barr would hire college dropout and serial pedophile Jeff Epstein to teach at an exclusive private school. This lets us know a bit where AG Barr came from.
FFWN: Psychopaths in Power: “Soulless Killers” or Black-Eyed Space Lizards?
Is a bloodsucking space lizard accusing others of being bloodsucking space lizards?
Disclosure: Alien Agenda VI: The Worm Has Turned (“for entertainment purposes only”)
This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Secret Space War matters. Its purpose is to provide information about a certain group of notably evil Alien ET visitors who formed a long-term association with Super-elite criminally-insane Psychopaths who hijacked America in 1913.
Book Review, Secret space program and the hidden war, Kerry Cassidy (important update with...
Book review, A handbook for the 21st century, Kerry Cassidy's Rebel Gene, Secret Space and the Future of Humanity
Speculative: Friendly Aliens will Protect Small Governments and Countries that Join them
The aliens and ETs who are surrounding this planet in spaceships called the Galactic Federation have declared they will give full military protection to smaller countries who join this extraordinary organization working for good.
To Infinity and Beyond, the NASA Space Heist Has No Limits! | Jack Mullen
And for us to take the next big leap toward Mars, you here at Ames are going to be a critical part of helping...
Head Cones For Ancient Egyptians: Not Alien Heads
Head cones did exist—and joined their wearers in death.
Biodiversity on Alien Planets May Outshine Earth’s
We don't have optimum ocean-circulation patterns, it would seem
Trump, the Space Force and the AI That May Kill Us All
By Peter Paget for VT
Arthur C. Clarke in the 1968 release of "2001, A Space Odyssey" identified that HAL the on board 'super computer,'...
The Ultimate False Flag: Alien Armageddon
The wealthiest families on this planet have erected a parasitic and absolutely inhuman system for the exploitation and subjugation of mankind.
Neocon Max Boot: Legal and illegal aliens need to enlist in US army and...
If people like Max Boot aren’t dangerous to America and much of the world, then no one is. It was good that Tucker Carlson told Boot to pick up a decent job like changing tires.
EMF take-down of America by Alien ET technology: How far has it gone?
A secret plan using EMF weapons based on Alien ET technology has been deployed to take-down America.
Alien Agenda: Human Meat Processing Behind All Cults?
A long time ago, the white aliens came to the planet when the Anunnaki walked the planet. The white aliens flooded the planet with what I call Corporate energy. It is artificial and unnatural.
Do the Alien ETs make them do it?
Are the men who control the Secret Shadow Government being secretly and unknowingly mind-kontrolled by Alien ETs?
UFOs and the Secret German Space Program
Happy New Year everybody! With President Trump in the White House and Brexit finally starting to happen, it should be a good one.
Pravda: Aliens forced Americans out from the Moon
Translated by Maria Gousseva
One of Russia's central television channels, RTR, has recently aired a documentary about US astronauts who allegedly came across extraterrestrial civilizations. The...
Age Old Battle Between Khazarian Mafia and True Christianity Crashing Into Finality
According to unconfirmed reports, yesterday Israel sent troops into Ukraine to fight the Russians for Zelensky’s army; both soundly defeated in short order. This kind of action seems to be a hopeless endeavor as the Russian Federation’s apparent complete weapons superiority (so far) seems to assure RF victory in the Ukraine.
Which Books Shall I Read?
Here is a list of books, book excerpts, articles, and videos which might enable a few people to give the slip to the...
Law says Israeli Occupation and Use of Force Illegal, Peace Agreements Irrelevant…
VT's Stuart Littlewood exposes the continuing Illegal Occupation of Indigenous Peoples and the Deliberate Mission Creep that is Erasing Palestine
Could the US Oligarchy Become a Democracy?
How can we escape from our "upside-down world of perpetual wars, tyranny, wage-slavery, injustice, materialism, selfishness, starvation, monstrous income inequalities, and ever-growing prospects of human extinction"?
John Kerry: “Select Group of Hos” at Davos Is “Extra-Terrestrial”
Kerry noted that many of the ET prostitutes are non-binary.
The World Peace and Economic Justice Proposal
Reknown authors and investigative journalists Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould issue their public manifesto, their simple elegant solution for World Peace
How Long Can Ukraine War Last?
From behind the Saks Fifth Avenue sales counter laid up with designer dresses, the snooty clerk delivers a message that sends the wife into catatonic shock: “I’m sorry, but your credit card’s been declined.” The US Empire may one day hear those words.
FDR and Pearl Harbor: Primer for Zionist Assault on American Republic and Nation...
From Mark Dankof's Catacomb
Presented in modified/edited form as FDR and Pearl Harbor: The Primer for the Zionist Assault on the American Republic and the Nation...
Elon Musk is a massive Pentagon contractor
Like many giant companies, Tesla is able to play states off against each other, each job-hungry location bidding against the others to give the corporation as much free cash and tax incentives as possible. In 2020, for example, Austin gave Tesla more than $60 million in tax breaks to build a truck plant there.
America’s Neo-Nazi bedfellows in Ukraine are latest in long line of odious allies Washington...
As confirmed by documents that were finally declassified more than half a century later, US intelligence agencies were soon to hire upward of 1,000 Nazis as Cold War spies.
Satanists want World War III in Iran—again
“There is no crime America will not commit in order to maintain its political, economic, cultural, and military domination of those parts of the world where it predominates."
Towards Tomorrow- Roundtable 01- 4th of August 2022 with Dr. Ahmadinejad, former President of...
What is difference between Dr Ahmadinejad's proposed ‘human centered world order’ and ‘the secular, humanist, materialist world order’ of today.?
Roots of the Rape Crisis in India and the Khazarian Influence on Bollywood
The first actresses in the Hindi film industry were Jewish. They succeeded because respectable Indian women would not act on stage and because Jewish women, who often took Muslim names, were willing to “show their flesh.”