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Tag: Perpetual Wars

Veterans rise Against New World Order Wars

“George W. Bush’s War on Terror began eighteen years ago, with no initiative on the part of the U.S. government to bring it to a conclusion. In those two decades, Americans have spent $6.4 trillion and lost seven thousand soldiers."

Putin: Have NWO Agents Published “A World Map” and “Marked All...

“At this point, the US has some kind of military presence in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, U.A.E., Uzbekistan, and Yemen.”

Former congressional aide: Israel is a problem child

“The Israelis ‘thought they could just snap their fingers’ and get friends in Congress to legislate visa changes, a Hill aide said, instead of going through the required hoops with DHS.”

Tulsi Gabbard Takes Hillary Clinton to the Shredder

What Gabbard is indirectly saying here is that if a foreign policy is in the interest of the American people, then the warmongers, and the political whores and prostitutes will have nothing to do with it. This is one reason why Gabbard unequivocally told Donald Trump a few weeks ago: “We are not your prostitutes.”

Cabalist “Creative Destruction” Behind Syrian War

The Syrian "civil war" is wholly funded and directed by the West. It is part of the Arab Spring whose purpose is to "sow chaos from Morocco to Afghanistan." In turn, this reflects the Cabalist doctrine that "order" (i.e. NWO tyranny) will arise out of destruction.

Vladimir Putin: New World Order “hurts the US middle class”

No one can universalize the New World Order ideology because it is existentially and fundamentally incoherent. And Kant would have almost certainly thrown it in the dustbin of history once and for all.

Putin to Netanyahu: Stop attacking Syria…or else

It is with great relief that Putin is now telling Benjamin Netanyahu to shape up or ship out!

Ben Shapiro, the Pussy Riot, and Vladimir Putin

We are certainly living in an irrational world, and it is the kind of world that people like Ben Shapiro are attempting project onto all of us.

Jewish Daily Forward: David Duke supports Tulsi Gabbard, therefore she is...

Shouldn’t David Duke, Richard Spencer, and other Americans support Tulsi Gabbard's effort to stop perpetual wars in the Middle East? Wouldn’t it be stupid if they don’t applaud her political sensibility?

Is Ann Coulter tired of NWO wars?

Is Ann Coulter going to start refunding the very people who plunked down the money to buy Never Trust a Liberal and other books that promote perpetual wars in the Middle East? Or is she going to apologize to America and much of the Middle East for promoting perpetual wars for nearly ten years?

Americans rise against NWO war mongers

New World Order agents have just lost another ideological battle: the vast majority of Americans do not want a war with Iran.

The War Party Is At It Again

There is only one party in Washington, D.C., and it’s the War Party. And they are at it again.

Russia: NWO agents want to attack Iran on lies like Iraq

New World Order agents have a history of summoning false flag operations in order to beat the war drum. The war against Iran is no different.

Colonel Crystal’s Parallel Universe: Alternative to the New World Order

Would it be possible for a very high-ranking U.S. military officer to develop the same critical dissident view of United States foreign policy practices, tactics, and especially, the multi-faceted brutal nonstop war on humankind, ultimately including its own helpless people at home, that I have?

Trump, Pompeo, and Bolton in a Cosmic Battle?

“They are getting way out ahead of themselves, and Trump is annoyed. There was a scramble for Bolton and Pompeo and others to get on the same page.”

Ari Fleischer is a Satanist

If Ari Fleischer happens to declare that Bush and his administration lied, he would have to admit that he is a Satanist, a person who gets pleasure in creating destruction and ruining people’s lives.

The Awful Truth about Victor Davis Hanson

Israel has always contributed to the demise of peace and harmony in the Middle East. The 1982 massacre is a classic example, where Israeli military allowed Lebanese militia to attack Palestinian refugees.

Tulsi Gabbard kills New World Order bloodbath in thirty seconds

“We must stand up against powerful politicians from both parties who sit in their ivory towers thinking up new wars to wage, new places for people to die, wasting trillions of our taxpayer dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives and undermining our economy, our security, and destroying our middle class.”