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Tag: Scott Ritter

Speaking Truth to Empire: Ongoing War in Ukraine with Scott...

The topic of discussion is the ongoing Ukraine war.

To Denazify Ukraine, Russia (and Americans) Must Denazify USA

Russia’s real problem is not so much the nazified Ukraine as the nazified USA.

Ukraine Censorship: America’s Social Media Commissars

Social media platforms are aggressively censoring all who challenge the dominant narrative on Ukraine, the ruling Democratic Party, wars in the Middle East and the corporate state.

Unregistered 207: Scott Ritter

The man who exposed the lie of WMDs in Iraq, Scott Ritter, joined me to discuss the war in Ukraine, NATO expansion, the personality and politics of Vladimir Putin, and what he sees as the last battle to destroy Nazism.

Christoforou: Putin stops assault on whatever is under the Steel Factory

Putin tells Shoigu at a meeting at the Kremlin, "This is the case when we must think about saving the lives and health of our soldiers and officers. There is no need to crawl underground through these facilities. Block off this zone so that the fly does not fly through."

US Journalist Gonzalo Lira is Dead at Zelensky’s Order

iEarlGrey commentary on missing person, Gonzalo Lira.

Kramatorsk train station attack: The key to finding the perpetrator lies...

The missile's reverse azimuth points to territory that was under the excusive control of the Ukrainian government, which means that there is little doubt that the missile that struck the Kramatorsk train station was fired by a launcher under the operational control of the 19th Missile Brigade, Ukraine’s only Tochka-U-equipped unit.

Napolitano and Ritter on Ukraine and Biden’s Bullshit

Is the security framework of Europe after the Russo-Ukrainian war going to look like what President Biden thinks it is going to look like?

Who’s behind alleged war crimes in Ukraine?

Sourced from Iran and Fact Checked by VT as 100% Accurate by John White PressTV Iran - It comes into the category of ‘stating the obvious...