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Tag: Khazarian Mafia

SOTN: Khazarians Concocting World War 3

Nothing changes until those who secretly rule US are prosecuted for 9/11, JFK, OK City, 5G, Chemtrails, Vaccines, COVID-19…

Close Encounter with the Khazarian Mafia in Hollywood

"I was fortunate to become a part of the motion picture industry, not realizing that I had truly entered Alice’s Wonderland.”

FDR Turned Blind Eye to Soviet Spies

Trump's victory proves that that Westerners are Communist mind control prisoners. They control the media.

The Khazarian Mafia in Hollywood

Hollywood stirred the subversive pot, and other nations such as Japan and South Korea followed suit.

Russia Slaying Khazarian Mafia in Ukraine

The BBC has recently reported that Russia “has launched a devastating attack on Ukraine, a European democracy of 44 million people,” without mentioning a single word about what NATO has been doing for the past thirty years or so!

Joe Sobran on the Khazarian Mafia

"Why on earth is it ‘anti-Jewish’ to conclude from the evidence that the standard numbers of Jews murdered are inaccurate, or that the Hitler regime, bad as it was in many ways, was not, in fact, intent on racial extermination?"

Holy Serpent of the Khazarian Mafia

Hollywood celebrities are drawn to evil like flies to a garbage dump.

Pleasantville is Luciferian

The 1998 movie "Pleasantville" illustrates that secular humanism is occultism.

When the Khazarian Mafia Runs a Country

This Khazarian from New York’s Upper West Side told the Khazarian-riddled US Senate that “insight” into how Ukraine uses American military assets is “hard to tell.”

“The Catcher in the Rye” and Khazarian J. D. Salinger

Holden Caulfield's attitude in Catcher in the Rye is characteristic of some Jewish authors like J.D. Salinger, who feel like outsiders.

Khazarian Murderers of the Russian Revolution

The Khazarian Mafia initiated, financed, and agitated the French Revolution beginning in 1788.

Ukraine: The History of the Khazarian Mafia w/Mike Harris (3 Videos)

Mike Harris discusses his research, “The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia,” that he co-authored with Dr. Preston James, which catapulted the Khazarian Mafia into the consciousness of the world with over 100 million views. The KM is now a concept and term used by many independent journalists worldwide. It is past time that we understand who this group is and what they have done to humanity.

Ukraine’s Nazis thank ADL and Jewish Lobby for Support, Weapons, Propaganda,...

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the powerful US pro-Israel lobbying group, published a Q&A defending Ukraine’s neo-Nazi groups on the grounds that they “don’t attack Jews or Jewish institutions.”

Lecture on History of Khazarian Mafia and Nazi Ukraine

Make yourself comfortable….some great material here…

Khazarian Bankers and their Agenda

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered..."

Why the Khazarian Mafia Fears Vladimir Putin

If you don’t think that the Khazarians aren’t in cahoots with the media to destroy Putin and indeed Russia, then think again.

Judeo Masonry and the Khazarian Mafia in Europe

Freemasons ‘looked upon the Revolution as that sacred fire which was to purify the earth and these credulous adepts were seen to second the Revolution with the enthusiastic zeal of a holy cause.’ When the adept is introduced to the degree of Knights Kadosh, ‘all ambiguity ceases.’

Putin’s Coup in the Khazarian Mafia’s Back Yard

Whatever you may want to say about Vladimir Putin, he dropped numerous political explosives in the New World Order over the years.

A Primer on Stopping AIPAC in 2022

Why should the Khazarian Mafia be allowed to do what NO OTHER ‘religious’ group can do?

The Khazarian mafia blackmailed Woodrow Wilson into World War I

Wilson: “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something."

Exterminating the Goyim is Basis of the Cabala

Judaism at its Cabalist heart is Satanism. That's why you don't have to believe in God to follow Judaism.

Banking Cartel: The Cause of Humanity’s Woes

Mullins makes a convincing case that every U.S. President since Wilson has been a lackey of the bankers.

Putting a Face on the Khazarian Mafia

Heinrich Heine saw James Rothschild as “a powerful destroyer of patrician privilege, and the founder of a new democracy."

Khazarian Bankster Cult and Imperialism

If the thought of the government spending trillions of dollars on Wall Street’s screw-ups pisses you off, you’re not crazy.

It’s no Secret – Divide and Conquer in American Politics

Once again the American Masses are being played during this presidential election cycle.

The Khazarian Mafia and the Media

Harvey Weinstein: “We’re gonna have to get as organized as the mafia.”

FFWN: “The World’s a Mess—But Don’t Blame the Khazarian Mafia!” –...

Is the “Khazarian mafia” to blame for the world’s ills? No, just some of them.

Malaysian PM on the Holocaust and Khazarian Mafia

Mahathir Mohamad: "Why is it that I can’t say something against the Jews, when a lot of people say nasty things about me, about Malaysia? I didn’t protest, I didn’t demonstrate.”

Race hustlers are working for the Khazarian Bankster Cult

Race hustlers are working for the Khazarian Bankster Cult, the very people who want to see a race riot in America and even England.

BlacKkKlansman and the Khazarian Mafia

Spike Lee has recently made an alliance with his bosses again by directing BlacKKlansman. Jewish organizations couldn’t be happier. The Times of Israel declares: “Spike Lee’s depiction of Jews improved since ‘Mo’ Better Blues.’”

The Khazarian Bankster Cult and the Murder-Suicide of the West

The Murder-suicide of the West "has everything to do with Zionist Central Banking, the American and NATO military expeditions on behalf of World Government and Likud Land Theft in Palestine, an American National Debt of $40 trillion in the next decade, and the Culturally Marxist cesspool of abortion, and pornography..."

God’s Precious Immigrant Children and Parents in the Hands of the...

God’s Precious Immigrant Children and Parents in the Hands of the Monstrously Cruel and Indifferent Americans seem to have a short fuse memory when it...

US lobbyist for Russian oligarch visited (Mossadnik) Julian Assange nine times...

VT has Waldman on the radar as an Israeli intelligence asset.

Exclusive: Khazarian Mafia has Gone Mad, Follows the French Revolution’s Reign...

Renowned historians agree that besides other causes, the major cause of the French Revolution of 1789 was the class distinction between the privileged and the unprivileged.

Senate Bill 720, A Knife at the Heart and Throat of...

A big question is beginning to loom in the minds of all true Christians and patriotic Americans.

Part VI: Big Picture of Global Politics, Change We Must to...

The Freedom Series by BraveHeart The Freedom Series of articles are intended to bring light to the manipulative control of the secret Cabal (Khazarian Mafia,...

The New World Order Is Linked with World Zionism and Western...

Ayatollah Khamenei is both prophetic in tone, and impeccably accurate in content when he addresses Western youth with his hopes and fears. He wants them to understand that terrorism is the common enemy of all those who are decent people and men and women of good will.

The Khazarian Bankster Cult That Hijacked the World

Fritz Mandelbaum: the Rothschilds “conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before or all the Hitlers after them.”

The Holocaust Hoax is the Indispensable Centerpiece for the Khazarian Mafia

Almost no one understands that the Holocaust Hoax is the indispensable Centerpiece of the New World Order. Without this lie, the Khazarian Mafia would have a very difficult time enslaving the population of the world through the coming One World Government.

Vladimir Putin: Killing oligarchic schemes economically saved Russia

To say that that everyone is equal before the law basically means that the oligarchs and the usurers cannot suspend the law to suppress the poor and needy, which is exactly what happened when the oligarchs in the United States completely destroyed the Russian economy back in the 1990s.